[Scipy-svn] r6886 - in trunk/scipy/io: . arff matlab

scipy-svn at scipy.org scipy-svn at scipy.org
Sun Nov 14 04:59:33 EST 2010

Author: rgommers
Date: 2010-11-14 03:59:33 -0600 (Sun, 14 Nov 2010)
New Revision: 6886

DOC: merge more wiki edits for io module.

Modified: trunk/scipy/io/__init__.py
--- trunk/scipy/io/__init__.py	2010-11-14 09:59:06 UTC (rev 6885)
+++ trunk/scipy/io/__init__.py	2010-11-14 09:59:33 UTC (rev 6886)
@@ -1,3 +1,47 @@
+Data input and output
+SciPy has many modules, classes, and functions available to read data
+from and write data to a variety of file formats.
+.. autosummary::
+   :toctree: generated/
+   arff - Read ARFF files, the standard data format for WEKA
+   byteordercodes - System byteorder utilities - NumPy byteorder encoding
+   data_store - Load or save values to a file
+   dumbdbm_patched - A dumb and slow but simple dbm clone
+   matlab - Utilities for dealing with MATLAB(R) files
+   mmio - Matrix Market I/O in Python
+   netcdf - NetCDF reader/writer module
+   wavfile - module to read / write wav files using numpy arrays
+.. autosummary::
+   :toctree: generated/
+   netcdf_file - A file object for NetCDF data
+   netcdf_variable - A data object for the netcdf module
+.. autosummary::
+   :toctree: generated/
+   loadmat - Read a MATLAB style mat file (version 4 through 7.1)
+   savemat - Write a MATLAB style mat file (version 4 through 7.1)
+   mminfo - Query matrix info from Matrix Market formatted file
+   mmread - Read matrix from Matrix Market formatted file
+   mmwrite - Write matrix to Matrix Market formatted file
+   save_as_module - Data saved as module, accessed on load as attirbutes
 # io - Data input and output

Modified: trunk/scipy/io/arff/__init__.py
--- trunk/scipy/io/arff/__init__.py	2010-11-14 09:59:06 UTC (rev 6885)
+++ trunk/scipy/io/arff/__init__.py	2010-11-14 09:59:33 UTC (rev 6886)
@@ -1,11 +1,42 @@
-"""Module to read arff files (weka format).
+Module to read ARFF files, which are the standard data format for WEKA.
-arff is a simple file format which support numerical, string and data values.
-It supports sparse data too.
+ARFF is a text file format which support numerical, string and data values.
+The format can also represent missing data and sparse data.
-See http://weka.sourceforge.net/wekadoc/index.php/en:ARFF_(3.4.6) for more
-details about arff format and available datasets."""
+See the `WEKA website
+for more details about arff format and available datasets.
+>>> from scipy.io import arff
+>>> content = \"\"\"
+... @relation foo
+... @attribute width  numeric
+... @attribute height numeric
+... @attribute color  {red,green,blue,yellow,black}
+... @data
+... 5.0,3.25,blue
+... 4.5,3.75,green
+... 3.0,4.00,red
+... \"\"\"
+>>> f = open('testdata.arff', 'w')
+>>> f.write(content)
+>>> f.close()
+>>> data, meta = arff.loadarff('testdata.arff')
+>>> data
+array([(5.0, 3.25, 'blue'), (4.5, 3.75, 'green'), (3.0, 4.0, 'red')],
+      dtype=[('width', '<f8'), ('height', '<f8'), ('color', '|S6')])
+>>> meta
+Dataset: foo
+\twidth's type is numeric
+\theight's type is numeric
+\tcolor's type is nominal, range is ('red', 'green', 'blue', 'yellow', 'black')
 from arffread import *
 import arffread

Modified: trunk/scipy/io/data_store.py
--- trunk/scipy/io/data_store.py	2010-11-14 09:59:06 UTC (rev 6885)
+++ trunk/scipy/io/data_store.py	2010-11-14 09:59:33 UTC (rev 6886)
@@ -1,18 +1,29 @@
-""" Load or save values to a file.
+Load or save values to a file.
-    Shelves work well for storing data, but they are slow to access
-    repeatedly - especially for large data sets.  This module allows
-    you to store data to a file and then load it back into the workspace.
-    When the data is stored, a python module is also created as the
-    "namespace for the data"
-    >>> import scipy.io
-    >>> import os
-    >>> a = 1
-    >>> scipy.io.save_as_module('c:/temp/junker',{'a':a})
-    >>> os.chdir('c:/temp')
-    >>> import junker
-    >>> junker.a
-    1
+Shelves work well for storing data, but they are slow to access
+repeatedly - especially for large data sets.  This module allows
+you to store data to a file and then load it back into the workspace.
+When the data is stored, a python module is also created as the
+"namespace for the data"
+Saving the data to a data store:
+>>> import scipy.io
+>>> import os
+>>> a = 1
+>>> scipy.io.save_as_module('junker', {'a':a})
+Loading the data saved to a data store in the same directory:
+>>> import junker
+>>> print junker.a
 __all__ = ['save_as_module']

Modified: trunk/scipy/io/matlab/__init__.py
--- trunk/scipy/io/matlab/__init__.py	2010-11-14 09:59:06 UTC (rev 6885)
+++ trunk/scipy/io/matlab/__init__.py	2010-11-14 09:59:33 UTC (rev 6886)
@@ -1,3 +1,12 @@
+Utilities for dealing with MATLAB(R) files
+MATLAB(R) is a registered trademark of The MathWorks, Inc., 3 Apple Hill
+Drive, Natick, MA 01760-2098, USA.
 # Matlab file read and write utilities
 from mio import loadmat, savemat

Modified: trunk/scipy/io/matlab/mio.py
--- trunk/scipy/io/matlab/mio.py	2010-11-14 09:59:06 UTC (rev 6885)
+++ trunk/scipy/io/matlab/mio.py	2010-11-14 09:59:33 UTC (rev 6886)
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+"""Module for reading and writing MATLAB .mat files"""
 # Authors: Travis Oliphant, Matthew Brett

Modified: trunk/scipy/io/netcdf.py
--- trunk/scipy/io/netcdf.py	2010-11-14 09:59:06 UTC (rev 6885)
+++ trunk/scipy/io/netcdf.py	2010-11-14 09:59:33 UTC (rev 6886)
@@ -684,22 +684,51 @@
 class netcdf_variable(object):
-    ``netcdf_variable`` objects are constructed by calling the method
-    ``createVariable`` on the netcdf_file object.
+    A data object for the `netcdf` module.
-    ``netcdf_variable`` objects behave much like array objects defined in
-    Numpy, except that their data resides in a file. Data is read by
-    indexing and written by assigning to an indexed subset; the entire
-    array can be accessed by the index ``[:]`` or using the methods
-    ``getValue`` and ``assignValue``. ``netcdf_variable`` objects also
-    have attribute ``shape`` with the same meaning as for arrays, but
-    the shape cannot be modified. There is another read-only attribute
-    ``dimensions``, whose value is the tuple of dimension names.
+    `netcdf_variable` objects are constructed by calling the method
+    `netcdf_file.createVariable` on the `netcdf_file` object. `netcdf_variable`
+    objects behave much like array objects defined in numpy, except that their
+    data resides in a file. Data is read by indexing and written by assigning
+    to an indexed subset; the entire array can be accessed by the index ``[:]``
+    or (for scalars) by using the methods `getValue` and `assignValue`.
+    `netcdf_variable` objects also have attribute `shape` with the same meaning
+    as for arrays, but the shape cannot be modified. There is another read-only
+    attribute `dimensions`, whose value is the tuple of dimension names.
     All other attributes correspond to variable attributes defined in
     the NetCDF file. Variable attributes are created by assigning to an
-    attribute of the ``netcdf_variable`` object.
+    attribute of the `netcdf_variable` object.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    data : array_like
+        The data array that holds the values for the variable.
+        Typically, this is initialized as empty, but with the proper shape.
+    typecode : dtype character code
+        Desired data-type for the data array.
+    shape : sequence of ints
+        The shape of the array.  This should match the lengths of the
+        variable's dimensions.
+    dimensions : sequence of strings
+        The names of the dimensions used by the variable.  Must be in the
+        same order of the dimension lengths given by `shape`.
+    attributes : dict, optional
+        Attribute values (any type) keyed by string names.  These attributes
+        become attributes for the netcdf_variable object.
+    Attributes
+    ----------
+    dimensions : list of str
+        List of names of dimensions used by the variable object.
+    isrec, shape
+        Properties
+    See also
+    --------
+    isrec, shape
     def __init__(self, data, typecode, shape, dimensions, attributes=None):
         self.data = data

Modified: trunk/scipy/io/wavfile.py
--- trunk/scipy/io/wavfile.py	2010-11-14 09:59:06 UTC (rev 6885)
+++ trunk/scipy/io/wavfile.py	2010-11-14 09:59:33 UTC (rev 6886)
@@ -3,9 +3,9 @@
-read: Return the sample rate (in samples/sec) and data from a WAV file.
+`read`: Return the sample rate (in samples/sec) and data from a WAV file.
-write: Write a numpy array as a WAV file.
+`write`: Write a numpy array as a WAV file.
 import numpy

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