[SciPy-user] installation problems - "No module named setup_scipy_distutils"

Jaeggi, Daniel M. DJaeggi at imim.es
Sun Apr 13 04:51:10 EDT 2003


I'm trying to install SciPy and keep getting the following error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./setup.py", line 116, in ?
  File "./setup.py", line 95, in setup_package
    config_list += map(get_separate_package_config,separate_packages)
  File "./setup.py", line 79, in get_separate_package_config
    return get_package_config(name,'')
  File "./setup.py", line 71, in get_package_config
    mod = __import__('setup_'+os.path.basename(name))
ImportError: No module named setup_scipy_distutils

A scipy_distutils.setup_scipy_distutils.py exists in /usr/lib/python/site-packages/ (this came from installing f2py I believe - when I add this explicitly to my path, this particular error goes away but I then get:

<same traceback>
ImportError: No module named setup_scipy_test

I can't find this module anywhere on my system! Any idea what is going on and how to fix this?

My version is SciPy-0.2.0_alpha_196.4120 and I'm installing on a linux system.



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