Detecting fftw (was Re: [SciPy-user] Absoft Compiler)

Stephen Walton stephen.walton at
Wed Nov 6 13:23:43 EST 2002

On Wed, 2002-11-06 at 00:37, Gerard Vermeulen wrote:

> On my Mandrake-8.2 the RPM for fftw consists of a 'user' package and
> a 'devel' package. To rebuild SciPy the 'devel' package is needed (this may
> be also the case on other distro's).

This appears to be also the case on RedHat, and my thanks to Gerard.  I
did not in fact have the fftw-devel RPM installed here.  However...since
I didn't want to delete and re-create my CVS-checked-out scipy source
tree (I have a somewhat slow link), I did a 'python clean'
followed by 'build build_flib'.  As far as I can tell, this still did
not pick up fftw;  a 'grep fft' on the output of the build command
showed that it built fftpack and dfftpack from source, apparently taking
no notice of fftw.  This probably means that the 'clean' command didn't
clean up enough.

Stephen Walton, Professor of Physics and Astronomy,
California State University, Northridge
stephen.walton at

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