[SciPy-user] Bug in minpack.leastsq() with Jacobian.

Henk Jansen h.jansen at fel.tno.nl
Fri Apr 5 09:55:24 EST 2002

As the owner of this prpblem I did some homework. I guess I've found a
bug in "scipy.minpack.leastsq.py" :

When a Jacobian is given (i.e. Dfun != None) the Jacobian Dfun() should
be tested in check_func(...) and not the residuals func().

Have a nice weekend,

Henk Jansen

Henk Jansen wrote:

> Hi:
> I have a problem using the scipy.optimize.minpack.leastsq(...) routine
> when a Jacobian is specified. Without Jacobian, I'm able to run the
> tutorial example (fitting sinusiodal data), however, when I try to use
> the Jacobian information, I get stuck.
> If anyone has been successful in using the leastsq(...) function
> supplying it with a Jacobian function, can I share in an example?
> Thanks,
> Henk Jansen
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