[SciPy-user] Re: SciPy-user digest, Vol 1 #201 - 7 msgs

Viktor Hornak viktor.hornak at sunysb.edu
Mon Oct 7 14:57:31 EDT 2002


I had problems building from tar files but after I checked out CVS tree 
directly (as Travis suggested) everything worked fine (including Chaco 
that I installed write after finishing scipy). I am running on RedHat 
7.3 though, so versions for python, gcc, etc. are a bit different.
You can clean your current built by:
python setup.py clean
I don't know why your build wasn't successful though, so maybe someone 
else can help with that...

Good Luck,

Frank Gibbons wrote:
> Travis,
> I tried this, and it does allow me to finish building, but why are there 
> no files in the xplt directory (except for setup_xplt.py), when I can 
> see them on the CVS page. I see that someone else had a similar problem 
> to me, with the downloaded tarball.
> Thanks for the tip. However....
> I realized that I needed to get the full LAPACK installation (and 
> therefore had to also build BLAS since I have no vendor-supplied 
> version). My full LAPACK weighs in at a healthy 6MB, and I followed the 
> procedures in the installation guide to replace ATLAS's wimpy version of 
> LAPACK with the real one. So far, so good. Now the setup script runs to 
> completion, but when I try to import scipy here's what happens:
> % ~/bin/python
> Python 2.1.1 (#1, Aug  9 2001, 11:10:31)
> [GCC egcs-2.91.66 19990314/Linux (egcs-1.1.2 release)] on linux2
> Type "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>  >>> import scipy
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
>   File "/home/fgibbons/lib/python2.1/site-packages/scipy/__init__.py", 
> line 36, in ?
>     from scipy_base import *
>   File "scipy_base/__init__.py", line 99, in ?
>     import fastumath
> ImportError: No module named fastumath
> To summarize my setup, I'm using the following:
> Python 2.1.1
> Numeric 21.0
> ATLAS 3.4.1
> f2py 2.23.190...
> gcc 2.95.4
> g77 (0.5.25 20010319)
> on a Debian Linux box.
> Since I've had to go back and forth in the build process a few times, I 
> wonder if I might be able to just do the equivalent of 'make clean' and 
> start it fresh. I'm not very familiar with setup.py (why is this better 
> than make?) - can anyone tell me how to do the equivalent of 'make clean'?
> What is 'fastumath'? Where are the sources? How do I get them to build?
> Thanks a lot for the tips so far - I feel like I'm close, and I'm 
> drooling at the possibility of having LAPACK/BLAS power available from 
> Python!
> -Frank
> At 01:00 PM 10/5/2002, you wrote:
>> Message: 6
>> From: "Travis N. Vaught" <travis at enthought.com>
>> To: <scipy-user at scipy.net>
>> Subject: RE: [SciPy-user] problems building - missing 
>> cvs/SciPy/xplt/gistCmodule.c
>> Date: Fri, 4 Oct 2002 16:48:57 -0500
>> Reply-To: scipy-user at scipy.net
>> Frank,
>> If you're OK with skipping xplt install (and it sounds like you are), you
>> may edit the scipy/setup.py file like so:
>> Line 103 old:
>>         unix_packages = ['xplt']
>> Line 103 new:
>>         unix_packages = []
>> I haven't tried this, but it should work and costs little to test.
>> Travis
> PhD, Computational Biologist,
> Harvard Medical School BCMP/SGM-322, 250 Longwood Ave, Boston MA 02115, 
> USA.
> Tel: 617-432-3555       Fax: 617-432-3557       
> http://llama.med.harvard.edu/~fgibbons
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