[SciPy-user] Install CVS on Mandrake i686

Utilisateur principal edouard.oudet at wanadoo.fr
Wed Jan 22 10:02:56 EST 2003

I tried to install the CVS version of Scipy on Mabdrake 8.2, arch=i686. After the following steps (suggested by Fernando Perez 
 http://www.scipy.org/Members/fperez/Perez/PerezCVSBuild.htm ):

- installing Python+Numerci,
- installing fftw libraries+ extra copy
- installing lapack and blas rpms : blas-3.0-18.i386.rpm and lapack-3.0-9.i386.rpm,
- installing atlas-3.4.1-4mdk.noarch.rpm + succesfull tests,
- creating a complete atlas-lapack library as suggested on atlas web page,
- installing f2py.

I tried to install scipy CVS with the command

>python setup.py build

I first get some problems with the package xplt. I decided to comment the line on this subject in the file setup.py.
Now it is possible to build and install scipy. Furthermore, some packages work (like optimization). Unfortunately, the command


gave the lines 

No test suite found for scipy.io
 creating test suite for: scipy.linalg.basic
Erreur de segmentation

As an example, it is of course to find  eigenvalues of a matrix (for instance with linalg.eig(rand(3,3))) : it gives 

File ...
File ...
File ...
ImportError: /usr/lib/python2.2/site-packages/scipy/linalg/flapack.so undefined symbol : min

Is it a problem with my rpm's of lapack ?
Does anyone have an idea ?? Thanks a lot for help !!!!!!!
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