[SciPy-user] Can't find atlas for scipy install

Francesc Alted falted at openlc.org
Mon Oct 14 14:49:53 EDT 2002

On Mon, Oct 14, 2002 at 09:08:33PM +0300, Pearu Peterson wrote:
> However, scipy/system_info.py refuses to find ATLAS libraries that are
> incomplete. The definition of completness is as follows:
>   The following four files
>     liblapack.a, libf77blas.a, libcblas.a, libatlas.a

Yeah, this is the problem in the case of a Debian system. liblapack.a is in
/usr/lib/3dnow/atlas, and the rest of the libraries are in /usr/lib/3dnow.
After doing a symbolic link from /usr/lib/3dnow/liblapack.a to
/usr/lib/3dnow/atlas/liblapack.a, scipy detects the libraries and everything
goes smoothly:

>>> import scipy
>>> scipy.test(10)
<stuff skipped>
function f6

cc.bisect : 1.080
cc.ridder : 1.250
cc.brenth : 1.200
cc.brentq : 1.130

Ran 423 tests in 129.553s

<unittest.TextTestRunner instance at 0x85de84c>

So, it seems to be a problem with the atlas3.4.1_Linux_ATHLON.tar.gz from
the http://math-atlas.sourceforge.net site. Do you think this is a bug on
the ATLAS binary libraries side?

Thanks for the help!

Francesc Alted                            PGP KeyID:      0x61C8C11F
Aplications developer
Public PGP key available: http://www.openlc.org/falted_at_openlc.asc
Key fingerprint = 1518 38FE 3A3D 8BE8 24A0  3E5B 1328 32CC 61C8 C11F

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