[SciPy-user] scipy.gplt versus IPython.GnuplotRuntime

Fernando Perez fperez at colorado.edu
Mon Aug 11 13:53:19 EDT 2003

Eni Mustafaraj wrote:

> 2) How to suppress the gnuplot window for both packages? ( since only 
> the file ouptut is interesting)

When using ipython, just pass the filename='yourfile.eps' argument _directly_ 
to the plot() routine.  If you do that, no output window is ever generated.

I've attached here a simple example of how to use the ipython gnuplot support 
for scripting plot generation.  If you want, I can send you vastly more 
complicated examples.

> 3) Can IPython.GnuplotRuntime also output a PNG file? How?

It could, if I coded it :)  Consider it a feature request.  Since I basically 
just 'fixed' what I found to be small annoyances of the original Gnuplot.py 
for my own use, I didn't go into making any extensions for other types of 
output.  And eps happens to be the kind of output I always use, so I just left 
it at that.  But nothing prevents from adding png output support.

Right now, your request goes unfortunately to the bottom of the list. But if 
you have the time/energy to code it yourself, feel free to send me a patch and 
I'll gladly include it in the next release.


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