[SciPy-user] test(10) error

arnd.baecker at physik.uni-ulm.de arnd.baecker at physik.uni-ulm.de
Sat Apr 20 06:15:17 EDT 2002


for scipy.test(10) I get the error below.
I am using

Python 2.2.1c2 (#1, Apr  4 2002, 18:54:47)
[GCC 2.95.4 20011006 (Debian prerelease)] on linux2
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(i.e a checkout from CVS yesterday, the same for f2py2e and Numerical
if this is of any relevance).



Error messages:

2nd run(Numeric,compiled,speed up):  2.3241, 1.0693, 2.1734
.warning: specified build_dir '_bad_path_' does not exist or is or is not
writable. Trying default locations
...warning: specified build_dir '..' does not exist or is or is not
writable. Trying default locations
.warning: specified build_dir '_bad_path_' does not exist or is or is not
writable. Trying default locations
...warning: specified build_dir '..' does not exist or is or is not
writable. Trying default locations
test printing a value:2
In function `struct PyObject * compiled_func(PyObject *, PyObject *)':
void value not ignored as it ought to be
confused by earlier errors, bailing out

ERROR: check_exceptions (test_inline_tools.test_inline)
Traceback (most recent call last):
line 25, in check_exceptions
    result = inline_tools.inline(code,['a'])
line 327, in inline
    auto_downcast = auto_downcast,
line 426, in compile_function
    verbose=verbose, **kw)
line 321, in compile
    verbose = verbose, **kw)
line 203, in build_extension
    setup(name = module_name, ext_modules = [ext],verbose=verb)
  File "/home/abaecker/PYTHON//lib/python2.2/distutils/core.py", line 157,
in setup
    raise SystemExit, "error: " + str(msg)
CompileError: error: command 'gcc' failed with exit status 1

Ran 543 tests in 1200.287s

FAILED (errors=1)

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