[SciPy-user] Flicker image plotting

bryan cole bryan.cole at teraview.co.uk
Sat Feb 23 09:54:44 EST 2002

I'm not sure how much effort would be to fix this in SciPy as I don't
use SciPy much, but I have modified the wxPlotCanvas which comes with
wxPython, to be flicker-free (plus a few other mods). I use this for
real-time data display (line plots and colour-maps).

 You simply draw everything to a an image held in memory (a MemoryDC)
then copy this to the screen (with the Blit function - very fast). 


On Sat, 2002-02-23 at 02:26, Andrew M. Henshaw wrote:
> Is there some mechanism for double-buffering image plots so that they don't flicker when a series of image arrays is generated?
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Bryan Cole
Teraview Ltd., 302-304 Cambridge Science Park, Milton Road, Cambridge
CB4 0WG, United Kingdom.
tel: +44 (1223) 435380 / 435386 (direct-dial) fax: +44 (1223) 435382

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