[SciPy-user] shell for scipy

Prabhu Ramachandran prabhu at aero.iitm.ernet.in
Fri Jan 31 08:58:24 EST 2003

>>>>> "FP" == Fernando Perez <fperez at pizero.colorado.edu> writes:

    FP> I think IPython is indeed quite nice, and in combination with

IPython is really nice and a must use for any serious Pythoner. :)


    FP> I would therefore like to hear from the scipy users/developers
    FP> about interest on this topic.  I honestly think that ipython
    FP> provides some of the most solid low-level interface of all the
    FP> current python shells, but it's text only.  I definitely can't
    FP> do the work of writing a large graphical layer above it, but
    FP> I'd be more than happy to coordinate witha larger team for the
    FP> necessary rewrites.

Well, you know my state of affairs well enough to know that I cant
volunteer time but I think the idea of a redesign is good and worth it
in the long run.  If there is serious interest the rewrite/redesign
will only make it easier for those who wish to see a graphical
frontend.  Besides, if its easy enough perhaps the existing GUI shells
can all incorporate the IPython "engine".  However, I have no idea if
that would be possible at all.

In any case I think it would be really nice if IPython could be
embedded in any GUI shell.  That would really make for an extremely
powerful pycrust or pyshell.

Good luck!


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