[SciPy-user] Problems with io.read_array

Fernando Perez fperez at colorado.edu
Wed Apr 2 21:20:12 EST 2003

Travis E. Oliphant wrote:

> There is not that much strictness.  Again, an example of people arguing 
> over hearsay intead of actual fact.  We humans seem to love to do that. 

Ok. Fair enough.  My apologies.  I misunderstood the discussion and did _not_ 
in fact double check myself by running a few tests with my own files.  But 
it's reasonable for a forum like this one for people to post their own 
opinions based on the previous discussion.  In most cases (considering folks 
here are fairly competent by and large) no misunderstandings are generated and 
one can get various viewpoints on one issue.

If we are all held to the standard of 'never trust what others say here unless 
you double check by writing your own code', I'm sure the discussions will dry 
up pretty quickly.  Nobody has time for that depth of checking on every issue, 
unfortunately.  And the reality is, since others here are in general competent 
people, it is not a far-fetched assumption to continue the discussion based on 
what's been said so far.

You've made it excruciatingly clear that we all screwed up in two or three 
separate posts on this issue.  We now know.  Thank you.

> Everybody's two cents is appreciated, but 1 cent worth of code is more 
> useful in the long run.

[in a separate message, same thread]:
> Your objections make far less impact than working code that corrects the 
> problem would

Ok, so I guess no more postings of opinions/ideas here.  Code only, right? 
Because non-code based discussion is useless?  I know perfectly well the 
mantra 'code speaks louder than words'.  But it is also true that words play a 
role in code development.  Ideas, suggestions, etc. all have their value, 
which I'm sure you acknowledge.

Something about this seems to truly have grated you the wrong way.  If 
anything, it was a harmless misunderstanding which you clarified with your 
first response.  No need to hammer on people with remarks like the above ('we 
humans...', '1 cent worth of code...', and others in previous posts).  At 
least I've never expected that kind of response from this forum.

So again, my deepest apology for committing the unspeakable crime of writing 
about an issue without first double checking with my own tests.  Never again.



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