[SciPy-user] chaco fonts and other issues

bryan cole bryan.cole at teraview.co.uk
Fri Nov 22 06:21:37 EST 2002

Hi all,

Chaco is looking increasingly exciting!


I just installed the latest tar-ball from the website
(0.1.0-alpha-5.379) and the setup.py fails with "import error: module
chaco_version not found". Presumably there's a file missing from this
distribution. Removing the chaco_version import line and the reference
later on works around this.

I've just upgraded my machine to RH8.0 and now (after recompiling scipy,
chaco etc.) the wxdemo_plot.py runs but none of the plot labels or
titles are displayed correctly, irrespective of which font I select (ttf
or type1). This is the case for the latest chaco version
(0.1.0-alpha-5.379) and also for a slightly earlier version of 0.1.0.
Before upgrading to RH8.0, the earlier v0.1.0 seemed to work fine.
Screenshot of demo attached.

Note, the text in the chaco dialog boxes/button displays fine etc., as
does text in my other wxPython applications.

One final problem, I had scipy installed and runnnig OK prior to
installing chaco. Installed chaco messes up the scipy fastumath module
and now scipy fails on import with: ImportError: No module named
fastumath. Re-installing SciPy fixes this.

Besides RH8.0, I'm using python2.2.1, scipy-0.2.0-alpha-102.3553,


Bryan Cole
Teraview Ltd., 302-304 Cambridge Science Park, Milton Road, Cambridge CB4 0WG, United Kingdom.
tel: +44 (1223) 435380 / 435386 (direct-dial) fax: +44 (1223) 435382
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