[SciPy-user] plt.plot and other wxPython stuff

Prabhu Ramachandran prabhu at aero.iitm.ernet.in
Thu Nov 21 07:10:56 EST 2002

>>>>> "DE" == Douglas Eck <doug at idsia.ch> writes:


    DE> What I would like to do is strip out the core of plot.plt and
    DE> use it in a more general setting. Namely I would like to make
    DE> a scipyPlotCanvas() similar to the wxPlotCanvas() [used to
    DE> build scipy.plt I believe]. Then I could just drop the canvas
    DE> into my app. I would be responsible for threading issues,
    DE> negating the need for gui_thread.

plt is not based on wxPlotCanvas and its very easy to use directly
from wxPython.  I think this post might be of some use:



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