[SciPy-user] atlas troubles during install (yes I know, I am not the first one)

Pearu Peterson pearu at cens.ioc.ee
Thu Jan 16 14:08:39 EST 2003

On Thu, 16 Jan 2003, Kasper Souren wrote:

> I am trying to install SciPy, but it seems blas is causing troubles:
> """
> atlas_info:
>   FOUND:
>     libraries = ['lapack', 'f77blas', 'cblas', 'atlas']
>     library_dirs = ['/u/formes/share/lib/i686-Linux-2.4.9-13/atlas']
>     include_dirs = ['/u/formes/share/include/ATLAS']
> /u/formes/share/bin/i686-Linux-2.4.9-13/python2.2 
> /net/kempul/u.kempul/formes/souren/cvs/scipy/linalg/setup_atlas_version.py 
> build_ext --inplace --force
> atlas_info:


> Failed to determine ATLAS version
> """

> I tried to find a solution with google, but none of the suggestions found 
> there seems to apply. ATLAS is nicely installed, and the fact that it first 
> finds that setup.py first states that is FOUND, and then causes a problem 
> later seems rather strange to me.

How did you specify the location of atlas libraries?

Currently I can think of only one situation where the above behaviour
could be possible: if the location of atlas libraries was specified
using relative path. If this was so in your case, then try using absolute
path in ATLAS environment variable.
In case you didn't use ATLAS environment variable, then try

 ATLAS=/u/formes/share/lib/i686-Linux-2.4.9-13/atlas python setup.py build

Otherwise, could you be more specific about your environment and exactly
what commands were you using when trying to build scipy?
In addition to possibly relevant information as specified at the end of
scipy/INSTALL.txt file, could you send also the output of

  python -c 'from f2py2e.diagnose import run;run()'

(provided that you are using recent f2py).


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