[Scipy-svn] r6981 - in trunk: doc/release scipy/sparse scipy/sparse/tests

scipy-svn at scipy.org scipy-svn at scipy.org
Mon Nov 29 09:57:55 EST 2010

Author: rgommers
Date: 2010-11-29 08:57:55 -0600 (Mon, 29 Nov 2010)
New Revision: 6981

DEP: remove deprecated functions and keywords from sparse module.

Modified: trunk/doc/release/0.9.0-notes.rst
--- trunk/doc/release/0.9.0-notes.rst	2010-11-29 14:57:24 UTC (rev 6980)
+++ trunk/doc/release/0.9.0-notes.rst	2010-11-29 14:57:55 UTC (rev 6981)
@@ -138,9 +138,6 @@
 The deprecated modules ``helpmod``, ``pexec`` and ``ppimport`` were removed
 from ``scipy.misc``.
-The ``save`` method of the ``spmatrix`` class in ``scipy.sparse``, which has
-been deprecated since version 0.7, was removed.
 The ``output_type`` keyword in many ``scipy.ndimage`` interpolation functions
 has been removed.
@@ -156,3 +153,18 @@
 `std`, `var`, `mean`, `median`, `cov`, `corrcoef`, `z`, `zs`, `stderr`,
 `samplestd`, `samplevar`, `pdfapprox`, `pdf_moments` and `erfc`.  These changes
 are mirrored in ``scipy.stats.mstats``.
+The ``save`` method of the ``spmatrix`` class in ``scipy.sparse``, which has
+been deprecated since version 0.7, was removed.
+The functions ``spkron``, ``speye``, ``spidentity``, ``lil_eye`` and
+``lil_diags`` were removed from ``scipy.sparse``.  The first three functions
+are still available as ``scipy.sparse.kron``, ``scipy.sparse.eye`` and 
+The `dims` and `nzmax` keywords were removed from the sparse matrix

Modified: trunk/scipy/sparse/compressed.py
--- trunk/scipy/sparse/compressed.py	2010-11-29 14:57:24 UTC (rev 6980)
+++ trunk/scipy/sparse/compressed.py	2010-11-29 14:57:55 UTC (rev 6981)
@@ -17,17 +17,10 @@
 class _cs_matrix(_data_matrix):
     """base matrix class for compressed row and column oriented matrices"""
-    def __init__(self, arg1, shape=None, dtype=None, copy=False, dims=None, nzmax=None):
+    def __init__(self, arg1, shape=None, dtype=None, copy=False):
-        if dims is not None:
-            warn("dims= is deprecated, use shape= instead", DeprecationWarning)
-            shape=dims
-        if nzmax is not None:
-            warn("nzmax= is deprecated", DeprecationWarning)
         if isspmatrix(arg1):
             if arg1.format == self.format and copy:
                 arg1 = arg1.copy()
@@ -483,12 +476,12 @@
             indxs = np.where(minor_index == self.indices[start:end])[0]
             num_matches = len(indxs)
             if not np.isscalar(val):
                 raise ValueError('setting an array element with a sequence')
-            val = self.dtype.type(val) 
+            val = self.dtype.type(val)
             if num_matches == 0:
                 #entry not already present

Modified: trunk/scipy/sparse/construct.py
--- trunk/scipy/sparse/construct.py	2010-11-29 14:57:24 UTC (rev 6980)
+++ trunk/scipy/sparse/construct.py	2010-11-29 14:57:55 UTC (rev 6981)
@@ -449,86 +449,3 @@
     vals = np.random.rand(k).astype(dtype)
     return coo_matrix((vals, (i, j)), shape=(m, n)).asformat(format)
-# Deprecated functions
-__all__ += [ 'speye','spidentity', 'spkron', 'lil_eye', 'lil_diags' ]
-spkron = np.deprecate(kron, old_name='spkron', new_name='scipy.sparse.kron')
-speye = np.deprecate(eye, old_name='speye', new_name='scipy.sparse.eye')
-spidentity = np.deprecate(identity, old_name='spidentity',
-                                    new_name='scipy.sparse.identity')
-def lil_eye((r,c), k=0, dtype='d'):
-    """Generate a lil_matrix of dimensions (r,c) with the k-th
-    diagonal set to 1.
-    Parameters
-    ----------
-    r,c : int
-        row and column-dimensions of the output.
-    k : int
-        - diagonal offset.  In the output matrix,
-        - out[m,m+k] == 1 for all m.
-    dtype : dtype
-        data-type of the output array.
-    """
-    warn("lil_eye is deprecated." \
-            "use scipy.sparse.eye(r, c, k, format='lil') instead", \
-            DeprecationWarning)
-    return eye(r, c, k, dtype=dtype, format='lil')
-#TODO remove this function
-def lil_diags(diags, offsets, (m,n), dtype='d'):
-    """
-    Generate a lil_matrix with the given diagonals.
-    Parameters
-    ----------
-    diags : list of list of values e.g. [[1,2,3],[4,5]]
-        values to be placed on each indicated diagonal.
-    offsets : list of ints
-        diagonal offsets.  This indicates the diagonal on which
-        the given values should be placed.
-    (r,c) : tuple of ints
-        row and column dimensions of the output.
-    dtype : dtype
-        output data-type.
-    Examples
-    --------
-    >>> lil_diags([[1,2,3],[4,5],[6]],[0,1,2],(3,3)).todense()
-    matrix([[ 1.,  4.,  6.],
-            [ 0.,  2.,  5.],
-            [ 0.,  0.,  3.]])
-    """
-    offsets_unsorted = list(offsets)
-    diags_unsorted = list(diags)
-    if len(diags) != len(offsets):
-        raise ValueError("Number of diagonals provided should "
-                         "agree with offsets.")
-    sort_indices = np.argsort(offsets_unsorted)
-    diags = [diags_unsorted[k] for k in sort_indices]
-    offsets = [offsets_unsorted[k] for k in sort_indices]
-    for i,k in enumerate(offsets):
-        if len(diags[i]) < m-abs(k):
-            raise ValueError("Not enough values specified to fill "
-                             "diagonal %s." % k)
-    out = lil_matrix((m,n),dtype=dtype)
-    from itertools import izip
-    for k,diag in izip(offsets,diags):
-        for ix,c in enumerate(xrange(np.clip(k,0,n),np.clip(m+k,0,n))):
-            out.rows[c-k].append(c)
-            out.data[c-k].append(diag[ix])
-    return out

Modified: trunk/scipy/sparse/tests/test_construct.py
--- trunk/scipy/sparse/tests/test_construct.py	2010-11-29 14:57:24 UTC (rev 6980)
+++ trunk/scipy/sparse/tests/test_construct.py	2010-11-29 14:57:55 UTC (rev 6981)
@@ -175,37 +175,6 @@
         #TODO test failure cases
-    def test_lil_diags(self):
-        assert_array_equal(construct.lil_diags([[1,2,3],[4,5],[6]],
-                                     [0,1,2],(3,3)).todense(),
-                           [[1,4,6],
-                            [0,2,5],
-                            [0,0,3]])
-        assert_array_equal(construct.lil_diags([[6],[4,5],[1,2,3]],
-                                     [2,1,0],(3,3)).todense(),
-                           [[1,4,6],
-                            [0,2,5],
-                            [0,0,3]])
-        assert_array_equal(construct.lil_diags([[6,7,8],[4,5],[1,2,3]],
-                                     [2,1,0],(3,3)).todense(),
-                           [[1,4,6],
-                            [0,2,5],
-                            [0,0,3]])
-        assert_array_equal(construct.lil_diags([[1,2,3],[4,5],[6]],
-                                     [0,-1,-2],(3,3)).todense(),
-                           [[1,0,0],
-                            [4,2,0],
-                            [6,5,3]])
-        assert_array_equal(construct.lil_diags([[6,7,8],[4,5]],
-                                     [-2,-1],(3,3)).todense(),
-                           [[0,0,0],
-                            [4,0,0],
-                            [6,5,0]])
     def test_rand(self):
         # Simple sanity checks for sparse.rand
         for t in [np.float32, np.float64, np.longdouble]:
@@ -224,5 +193,6 @@
         assert_raises(ValueError, lambda: sprand(5, 10, 1.1))
         assert_raises(ValueError, lambda: sprand(5, 10, -0.1))
 if __name__ == "__main__":

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