[SciPy-user] PyTables 0.5.1

Francesc Alted falted at openlc.org
Mon May 12 14:12:00 EDT 2003

PyTables 0.5.1

This is a maintenance release of PyTables. Due to a problem with an specific
optimization in PyTables 0.5, it does not work with numarray 0.4 (although
it works just fine with numarray 0.5). Thanks to Marc Gehling for reporting

Todd Miller has already warned me that this optimization was not safe, so I
am *disabling* it in 0.5.1. The consequence is that the 20% of improvement
during reading tables has almost evaporated to a rather small 4%, but that's

If you already have installed PyTables 0.5, I strongly suggest you to
upgrade to 0.5.1, even if you are already using numarray 0.5. I will try to
further investigate the problem, and, if a good solution is found, I will
enable again the optimization in a future release.

Another new thing you can find in 0.5.1 is that the use of "UInt64" data
types has been removed (it has been replaced by the "Int64" type) of the
tutorial chapters in User's Manual. I've done that because the numarray
Windows version does not support such a type (due to MSVC compiler
limitations). Now, the tutorial section should run fine in all the supported
platforms (even Windows).

My apologies for being a sinner and trying to optimize too soon ;-)

Web site

Go to the PyTables web site for more details:


Share your experience

Let me know of any bugs, suggestions, gripes, kudos, etc. you may

Have fun!

-- Francesc Alted

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