[SciPy-user] matrix multiplication

Pearu Peterson pearu at scipy.org
Mon May 26 16:56:07 EDT 2003

On Mon, 26 May 2003, eric jones wrote:

> This seems like a reasonable alias to make, though, to the Numeric
> routine.  With the following code, I get a marked speed up:
> C:\temp>python matmult_tst.py
> std matmult: 1.28100001812
> gemm matmult: 0.171999931335
> Other opinions?

I get speed up factor around 5.
Before making an alias to Numeric.dot, we should test
how gemm matmult measures on non-contiguous arrays
as linalg.gemm will make a contiguous copy of its arguments
while Numeric.dot just runs the multiplication loop.


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