[SciPy-user] more OSX build problems

Pearu Peterson pearu at scipy.org
Tue Nov 25 03:04:46 EST 2003

On Mon, 24 Nov 2003, Travis E. Oliphant wrote:

> You can also just not compile sparse support for now.  Edit the setup.py 
> file and comment out the line which includes the sparse package.

With the recent CVS one can disable Scipy modules by adding their
names to ignore_packages list at the end of setup.py file.
Or create a customized setup file similar to setup_no_chaco.py.
For example, create setup_osx.py file containing:

  from setup import setup_package
  ignore_packages = ['chaco','kiva','freetype','traits', 'sparse']
  if __name__ == "__main__":

and then use it instead of setup.py.


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