[SciPy-user] [numarray] packaging and names

Todd Miller jmiller at stsci.edu
Fri May 9 09:04:14 EDT 2003

On Mon, 2001-12-31 at 21:13, Rodrigo Senra wrote:
>  On Wed, 7 May 2003 16:35:36 -0400
>  "Perry Greenfield" <perry at stsci.edu> wrote
>  about [SciPy-user] [numarray] packaging and names:
>  --------------------------------------------
>  | 
>  | 1) What should the package be called? numarray is a possiblity, 
>  | but we have an opportunity to take a different approach. For 
>  | example if we could name the package "array" (unfortunately,
>  | we can't) then the following becomes possible (these are just
>  | examples, we haven't settled on any naming scheme yet).
>  | ...
>  | I've polled people locally and arrays and ndarray were the most
>  | popular, but there doesn't seem to be a clear winner. I tend toward
>  | arr somewhat because of the brevity but do realize it isn't
>  | terribly descriptive. The drawback of "arrays" is that it may be
>  | visually confused with array.
>  Why not Array ?

That's actually kind of a cool idea for UNIX,  but probably a little
confusing for new users who find "array" in the standard library,  and
also ambiguous on operating systems which ignore case.  (On windows, if
you typed "import Array",  would you get Array or array?  What about Mac

>  regards
>  Senra
> -- 
> Rodrigo Senra                 (ICQ 114477550)
> MSc Computer Engineer     rodsenra at gpr.com.br  
> GPr Sistemas Ltda       http://www.gpr.com.br 
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Todd Miller 			jmiller at stsci.edu

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