[SciPy-user] CLAPACK vs. LAPACK?

Skip Montanaro skip at pobox.com
Thu Sep 19 18:27:09 EDT 2002

>>>>> "eric" == eric jones <eric at enthought.com> writes:

    eric> I like keeping the name of clapack and flapack, or rename them to
    eric> lapackc and lapackf if the names really are that confusing.  

It's not so much that they are confusing, but that when missing the warning
message is misleading.  I saw the warning about "clapack" missing and went
looking for a CLAPACK library, which does exist.  Perhaps the warning should
(if it doesn't already) suggest the user install atlas.

    eric> Skip, the clapack and cblas stuff will only work when ATLAS is
    eric> linked in.  However, the library should still work with only the
    eric> flapack and fblas libraries.  Pearu set it up so that lapack first
    eric> checks for clapack and fails over to flapack if they aren't
    eric> available.

Which is just as well, because the friggin' atlas build just failed again
for me.


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