[Scipy-svn] r6524 - trunk/scipy/io

scipy-svn at scipy.org scipy-svn at scipy.org
Fri Jun 18 09:02:34 EDT 2010

Author: rgommers
Date: 2010-06-18 08:02:34 -0500 (Fri, 18 Jun 2010)
New Revision: 6524

Remove deprecated objects in scipy.io on the C level.

Modified: trunk/scipy/io/__init__.py
--- trunk/scipy/io/__init__.py	2010-06-18 13:02:16 UTC (rev 6523)
+++ trunk/scipy/io/__init__.py	2010-06-18 13:02:34 UTC (rev 6524)
@@ -7,65 +7,6 @@
 from numpy import deprecate
-from numpyio import packbits, unpackbits, bswap, fread, fwrite, \
-     convert_objectarray
-fread = deprecate(fread, message="""
-scipy.io.fread can be replaced with NumPy I/O routines such as
-np.load, np.fromfile as well as NumPy's memory-mapping capabilities.
-fwrite = deprecate(fwrite, message="""
-scipy.io.fwrite can be replaced with NumPy I/O routines such as np.save,
-np.savez and x.tofile.  Also, files can be directly memory-mapped into NumPy
-arrays which is often a better way of reading large files.
-bswap = deprecate(bswap, message="""
-scipy.io.bswap can be replaced with the byteswap method on an array.
-out = scipy.io.bswap(arr) --> out = arr.byteswap(True)
-packbits = deprecate(packbits, message="""
-The functionality of scipy.io.packbits is now available as numpy.packbits
-The calling convention is a bit different, as the 2-d case is no
-longer specialized.
-However, you can simulate scipy.packbits by raveling the last 2 dimensions
-of the array and calling numpy.packbits with an axis=-1 keyword:
-def scipy_packbits(inp):
-    a = np.asarray(inp)
-    if a.ndim < 2:
-       return np.packbits(a)
-    oldshape = a.shape
-    newshape = oldshape[:-2] + (oldshape[-2]*oldshape[-1],)
-    a = np.reshape(a, newshape)
-    return np.packbits(a, axis=-1).ravel()
-unpackbits = deprecate(unpackbits, message="""
-The functionality of scipy.io.unpackbits is now available in numpy.unpackbits
-The calling convention is different, however, as the 2-d case is no longer
-Thus, the scipy.unpackbits behavior must be simulated using numpy.unpackbits.
-def scipy_unpackbits(inp, els_per_slice, out_type=None):
-    inp = np.asarray(inp)
-    num4els = ((els_per_slice-1) >> 3) + 1
-    inp = np.reshape(inp, (-1,num4els))
-    res = np.unpackbits(inp, axis=-1)[:,:els_per_slice]
-    return res.ravel()
-convert_objectarray = deprecate(convert_objectarray, message="""
-The same functionality can be obtained using NumPy string arrays and the
-.astype method (except for the optional missing value feature).
-# end deprecated
 # matfile read and write
 from matlab.mio import loadmat, savemat

Deleted: trunk/scipy/io/numpyiomodule.c
--- trunk/scipy/io/numpyiomodule.c	2010-06-18 13:02:16 UTC (rev 6523)
+++ trunk/scipy/io/numpyiomodule.c	2010-06-18 13:02:34 UTC (rev 6524)
@@ -1,1011 +0,0 @@
-/* numpyio.c -- Version 0.9.9
- * 
- * Author:  Travis E. Oliphant
- * Date  :  March 1999
- * 
- * This file is a module for python that defines basically two functions for
- * reading from and writing to a binary file.  It also has some functions
- * for byteswapping data and packing and unpacking bits.
- *
- *  The data goes into a NumPy array object (multiarray)
- *
- * It is basically an implemetation of read and write with the data
- *  going directly into a NumPy array
- * 
- * Permission is granted to use this program however you see fit, but I give 
- *   no guarantees as to its usefulness or reliability.  You assume full
- *   responsibility for using this program.
- *
- *  Thanks to Michael A. Miller <miller5 at uiuc.edu> 
- *    whose TableIO packages helped me learn how
- *    to write an extension package.  I've adapted his Makefile as well.
- */
-#include "Python.h"             /* Python header files */
-#include "numpy/arrayobject.h"
-/* #include <math.h> */
-#include <stdio.h>
-void rbo(char *, int, int);
-void packbits(char *, int, char *, int, int);
-void unpackbits(char *, int, char *, int, int, int);
-int is_little_endian(void);
-static PyObject *ErrorObject;     /* locally-raised exception */
-#define PYERR(message) do {PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, message); goto fail;} while(0)
-#define DATA(arr) ((arr)->data)
-#define DIMS(arr) ((arr)->dimensions)
-#define STRIDES(arr) ((arr)->strides)
-#define ELSIZE(arr) ((arr)->descr->elsize)
-#define OBJECTTYPE(arr) ((arr)->descr->type_num)
-#define BASEOBJ(arr) ((PyArrayObject *)((arr)->base))
-#define RANK(arr) ((arr)->nd)
-#define ISCONTIGUOUS(m) ((m)->flags & NPY_CONTIGUOUS)
-#define PYSETERROR(message) \
-{ PyErr_SetString(ErrorObject, message); goto fail; }
-#define INCREMENT(ret_ind, nd, max_ind) \
-{ \
-  int k; \
-  k = (nd) - 1; \
-  if (++(ret_ind)[k] >= (max_ind)[k]) { \
-    while (k >= 0 && ((ret_ind)[k] >= (max_ind)[k]-1)) \
-      (ret_ind)[k--] = 0; \
-    if (k >= 0) (ret_ind)[k]++; \
-    else (ret_ind)[0] = (max_ind)[0]; \
-  }  \
-#define CALCINDEX(indx, nd_index, strides, ndim) \
-{ \
-  int i; \
- \
-  indx = 0; \
-  for (i=0; i < (ndim); i++)  \
-    indx += nd_index[i]*strides[i]; \
-static PyObject *
- numpyio_fromfile(PyObject *self, PyObject *args)  /* args: number of bytes and type */
-  PyObject *file;
-  PyArrayObject *arr=NULL;
-  PyArray_Descr *indescr=NULL;
-  void     *ibuff=NULL;
-  int      myelsize;
-  int      ibuff_cleared = 1;
-  long      n,nread;
-  char      read_type;
-  FILE     *fp;
-  char      dobyteswap = 0;
-  int      swap_factor;
-  char     out_type = 124;    /* set to unused value */
-  PyArray_VectorUnaryFunc *castfunc;  
-  if (!PyArg_ParseTuple( args, "Olc|cb" , &file, &n, &read_type, &out_type, &dobyteswap ))
-    return NULL;
-  if (out_type == 124)
-    out_type = read_type;
-  fp = PyFile_AsFile(file);
-  if (fp == NULL) {
-    PYSETERROR("First argument must be an open file");
-  } 
-  if (n <= 0) {
-    PYSETERROR("Second argument (number of bytes to read) must be positive.");
-  }
-  /* Make a 1-D NumPy array of type read_type with n elements */ 
-  if ((arr = (PyArrayObject *)PyArray_SimpleNew(1,(npy_intp*)&n,out_type)) == NULL)
-    return NULL;
-  if (arr->descr->elsize == 0) {
-	  PYSETERROR("Does not support variable types.");
-  }
-      /* Read the data into the array from the file */
-  if (out_type == read_type) {
-    ibuff = arr -> data;
-    myelsize = arr -> descr -> elsize;
-  }
-  else {                    /* Alocate a storage buffer for data read in */
-    indescr = PyArray_DescrFromType((int ) read_type);
-    if (indescr == NULL) goto fail;
-    if (indescr->elsize == 0) {
-	    PYSETERROR("Does not support variable types.");
-    }
-    if (PyTypeNum_ISEXTENDED(indescr->type_num)) {
-	    PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, 
-			    "Does not support extended types.");
-	    goto fail;
-    }
-    myelsize = indescr -> elsize;
-    ibuff = malloc(myelsize*n);
-    castfunc = indescr->f->cast[arr->descr->type_num];
-    Py_DECREF(indescr);
-    indescr=NULL;
-    if (ibuff == NULL)
-      PYSETERROR("Could not allocate memory for type casting")
-	ibuff_cleared = 0;
-  }
-  nread = fread(ibuff,myelsize,n,fp);
-  if (ferror(fp)) {
-    clearerr(fp);
-    PYSETERROR("There was an error reading from the file");
-  }
-  /* Check to see correct number of bytes were read.  If not, then
-     resize the array to the number of bytes actually read in.
-  */
-  if (nread < n) {
-    fprintf(stderr,"Warning: %ld bytes requested, %ld bytes read.\n", n, nread);
-    arr->dimensions[0] = nread;
-    arr->data = realloc(arr->data,arr->descr->elsize*nread);
-  }
-  if (dobyteswap) {
-    swap_factor = ((read_type=='F' || read_type=='D') ? 2 : 1);
-    rbo(ibuff,myelsize/swap_factor,nread*swap_factor);
-  }
-  if (out_type != read_type) {    /* We need to type_cast it */
-    castfunc(ibuff, arr->data, nread, NULL, NULL);
-    free(ibuff);
-    ibuff_cleared = 1;
-  }
-  return PyArray_Return(arr);
- fail:
-  Py_XDECREF(indescr);
-  if (!ibuff_cleared) free(ibuff);
-  Py_XDECREF(arr);
-  return NULL;
-static int write_buffered_output(FILE *fp, PyArrayObject *arr, PyArray_Descr* outdescr, char *buffer, int buffer_size, int bswap) {
-  /* INITIALIZE N-D index */
-  /* Loop over the N-D index filling the buffer with the data in arr
-        (indexed correctly using strides)
-     Each time dimension subdim is about to roll
-     write the buffer to disk and fill it again. */
-  char  *buff_ptr, *output_ptr;
-  int nwrite, *nd_index, indx;
-  int buffer_size_bytes, elsize;
-  buff_ptr = buffer;
-  nd_index = (int *)calloc(arr->nd,sizeof(int));
-  if (NULL == nd_index) {
-     PyErr_SetString(ErrorObject,"Could not allocate memory for index array.");
-     return -1;
-  }
-  buffer_size_bytes = buffer_size * arr->descr->elsize;
-  while(nd_index[0] != arr->dimensions[0]) {
-    CALCINDEX(indx,nd_index,arr->strides,arr->nd);
-    memcpy(buff_ptr, arr->data+indx, arr->descr->elsize);
-    buff_ptr += arr->descr->elsize;
-    INCREMENT(nd_index,arr->nd,arr->dimensions);
-    if ((buff_ptr - buffer) >= buffer_size_bytes) {
-      buff_ptr = buffer;
-      if (outdescr->type != arr->descr->type) {  /* Cast to new type before writing */
-	output_ptr = buffer + buffer_size_bytes;
-        (arr->descr->f->cast[outdescr->type_num])(buffer,output_ptr,buffer_size,NULL, NULL);
-	elsize = outdescr->elsize;
-      }
-      else {
-	output_ptr = buffer;
-	elsize = arr->descr->elsize;
-      }
-      if (bswap) {
-	rbo((char *)output_ptr, elsize, buffer_size);
-      }
-      nwrite = fwrite(output_ptr, elsize, buffer_size, fp);
-      if (ferror(fp)) {
-	clearerr(fp);
-	PyErr_SetString(ErrorObject,"There was an error writing to the file");
-	return -1;
-      }
-      if (nwrite < buffer_size) {
-	fprintf(stderr,"Warning: %d of %d specified bytes written.\n",nwrite, buffer_size);
-      }
-    }    
-  }
-  return 0;
-static PyObject *
- numpyio_tofile(PyObject *self, PyObject *args)  /* args: number of bytes and type */
-  PyObject *file;
-  PyArrayObject *arr = NULL;
-  PyObject *obj;
-  PyArray_Descr *outdescr=NULL;
-  void     *obuff = NULL;
-  long      n, k, nwrite, maxN, elsize_bytes;
-  int      myelsize, buffer_size;
-  FILE     *fp;
-  char     *buffer = NULL;
-  char     dobyteswap = 0;
-  int      swap_factor = 1;
-  char     ownalloc = 0;
-  char     write_type = 124;
-  if (!PyArg_ParseTuple( args, "OlO|cb" , &file, &n, &obj, &write_type, &dobyteswap))
-    return NULL;
-  fp = PyFile_AsFile(file);
-  if (fp == NULL) {
-    PYSETERROR("First argument must be an open file");
-  }
-  if (!PyArray_Check(obj)) {
-    PYSETERROR("Third argument must be a NumPy array.");
-  }
-  if (PyArray_ISEXTENDED(obj)) {
-    PYSETERROR("Does not support extended types.");
-  }
-  maxN = PyArray_SIZE((PyArrayObject *)obj);
-  if (n > maxN)
-    PYSETERROR("The NumPy array does not have that many elements.");
-  if (((PyArrayObject *)obj)->descr->type_num == PyArray_OBJECT)
-    PYSETERROR("Cannot write an object array.");
-  if (!PyArray_ISCONTIGUOUS((PyArrayObject *)obj)) {
-    arr = (PyArrayObject *)PyArray_CopyFromObject(obj,((PyArrayObject *)obj) -> descr -> type_num, 0, 0); 
-    if (NULL == arr) { /* Memory allocation failed 
-			 Write out buffered data using strides info */
-      arr = (PyArrayObject *)obj;
-      Py_INCREF(arr);
-      if (write_type == 124)
-	write_type = arr -> descr -> type;
-      if (write_type != arr -> descr -> type) {
-	outdescr = PyArray_DescrFromType((int) write_type);
-	if (outdescr == NULL) goto fail;
-	elsize_bytes = (outdescr->elsize + arr->descr->elsize); /* allocate space for buffer and casted buffer */
-      }
-      else {
-	outdescr = arr->descr;
-	Py_INCREF(outdescr);
-	elsize_bytes = (arr->descr->elsize);
-      }
-      k = 0;
-      do {
-	k++;
-	buffer_size = PyArray_MultiplyList(arr->dimensions + k, arr->nd - k);
-	buffer = (char *)malloc(elsize_bytes*buffer_size);
-      }
-      while ((NULL == buffer) && (k < arr->nd - 1));
-      if (NULL == buffer)  /* Still NULL no size was small enough */
-	PYSETERROR("Could not allocate memory for any attempted output buffer size.");
-      /* Write a buffered output */
-      if (write_buffered_output(fp, (PyArrayObject *)obj, outdescr, buffer, buffer_size, dobyteswap) < 0) {
-	free(buffer);
-	goto fail;
-      }
-      free(buffer);
-      Py_DECREF(outdescr);
-      Py_DECREF(arr);
-      Py_INCREF(Py_None);
-      return Py_None;
-    }
-  }
-  else {
-    arr = (PyArrayObject *)obj;
-    Py_INCREF(arr);
-  }
-  /* Write the array to file (low-level data transfer) */
-  if (n > 0) {
-    if (write_type == 124)   /* Wasn't specified:  use input type */
-      write_type = arr -> descr -> type;    
-    if (write_type == arr -> descr -> type) {  /* point output buffer to data */
-      obuff = arr -> data;
-      myelsize = arr -> descr -> elsize;
-    }
-    else {
-      if ((outdescr = PyArray_DescrFromType((int ) write_type)) == NULL) 
-	      goto fail;
-      myelsize = outdescr -> elsize;
-      obuff = malloc(n*myelsize);
-      if (obuff == NULL)
-	PYSETERROR("Could not allocate memory for type-casting");
-      ownalloc = 1;
-      (arr->descr->f->cast[(int)outdescr->type_num])(arr->data,obuff,n,NULL,NULL);
-      Py_DECREF(outdescr);
-      outdescr=NULL;
-    }      
-    /* Write the data from the array to the file */
-    if (dobyteswap) {
-      swap_factor = ((write_type=='F' || write_type=='D') ? 2 : 1);
-      rbo((char *)obuff,myelsize/swap_factor,n*swap_factor); 
-    }
-    nwrite = fwrite(obuff,myelsize,n,fp);
-    if (dobyteswap) {       /* Swap data in memory back if allocated obuff */
-      if (write_type == arr -> descr -> type)  /* otherwise we changed obuff only */
-	rbo(arr->data,arr->descr->elsize/swap_factor,PyArray_SIZE(arr)*swap_factor);
-    }
-    if (ferror(fp)) {
-      clearerr(fp);
-      PYSETERROR("There was an error writing to the file");
-    }
-    if (nwrite < n) {
-      fprintf(stderr,"Warning: %ld of %ld specified bytes written.\n",nwrite,n);
-    }
-  }
-  if (ownalloc == 1) {
-    free(obuff); 
-  }
-  Py_DECREF(arr);
-  Py_INCREF(Py_None);
-  return Py_None;
- fail:
-  Py_XDECREF(outdescr);
-  if (ownalloc == 1) free(obuff);
-  Py_XDECREF(arr);
-  return NULL;
-static PyObject *
- numpyio_byteswap(PyObject *self, PyObject *args)  /* args: number of bytes and type */
-  PyArrayObject *arr = NULL;
-  PyObject *obj;
-  int type;
-  if (!PyArg_ParseTuple( args, "O" , &obj))
-    return NULL;
-  type = PyArray_ObjectType(obj,0);
-  if ((arr = (PyArrayObject *)PyArray_ContiguousFromObject(obj,type,0,0)) == NULL)
-    return NULL;
-  rbo(arr->data,arr->descr->elsize,PyArray_SIZE(arr));
-  return PyArray_Return(arr);
-static PyObject *
- numpyio_pack(PyObject *self, PyObject *args)  /* args: in */
-  PyArrayObject *arr = NULL, *out = NULL;
-  PyObject *obj;
-  int      els_per_slice;
-  int      out_size;
-  int      type;
-  if (!PyArg_ParseTuple( args, "O" , &obj))
-    return NULL;
-  type = PyArray_ObjectType(obj,0);
-  if ((arr = (PyArrayObject *)PyArray_ContiguousFromObject(obj,type,0,0)) == NULL)
-    return NULL;
-  if (arr->descr->type_num > PyArray_LONG)
-    PYSETERROR("Expecting an input array of integer type (no floats).");
-  /* Get size information from input array and make a 1-D output array of bytes */
-  els_per_slice = arr->dimensions[arr->nd - 1];
-  if (arr->nd > 1) 
-     els_per_slice =  els_per_slice * arr->dimensions[arr->nd - 2]; 
-  out_size = (PyArray_SIZE(arr)/els_per_slice)*ceil ( (float) els_per_slice / 8);
-  if ((out = (PyArrayObject *)PyArray_SimpleNew(1,&out_size,PyArray_UBYTE))==NULL) {
-      goto fail;
-  }
-  packbits(arr->data,arr->descr->elsize,out->data,PyArray_SIZE(arr),els_per_slice);
-  Py_DECREF(arr);
-  return PyArray_Return(out);
- fail:
-  Py_XDECREF(arr);
-  return NULL;
-static PyObject *
- numpyio_unpack(PyObject *self, PyObject *args)  /* args: in, out_type */
-  PyArrayObject *arr = NULL, *out=NULL;
-  PyObject *obj;
-  int      els_per_slice, arrsize;
-  int      out_size, type;
-  char     out_type = 'b';
-  if (!PyArg_ParseTuple( args, "Oi|c" , &obj, &els_per_slice, &out_type))
-    return NULL;
-  if (els_per_slice < 1)
-    PYSETERROR("Second argument is elements_per_slice and it must be >= 1.");
-  type = PyArray_ObjectType(obj,0);
-  if ((arr = (PyArrayObject *)PyArray_ContiguousFromObject(obj,type,0,0)) == NULL)
-    return NULL;
-  arrsize = PyArray_SIZE(arr);
-  if ((arrsize % (int) (ceil( (float) els_per_slice / 8))) != 0)
-    PYSETERROR("That cannot be the number of elements per slice for this array size.");
-  if (arr->descr->type_num > PyArray_LONG)
-    PYSETERROR("Can only unpack arrays that are of integer type.");
-  /* Make an 1-D output array of type out_type */
-  out_size = els_per_slice * arrsize / ceil( (float) els_per_slice / 8);
-  if ((out = (PyArrayObject *)PyArray_SimpleNew(1,&out_size,out_type))==NULL)
-      goto fail;
-  if (out->descr->type_num > PyArray_LONG) {
-    PYSETERROR("Can only unpack bits into integer type.");
-  }
-  unpackbits(arr->data,arr->descr->elsize,out->data,out->descr->elsize,out_size,els_per_slice);
-  Py_DECREF(arr);
-  return PyArray_Return(out);
- fail:
-  Py_XDECREF(out);
-  Py_XDECREF(arr);
-  return NULL;
-static char fread_doc[] = 
-"g = numpyio.fread( fid, Num, read_type { mem_type, byteswap})\n\n"
-"     fid =       open file pointer object (i.e. from fid = open('filename') )\n"
-"     Num =       number of elements to read of type read_type\n"
-"     read_type = a character in 'cb1silfdFD' (PyArray types)\n"
-"                 describing how to interpret bytes on disk.\nOPTIONAL\n"
-"     mem_type =  a character (PyArray type) describing what kind of\n"
-"                 PyArray to return in g.   Default = read_type\n"
-"     byteswap =  0 for no byteswapping or a 1 to byteswap (to handle\n"
-"                 different endianness).    Default = 0.";
-static char fwrite_doc[] = 
-"numpyio.fwrite( fid, Num, myarray { write_type, byteswap} )\n\n"
-"     fid =       open file stream\n"
-"     Num =       number of elements to write\n"
-"     myarray =   NumPy array holding the data to write (will be\n"
-"                 written as if ravel(myarray) was passed)\nOPTIONAL\n"
-"     write_type = character ('cb1silfdFD') describing how to write the\n"
-"                  data (what datatype to use)  Default = type of\n"
-"                  myarray.\n"
-"     byteswap =   0 or 1 to determine if byteswapping occurs on write.\n"
-"                  Default = 0.";
-static char bswap_doc[] = 
-"     out = numpyio.bswap(myarray)\n\n"
-"     myarray = an array whose elements you want to byteswap.\n"
-"     out     = a reference to byteswapped myarray.\n\n"
-"     This does an inplace byte-swap so that myarray is changed in\n"
-"     memory.";
-static char packbits_doc[] = 
-"out = numpyio.packbits(myarray)\n\n"
-"  myarray = an array whose (assumed binary) elements you want to\n"
-"             pack into bits (must be of integer type, 'cb1sl')\n\n"
-"   This routine packs the elements of a binary-valued dataset into a\n"
-"   1-D NumPy array of type PyArray_UBYTE ('b') whose bits correspond to\n"
-"   the logical (0 or nonzero) value of the input elements. \n\n"
-"   If myarray has more dimensions than 2 it packs each slice (rows*columns)\n"
-"   separately.  The number of elements per slice (rows*columns) is\n"
-"   important to know to be able to unpack the data later.\n\n"
-"     Example:\n"
-"     >>> a = array([[[1,0,1],\n"
-"     ...             [0,1,0]],\n"
-"     ...            [[1,1,0],\n"
-"     ...             [0,0,1]]])\n"
-"     >>> b = numpyio.packbits(a)\n"
-"     >>> b\n"
-"     array([168, 196], 'b')\n\n"
-"     Note that 168 = 128 + 32 + 8\n"
-"               196 = 128 + 64 + 4";
-static char unpackbits_doc[] = 
-"out = numpyio.unpackbits(myarray, elements_per_slice {, out_type} )\n\n"
-"     myarray =        Array of integer type ('cb1sl') whose least\n"
-"                      significant byte is a bit-field for the\n"
-"                      resulting output array.\n\n"
-"     elements_per_slice = Necessary for interpretation of myarray.\n"
-"                          This is how many elements in the\n "
-"                         rows*columns of original packed structure.\n\nOPTIONAL\n"
-"     out_type =       The type of output array to populate with 1's\n"
-"                      and 0's.  Must be an integer type.\n\n\nThe output array\n"
-"                      will be a 1-D array of 1's and zero's";
-#define BUFSIZE 256
-/* Convert a Python string object to a complex number */
-static int convert_from_object(PyObject *obj, Py_complex *cnum)
-  PyObject *res=NULL, *elobj=NULL;
-  PyObject *newstr=NULL, *finalobj=NULL, *valobj=NULL;
-  char strbuffer[2*BUFSIZE];
-  char *xptr, *elptr;
-  char *newstrbuff, thischar;
-  char buffer[BUFSIZE];
-  char validnum[] = "0123456789.eE+-";
-  int validlen = 15;
-  int inegflag = 1;
-  int rnegflag = 1;
-  int n, k, m, i, elN, size, state, count;
-  double val;
-  if (!PyString_Check(obj)) return -1;
-  /* strip string */
-  newstr = PyObject_CallMethod(obj, "strip", NULL);
-  if (newstr == NULL) goto fail;
-  /* Replace any 'e+' or 'e-' */
-  size = PyString_GET_SIZE(newstr);
-  newstrbuff = PyString_AsString(newstr);
-  if (newstrbuff == NULL) goto fail;
-  if (size > 2*BUFSIZE) PYERR("String too large.");
-  state = 0;
-  count = 0;
-  for (k=0; k<size; k++) {
-    thischar = newstrbuff[k];
-    if (state == 1) {
-      if (thischar == '+') {
-	thischar = '\254';
-      }
-      else if (thischar == '-') {
-	thischar = '\253';
-      }
-    }
-    if ((thischar == 'e') || (thischar == 'E')) state = 1;
-    else state = 0;
-    strbuffer[count] = thischar;
-    count++;
-  }
-  Py_DECREF(newstr);
-  newstr = PyString_FromStringAndSize(strbuffer, count);
-  if (newstr == NULL) goto fail;
-  xptr = strbuffer;
-  /* Split the string into two substrings first on a ',' then on a '+'
-     or '-' */
-  res = PyObject_CallMethod(newstr, "split", "s", ",");
-  if (res == NULL) goto fail;
-  if (PySequence_Size(res) < 2) {
-    Py_DECREF(res);
-    res = PyObject_CallMethod(newstr, "split", "s", "+");
-    if (res == NULL) goto fail;
-  }
-  if (PySequence_Size(res) < 2) {
-    if ((strbuffer[0] == '(') || (strbuffer[0] == '[') || 
-	(strbuffer[0] == '{')) {
-      xptr++;
-      count--;
-      /* strip leading whitespaces */
-      while (isspace(*xptr)) {xptr++; count--;}
-    }
-    if (xptr[0] == '-') {
-      rnegflag = -1;
-      xptr++;
-      count--;
-    }
-    Py_DECREF(newstr);
-    newstr = PyString_FromStringAndSize(xptr, count);
-    if (newstr == NULL) goto fail;
-    Py_DECREF(res);
-    res = PyObject_CallMethod(newstr, "split", "s", "-");
-    if (res == NULL) goto fail;
-    inegflag = -1;
-  }
-  size = PySequence_Size(res);
-  for (k=0; k < NPY_MIN(size,2); k++) {
-    elobj = PySequence_GetItem(res, k);
-    if (elobj == NULL) goto fail;
-    elN = PyString_Size(elobj);
-    if ((elN > BUFSIZE))
-	PYSETERROR("String too large.");
-    /* Replace back the + and - and strip away invalid characters */
-    elptr = PyString_AsString(elobj);
-    m = 0;
-    for (n=0; n < elN; n++) {
-      thischar = elptr[n];
-      if (thischar == '\254')
-	buffer[m++] = '+';
-      else if (thischar == '\253')
-	buffer[m++] = '-';
-      else {
-	for (i=0; i< validlen; i++) {
-	  if (thischar == validnum[i]) break;
-	}
-	if (i < validlen) buffer[m++] = thischar;
-      }
-    }
-    finalobj = PyString_FromStringAndSize(buffer, m);
-    if (finalobj == NULL) goto fail;
-    valobj = PyFloat_FromString(finalobj, NULL);  /* Try to make a float */
-    if (valobj == NULL) goto fail;
-    val = PyFloat_AsDouble(valobj);
-    if (PyErr_Occurred()) goto fail;
-    Py_DECREF(finalobj);
-    Py_DECREF(valobj);
-    Py_DECREF(elobj);
-    if (k==0) {
-      cnum->real = val*rnegflag;
-    }
-    else {
-      cnum->imag = val*inegflag;
-    }
-  }
-  Py_DECREF(newstr);
-  Py_DECREF(res);
-  return 0;
- fail:
-  Py_XDECREF(res);  
-  Py_XDECREF(elobj);
-  Py_XDECREF(newstr);
-  Py_XDECREF(finalobj);
-  Py_XDECREF(valobj);
-  return -1;
-static int PyTypeFromChar(char ctype)
-  switch(ctype) {
-  case 'c': return PyArray_CHAR;
-  case 'b': return PyArray_UBYTE;
-  case '1': return PyArray_BYTE;
-  case 's': return PyArray_SHORT;
-  case 'i': return PyArray_INT;
-#ifdef PyArray_UNSIGNED_TYPES
-  case 'u': return PyArray_UINT;
-  case 'w': return PyArray_USHORT;
-  case 'l': return PyArray_LONG;
-  case 'f': return PyArray_FLOAT;
-  case 'd': return PyArray_DOUBLE;
-  case 'F': return PyArray_CFLOAT;
-  case 'D': return PyArray_CDOUBLE;
-  case 'O': return PyArray_OBJECT; 
-  }
-  return PyArray_NOTYPE;
-static PyObject *
- numpyio_convert_objects(PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
-  PyObject *obj = NULL, *missing_val = NULL;
-  PyArrayObject *arr = NULL, *out=NULL;
-  PyArrayObject *missing_arr = NULL;
-  PyArray_Descr *descr;
-  PyObject *builtins, *dict;
-  char out_type;
-  int int_type, i, err;
-  char *outptr;
-  PyObject **arrptr;
-  PyObject *numobj=NULL;
-  PyObject *comp_obj;
-  Py_complex numc;
-  PyArray_VectorUnaryFunc *funcptr;
-  if (!PyArg_ParseTuple( args, "Oc|O" , &obj, &out_type, &missing_val))
-    return NULL;
-  if (missing_val == NULL) {
-    missing_val = PyInt_FromLong(0);
-  }
-  else {
-    Py_INCREF(missing_val);  /* Increment missing_val for later DECREF */
-  }
-  int_type = PyTypeFromChar(out_type);
-  if ((int_type == PyArray_NOTYPE) || (int_type == PyArray_OBJECT) || \
-      PyTypeNum_ISEXTENDED(int_type))
-    PYERR("Invalid output type.");
-  missing_arr = (PyArrayObject *)PyArray_ContiguousFromObject(missing_val, 
-							      int_type, 0, 0);
-  Py_DECREF(missing_val);
-  missing_val = NULL;  /* So later later failures don't decrement it */
-  if ((missing_arr == NULL)) goto fail;
-  if ((RANK(missing_arr) > 0)) PYERR("Missing value must be as scalar");
-  arr = (PyArrayObject *)PyArray_ContiguousFromObject(obj, PyArray_OBJECT, 
-						      0, 0);
-  if (arr == NULL) goto fail;
-  out = (PyArrayObject *)PyArray_SimpleNew(RANK(arr), DIMS(arr), int_type);
-  if (out == NULL) goto fail;
-  /* Get the builtin_functions from the builtin module */
-  builtins = PyImport_AddModule("__builtin__");
-  if (builtins == NULL) goto fail;
-  dict = PyModule_GetDict(builtins);
-  comp_obj = PyDict_GetItemString(dict, "complex");
-  if (comp_obj == NULL) goto fail;
-  /*  get_complex = PyDict_GetItemString(dict, "complex");
-  get_float = PyDict_GetItemString(dict, "float");
-  get_int = PyDict_GetItemString(dict, "int");
-  if ((get_complex == NULL) || (get_float == NULL) || (get_int == NULL) ) goto fail;
-  */
-  /* 
-  get_complex_self = PyCFunction_GetSelf(PyDict_GetItemString(dict, "complex"));
-  get_float_self = PyCFunction_GetSelf(PyDict_GetItemString(dict, "float"));
-  get_int_self = PyCFunction_GetSelf(PyDict_GetItemString(dict, "int"));
-  */
-  /* Loop through arr and convert each element and place in out */
-  i = PyArray_Size((PyObject *)arr);
-  arrptr = ((PyObject **)DATA(arr)) - 1;
-  outptr = (DATA(out)) - ELSIZE(out);
-  descr = PyArray_DescrFromType(PyArray_CDOUBLE);
-  funcptr = descr->f->cast[int_type];
-  Py_DECREF(descr);
-  while (i--) {
-    outptr += ELSIZE(out);
-    arrptr  += 1;
-    numc.real = 0;
-    numc.imag = 0;
-    numobj = PyObject_CallFunction(comp_obj, "O", *arrptr);
-    if (numobj != NULL) {
-      numc = PyComplex_AsCComplex(numobj);
-      Py_DECREF(numobj);
-    }
-    if (PyErr_Occurred()) {   /* Use our own homegrown converter... */
-	PyErr_Clear();
-	err = convert_from_object(*arrptr, &numc);
-	if (PyErr_Occurred()) PyErr_Clear();
-	if (err < 0) {     /* Nothing works fill with missing value... */
-	    memcpy(outptr, DATA(missing_arr), ELSIZE(out));
-	}
-    }
-    /* Place numc into the array */
-    funcptr((void *)&(numc.real), (void *)outptr, 1, NULL, NULL);
-  }
-  Py_DECREF(missing_arr);
-  Py_DECREF(arr);
-  return PyArray_Return(out);
- fail:
-  Py_XDECREF(out);
-  Py_XDECREF(arr); 
-  Py_XDECREF(missing_arr);
-  Py_XDECREF(missing_val);
-  return NULL;
-static char convert_objects_doc[] = 
-"convert_objectarray(myarray, arraytype{, missing_value} ) -> out \n\n"
-"    myarray = Sequence of strings.\n"
-"    arraytype = Type of output array.\n"
-"    missing_value = Value to insert when conversion fails.";
-/* *************************************************************************** */
-/* Method registration table: name-string -> function-pointer */
-static struct PyMethodDef numpyio_methods[] = {
-  {"fread",     numpyio_fromfile,   1, fread_doc},
-  {"fwrite",    numpyio_tofile,     1, fwrite_doc},
-  {"bswap",     numpyio_byteswap,   1, bswap_doc},
-  {"packbits",  numpyio_pack,       1, packbits_doc},
-  {"unpackbits", numpyio_unpack,     1, unpackbits_doc},
-  {"convert_objectarray", numpyio_convert_objects, 1, convert_objects_doc},
-  {NULL,         NULL}
-PyMODINIT_FUNC initnumpyio(void)
-  PyObject *m, *d;
-  import_array();   /* allows multiarray to be a shared library (I think) */
-  /* Should be defined in arrayobject.h */
-  /* create the module and add the functions */
-  m = Py_InitModule("numpyio", numpyio_methods);        /* registration hook */
-  /* add symbolic constants to the module */
-  d = PyModule_GetDict(m);
-  ErrorObject = Py_BuildValue("s", "numpyio.error");   /* export exception */
-  PyDict_SetItemString(d, "error", ErrorObject);       /* add more if need */
-/*                                                        */
-/*   SYNOPSIS: rbo(data, bpe, nel) ;                      */
-/*             where:                                     */
-/* 	    nel..... number of array elements             */
-/* 	    data.... pointer to the first byte in the     */
-/* 	             array                                */
-/* 	    bpe..... bytes per array element              */
-/*                                                        */
-/*   PURPOSE: convert data from little to big endian (and */
-/*            visa-versa)                                 */
-/*                                                        */
-void rbo(char * data, int bpe, int nel) 
-	int nswaps, i,j;		/* number of swaps to make per element */
-	char tmp;			/* temporary storage for swapping      */
-	long int p1, p2;		/* indexes for elements to be swapped  */
-	nswaps = bpe / 2;  		/* divide element size by two          */
-	if (nswaps == 0) return;	/* return if it is a byte array        */
-	p1 = 0;
-	for ( i=0; i<nel; i++) {
-		p1 = i*bpe;
-		p2 = p1 + bpe - 1;
-		for (j=0; j<nswaps; j++) {
-			tmp      = data[p1];
-			data[p1] = data[p2];
-			data[p2] = tmp;
-			p1++;
-			p2--;
-		}
-	}
-	return;
-    This function packs binary (0 or 1) 1-bit per pixel images
-        into bytes for writing to disk. 
-void packbits(
-	      char	In[],
-              int       element_size,  /* in bytes */
-	      char	Out[],
-              int       total_elements,
-              int       els_per_slice
-	     )
-  char          build;
-  int           i,index,slice,slices,out_bytes;
-  int           maxi, remain, nonzero, j;
-  char          *outptr,*inptr;
-  outptr = Out;                          /* pointer to output buffer */
-  inptr  = In;                           /* pointer to input buffer */
-  slices = total_elements/els_per_slice;
-  out_bytes = ceil( (float) els_per_slice / 8);     /* number of bytes in each slice */
-  remain = els_per_slice % 8;                      /* uneven bits */
-  if (remain == 0) remain = 8;           /* */
-  /*  printf("Start: %d %d %d %d %d\n",inM,MN,slices,out_bytes,remain);
-   */
-  for (slice = 0; slice < slices; slice++) {
-    for (index = 0; index < out_bytes; index++) {
-      build = 0;
-      maxi = (index != out_bytes - 1 ? 8 : remain);
-      for (i = 0; i < maxi ; i++) {
-        build <<= 1;                 /* shift bits left one bit */
-        nonzero = 0;
-        for (j = 0; j < element_size; j++)  /* determine if this number is non-zero */
-          nonzero += (*(inptr++) != 0);
-        build += (nonzero > 0);                   /* add to this bit if the input value is non-zero */
-      }
-      if (index == out_bytes - 1) build <<= (8-remain);
-      /*      printf("Here: %d %d %d %d\n",build,slice,index,maxi); 
-       */
-      *(outptr++) = build;
-    }
-  }
-  return;
-void unpackbits(
-		char    In[],
-		int     in_element_size,
-	        char    Out[],
-                int     element_size,
-	        int     total_elements,
-                int     els_per_slice
-               )
-  unsigned char mask;
-  int           i,index,slice,slices,out_bytes;
-  int           maxi, remain;
-  char          *outptr,*inptr;
-  outptr = Out;
-  inptr  = In;
-  if (is_little_endian()) {
-     fprintf(stderr,"This is a little-endian machine.\n"); 
-  }
-  else {
-     fprintf(stderr,"This is a big-endian machine.\n");
-     outptr += (element_size - 1);
-     inptr  += (in_element_size - 1);
-  }
-  slices = total_elements / els_per_slice;
-  out_bytes = ceil( (float) els_per_slice / 8);
-  remain = els_per_slice % 8;
-  if (remain == 0) remain = 8;
-  /*  printf("Start: %d %d %d %d %d\n",inM,MN,slices,out_bytes,remain);
-   */
-  for (slice = 0; slice < slices; slice++) {
-    for (index = 0; index < out_bytes; index++) {
-      maxi = (index != out_bytes - 1 ? 8 : remain);
-      mask = 128;
-      for (i = 0; i < maxi ; i++) {
-        *outptr = ((mask & (unsigned char)(*inptr)) > 0);
-        outptr += element_size;
-        mask >>= 1;
-      }
-      /*      printf("Here: %d %d %d %d\n",build,slice,index,maxi); 
-       */
-      inptr += in_element_size;
-    }
-  }
-  return;
-int is_little_endian()
-{                      /*                             high low  */
-  short testnum = 1;   /* If little endian it will be 0x00 0x01 */
-                       /* If big endian it will be    0x01 0x00 */
-  void *testptr;
-  char *myptr;
-  testptr = (void *)(&testnum);  /* Assumes address gives low-byte in memory */
-  myptr = (char*)testptr;
-  return (*(myptr) == 1);

Modified: trunk/scipy/io/setup.py
--- trunk/scipy/io/setup.py	2010-06-18 13:02:16 UTC (rev 6523)
+++ trunk/scipy/io/setup.py	2010-06-18 13:02:34 UTC (rev 6524)
@@ -4,9 +4,6 @@
     from numpy.distutils.misc_util import Configuration
     config = Configuration('io', parent_package, top_path)
-    config.add_extension('numpyio',
-                         sources = ['numpyiomodule.c'])

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