[SciPy-user] newbie problems

neal b747_999 at yahoo.com
Mon Aug 25 13:29:33 EDT 2003


ive read some of the intro docs and this looks like a great system.  i tried to
do a source install because i dont have redhat 7 but slackware 9 though
something might have been munged.  

from the tutorial by oliphant:

In [1]: from scipy import *

In [2]: from scipy.special import *

In [3]: def addsubtract(a,b):
   ...:     if a > b:
   ...:         return a - b
   ...:     else:
   ...:         return a + b

In [4]: vec_addsubstract = special.general_function(addsubtract)

In [5]: vec_addsubtract([0,3,6,9],[1,3,5,7])
NameError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)


NameError: name 'vec_addsubtract' is not defined

im having similar problems with integration.  however other parts of the
tutorial work ok.  

when running the self-test, i get errors in


in cholesky:
check_chebys, check_random_complex, check_simple_complex, and 

in test_shapiro

does this mean there was some serious problem with my installation?  

looking forward to getting going with this software.  ive spent time writing
numerical codes in c++ (too verbose, and newer techniques seem less readable)
and mathematica (concise but slow), so scipy promises to be a great solution.



perhaps some mention that fftw3 doesn't install yet with scipy would be nice in
the install notes...  i spent a bit of time trying to figure out what was wrong...

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