[SciPy-user] SciPy 02 -- lightning talks and BOF sessions

eric jones eric at enthought.com
Fri Jul 12 13:51:27 EDT 2002

Hello crew,

Here are some notes on the upcoming SciPy 02 workshop.  I've sent this
to all the registered conference participants and scipy-user at scipy.org.
Please sign up on scipy-user at scipy.org if you haven't already done so.
Here is the link:


Workshop Registration

The SciPy 02 workshop sign-up is full, and it looks like a great group
of people.  I'm looking forward to lively and interesting discussion in
numerous areas.  If you missed registration, but would still like to
come, drop me a line and we'll put you on the waiting list.  On the
other hand, if you registered but now believe you won't be able to
attend, please let us know (leah at enthought.com) so that we can make room
for others.
The registration payment site isn't available yet, but should be within
a week or two.  

Lightning Talks -- Request for Submissions

One of the major goals of the workshop is to encourage collaboration
across projects.  To facilitate this, we're having a session of
"Lightning Talks" for people to discuss their projects with the
community.  Lightning talks are generally short (10 minute or so) and
informal overviews of your latest and greatest stuff.  The Python
conferences have used these with great success, and I think it is a
perfect format for the workshop.  

If you'd like to give a Lightning Talk, please send me
(eric at enthought.com) a brief description of the topic.  I'd like to have
as many of these as time will allow, so send me even half baked ideas
and we can discuss them.

Birds of a Feather Sessions

If you'd like to have a roundtable discussion on a topic that isn't on
the agenda, this is your chance.  BOF sessions are open discussions on a
topic that generally last 30-45 minutes.  Send your topics to
(eric at enthought.com).

Please feel free to discuss potential BOF or lightning talk topics on
scipy-user at scipy.org.  

I look forward to seeing you all in September,


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