[SciPy-user] Re: Problem with scipy_distutils

Berthold Höllmann hoel at gl-group.com
Fri Dec 5 07:40:50 EST 2003

Pearu Peterson <pearu at scipy.org> writes:

> On Thu, 4 Dec 2003, [iso-8859-15] Berthold Höllmann wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I'm trying build a FORTRAN module using scipy_distutils. Due to some
>> hidden dynamic libraries I'm trying to use the "runtime_library_dirs"
>> in the extension definition.
> Hmm, while reading ifc_issues.txt I wonder if your environment is
> set up properly for ifc. Does LD_LIBRARY_PATH contain a path
> <INSTALLDIR>/compiler70/ia32/lib? Have you sourced ifcvars.sh script
> to your environment?

My environment is set up properly. The problem are not the ifc runtime
libraries but 3rd party or self compiled dynamic libraries spread over
lots of directories. I would prefer to refer to them using the "-R"
linker option to allow other people running my programs without
fiddeling with the "LD_LIBRARY_PATH". 

I'm not shure if "get_linker_so" is the correct for the fix. In the
process of building the linker flags the method
"runtime_library_dir_option" gets called in
"distutils/ccompiler.py". For some reason I can't overload
"runtime_library_dir_option", but I think overloading this method in
"intel_ia32_fortran_compiler" would be the correct way.

Kind regards

Berthold Höllmann
Germanischer Lloyd AG
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