[SciPy-user] failing installation of sciPy on OSX

George Nurser agn at soc.soton.ac.uk
Sun May 4 07:12:34 EDT 2003

I'm having problems in installing sciPy on OSX.

Just installed MacPython 2.3b2 (using Jack Jansen's binary installer) & 
NumPy 23 (manually) over  Andrew Straw's 'kitchen sink'  binary 
installer for  MacPython 2.3a, pygames  etc...


Used latest CVS source for scipy, following on from an email of 
Andrew's I saw somewhere.

When I do

python setup.py install

I get:

### Big Endian detected ####
Traceback (most recent call last):
   File "setup.py", line 111, in ?
   File "setup.py", line 90, in setup_package
     config_list += map(get_separate_package_config,separate_packages)
   File "setup.py", line 74, in get_separate_package_config
     return get_package_config(name,'')
   File "setup.py", line 68, in get_package_config
     config = mod.configuration(parent)
   File "Lib_chaco/freetype/setup_freetype.py", line 21, in configuration
     mod = build_ft._ft_ext_module()
   File "/Users/agn/Desktop/scipy/Lib_chaco/freetype/src/build_ft.py", 
line 75, in _ft_ext_module
     [mod.customize.add_extra_link_arg(x) for x in extra_link_args]
AttributeError: custom_info instance has no attribute 

An earlier CVS source didn't have this problem, and got to the stage of 
searching for ATLAS and FFTW etc...

Regards. George Nurser

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