[Scipy-svn] r6307 - in trunk: doc/source scipy/signal

scipy-svn at scipy.org scipy-svn at scipy.org
Mon Apr 5 22:52:03 EDT 2010

Author: warren.weckesser
Date: 2010-04-05 21:52:03 -0500 (Mon, 05 Apr 2010)
New Revision: 6307

REF: signal: Moved the windows to their own file.

Modified: trunk/doc/source/signal.rst
--- trunk/doc/source/signal.rst	2010-04-06 00:14:20 UTC (rev 6306)
+++ trunk/doc/source/signal.rst	2010-04-06 02:52:03 UTC (rev 6307)
@@ -135,22 +135,24 @@
 .. autosummary::
    :toctree: generated/
-   boxcar
-   triang
-   parzen
-   bohman
+   get_window
+   barthann
+   bartlett
-   nuttall
+   bohman
+   boxcar
+   chebwin
-   bartlett
+   gaussian
+   general_gaussian
+   hamming
-   barthann
-   hamming
-   gaussian
-   general_gaussian
+   nuttall
+   parzen
+   triang

Modified: trunk/scipy/signal/__init__.py
--- trunk/scipy/signal/__init__.py	2010-04-06 00:14:20 UTC (rev 6306)
+++ trunk/scipy/signal/__init__.py	2010-04-06 02:52:03 UTC (rev 6307)
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
 from bsplines import *
 from filter_design import *
 from ltisys import *
+from windows import *
 from signaltools import *
 from wavelets import *

Modified: trunk/scipy/signal/info.py
--- trunk/scipy/signal/info.py	2010-04-06 00:14:20 UTC (rev 6306)
+++ trunk/scipy/signal/info.py	2010-04-06 02:52:03 UTC (rev 6307)
@@ -92,22 +92,24 @@
  Window functions:
+    get_window       -- Return a window of a given length and type.
+    barthann         -- Bartlett-Hann window
+    bartlett         -- Bartlett window
+    blackman         -- Blackman window
+    blackmanharris   -- Minimum 4-term Blackman-Harris window    
+    bohman           -- Bohman window
     boxcar           -- Boxcar window
-    triang           -- Triangular window
-    parzen           -- Parzen window
-    bohman           -- Bohman window
-    blackman         -- Blackman window
-    blackmanharris   -- Minimum 4-term Blackman-Harris window
-    nuttall          -- Nuttall's minimum 4-term Blackman-Harris window
+    chebwin          -- Dolph-Chebyshev window
     flattop          -- Flat top window
-    bartlett         -- Bartlett window
+    gaussian         -- Gaussian window
+    general_gaussian -- Generalized Gaussian window
+    hamming          -- Hamming window
     hann             -- Hann window
-    barthann         -- Bartlett-Hann window
-    hamming          -- Hamming window
     kaiser           -- Kaiser window
-    gaussian         -- Gaussian window
-    general_gaussian -- Generalized Gaussian window
+    nuttall          -- Nuttall's minimum 4-term Blackman-Harris window
+    parzen           -- Parzen window
     slepian          -- Slepian window
+    triang           -- Triangular window

Modified: trunk/scipy/signal/signaltools.py
--- trunk/scipy/signal/signaltools.py	2010-04-06 00:14:20 UTC (rev 6306)
+++ trunk/scipy/signal/signaltools.py	2010-04-06 02:52:03 UTC (rev 6307)
@@ -1,23 +1,21 @@
 # Author: Travis Oliphant
 # 1999 -- 2002
-import types
 import warnings
 import sigtools
-from scipy import special, linalg
+from scipy import linalg
 from scipy.fftpack import fft, ifft, ifftshift, fft2, ifft2, fftn, \
-     ifftn, fftfreq
-from numpy import polyadd, polymul, polydiv, polysub, \
-     roots, poly, polyval, polyder, cast, asarray, isscalar, atleast_1d, \
-     ones, sin, linspace, real, extract, real_if_close, zeros, array, arange, \
-     where, sqrt, rank, newaxis, argmax, product, cos, pi, exp, \
-     ravel, size, less_equal, sum, r_, iscomplexobj, take, \
-     argsort, allclose, expand_dims, unique, prod, sort, reshape, \
-     transpose, dot, any, mean, cosh, arccosh, \
-     arccos, concatenate, flipud, ndarray
+        ifftn, fftfreq
+from numpy import polyadd, polymul, polydiv, polysub, roots, \
+        poly, polyval, polyder, cast, asarray, isscalar, atleast_1d, \
+        ones, real, real_if_close, zeros, array, arange, where, rank, \
+        newaxis, product, ravel, sum, r_, iscomplexobj, take, \
+        argsort, allclose, expand_dims, unique, prod, sort, reshape, \
+        transpose, dot, any, mean, flipud, ndarray
 import numpy as np
 from scipy.misc import factorial
+from .windows import get_window
 _modedict = {'valid':0, 'same':1, 'full':2}
@@ -625,8 +623,8 @@
      zi = {z_0[-1], z_1[-1], ..., z_K-1[-1]}  where K=max(M,N).
-    N = size(a)-1
-    M = size(b)-1
+    N = np.size(a)-1
+    M = np.size(b)-1
     K = max(M,N)
     y = asarray(y)
     zi = zeros(K,y.dtype.char)
@@ -634,10 +632,10 @@
         x = zeros(M,y.dtype.char)
         x = asarray(x)
-        L = size(x)
+        L = np.size(x)
         if L < M:
             x = r_[x,zeros(M-L)]
-    L = size(y)
+    L = np.size(y)
     if L < N:
         y = r_[y,zeros(N-L)]
@@ -668,366 +666,7 @@
     return quot, rem
-def boxcar(M,sym=1):
-    """The M-point boxcar window.
-    """
-    return ones(M, float)
-def triang(M,sym=1):
-    """The M-point triangular window.
-    """
-    if M < 1:
-        return array([])
-    if M == 1:
-        return ones(1,'d')
-    odd = M % 2
-    if not sym and not odd:
-        M = M + 1
-    n = arange(1,int((M+1)/2)+1)
-    if M % 2 == 0:
-        w = (2*n-1.0)/M
-        w = r_[w, w[::-1]]
-    else:
-        w = 2*n/(M+1.0)
-        w = r_[w, w[-2::-1]]
-    if not sym and not odd:
-        w = w[:-1]
-    return w
-def parzen(M,sym=1):
-    """The M-point Parzen window.
-    """
-    if M < 1:
-        return array([])
-    if M == 1:
-        return ones(1,'d')
-    odd = M % 2
-    if not sym and not odd:
-        M = M+1
-    n = arange(-(M-1)/2.0,(M-1)/2.0+0.5,1.0)
-    na = extract(n < -(M-1)/4.0, n)
-    nb = extract(abs(n) <= (M-1)/4.0, n)
-    wa = 2*(1-abs(na)/(M/2.0))**3.0
-    wb = 1-6*(abs(nb)/(M/2.0))**2.0 + 6*(abs(nb)/(M/2.0))**3.0
-    w = r_[wa,wb,wa[::-1]]
-    if not sym and not odd:
-        w = w[:-1]
-    return w
-def bohman(M,sym=1):
-    """The M-point Bohman window.
-    """
-    if M < 1:
-        return array([])
-    if M == 1:
-        return ones(1,'d')
-    odd = M % 2
-    if not sym and not odd:
-        M = M+1
-    fac = abs(linspace(-1,1,M)[1:-1])
-    w = (1 - fac)* cos(pi*fac) + 1.0/pi*sin(pi*fac)
-    w = r_[0,w,0]
-    if not sym and not odd:
-        w = w[:-1]
-    return w
-def blackman(M,sym=1):
-    """The M-point Blackman window.
-    """
-    if M < 1:
-        return array([])
-    if M == 1:
-        return ones(1,'d')
-    odd = M % 2
-    if not sym and not odd:
-        M = M+1
-    n = arange(0,M)
-    w = 0.42-0.5*cos(2.0*pi*n/(M-1)) + 0.08*cos(4.0*pi*n/(M-1))
-    if not sym and not odd:
-        w = w[:-1]
-    return w
-def nuttall(M,sym=1):
-    """A minimum 4-term Blackman-Harris window according to Nuttall.
-    """
-    if M < 1:
-        return array([])
-    if M == 1:
-        return ones(1,'d')
-    odd = M % 2
-    if not sym and not odd:
-        M = M+1
-    a = [0.3635819, 0.4891775, 0.1365995, 0.0106411]
-    n = arange(0,M)
-    fac = n*2*pi/(M-1.0)
-    w = a[0] - a[1]*cos(fac) + a[2]*cos(2*fac) - a[3]*cos(3*fac)
-    if not sym and not odd:
-        w = w[:-1]
-    return w
-def blackmanharris(M,sym=1):
-    """The M-point minimum 4-term Blackman-Harris window.
-    """
-    if M < 1:
-        return array([])
-    if M == 1:
-        return ones(1,'d')
-    odd = M % 2
-    if not sym and not odd:
-        M = M+1
-    a = [0.35875, 0.48829, 0.14128, 0.01168];
-    n = arange(0,M)
-    fac = n*2*pi/(M-1.0)
-    w = a[0] - a[1]*cos(fac) + a[2]*cos(2*fac) - a[3]*cos(3*fac)
-    if not sym and not odd:
-        w = w[:-1]
-    return w
-def flattop(M,sym=1):
-    """The M-point Flat top window.
-    """
-    if M < 1:
-        return array([])
-    if M == 1:
-        return ones(1,'d')
-    odd = M % 2
-    if not sym and not odd:
-        M = M+1
-    a = [0.2156, 0.4160, 0.2781, 0.0836, 0.0069]
-    n = arange(0,M)
-    fac = n*2*pi/(M-1.0)
-    w = a[0] - a[1]*cos(fac) + a[2]*cos(2*fac) - a[3]*cos(3*fac) + \
-        a[4]*cos(4*fac)
-    if not sym and not odd:
-        w = w[:-1]
-    return w
-def bartlett(M,sym=1):
-    """The M-point Bartlett window.
-    """
-    if M < 1:
-        return array([])
-    if M == 1:
-        return ones(1,'d')
-    odd = M % 2
-    if not sym and not odd:
-        M = M+1
-    n = arange(0,M)
-    w = where(less_equal(n,(M-1)/2.0),2.0*n/(M-1),2.0-2.0*n/(M-1))
-    if not sym and not odd:
-        w = w[:-1]
-    return w
-def hanning(M,sym=1):
-    """The M-point Hanning window.
-    """
-    if M < 1:
-        return array([])
-    if M == 1:
-        return ones(1,'d')
-    odd = M % 2
-    if not sym and not odd:
-        M = M+1
-    n = arange(0,M)
-    w = 0.5-0.5*cos(2.0*pi*n/(M-1))
-    if not sym and not odd:
-        w = w[:-1]
-    return w
-hann = hanning
-def barthann(M,sym=1):
-    """Return the M-point modified Bartlett-Hann window.
-    """
-    if M < 1:
-        return array([])
-    if M == 1:
-        return ones(1,'d')
-    odd = M % 2
-    if not sym and not odd:
-        M = M+1
-    n = arange(0,M)
-    fac = abs(n/(M-1.0)-0.5)
-    w = 0.62 - 0.48*fac + 0.38*cos(2*pi*fac)
-    if not sym and not odd:
-        w = w[:-1]
-    return w
-def hamming(M,sym=1):
-    """The M-point Hamming window.
-    """
-    if M < 1:
-        return array([])
-    if M == 1:
-        return ones(1,'d')
-    odd = M % 2
-    if not sym and not odd:
-        M = M+1
-    n = arange(0,M)
-    w = 0.54-0.46*cos(2.0*pi*n/(M-1))
-    if not sym and not odd:
-        w = w[:-1]
-    return w
-def kaiser(M,beta,sym=1):
-    """Return a Kaiser window of length M with shape parameter beta.
-    """
-    if M < 1:
-        return array([])
-    if M == 1:
-        return ones(1,'d')
-    odd = M % 2
-    if not sym and not odd:
-        M = M+1
-    n = arange(0,M)
-    alpha = (M-1)/2.0
-    w = special.i0(beta * sqrt(1-((n-alpha)/alpha)**2.0))/special.i0(beta)
-    if not sym and not odd:
-        w = w[:-1]
-    return w
-def gaussian(M,std,sym=1):
-    """Return a Gaussian window of length M with standard-deviation std.
-    """
-    if M < 1:
-        return array([])
-    if M == 1:
-        return ones(1,'d')
-    odd = M % 2
-    if not sym and not odd:
-        M = M + 1
-    n = arange(0,M)-(M-1.0)/2.0
-    sig2 = 2*std*std
-    w = exp(-n**2 / sig2)
-    if not sym and not odd:
-        w = w[:-1]
-    return w
-def general_gaussian(M,p,sig,sym=1):
-    """Return a window with a generalized Gaussian shape.
-    exp(-0.5*(x/sig)**(2*p))
-    half power point is at (2*log(2)))**(1/(2*p))*sig
-    """
-    if M < 1:
-        return array([])
-    if M == 1:
-        return ones(1,'d')
-    odd = M % 2
-    if not sym and not odd:
-        M = M+1
-    n = arange(0,M)-(M-1.0)/2.0
-    w = exp(-0.5*(n/sig)**(2*p))
-    if not sym and not odd:
-        w = w[:-1]
-    return w
-# contributed by Kumar Appaiah.
-def chebwin(M, at, sym=1):
-    """Dolph-Chebyshev window.
-    INPUTS:
-      M : int
-        Window size
-      at : float
-        Attenuation (in dB)
-      sym : bool
-        Generates symmetric window if True.
-    """
-    if M < 1:
-        return array([])
-    if M == 1:
-        return ones(1,'d')
-    odd = M % 2
-    if not sym and not odd:
-        M = M+1
-    # compute the parameter beta
-    order = M - 1.0
-    beta = cosh(1.0/order * arccosh(10**(abs(at)/20.)))
-    k = r_[0:M]*1.0
-    x = beta*cos(pi*k/M)
-    #find the window's DFT coefficients
-    # Use analytic definition of Chebyshev polynomial instead of expansion
-    # from scipy.special. Using the expansion in scipy.special leads to errors.
-    p = zeros(x.shape)
-    p[x > 1] = cosh(order * arccosh(x[x > 1]))
-    p[x < -1] = (1 - 2*(order%2)) * cosh(order * arccosh(-x[x < -1]))
-    p[np.abs(x) <=1 ] = cos(order * arccos(x[np.abs(x) <= 1]))
-    # Appropriate IDFT and filling up
-    # depending on even/odd M
-    if M % 2:
-        w = real(fft(p))
-        n = (M + 1) / 2
-        w = w[:n] / w[0]
-        w = concatenate((w[n - 1:0:-1], w))
-    else:
-        p = p * exp(1.j*pi / M * r_[0:M])
-        w = real(fft(p))
-        n = M / 2 + 1
-        w = w / w[1]
-        w = concatenate((w[n - 1:0:-1], w[1:n]))
-    if not sym and not odd:
-        w = w[:-1]
-    return w
-def slepian(M,width,sym=1):
-    """Return the M-point slepian window.
-    """
-    if (M*width > 27.38):
-        raise ValueError, "Cannot reliably obtain slepian sequences for"\
-              " M*width > 27.38."
-    if M < 1:
-        return array([])
-    if M == 1:
-        return ones(1,'d')
-    odd = M % 2
-    if not sym and not odd:
-        M = M+1
-    twoF = width/2.0
-    alpha = (M-1)/2.0
-    m = arange(0,M)-alpha
-    n = m[:,newaxis]
-    k = m[newaxis,:]
-    AF = twoF*special.sinc(twoF*(n-k))
-    [lam,vec] = linalg.eig(AF)
-    ind = argmax(abs(lam),axis=-1)
-    w = abs(vec[:,ind])
-    w = w / max(w)
-    if not sym and not odd:
-        w = w[:-1]
-    return w
 def hilbert(x, N=None, axis=-1):
     """Compute the analytic signal.
@@ -1423,88 +1062,6 @@
     return b, a
-def get_window(window,Nx,fftbins=1):
-    """Return a window of length Nx and type window.
-    If fftbins is 1, create a "periodic" window ready to use with ifftshift
-    and be multiplied by the result of an fft (SEE ALSO fftfreq).
-    Window types:  boxcar, triang, blackman, hamming, hanning, bartlett,
-                   parzen, bohman, blackmanharris, nuttall, barthann,
-                   kaiser (needs beta), gaussian (needs std),
-                   general_gaussian (needs power, width),
-                   slepian (needs width)
-    If the window requires no parameters, then it can be a string.
-    If the window requires parameters, the window argument should be a tuple
-        with the first argument the string name of the window, and the next
-        arguments the needed parameters.
-    If window is a floating point number, it is interpreted as the beta
-        parameter of the kaiser window.
-    """
-    sym = not fftbins
-    try:
-        beta = float(window)
-    except (TypeError, ValueError):
-        args = ()
-        if isinstance(window, types.TupleType):
-            winstr = window[0]
-            if len(window) > 1:
-                args = window[1:]
-        elif isinstance(window, types.StringType):
-            if window in ['kaiser', 'ksr', 'gaussian', 'gauss', 'gss',
-                        'general gaussian', 'general_gaussian',
-                        'general gauss', 'general_gauss', 'ggs',
-                        'slepian', 'optimal', 'slep', 'dss']:
-                raise ValueError, "That window needs a parameter -- pass a tuple"
-            else:
-                winstr = window
-        if winstr in ['blackman', 'black', 'blk']:
-            winfunc = blackman
-        elif winstr in ['triangle', 'triang', 'tri']:
-            winfunc = triang
-        elif winstr in ['hamming', 'hamm', 'ham']:
-            winfunc = hamming
-        elif winstr in ['bartlett', 'bart', 'brt']:
-            winfunc = bartlett
-        elif winstr in ['hanning', 'hann', 'han']:
-            winfunc = hanning
-        elif winstr in ['blackmanharris', 'blackharr','bkh']:
-            winfunc = blackmanharris
-        elif winstr in ['parzen', 'parz', 'par']:
-            winfunc = parzen
-        elif winstr in ['bohman', 'bman', 'bmn']:
-            winfunc = bohman
-        elif winstr in ['nuttall', 'nutl', 'nut']:
-            winfunc = nuttall
-        elif winstr in ['barthann', 'brthan', 'bth']:
-            winfunc = barthann
-        elif winstr in ['flattop', 'flat', 'flt']:
-            winfunc = flattop
-        elif winstr in ['kaiser', 'ksr']:
-            winfunc = kaiser
-        elif winstr in ['gaussian', 'gauss', 'gss']:
-            winfunc = gaussian
-        elif winstr in ['general gaussian', 'general_gaussian',
-                        'general gauss', 'general_gauss', 'ggs']:
-            winfunc = general_gaussian
-        elif winstr in ['boxcar', 'box', 'ones']:
-            winfunc = boxcar
-        elif winstr in ['slepian', 'slep', 'optimal', 'dss']:
-            winfunc = slepian
-        else:
-            raise ValueError, "Unknown window type."
-        params = (Nx,)+args + (sym,)
-    else:
-        winfunc = kaiser
-        params = (Nx,beta,sym)
-    return winfunc(*params)
 def resample(x,num,t=None,axis=0,window=None):
     """Resample to num samples using Fourier method along the given axis.

Added: trunk/scipy/signal/windows.py
--- trunk/scipy/signal/windows.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/scipy/signal/windows.py	2010-04-06 02:52:03 UTC (rev 6307)
@@ -0,0 +1,449 @@
+"""The suite of window functions."""
+import types
+import numpy as np
+from scipy import special, linalg
+from scipy.fftpack import fft
+def boxcar(M, sym=True):
+    """The M-point boxcar window.
+    """
+    return np.ones(M, float)
+def triang(M, sym=True):
+    """The M-point triangular window.
+    """
+    if M < 1:
+        return np.array([])
+    if M == 1:
+        return np.ones(1,'d')
+    odd = M % 2
+    if not sym and not odd:
+        M = M + 1
+    n = np.arange(1,int((M+1)/2)+1)
+    if M % 2 == 0:
+        w = (2*n-1.0)/M
+        w = np.r_[w, w[::-1]]
+    else:
+        w = 2*n/(M+1.0)
+        w = np.r_[w, w[-2::-1]]
+    if not sym and not odd:
+        w = w[:-1]
+    return w
+def parzen(M, sym=True):
+    """The M-point Parzen window.
+    """
+    if M < 1:
+        return np.array([])
+    if M == 1:
+        return np.ones(1,'d')
+    odd = M % 2
+    if not sym and not odd:
+        M = M+1
+    n = np.arange(-(M-1)/2.0,(M-1)/2.0+0.5,1.0)
+    na = np.extract(n < -(M-1)/4.0, n)
+    nb = np.extract(abs(n) <= (M-1)/4.0, n)
+    wa = 2*(1-np.abs(na)/(M/2.0))**3.0
+    wb = 1-6*(np.abs(nb)/(M/2.0))**2.0 + 6*(np.abs(nb)/(M/2.0))**3.0
+    w = np.r_[wa,wb,wa[::-1]]
+    if not sym and not odd:
+        w = w[:-1]
+    return w
+def bohman(M, sym=True):
+    """The M-point Bohman window.
+    """
+    if M < 1:
+        return np.array([])
+    if M == 1:
+        return np.ones(1,'d')
+    odd = M % 2
+    if not sym and not odd:
+        M = M+1
+    fac = np.abs(np.linspace(-1,1,M)[1:-1])
+    w = (1 - fac) * np.cos(np.pi*fac) + 1.0/np.pi*np.sin(np.pi*fac)
+    w = np.r_[0,w,0]
+    if not sym and not odd:
+        w = w[:-1]
+    return w
+def blackman(M, sym=True):
+    """The M-point Blackman window.
+    """
+    if M < 1:
+        return np.array([])
+    if M == 1:
+        return np.ones(1,'d')
+    odd = M % 2
+    if not sym and not odd:
+        M = M+1
+    n = np.arange(0,M)
+    w = 0.42-0.5*np.cos(2.0*np.pi*n/(M-1)) + 0.08*np.cos(4.0*np.pi*n/(M-1))
+    if not sym and not odd:
+        w = w[:-1]
+    return w
+def nuttall(M, sym=True):
+    """A minimum 4-term Blackman-Harris window according to Nuttall.
+    """
+    if M < 1:
+        return np.array([])
+    if M == 1:
+        return np.ones(1,'d')
+    odd = M % 2
+    if not sym and not odd:
+        M = M+1
+    a = [0.3635819, 0.4891775, 0.1365995, 0.0106411]
+    n = np.arange(0,M)
+    fac = n*2*np.pi/(M-1.0)
+    w = a[0] - a[1]*np.cos(fac) + a[2]*np.cos(2*fac) - a[3]*np.cos(3*fac)
+    if not sym and not odd:
+        w = w[:-1]
+    return w
+def blackmanharris(M, sym=True):
+    """The M-point minimum 4-term Blackman-Harris window.
+    """
+    if M < 1:
+        return np.array([])
+    if M == 1:
+        return np.ones(1,'d')
+    odd = M % 2
+    if not sym and not odd:
+        M = M+1
+    a = [0.35875, 0.48829, 0.14128, 0.01168];
+    n = np.arange(0,M)
+    fac = n*2*np.pi/(M-1.0)
+    w = a[0] - a[1]*np.cos(fac) + a[2]*np.cos(2*fac) - a[3]*np.cos(3*fac)
+    if not sym and not odd:
+        w = w[:-1]
+    return w
+def flattop(M, sym=True):
+    """The M-point Flat top window.
+    """
+    if M < 1:
+        return np.array([])
+    if M == 1:
+        return np.ones(1,'d')
+    odd = M % 2
+    if not sym and not odd:
+        M = M+1
+    a = [0.2156, 0.4160, 0.2781, 0.0836, 0.0069]
+    n = np.arange(0,M)
+    fac = n*2*np.pi/(M-1.0)
+    w = a[0] - a[1]*np.cos(fac) + a[2]*np.cos(2*fac) - a[3]*np.cos(3*fac) + \
+        a[4]*np.cos(4*fac)
+    if not sym and not odd:
+        w = w[:-1]
+    return w
+def bartlett(M, sym=True):
+    """The M-point Bartlett window.
+    """
+    if M < 1:
+        return np.array([])
+    if M == 1:
+        return np.ones(1,'d')
+    odd = M % 2
+    if not sym and not odd:
+        M = M+1
+    n = np.arange(0,M)
+    w = np.where(np.less_equal(n,(M-1)/2.0),2.0*n/(M-1),2.0-2.0*n/(M-1))
+    if not sym and not odd:
+        w = w[:-1]
+    return w
+def hanning(M, sym=True):
+    """The M-point Hanning window.
+    """
+    if M < 1:
+        return np.array([])
+    if M == 1:
+        return np.ones(1,'d')
+    odd = M % 2
+    if not sym and not odd:
+        M = M+1
+    n = np.arange(0,M)
+    w = 0.5-0.5*np.cos(2.0*np.pi*n/(M-1))
+    if not sym and not odd:
+        w = w[:-1]
+    return w
+hann = hanning
+def barthann(M, sym=True):
+    """Return the M-point modified Bartlett-Hann window.
+    """
+    if M < 1:
+        return np.array([])
+    if M == 1:
+        return np.ones(1,'d')
+    odd = M % 2
+    if not sym and not odd:
+        M = M+1
+    n = np.arange(0,M)
+    fac = np.abs(n/(M-1.0)-0.5)
+    w = 0.62 - 0.48*fac + 0.38*np.cos(2*np.pi*fac)
+    if not sym and not odd:
+        w = w[:-1]
+    return w
+def hamming(M, sym=True):
+    """The M-point Hamming window.
+    """
+    if M < 1:
+        return np.array([])
+    if M == 1:
+        return np.ones(1,'d')
+    odd = M % 2
+    if not sym and not odd:
+        M = M+1
+    n = np.arange(0,M)
+    w = 0.54-0.46*np.cos(2.0*np.pi*n/(M-1))
+    if not sym and not odd:
+        w = w[:-1]
+    return w
+def kaiser(M, beta, sym=True):
+    """Return a Kaiser window of length M with shape parameter beta.
+    """
+    if M < 1:
+        return np.array([])
+    if M == 1:
+        return np.ones(1,'d')
+    odd = M % 2
+    if not sym and not odd:
+        M = M + 1
+    n = np.arange(0,M)
+    alpha = (M-1)/2.0
+    w = special.i0(beta * np.sqrt(1-((n-alpha)/alpha)**2.0))/special.i0(beta)
+    if not sym and not odd:
+        w = w[:-1]
+    return w
+def gaussian(M, std, sym=True):
+    """Return a Gaussian window of length M with standard-deviation std.
+    """
+    if M < 1:
+        return np.array([])
+    if M == 1:
+        return np.ones(1,'d')
+    odd = M % 2
+    if not sym and not odd:
+        M = M + 1
+    n = np.arange(0,M) - (M-1.0)/2.0
+    sig2 = 2*std*std
+    w = np.exp(-n**2 / sig2)
+    if not sym and not odd:
+        w = w[:-1]
+    return w
+def general_gaussian(M, p, sig, sym=True):
+    """Return a window with a generalized Gaussian shape.
+    exp(-0.5*(x/sig)**(2*p))
+    half power point is at (2*log(2)))**(1/(2*p))*sig
+    """
+    if M < 1:
+        return np.array([])
+    if M == 1:
+        return np.ones(1,'d')
+    odd = M % 2
+    if not sym and not odd:
+        M = M + 1
+    n = np.arange(0,M) - (M-1.0)/2.0
+    w = np.exp(-0.5*(n/sig)**(2*p))
+    if not sym and not odd:
+        w = w[:-1]
+    return w
+# `chebwin` contributed by Kumar Appaiah.
+def chebwin(M, at, sym=True):
+    """Dolph-Chebyshev window.
+    INPUTS:
+      M : int
+        Window size
+      at : float
+        Attenuation (in dB)
+      sym : bool
+        Generates symmetric window if True.
+    """
+    if M < 1:
+        return np.array([])
+    if M == 1:
+        return np.ones(1,'d')
+    odd = M % 2
+    if not sym and not odd:
+        M = M + 1
+    # compute the parameter beta
+    order = M - 1.0
+    beta = np.cosh(1.0/order * np.arccosh(10**(np.abs(at)/20.)))
+    k = np.r_[0:M]*1.0
+    x = beta * np.cos(np.pi*k/M)
+    #find the window's DFT coefficients
+    # Use analytic definition of Chebyshev polynomial instead of expansion
+    # from scipy.special. Using the expansion in scipy.special leads to errors.
+    p = np.zeros(x.shape)
+    p[x > 1] = np.cosh(order * np.arccosh(x[x > 1]))
+    p[x < -1] = (1 - 2*(order%2)) * np.cosh(order * np.arccosh(-x[x < -1]))
+    p[np.abs(x) <=1 ] = np.cos(order * np.arccos(x[np.abs(x) <= 1]))
+    # Appropriate IDFT and filling up
+    # depending on even/odd M
+    if M % 2:
+        w = np.real(fft(p))
+        n = (M + 1) / 2
+        w = w[:n] / w[0]
+        w = np.concatenate((w[n - 1:0:-1], w))
+    else:
+        p = p * np.exp(1.j*np.pi / M * np.r_[0:M])
+        w = np.real(fft(p))
+        n = M / 2 + 1
+        w = w / w[1]
+        w = np.concatenate((w[n - 1:0:-1], w[1:n]))
+    if not sym and not odd:
+        w = w[:-1]
+    return w
+def slepian(M, width, sym=True):
+    """Return the M-point slepian window.
+    """
+    if (M*width > 27.38):
+        raise ValueError, "Cannot reliably obtain slepian sequences for"\
+              " M*width > 27.38."
+    if M < 1:
+        return np.array([])
+    if M == 1:
+        return np.ones(1,'d')
+    odd = M % 2
+    if not sym and not odd:
+        M = M+1
+    twoF = width/2.0
+    alpha = (M-1)/2.0
+    m = np.arange(0,M) - alpha
+    n = m[:,np.newaxis]
+    k = m[np.newaxis,:]
+    AF = twoF*special.sinc(twoF*(n-k))
+    [lam,vec] = linalg.eig(AF)
+    ind = np.argmax(abs(lam),axis=-1)
+    w = np.abs(vec[:,ind])
+    w = w / max(w)
+    if not sym and not odd:
+        w = w[:-1]
+    return w
+def get_window(window, Nx, fftbins=True):
+    """Return a window of length Nx and type window.
+    If fftbins is True, create a "periodic" window ready to use with ifftshift
+    and be multiplied by the result of an fft (SEE ALSO fftfreq).
+    Window types:  boxcar, triang, blackman, hamming, hanning, bartlett,
+                   parzen, bohman, blackmanharris, nuttall, barthann,
+                   kaiser (needs beta), gaussian (needs std),
+                   general_gaussian (needs power, width),
+                   slepian (needs width)
+    If the window requires no parameters, then it can be a string.
+    If the window requires parameters, the window argument should be a tuple
+        with the first argument the string name of the window, and the next
+        arguments the needed parameters.
+    If window is a floating point number, it is interpreted as the beta
+        parameter of the kaiser window.
+    """
+    sym = not fftbins
+    try:
+        beta = float(window)
+    except (TypeError, ValueError):
+        args = ()
+        if isinstance(window, types.TupleType):
+            winstr = window[0]
+            if len(window) > 1:
+                args = window[1:]
+        elif isinstance(window, types.StringType):
+            if window in ['kaiser', 'ksr', 'gaussian', 'gauss', 'gss',
+                        'general gaussian', 'general_gaussian',
+                        'general gauss', 'general_gauss', 'ggs',
+                        'slepian', 'optimal', 'slep', 'dss']:
+                raise ValueError, "That window needs a parameter -- pass a tuple"
+            else:
+                winstr = window
+        if winstr in ['blackman', 'black', 'blk']:
+            winfunc = blackman
+        elif winstr in ['triangle', 'triang', 'tri']:
+            winfunc = triang
+        elif winstr in ['hamming', 'hamm', 'ham']:
+            winfunc = hamming
+        elif winstr in ['bartlett', 'bart', 'brt']:
+            winfunc = bartlett
+        elif winstr in ['hanning', 'hann', 'han']:
+            winfunc = hanning
+        elif winstr in ['blackmanharris', 'blackharr','bkh']:
+            winfunc = blackmanharris
+        elif winstr in ['parzen', 'parz', 'par']:
+            winfunc = parzen
+        elif winstr in ['bohman', 'bman', 'bmn']:
+            winfunc = bohman
+        elif winstr in ['nuttall', 'nutl', 'nut']:
+            winfunc = nuttall
+        elif winstr in ['barthann', 'brthan', 'bth']:
+            winfunc = barthann
+        elif winstr in ['flattop', 'flat', 'flt']:
+            winfunc = flattop
+        elif winstr in ['kaiser', 'ksr']:
+            winfunc = kaiser
+        elif winstr in ['gaussian', 'gauss', 'gss']:
+            winfunc = gaussian
+        elif winstr in ['general gaussian', 'general_gaussian',
+                        'general gauss', 'general_gauss', 'ggs']:
+            winfunc = general_gaussian
+        elif winstr in ['boxcar', 'box', 'ones']:
+            winfunc = boxcar
+        elif winstr in ['slepian', 'slep', 'optimal', 'dss']:
+            winfunc = slepian
+        else:
+            raise ValueError, "Unknown window type."
+        params = (Nx,)+args + (sym,)
+    else:
+        winfunc = kaiser
+        params = (Nx,beta,sym)
+    return winfunc(*params)

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