[SciPy-user] Alternative to NumTut's view() function?

Fernando Perez fperez at pizero.colorado.edu
Fri Feb 14 21:36:34 EST 2003

On Fri, 14 Feb 2003, Prabhu Ramachandran wrote:

> Hi,
> >>>>> "FP" == Fernando Perez <fperez at pizero.colorado.edu> writes:
> [snip]
>     FP> At any rate, I wonder if as part of scipy there is anything
>     FP> with similar functionality.  view() allows one to view 2-d
>     FP> arrays as images, in either grayscale or color.  Since I don't
>     FP> have high hopes for anyone fixing view(), and I'm switching to
>     FP> scipy for all my work, I'd be happy to go with a scipy-based
>     FP> alternative if one exists.
> Well, you could do it with MayaVi.  I have a mayamat module on my
> system that I use to sample functions of the form z = F(x,y) and plot
> them using MayaVi and pyVTK.  It should be easy to view any 2d array
> using this.
> If folks are interested I'll put it up for download sometime this
> weekend.

That would actually be great, esp. considering that I know how reliable and
flexible Mayavi has been in the past.



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