[SciPy-user] Weave - accessing object data members?

eric jones eric at enthought.com
Tue May 27 12:19:35 EDT 2003

> Great!  This is enough for my needs, even with a bit of
> typecasting/overloading required.  All I needed was a quick way to get
> an arbitrary attribute from an object (whose type I know, so manual
> handling is not a problem in this case).

Type casting isn't necessary in some places.  For example:

>>> class bob:
...  pass
>>> import weave
>>> q = bob()
>>> q.a  = 1
>>> weave.inline("""
                 int aa = q.attr("a"); 
                 std::cout << aa + 1 <<  std::endl;

So, when C++ can figure out the type, it'll do the casting for you.
It's only in places where the type is ambiguous that you must help it


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