[Scipy-svn] r2736 - trunk/Lib/sandbox/timeseries/io/fame

scipy-svn at scipy.org scipy-svn at scipy.org
Tue Feb 20 13:57:10 EST 2007

Author: mattknox_ca
Date: 2007-02-20 12:57:08 -0600 (Tue, 20 Feb 2007)
New Revision: 2736

replaced with core.py

Deleted: trunk/Lib/sandbox/timeseries/io/fame/fame.py
--- trunk/Lib/sandbox/timeseries/io/fame/fame.py	2007-02-20 18:56:26 UTC (rev 2735)
+++ trunk/Lib/sandbox/timeseries/io/fame/fame.py	2007-02-20 18:57:08 UTC (rev 2736)
@@ -1,715 +0,0 @@
-pyfame TODO:
-- implement "commit"
-- implement "create_from_pyobj"
-Add unit tests:
-    - db_created
-    - db_modified
-    - is_open
-    - db_desc
-    - db_doc
-    - create
-    - commit
-    - create_from_pyobj
-Add new functions:
-    - set_obj_attr
-    - get_obj_attr
-    - modified
-    - created
-    - desc
-    - freq
-    - copy
-    - rename
-import sys, types, re, os
-import timeseries as ts
-import cfame
-import mapping as mp
-import numpy
-import maskedarray as ma
-import thread
-fameLock = thread.allocate_lock()
-class CaseInsensitiveDict(dict):
-    def __init__(self, data={}):
-        for i, v in data.iteritems():
-            self[i.upper()] = v
-    def __getitem__(self, key):
-        if hasattr(key, 'upper'): key = key.upper()
-        return super(CaseInsensitiveDict, self).__getitem__(key)
-    def __setitem__(self, key, item):
-        if hasattr(key, 'upper'): key = key.upper()
-        super(CaseInsensitiveDict, self).__setitem__(key, item)
-def _single_or_multi_func(dbkey, name, func, *args, **kwargs):
-    if isinstance(name, str):
-        single_obj = True
-        name = [name]
-    else:
-        single_obj = False
-    result = {}
-    for n in name:
-        result[n] = func(dbkey, n, *args, **kwargs)
-    if single_obj:
-        return result.values()[0]
-    return result
-def _famedate_to_tsdate(fame_date, freqstr):
-    "convert integer fame date to a timeseries Date"
-    value = fame_date + mp.value_adjust[ts.freq_fromstr(freqstr)]
-    return ts.Date(freq=freqstr, value=value)
-class DBError(Exception): pass
-class FameDb(object):
-    """Fame database object.
-    x = FameDb(conn_str, mode='r')
-    - `conn_str` (str) : valid connection string. Can be a physical path,
-    channel specification, etc.
-    - `mode` (str, *['r']*) : method of access to the database. Can be one
-    of the following:
-        'r' => read only
-        's' => shared
-        'o' => overwrite
-        'c' => create
-        'u' => update
-        'w' => write
-        'd' => direct
-    - For changes to be commited, you must explictly use the "commit" or
-      "close" methods (changes are commited on close). Changes are NOT
-      committed when the database object is deleted."""
-    def __init__(self, conn_str, mode='r'):
-        mode = mode.lower()
-        if mode == 'r':
-            intmode = mp.HRMODE
-        elif mode == 's':
-            intmode = mp.HSMODE
-        elif mode == 'u':
-            intmode = mp.HUMODE
-        elif mode == 'w':
-            intmode = mp.HWMODE
-        elif mode == 'd':
-            intmode = mp.HDMODE
-        elif mode == 'c':
-            intmode = mp.HCMODE
-        elif mode == 'o':
-            intmode = mp.HOMODE
-        else:
-            raise ValueError, "Database access mode not supported."
-        self.mode = mode
-        self.dbkey = cf_open(conn_str, intmode)
-    def read(self, name,
-             start_date=None, end_date=None,
-             start_case=None, end_case=None, max_string_len=65):
-        """read specified object(s) from database
-        - `name` (string or list of strings) : names of objects that will be
-          read from the database
-        - `start_date` (int, *[None]*) : Applies only when reading time series.
-          If specified, only data points on or after `start_date` will be read.
-          If None, data will be read from the first value of the series.
-        - `end_date` (int, *[None]*) : Applies only when reading time series.
-          If specified, only data points on or before `end_date` will be read.
-          If None, data will be read to the last value of the series.
-        - `start_case` (int, *[None]*) : Applies only when reading case series.
-          If specified, only data points on or after `start_case` will be read.
-          If None, data will be read starting from case index 1
-        - `end_case` (int, *[None]*) : Applies only when reading case series.
-          If specified, only data points on or before `end_case` will be read.
-          If None, data will be read to the last value of the series.
-        - `max_string_len` (int, *[65]*) : Applies only when readings strings
-           or series of strings. This is the maximum length of string that can
-           be read. Lower values result in less memory usage, so you should
-           specify this as low as is reasonable for your data.
-        if `name` is a list of strings:
-            case insensitive dictionary of the objects
-        if `name` is a single string:
-            object from database that is stored as `name`"""
-        isSingle = False
-        if isinstance(name, types.StringType):
-            names = [name]
-            isSingle = True
-        else:
-            names = name
-        items = CaseInsensitiveDict()
-        #default to -1. This will get the entire range
-        _start_case = _end_case = -1
-        _start_date = _end_date = -1
-        range_freq = None
-        if start_date is not None:
-            _start_date = start_date.value - mp.value_adjust[start_date.freq]
-            range_freq = mp.freqReverseMapping[start_date.freq]
-        if end_date is not None:
-            if start_date is not None and start_date.freq != end_date.freq:
-                raise ValueError("start_date and end_date must be same frequency")
-            _end_date = end_date.value - mp.value_adjust[end_date.freq]
-            if range_freq is None:
-                range_freq = mp.freqReverseMapping[end_date.freq]
-        if start_case is not None: _start_case = start_case
-        if end_case is not None: _end_case = end_case
-        if len(set([_start_case, _end_case, _start_date, _end_date, -1])) != 1:
-            checkFreq = True
-        else:
-            checkFreq = False
-        for objName in names:
-            objName = objName.upper()
-            if checkFreq:
-                objFreq = self.obj_size(objName)['freq']
-                if objFreq == range_freq:
-                    start_index, end_index = _start_date, _end_date
-                elif objFreq == mp.HCASEX:
-                    start_index, end_index = _start_case, _end_case
-                else:
-                    start_index, end_index = -1, -1
-            else:
-                start_index, end_index = -1, -1
-            result = cf_read(self.dbkey, objName, start_index,
-                             end_index, max_string_len)
-            if result['type'] == mp.HBOOLN:
-                numpyType = numpy.bool_
-            else:
-                numpyType = mp.fametype_tonumpy(result['type'])
-            if result['type'] == mp.HNAMEL:
-                pyObj = [x for x in result['data'][1:-1].split(", ") \
-                         if x != '']
-            elif result['class'] == mp.HSCALA:
-                if isinstance(result['data'], str):
-                    if result['mask']:
-                        pyObj = None
-                    else:
-                        pyObj = result['data']
-                else:
-                    if result['mask'][0]:
-                        pyObj = None
-                    else:
-                        pyObj = result['data'][0]
-                        if result['type'] >= 8: # date type
-                            value = pyObj+ \
-                               mp.value_adjust[mp.freqMapping[result['type']]]
-                            pyObj = ts.Date(
-                                        freq=mp.freqMapping[result['type']],
-                                        value=value)
-                        else:
-                            pyObj = numpyType(pyObj)
-            elif result['class'] == mp.HSERIE:
-                if 'data' in result:
-                    vals = result['data']
-                    mask = result['mask']
-                    if not mask.any(): mask = ma.nomask
-                else:
-                    vals = []
-                    mask = ma.nomask
-                if result['type'] >= 8: # date type
-                    valadj = mp.value_adjust[mp.freqMapping[result['type']]]
-                    if len(vals) > 0: vals += valadj
-                    data = ts.DateArray(vals,
-                                        freq=mp.freqMapping[result['type']])
-                else:
-                    data = numpy.array(vals, dtype=numpyType)
-                if result['freq'] == mp.HCASEX:
-                    pyObj = ma.array(data, mask=mask)
-                else:
-                    observed = mp.observedMapping[result['observed']]
-                    freq = mp.freqMapping[result['freq']]
-                    if 'data' in result:
-                        start_date = ts.Date(
-                              freq=freq,
-                              value=result['startindex']+mp.value_adjust[freq])
-                    else:
-                        start_date = None
-                    pyObj = ts.time_series(data, freq=freq,
-                                           start_date=start_date,
-                                           observed=observed, mask=mask)
-            items[objName] = pyObj
-        if isSingle:
-            return items.values()[0]
-        return items
-    def write_tser_dict(self, objdict,
-                        overwrite=False, assume_exists=False,
-                        start_date=None, end_date=None):
-        """for each key, value pair in the dictionary `objdict` write value to
-the database as key, as a time series (calls FameDb.write_tser on each key,
-value pair)
-        - `objdict` (dict) : dictionary of TimeSeries objects to be written. Object
-          names for keys and TimeSeries objects for values
-        - `overwrite (boolean, *[False]*) : If True, if the key exists in the database it
-           will be overwritten. If False, data will be added to series that already exist
-           (data in objects in `objdict` will be given priority over pre-existing data in
-           the db where there is overlap)
-        - `assume_exists` (boolean, *[False]*) : If True, an error will be
-           raised if the series does not exist. If False, the series will be
-           created if it does not exist already.
-        - `start_date` (Date, *[None]*) : If None, data will be written from the start of
-           the series. If specified, only data points on or after start_date will be written.
-        - `end_date` (Date, *[None]*) : If None, data will be written until the end of
-           the series. If specified, only data points on or before end_date will be written.
-        for key, obj in objdict.iteritems():
-            self.write_tser(key, obj, overwrite=overwrite,
-                            assume_exists=assume_exists,
-                            start_date=start_date, end_date=end_date)
-    def write_cser_dict(self, objdict,
-                        overwrite=False, assume_exists=False,
-                        zero_represents=1, start_case=None, end_case=None):
-        """for each key, value pair in the dictionary `objdict` write value to
-the database as key, as a case series (calls FameDb.write_tser on each key,
-value pair)
-        - `objdict` (dict) : dictionary of arrays to be written as Case Series.
-           Object names for keys and arrays for values
-        - `overwrite (boolean, *[False]*) : If True, if the key exists in the database it
-           will be overwritten. If False, data will be added to series that already exist
-           (data in objects in `objdict` will be given priority over pre-existing data in
-           the db where there is overlap)
-        - `assume_exists` (boolean, *[False]*) : If True, an error will be
-           raised if the series does not exist. If False, the series will be
-           created if it does not exist already.
-        - `zero_represents` (int, *[1]*) : the case index for FAME that index zero in
-           the array represents
-        - `start_case` (int, *[None]*) : If None, data will be written from the start of
-           the array. If specified, only data points on or after start_case will be written.
-        - `end_case` (int, *[None]*) : If None, data will be written until the end of
-           the array. If specified, only data points on or before end_case will be written.
-        for key, obj in objdict.iteritems():
-            self.write_cser(key, obj, overwrite=overwrite,
-                            assume_exists=assume_exists,
-                            zero_represents=zero_represents,
-                            start_case=start_case, end_case=end_case)
-    def write_scalar_dict(self, objdict):
-        """for each key, value pair in the dictionary `objdict` write value to
-the database as key, as a scalar (calls FameDb.write_scalar on each key,
-value pair)
-        - `objdict` (dict) : dictionary of items to be written as scalars.
-           Object names for keys and scalar items for values
-        for key, obj in objdict.iteritems():
-            self.write_scalar(key, obj)
-    def write_tser(self, name, tser,
-                   overwrite=False, assume_exists=False,
-                   start_date=None, end_date=None):
-        """write `tser` to the database as `name` as a time series.
-        - `name` (string) : database key that the object will be written to
-        - `tser` (TimeSeries) : TimeSeries object to be written. Cannot have missing dates.
-           Use fill_missing_dates first on your series if you suspect this is the situation.
-           TimeSeries must be 1-dimensional
-        - `overwrite (boolean, *[False]*) : If True, if `name` exists in the database it
-           will be overwritten. If False, data will be added to series that already exist
-           (data in `tser` will be given priority over pre-existing data in the db where
-           there is overlap)
-        - `assume_exists` (boolean, *[False]*) : If True, an error will be
-           raised if the series does not exist. If False, the series will be
-           created if it does not exist already.
-        - `start_date` (Date, *[None]*) : If None, data will be written from the start of
-           `tser`. If specified, only data points on or after start_date will be written.
-        - `end_date` (Date, *[None]*) : If None, data will be written until the end of
-           `tser`. If specified, only data points on or before end_date will be written.
-        if not isinstance(tser, ts.TimeSeries):
-            raise ValueError("tser is not a valid time series")
-        elif tser.has_missing_dates():
-            raise ValueError("tser must not have any missing dates")
-        elif tser.ndim != 1:
-            raise ValueError("FAME db only supports 1-dimensional time series")
-        if assume_exists and not self.exists(name):
-            raise DBError("%s does not exist" % name)
-        if overwrite or not self.exists(name): create = True
-        else: create = False
-        fame_type = mp.fametype_fromdata(tser._data)
-        fame_freq = mp.freqReverseMapping[tser.freq]
-        if create:
-            fame_basis = mp.HBSDAY
-            if hasattr(tser, "observed"):
-                fame_observed = mp.observedReverseMapping[tser.observed]
-                if fame_observed == 0: fame_observed = mp.HOBEND
-            else:
-                fame_observed = mp.HOBEND
-            if self.exists(name): self.delete(name)
-            cf_create(self.dbkey, name, mp.HSERIE, fame_freq, fame_type, fame_basis, fame_observed)
-        def get_boundary_date(bdate, attr):
-            if bdate is not None:
-                if bdate.freq != tser.freq:
-                    raise ValueError(attr+" frequency must be same as tser frequency")
-                if tser.start_date > bdate or tser.end_date < bdate:
-                    raise ValueError(attr+" outside range of series")
-                return bdate
-            else:
-                return getattr(tser, attr)
-        start_date = get_boundary_date(start_date, "start_date")
-        end_date = get_boundary_date(end_date, "end_date")
-        if start_date is not None:
-            towrite = tser[start_date:end_date+1]
-            start_index = start_date.value
-            end_index = end_date.value
-            # convert integer types to floats since FAME does not have an integer type
-            newType = mp.fametype_tonumpy(fame_type)
-            if fame_type >= 8:
-                # date type
-                fame_data = towrite._data - mp.value_adjust[towrite._data.freq]
-            elif newType != tser._data.dtype:
-                fame_data = towrite._data.astype(newType)
-            else:
-                fame_data = towrite._data
-            if towrite._mask is ma.nomask:
-                fame_mask = numpy.zeros(towrite._data.shape, dtype=numpy.bool_)
-            else:
-                fame_mask = towrite._mask
-            start_index -= mp.value_adjust[towrite.freq]
-            end_index   -= mp.value_adjust[towrite.freq]
-            cfame.write_series(self.dbkey, name, fame_data, fame_mask, start_index, end_index, fame_type, fame_freq)
-    def write_cser(self, name, cser, overwrite=False, assume_exists=False, zero_represents=1, start_case=None, end_case=None):
-        """write `cser` to the database as `name` as a case series.
-        - `name` (string) : database key that the object will be written to
-        - `cser` (ndarray) : 1-dimensional ndarray (or subclass of ndarray) object to be
-           written. If `cser` is a MaskedArray, then masked values will be written as ND.
-        - `overwrite (boolean, *[False]*) : If True, if `name` exists in the database it
-           will be overwritten. If False, data will be added to series that already exist
-           (data in `cser` will be given priority over pre-existing data in the db where
-           there is overlap)
-        - `assume_exists` (boolean, *[False]*) : If True, an error will be
-           raised if the series does not exist. If False, the series will be
-           created if it does not exist already.
-        - `zero_represents` (int, *[1]*) : the case index for FAME that index zero in
-           the array represents
-        - `start_case` (int, *[None]*) : If None, data will be written from the start of
-           `cser`. If specified, only data points on or after start_case will be written.
-        - `end_case` (int, *[None]*) : If None, data will be written until the end of
-           `cser`. If specified, only data points on or before end_case will be written.
-        if not isinstance(cser, numpy.ndarray):
-            raise ValueError("cser is not a valid ndarray")
-        elif cser.ndim != 1:
-            raise ValueError("FAME db only supports 1-dimensional arrays")
-        if assume_exists and not self.exists(name):
-            raise DBError("%s does not exist" % name)
-        if overwrite or not self.exists(name): create = True
-        else: create = False
-        if hasattr(cser, "_data"):
-            fame_data = cser._data
-            if cser._mask is ma.nomask:
-                fame_mask = numpy.zeros(fame_data.shape, dtype=numpy.bool_)
-            else:
-                fame_mask = cser._mask
-        else:
-            fame_data = cser
-            fame_mask = numpy.zeros(fame_data.shape, dtype=numpy.bool_)
-        fame_type = mp.fametype_fromdata(fame_data)
-        if create:
-            if self.exists(name): self.delete(name)
-            cf_create(self.dbkey, name, mp.HSERIE, mp.HCASEX, fame_type, mp.HBSUND, mp.HOBUND)
-        def get_boundary_case(bcase, attr):
-            if bcase is not None:
-                idx = bcase - zero_represents
-                if idx < 0 or idx > cser.size:
-                    raise ValueError("%s outside range of series" % attr)
-                return bcase
-            else:
-                if cser.size == 0:
-                    return None
-                else:
-                    if attr == 'start_case':
-                        return zero_represents
-                    elif attr == 'end_case':
-                        return zero_represents + cser.size - 1
-                    else:
-                        raise ValueError("unexpected argument: %s " % attr)
-        start_case = get_boundary_case(start_case, "start_case")
-        end_case = get_boundary_case(end_case, "end_case")
-        if start_case is not None:        
-            # convert integer types to floats since FAME does not have an integer type
-            s = start_case - zero_represents
-            e = end_case - zero_represents
-            fame_data = fame_data[s:e+1]
-            fame_mask = fame_mask[s:e+1]
-            newType = mp.fametype_tonumpy(fame_type)
-            if fame_type >= 8:
-                # date type
-                fame_data = fame_data - mp.value_adjust[fame_data.freq]
-            elif newType != fame_data.dtype:
-                fame_data = fame_data.astype(newType)
-            cfame.write_series(self.dbkey, name, fame_data, fame_mask, start_case, end_case, fame_type, mp.HCASEX)
-    def write_scalar(self, name, scalar):
-        """write `scalar` to the database as `name` as a scalar object. If an
-object already exists in the database named as `name` then it is
-over-written, otherwise it is created.
-        - `name` (string) : database key that the object will be written to
-        - `scalar` : one of the following: string, numpy scalar, int, float,
-           list of strings (for name lists), Date, boolean"""
-        fame_type = mp.fametype_fromdata(scalar)
-        if isinstance(scalar, ts.Date):
-            fame_data = numpy.int32(scalar.value - mp.value_adjust[scalar.freq])
-        elif hasattr(scalar, "dtype"):
-            if scalar.ndim != 0: raise ValueError("received non-scalar data")
-            newType = mp.fametype_tonumpy(fame_type)
-            if newType != scalar.dtype: fame_data = scalar.astype(newType)
-            else: fame_data = scalar
-        elif fame_type == mp.HSTRNG:
-            fame_data = scalar
-        elif fame_type == mp.HPRECN:
-            fame_data = numpy.float64(scalar)
-        elif fame_type == mp.HBOOLN:
-            fame_data = numpy.int32(scalar)
-        elif fame_type == mp.HNAMEL:
-            fame_data = "{" + ", ".join(scalar) + "}"
-        else:
-            raise ValueError("Unrecognized data type")
-        if self.exists(name): self.delete(name)
-        cf_create(self.dbkey, name, mp.HSCALA, mp.HUNDFX, fame_type, mp.HBSUND, mp.HOBUND)
-        # convert integer types to floats since FAME does not have an integer type
-        newType = mp.fametype_tonumpy(fame_type)
-        if hasattr(fame_data, 'dtype') and newType != fame_data.dtype:
-            fame_data = fame_data.astype(newType)
-        if fame_type == mp.HNAMEL:
-            cf_write_namelist(self.dbkey, name, fame_data)
-        else:
-            cf_write_scalar(self.dbkey, name, fame_data, fame_type)
-    def create(name, cls, type, freq=None, basis=None, observed=None):
-        """create object in database with specified attributes as `name`"""
-        if cls not in (mp.HSERIE, mp.HSCALA):
-            raise ValueError("unrecognized object class: "+str(cls))
-        if freq is None:
-            if cls == mp.HSCALA:
-                freq = mp.HUNDFX
-            else:
-                raise ValueError("freq must be specified for series")
-        if freq in (mp.HUNDFX, mp.HCASEX):
-            basis = mp.HBSUND
-            observed = mp.HOBUND
-        else:
-            if basis is None: basis = mp.HBSDAY
-            if observed is None: observed = mp.HOBEND
-        cf_create(self.dbkey, name, cls, freq, type, basis, observed)
-    def create_from_pyobj(name, pyobj):
-        """create object of appropriate type in database based on the
-python object `pyobj` as `name`. Does not write any data to the
-database, simply initializes the object in the database."""
-        raise NotImplementedError("function not implemented yet")
-    def db_desc(self):
-        "get 'description' attribute of database"
-        return cf_get_db_attr(self.dbkey, "DESC")
-    def db_doc(self):
-        "get 'doc' attribute of database"
-        return cf_get_db_attr(self.dbkey, "DOC")
-    def db_created(self):
-        "get 'created' attribute of database"
-        fame_date = cf_get_db_attr(self.dbkey, "CREATED")
-        return _famedate_to_tsdate(fame_date, 's')
-    def db_modified(self):
-        "get 'modified' attribute of database"
-        fame_date = cf_get_db_attr(self.dbkey, "MODIFIED")
-        return _famedate_to_tsdate(fame_date, 's')
-    def is_open(self):
-        "returns True if database is open. False otherwise"
-        return cf_get_db_attr(self.dbkey, "ISOPEN")
-    def wildlist(self, exp, wildonly=False):
-        """performs a wildlist lookup on the database, using Fame syntax
-("?" and "^"), returns a normal python list of strings"""
-        res = cf_wildlist(self.dbkey, exp)
-        if wildonly:
-            exp = exp.replace("?", "(.*)")
-            exp = exp.replace("^", "(.)")
-            exp = exp.replace("$","\$")
-            regex = re.compile(exp)
-            res = ["".join(regex.match(res[i]).groups()) \
-                   for i in range(len(res))]
-        return res
-    def exists(self, name):
-        return cf_exists(self.dbkey, name)
-    def close(self):
-        """Closes the database. Changes will be posted."""
-        if self.is_open():
-            cf_close(self.dbkey)
-    def commit(self):
-        raise NotImplementedError("function not implemented yet")
-    def delete(self, name, must_exist=True):
-        """Deletes the specified object(s) from the database"""
-        if isinstance(name, str): name = [name]
-        [cf_delete(self.dbkey, n) for n in name if must_exist or self.exists(n)]
-    def obj_size(self, name):
-        """basic information about the size of an object(s) in a database"""
-        return _single_or_multi_func(self.dbkey, name, cf_obj_size)
-    def whats(self, name):
-        """Preforms a fame "whats" command on the provided name(s)"""
-        return _single_or_multi_func(self.dbkey, name, cf_whats)
-    def restore(self):
-        """Discard any changes made to the database since it was last opened or posted."""
-        return cf_restore(self.dbkey)
-class cFameCall:
-    """wrapper for cfame functions that acquires and releases a resource lock.
-This is needed because the Fame C api is not thread safe."""
-    def __init__ (self, func):
-        self.f = func
-        self.__doc__ = getattr(func, "__doc__", str(func))
-        self.__name__ = getattr(func, "__name__", str(func))
-    def __call__ (self, *args, **kwargs):
-        "Execute the call behavior."
-        tmp = fameLock.acquire()
-        try:
-            result = self.f(*args, **kwargs)
-            fameLock.release()
-        except:
-            fameLock.release()
-            raise
-        return result
-cf_open = cFameCall(cfame.open)
-cf_set_option = cFameCall(cfame.set_option)
-cf_close = cFameCall(cfame.close)
-cf_restore = cFameCall(cfame.restore)
-cf_obj_size = cFameCall(cfame.obj_size)
-cf_whats = cFameCall(cfame.whats)
-cf_delete = cFameCall(cfame.delete)
-cf_create = cFameCall(cfame.create)
-cf_read = cFameCall(cfame.read)
-cf_write_scalar = cFameCall(cfame.write_scalar)
-cf_write_series = cFameCall(cfame.write_series)
-cf_write_namelist = cFameCall(cfame.write_namelist)
-cf_wildlist = cFameCall(cfame.wildlist)
-cf_exists = cFameCall(cfame.exists)
-cf_get_db_attr = cFameCall(cfame.get_db_attr)
-set_option = cf_set_option
-set_option.__doc__ = \
-"""Set an option in the C HLI. See the FAME documentation for cfmsopt for a
-listing of allowable option settings.
-    - option (str) : name of the option to set
-    - setting (str) : value of the option to set
-    set_option("DBSIZE", "LARGE")

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