[SciPy-user] SciPy 2003 Parking?

Chad Netzer cnetzer at sonic.net
Mon Sep 8 21:40:08 EDT 2003

On Mon, 2003-09-08 at 18:05, Travis N. Vaught wrote:
> All,
> Last year, we filled out a form at the parking garage and they allowed
> us to park there as attendees of the workshop.  Please allow for some
> extra time to fill out the short form before walking over to the morning
> session.
> It was the garage labeled '66' on the map here:
> http://www.scipy.org/site_content/scipy03/images/caltech_map_scipy.gif
> The security guards at the parking structure will be expecting us, but
> there may be a bit of a line if all of us show at the same time.

Cool.  Thanks for the clarification.

Chad Netzer

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