[Scipy-svn] r6321 - in trunk/scipy/linalg: . tests

scipy-svn at scipy.org scipy-svn at scipy.org
Fri Apr 9 22:54:35 EDT 2010

Author: warren.weckesser
Date: 2010-04-09 21:54:35 -0500 (Fri, 09 Apr 2010)
New Revision: 6321

DOC+TEST: linalg: Add a docstring and tests for cho_solve_banded.

Modified: trunk/scipy/linalg/decomp_cholesky.py
--- trunk/scipy/linalg/decomp_cholesky.py	2010-04-10 01:55:23 UTC (rev 6320)
+++ trunk/scipy/linalg/decomp_cholesky.py	2010-04-10 02:54:35 UTC (rev 6321)
@@ -197,18 +197,39 @@
     return c
-def cho_solve_banded((ab, lower), b, overwrite_b=False):
-    """To be written..."""
+def cho_solve_banded((cb, lower), b, overwrite_b=False):
+    """Solve the linear equations A x = b, given the Cholesky factorization of A.
-    ab = asarray_chkfinite(ab)
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    (cb, lower) : tuple, (array, bool)
+        `cb` is the Cholesky factorization of A, as given by cholesky_banded.
+        `lower` must be the same value that was given to cholesky_banded.
+    b : array
+        Right-hand side
+    overwrite_b : bool
+        If True, the function will overwrite the values in `b`.    
+    Returns
+    -------
+    x : array
+        The solution to the system A x = b
+    See also
+    --------
+    cholesky_banded : Cholesky factorization of a banded matrix
+    """
+    cb = asarray_chkfinite(cb)
     b = asarray_chkfinite(b)
     # Validate shapes.
-    if ab.shape[-1] != b.shape[0]:
-        raise ValueError("shapes of ab and b are not compatible.")
+    if cb.shape[-1] != b.shape[0]:
+        raise ValueError("shapes of cb and b are not compatible.")
-    pbtrs, = get_lapack_funcs(('pbtrs',), (ab, b))
-    x, info = pbtrs(ab, b, lower=lower, overwrite_b=overwrite_b)
+    pbtrs, = get_lapack_funcs(('pbtrs',), (cb, b))
+    x, info = pbtrs(cb, b, lower=lower, overwrite_b=overwrite_b)
     if info > 0:
         raise LinAlgError("%d-th leading minor not positive definite" % info)
     if info < 0:

Modified: trunk/scipy/linalg/tests/test_basic.py
--- trunk/scipy/linalg/tests/test_basic.py	2010-04-10 01:55:23 UTC (rev 6320)
+++ trunk/scipy/linalg/tests/test_basic.py	2010-04-10 02:54:35 UTC (rev 6321)
@@ -335,69 +335,6 @@
-class TestCholeskyBanded(TestCase):
-    def test_upper_real(self):
-        # Symmetric positive definite banded matrix `a`
-        a = array([[4.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0],
-                    [1.0, 4.0, 0.5, 0.0],
-                    [0.0, 0.5, 4.0, 0.2],
-                    [0.0, 0.0, 0.2, 4.0]])
-        # Banded storage form of `a`.
-        ab = array([[-1.0, 1.0, 0.5, 0.2],
-                     [4.0, 4.0, 4.0, 4.0]])
-        c = cholesky_banded(ab, lower=False)
-        ufac = zeros_like(a)
-        ufac[range(4),range(4)] = c[-1]
-        ufac[(0,1,2),(1,2,3)] = c[0,1:]
-        assert_array_almost_equal(a, dot(ufac.T, ufac))
-    def test_upper_complex(self):
-        # Hermitian positive definite banded matrix `a`
-        a = array([[4.0, 1.0,  0.0,  0.0],
-                    [1.0, 4.0,  0.5,  0.0],
-                    [0.0, 0.5,  4.0, -0.2j],
-                    [0.0, 0.0,  0.2j, 4.0]])
-        # Banded storage form of `a`.
-        ab = array([[-1.0, 1.0, 0.5, -0.2j],
-                     [4.0, 4.0, 4.0,  4.0]])
-        c = cholesky_banded(ab, lower=False)
-        ufac = zeros_like(a)
-        ufac[range(4),range(4)] = c[-1]
-        ufac[(0,1,2),(1,2,3)] = c[0,1:]
-        assert_array_almost_equal(a, dot(ufac.conj().T, ufac))
-    def test_lower_real(self):
-        # Symmetric positive definite banded matrix `a`
-        a = array([[4.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0],
-                    [1.0, 4.0, 0.5, 0.0],
-                    [0.0, 0.5, 4.0, 0.2],
-                    [0.0, 0.0, 0.2, 4.0]])
-        # Banded storage form of `a`.
-        ab = array([[4.0, 4.0, 4.0, 4.0],
-                    [1.0, 0.5, 0.2, -1.0]])
-        c = cholesky_banded(ab, lower=True)
-        lfac = zeros_like(a)
-        lfac[range(4),range(4)] = c[0]
-        lfac[(1,2,3),(0,1,2)] = c[1,:3]
-        assert_array_almost_equal(a, dot(lfac, lfac.T))
-    def test_lower_complex(self):
-        # Hermitian positive definite banded matrix `a`
-        a = array([[4.0, 1.0,  0.0,  0.0],
-                    [1.0, 4.0,  0.5,  0.0],
-                    [0.0, 0.5,  4.0, -0.2j],
-                    [0.0, 0.0,  0.2j, 4.0]])
-        # Banded storage form of `a`.
-        ab = array([[4.0, 4.0, 4.0,  4.0],
-                    [1.0, 0.5, 0.2j, -1.0]])
-        c = cholesky_banded(ab, lower=True)
-        lfac = zeros_like(a)
-        lfac[range(4),range(4)] = c[0]
-        lfac[(1,2,3),(0,1,2)] = c[1,:3]
-        assert_array_almost_equal(a, dot(lfac, lfac.conj().T))
 class TestInv(TestCase):
     def test_simple(self):
@@ -550,8 +487,6 @@
 class TestPinv(TestCase):
     def test_simple(self):

Modified: trunk/scipy/linalg/tests/test_decomp.py
--- trunk/scipy/linalg/tests/test_decomp.py	2010-04-10 01:55:23 UTC (rev 6320)
+++ trunk/scipy/linalg/tests/test_decomp.py	2010-04-10 02:54:35 UTC (rev 6321)
@@ -15,7 +15,8 @@
 import numpy as np
-from numpy.testing import *
+from numpy.testing import TestCase, assert_equal, assert_array_almost_equal, \
+        assert_array_equal, assert_raises, run_module_suite
 from scipy.linalg import eig, eigvals, lu, svd, svdvals, cholesky, qr, \
      schur, rsf2csf, lu_solve, lu_factor, solve, diagsvd, hessenberg, rq, \
@@ -790,55 +791,7 @@
     def test_simple(self):
-class TestCholesky(TestCase):
-    def test_simple(self):
-        a = [[8,2,3],[2,9,3],[3,3,6]]
-        c = cholesky(a)
-        assert_array_almost_equal(dot(transpose(c),c),a)
-        c = transpose(c)
-        a = dot(c,transpose(c))
-        assert_array_almost_equal(cholesky(a,lower=1),c)
-    def test_simple_complex(self):
-        m = array([[3+1j,3+4j,5],[0,2+2j,2+7j],[0,0,7+4j]])
-        a = dot(transpose(conjugate(m)),m)
-        c = cholesky(a)
-        a1 = dot(transpose(conjugate(c)),c)
-        assert_array_almost_equal(a,a1)
-        c = transpose(c)
-        a = dot(c,transpose(conjugate(c)))
-        assert_array_almost_equal(cholesky(a,lower=1),c)
-    def test_random(self):
-        n = 20
-        for k in range(2):
-            m = random([n,n])
-            for i in range(n):
-                m[i,i] = 20*(.1+m[i,i])
-            a = dot(transpose(m),m)
-            c = cholesky(a)
-            a1 = dot(transpose(c),c)
-            assert_array_almost_equal(a,a1)
-            c = transpose(c)
-            a = dot(c,transpose(c))
-            assert_array_almost_equal(cholesky(a,lower=1),c)
-    def test_random_complex(self):
-        n = 20
-        for k in range(2):
-            m = random([n,n])+1j*random([n,n])
-            for i in range(n):
-                m[i,i] = 20*(.1+abs(m[i,i]))
-            a = dot(transpose(conjugate(m)),m)
-            c = cholesky(a)
-            a1 = dot(transpose(conjugate(c)),c)
-            assert_array_almost_equal(a,a1)
-            c = transpose(c)
-            a = dot(c,transpose(conjugate(c)))
-            assert_array_almost_equal(cholesky(a,lower=1),c)
 class TestQR(TestCase):
     def test_simple(self):

Added: trunk/scipy/linalg/tests/test_decomp_cholesky.py
--- trunk/scipy/linalg/tests/test_decomp_cholesky.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/scipy/linalg/tests/test_decomp_cholesky.py	2010-04-10 02:54:35 UTC (rev 6321)
@@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
+from numpy.testing import TestCase, assert_array_almost_equal
+from numpy import array, transpose, dot, conjugate, zeros_like
+from numpy.random import rand
+from scipy.linalg import cholesky, cholesky_banded, cho_solve_banded
+def random(size):
+    return rand(*size)
+class TestCholesky(TestCase):
+    def test_simple(self):
+        a = [[8,2,3],[2,9,3],[3,3,6]]
+        c = cholesky(a)
+        assert_array_almost_equal(dot(transpose(c),c),a)
+        c = transpose(c)
+        a = dot(c,transpose(c))
+        assert_array_almost_equal(cholesky(a,lower=1),c)
+    def test_simple_complex(self):
+        m = array([[3+1j,3+4j,5],[0,2+2j,2+7j],[0,0,7+4j]])
+        a = dot(transpose(conjugate(m)),m)
+        c = cholesky(a)
+        a1 = dot(transpose(conjugate(c)),c)
+        assert_array_almost_equal(a,a1)
+        c = transpose(c)
+        a = dot(c,transpose(conjugate(c)))
+        assert_array_almost_equal(cholesky(a,lower=1),c)
+    def test_random(self):
+        n = 20
+        for k in range(2):
+            m = random([n,n])
+            for i in range(n):
+                m[i,i] = 20*(.1+m[i,i])
+            a = dot(transpose(m),m)
+            c = cholesky(a)
+            a1 = dot(transpose(c),c)
+            assert_array_almost_equal(a,a1)
+            c = transpose(c)
+            a = dot(c,transpose(c))
+            assert_array_almost_equal(cholesky(a,lower=1),c)
+    def test_random_complex(self):
+        n = 20
+        for k in range(2):
+            m = random([n,n])+1j*random([n,n])
+            for i in range(n):
+                m[i,i] = 20*(.1+abs(m[i,i]))
+            a = dot(transpose(conjugate(m)),m)
+            c = cholesky(a)
+            a1 = dot(transpose(conjugate(c)),c)
+            assert_array_almost_equal(a,a1)
+            c = transpose(c)
+            a = dot(c,transpose(conjugate(c)))
+            assert_array_almost_equal(cholesky(a,lower=1),c)
+class TestCholeskyBanded(TestCase):
+    """Tests for cholesky_banded() and cho_solve_banded."""
+    def test_upper_real(self):
+        # Symmetric positive definite banded matrix `a`
+        a = array([[4.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0],
+                    [1.0, 4.0, 0.5, 0.0],
+                    [0.0, 0.5, 4.0, 0.2],
+                    [0.0, 0.0, 0.2, 4.0]])
+        # Banded storage form of `a`.
+        ab = array([[-1.0, 1.0, 0.5, 0.2],
+                     [4.0, 4.0, 4.0, 4.0]])
+        c = cholesky_banded(ab, lower=False)
+        ufac = zeros_like(a)
+        ufac[range(4),range(4)] = c[-1]
+        ufac[(0,1,2),(1,2,3)] = c[0,1:]
+        assert_array_almost_equal(a, dot(ufac.T, ufac))
+        b = array([0.0, 0.5, 4.2, 4.2])
+        x = cho_solve_banded((c, False), b)
+        assert_array_almost_equal(x, [0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0])
+    def test_upper_complex(self):
+        # Hermitian positive definite banded matrix `a`
+        a = array([[4.0, 1.0,  0.0,  0.0],
+                    [1.0, 4.0,  0.5,  0.0],
+                    [0.0, 0.5,  4.0, -0.2j],
+                    [0.0, 0.0,  0.2j, 4.0]])
+        # Banded storage form of `a`.
+        ab = array([[-1.0, 1.0, 0.5, -0.2j],
+                     [4.0, 4.0, 4.0,  4.0]])
+        c = cholesky_banded(ab, lower=False)
+        ufac = zeros_like(a)
+        ufac[range(4),range(4)] = c[-1]
+        ufac[(0,1,2),(1,2,3)] = c[0,1:]
+        assert_array_almost_equal(a, dot(ufac.conj().T, ufac))
+        b = array([0.0, 0.5, 4.0-0.2j, 0.2j + 4.0])
+        x = cho_solve_banded((c, False), b)
+        assert_array_almost_equal(x, [0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0])
+    def test_lower_real(self):
+        # Symmetric positive definite banded matrix `a`
+        a = array([[4.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0],
+                    [1.0, 4.0, 0.5, 0.0],
+                    [0.0, 0.5, 4.0, 0.2],
+                    [0.0, 0.0, 0.2, 4.0]])
+        # Banded storage form of `a`.
+        ab = array([[4.0, 4.0, 4.0, 4.0],
+                    [1.0, 0.5, 0.2, -1.0]])
+        c = cholesky_banded(ab, lower=True)
+        lfac = zeros_like(a)
+        lfac[range(4),range(4)] = c[0]
+        lfac[(1,2,3),(0,1,2)] = c[1,:3]
+        assert_array_almost_equal(a, dot(lfac, lfac.T))
+        b = array([0.0, 0.5, 4.2, 4.2])
+        x = cho_solve_banded((c, True), b)
+        assert_array_almost_equal(x, [0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0])
+    def test_lower_complex(self):
+        # Hermitian positive definite banded matrix `a`
+        a = array([[4.0, 1.0,  0.0,  0.0],
+                    [1.0, 4.0,  0.5,  0.0],
+                    [0.0, 0.5,  4.0, -0.2j],
+                    [0.0, 0.0,  0.2j, 4.0]])
+        # Banded storage form of `a`.
+        ab = array([[4.0, 4.0, 4.0,  4.0],
+                    [1.0, 0.5, 0.2j, -1.0]])
+        c = cholesky_banded(ab, lower=True)
+        lfac = zeros_like(a)
+        lfac[range(4),range(4)] = c[0]
+        lfac[(1,2,3),(0,1,2)] = c[1,:3]
+        assert_array_almost_equal(a, dot(lfac, lfac.conj().T))
+        b = array([0.0, 0.5j, 3.8j, 3.8])
+        x = cho_solve_banded((c, True), b)
+        assert_array_almost_equal(x, [0.0, 0.0, 1.0j, 1.0])

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