[SciPy-user] How do I install SciPy with windows Python 2.3

CL WU anewgene at hotpop.com
Fri Oct 10 18:58:41 EDT 2003

Yes, this problem was solved as you said. Thanks.


Gary Pajer wrote:

>>3.    scipy.plt doesn't work and it always crashes python or hangs the
>>whole system up with an "memory could not be read" error , although I
>>"import gui_thread" before "from scipy.plt import *" already.
>I *think* this is a well known problem that is being addressed.
>import gui_thread
>and see if that helps. There have been recent messages posted that seem to
>say that this will change shortly.
>You may find that scipy.plt gives you a bunch of "float deprecation
>warnings".  I think that they are being addressed
>I'm really not the person to comment, but:  I *think* a bunch of
>improvements are coming soon. (days, not months).
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