[Scipy-svn] r2471 - in trunk/Lib/sandbox/timeseries: . plotlib

scipy-svn at scipy.org scipy-svn at scipy.org
Tue Jan 2 12:09:38 EST 2007

Author: mattknox_ca
Date: 2007-01-02 11:09:32 -0600 (Tue, 02 Jan 2007)
New Revision: 2471

Added a folder remotely

Added: trunk/Lib/sandbox/timeseries/plotlib/__init__.py
--- trunk/Lib/sandbox/timeseries/plotlib/__init__.py	2007-01-02 15:31:29 UTC (rev 2470)
+++ trunk/Lib/sandbox/timeseries/plotlib/__init__.py	2007-01-02 17:09:32 UTC (rev 2471)
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+from plot import *
\ No newline at end of file

Added: trunk/Lib/sandbox/timeseries/plotlib/__init__.pyc
(Binary files differ)

Property changes on: trunk/Lib/sandbox/timeseries/plotlib/__init__.pyc
Name: svn:mime-type
   + application/octet-stream

Added: trunk/Lib/sandbox/timeseries/plotlib/plot.py
--- trunk/Lib/sandbox/timeseries/plotlib/plot.py	2007-01-02 15:31:29 UTC (rev 2470)
+++ trunk/Lib/sandbox/timeseries/plotlib/plot.py	2007-01-02 17:09:32 UTC (rev 2471)
@@ -0,0 +1,230 @@
+import pylab as pl
+import timeseries as ts
+from matplotlib.ticker import FixedLocator, FuncFormatter
+import numpy as np
+import types
+class DateAxis:
+    def __init__(self, start_date, end_date):
+        freq = start_date.freq
+        numPers = end_date - start_date + 1
+        self.xaxis = np.arange(numPers)
+        self.xlabel_txt = ''
+        tser = ts.tser(start_date, end_date)
+        minor_labels = ['' for x in range(numPers)]
+        major_labels = ['' for x in range(numPers)]
+        minor_ticks = []
+        major_ticks = []
+        years = ts.year(tser)
+        year_starts = (years - ts.year(tser-1) != 0)
+        year_start_inds = [int(x) for x in np.where(year_starts)[0]]
+        quarters = ts.quarter(tser)
+        quarter_starts = (quarters - ts.quarter(tser-1) != 0)
+        quarter_start_inds = [int(x) for x in np.where(quarter_starts)[0]]
+        months = ts.month(tser)
+        month_starts = (months - ts.month(tser-1) != 0)
+        month_start_inds = [int(x) for x in np.where(month_starts)[0]]
+        def yearsOnly(minor_labels, major_labels, minor_ticks, major_ticks):
+            numYears = end_date.year() - start_date.year()
+            if numYears < 20: minor_spacing, major_spacing = 1, 2
+            elif numYears < 50: minor_spacing, major_spacing = 1, 5
+            elif numYears < 100: minor_spacing, major_spacing = 5, 10
+            elif numYears < 200: minor_spacing, major_spacing = 5, 20
+            elif numYears < 400: minor_spacing,  major_spacing = 5, 25
+            elif numYears < 1000: minor_spacing,  major_spacing = 10, 50
+            else: minor_spacing,  major_spacing = 20, 100
+            for x in [y for y in year_start_inds if years[y] % minor_spacing == 0]:
+                minor_ticks += [x]
+                if years[x] % major_spacing == 0:
+                    major_ticks += [x]
+                    major_labels[x] += (start_date + x).strfmt('%Y')
+            return minor_labels, major_labels, minor_ticks, major_ticks
+        if freq == 'A':
+            minor_labels, major_labels, minor_ticks, major_ticks = \
+                yearsOnly(minor_labels, major_labels, minor_ticks, major_ticks)
+        elif freq == 'Q':
+            if numPers <= 3 * 4:
+                minor_ticks = list(range(numPers))
+                major_ticks = year_start_inds
+                for x in range(numPers):
+                    minor_labels[x] = (start_date + x).strfmt('Q%q')
+                    if year_starts[x]:
+                        major_labels[x] += '\n\n'+(start_date + x).strfmt('%Y')
+            elif numPers <= 11 * 12:
+                minor_ticks = list(range(numPers))
+                for x in [y for y in quarter_start_inds if quarters[y] == 1]:
+                    major_ticks += [x]
+                    major_labels[x] += (start_date + x).strfmt('%Y')
+            else:
+                minor_labels, major_labels, minor_ticks, major_ticks = \
+                    yearsOnly(minor_labels, major_labels, minor_ticks, major_ticks)
+        elif freq == 'M':
+            if numPers <= 1.5 * 12:
+                minor_ticks = list(range(numPers))
+                major_ticks = year_start_inds
+                for x in range(numPers):
+                    minor_labels[x] = (start_date + x).strfmt('%b')
+                    if year_starts[x]:
+                        major_labels[x] += '\n\n'+(start_date + x).strfmt('%Y')
+            elif numPers <= 3 * 12:
+                minor_ticks = list(range(numPers))
+                for x in range(numPers):
+                    _date = start_date + x
+                    if (_date.month() - 1) % 2 == 0:
+                        minor_labels[x] += _date.strfmt('%b')
+                        if year_starts[x] == 1:
+                            major_ticks += [x]
+                            major_labels[x] += '\n\n'+_date.strfmt('%Y')
+            elif numPers <= 11 * 12:
+                minor_ticks = quarter_start_inds
+                for x in [y for y in quarter_start_inds if quarters[y] == 1]:
+                    major_ticks += [x]
+                    major_labels[x] += (start_date + x).strfmt('%Y')
+            else:
+                minor_labels, major_labels, minor_ticks, major_ticks = \
+                    yearsOnly(minor_labels, major_labels, minor_ticks, major_ticks)
+        elif freq in ('B', 'D'):
+            if freq == 'B': daysInYear = 261
+            else: daysInYear = 365
+            if numPers <= daysInYear // 3:
+                if numPers < daysInYear // 12: spacing = 1
+                else: spacing = 5
+                minor_ticks = list(range(numPers))
+                major_ticks = [int(x) for x in month_start_inds]
+                for x in range(numPers):
+                    _date = start_date + x
+                    if x % spacing == 0:  minor_labels[x] = _date.strfmt('%d')
+                    if month_starts[x]:
+                        major_labels[x] += '\n\n'+_date.strfmt('%b')
+                        major_ticks += [x]
+                        if year_starts[x]:
+                            major_labels[x] += '\n'+_date.strfmt('%Y')
+            elif numPers <= 1.5 * daysInYear:
+                minor_ticks = list(range(numPers))
+                major_ticks = month_start_inds
+                for x in month_start_inds:
+                    _date = start_date + x
+                    major_labels[x] += _date.strfmt('%b')
+                    if months[x] == 1: major_labels[x] += '\n'+_date.strfmt('%Y')
+            elif numPers <= 3 * daysInYear:
+                minor_ticks = month_start_inds
+                for x in [y for y in month_start_inds if (months[y] - 1) % 3 == 0]:
+                    _date = start_date + x
+                    minor_labels[x] += _date.strfmt('%b')
+                    if months[x] == 1:
+                        major_ticks += [x]
+                        major_labels[x] += '\n\n'+_date.strfmt('%Y')
+            elif numPers <= 11 * daysInYear:
+                minor_ticks = quarter_start_inds
+                for x in [y for y in quarter_start_inds if quarters[y] == 1]:
+                    major_ticks += [x]
+                    major_labels[x] += (start_date + x).strfmt('%Y')
+            else:
+                minor_labels, major_labels, minor_ticks, major_ticks = \
+                    yearsOnly(minor_labels, major_labels, minor_ticks, major_ticks)
+        else:
+            raise ValueError("unsupported frequency: "+freq)
+        # if date range is such that no year or month is included in the labels, add these to the start
+        if years[0] == years[-1] and (start_date - 1).year() == start_date.year():
+            breaksBeforeYear = 2
+            if freq in ('B', 'D'):
+                if months[0] == months[-1] and (start_date - 1).month() == start_date.month():
+                    major_labels[0] += '\n\n'+start_date.strfmt('%b')
+                    breaksBeforeYear = 1
+            if breaksBeforeYear > 1 and len([x for x in major_labels if x != '']) > 0: breaksBeforeYear += 1
+            major_labels[0] += ('\n' * breaksBeforeYear)+(start_date).strfmt('%Y')
+            if 0 not in major_ticks: major_ticks = [0] + major_ticks
+        self.major_labels = major_labels
+        self.major_locator = FixedLocator(major_ticks)
+        self.minor_labels = minor_labels
+        self.minor_locator = FixedLocator(minor_ticks)
+    def minor_formatter(self, x, pos):
+        if type(x) is types.IntType:
+            return self.minor_labels[x]
+        else:
+            return ''
+    def major_formatter(self, x, pos):
+        if type(x) is types.IntType:
+            return self.major_labels[x]
+        else:
+            return ''
+    def set_labels(self, subplot):
+        subplot.xaxis.set_minor_locator(self.minor_locator)
+        subplot.xaxis.set_minor_formatter(FuncFormatter(self.minor_formatter))
+        subplot.xaxis.set_major_locator(self.major_locator)
+        subplot.xaxis.set_major_formatter(FuncFormatter(self.major_formatter))

Added: trunk/Lib/sandbox/timeseries/plotlib/plot.pyc
(Binary files differ)

Property changes on: trunk/Lib/sandbox/timeseries/plotlib/plot.pyc
Name: svn:mime-type
   + application/octet-stream

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