[SciPy-user] F2Py works great, thanks Pearu! + numarray question

eric jones eric at enthought.com
Wed Sep 11 15:02:02 EDT 2002

Hey Perrin,

Perry Greenfield and I discussed the larger issue of Numeric vs.
numarray compatibility on the C level at the workshop.  The current
memory layout of the new and old C structure are different, but he
thought it was likely the layout could be made similar -- with numarray
having a few extra flags added to the end of the structure.  This would
make backward compatibility much easier overall.  I'm still unsure of
how endian-ness and memory mapped support figure into things. Todd
Miller said that he had converted FFT, LinearAlgebra, and RandomArray in
the Numeric distribution to numarray compatibilitiy, so fixing things is
obviously possible.  So, if it is possible (and I think it is), it is
safe to say that some future version of f2py will support numarray.

The possible move to numarray certainly makes me glad SciPy has mostly
f2py wrapped code.  If we get f2py working with numarray, then it will
make the conversion of SciPy to numarray much easier.  Converting hand
wrapped code would (will) be much more of a pain.

See ya,

> -----Original Message-----
> From: scipy-user-admin at scipy.net [mailto:scipy-user-admin at scipy.net]
> Behalf Of Perrin Meyer
> Sent: Wednesday, September 11, 2002 1:09 PM
> To: scipy-user at scipy.net
> Subject: [SciPy-user] F2Py works great, thanks Pearu! + numarray
> The helpful suggestions of Pearu Peterson got my test c code working
> in Python, thanks!
> A quick question:  currently, F2Py works with Numeric, but when the
> replacement module numarray is ready, will it be "easy" to get F2Py to
> work with it? Are there plans to have F2Py support numarray ?
> Thanks again,
> Perrin
> --
> Perrin Meyer      Computational Acoustics
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