[SciPy-user] CLAPACK vs. LAPACK?

Pearu Peterson pearu at cens.ioc.ee
Thu Sep 19 16:17:38 EDT 2002

On Thu, 19 Sep 2002, Skip Montanaro wrote:

> Renaming clapack to atlas seems like a no-brainer to me, but I don't have to
> worry much about backward compatibility. 

Sorry, I don't understand what do you mean by no-brainer within this
context. English is not my first language and sometimes I don't get
its slang...

> At the moment I don't have Atlas installed.  I'm just using stock
> lapack and blas.  I guess it's time to revisit building atlas.

Using atlas instead of stock lapack/blas can give upto 10 times speed up
for linalg functions. But if that is not important, then one needs not to
build atlas, linalg still has the same functionality based on Fortran


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