[SciPy-user] problem with scipy and pil

test test at grosss.net
Tue May 27 15:55:33 EDT 2003

I seem to have a problem when I use both the Python Imaging Library and 
SciPy.  For example, the following code works fine:

    import Image

    img = Image.new("RGB", (300,300), (0,0,0))

but merely adding an import to scipy gives an error.  For example, the 
following code:

    import Image
    import scipy

    img = Image.new("RGB", (300,300), (0,0,0))

dies with the error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "temp2.py", line 7, in ?
  File "e:\python22\py22\PIL\Image.py", line 749, in show
    _showxv(self, title, command)
  File "e:\python22\py22\PIL\Image.py", line 1042, in _showxv
    file = self._dump(format=format)
  File "e:\python22\py22\PIL\Image.py", line 338, in _dump
    self.save(file, format)
  File "e:\python22\py22\PIL\Image.py", line 729, in save
    SAVE[string.upper(format)](self, fp, filename)
KeyError: BMP

Anyone know what's going on here?

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