[SciPy-user] io is broken ppimport.py array_import.py

Nils Wagner wagner.nils at vdi.de
Tue Sep 30 16:19:02 EDT 2003

On Tue, 30 Sep 2003, Travis E. Oliphant wrote: 
> Nils Wagner wrote: 
> > Dear experts, 
> >  
> > I am using io.write_array very frequently. However, this function 
> > doesn't work for the last 3 days. 
> > Is there a workaround for using io.write_array until it's fixed in cvs ? 
> >  
> Could you report the error.  It should work... 
I already fixed this. The problem was that array_import.py used 
Numeric.real but this is available only in the recent versions of Numeric. 
What is a recent version of Numeric ? 
I have installed 
>>> import Numeric 
>>> Numeric.__version__ 
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