[Scipy-svn] r3695 - in trunk/scipy/sparse: . sparsetools tests

scipy-svn at scipy.org scipy-svn at scipy.org
Thu Dec 20 21:04:29 EST 2007

Author: wnbell
Date: 2007-12-20 20:04:21 -0600 (Thu, 20 Dec 2007)
New Revision: 3695

enabled bsr_matrix
improved bsr_matrix.matvec()

Modified: trunk/scipy/sparse/__init__.py
--- trunk/scipy/sparse/__init__.py	2007-12-20 21:42:31 UTC (rev 3694)
+++ trunk/scipy/sparse/__init__.py	2007-12-21 02:04:21 UTC (rev 3695)
@@ -9,8 +9,7 @@
 from dok import *
 from coo import *
 from dia import *
-#from bsr import *
-#from bsc import *
+from bsr import *
 from construct import *
 from spfuncs import *

Modified: trunk/scipy/sparse/base.py
--- trunk/scipy/sparse/base.py	2007-12-20 21:42:31 UTC (rev 3694)
+++ trunk/scipy/sparse/base.py	2007-12-21 02:04:21 UTC (rev 3695)
@@ -407,12 +407,9 @@
     def todia(self):
         return self.tocoo().todia()
-#    def tobsr(self,blocksize=None):
-#        return self.tocoo().tobsr(blocksize=blocksize)
-#    def tobsc(self,blocksize=None):
-#        return self.tocoo().tobsc(blocksize=blocksize)
+    def tobsr(self,blocksize=None):
+        return self.tocsr().tobsr(blocksize=blocksize)
     def copy(self):
         return self.__class__(self,copy=True)

Modified: trunk/scipy/sparse/block.py
--- trunk/scipy/sparse/block.py	2007-12-20 21:42:31 UTC (rev 3694)
+++ trunk/scipy/sparse/block.py	2007-12-21 02:04:21 UTC (rev 3695)
@@ -61,6 +61,21 @@
             arg1 = self.__class__( coo_matrix(arg1), blocksize=blocksize )
             self._set_self( arg1 )
+        if shape is not None:
+            self.shape = shape   # spmatrix will check for errors
+        else:
+            if self.shape is None:
+                # shape not already set, try to infer dimensions
+                try:
+                    major_dim = len(self.indptr) - 1
+                    minor_dim = self.indices.max() + 1
+                except:
+                    raise ValueError,'unable to infer matrix dimensions'
+                else:
+                    M,N = self._swap((major_dim,minor_dim))
+                    R,C = self.blocksize
+                    self.shape = (M*R,N*C)
         if self.shape is None:
             if shape is None:
                 #infer shape here
@@ -141,8 +156,8 @@
     blocksize = property(fget=_get_blocksize)
     def getnnz(self):
-        X,Y = self.blocksize
-        return self.indptr[-1] * X * Y
+        R,C = self.blocksize
+        return self.indptr[-1] * R * C
     nnz = property(fget=getnnz)
     def __repr__(self):

Modified: trunk/scipy/sparse/bsr.py
--- trunk/scipy/sparse/bsr.py	2007-12-20 21:42:31 UTC (rev 3694)
+++ trunk/scipy/sparse/bsr.py	2007-12-21 02:04:21 UTC (rev 3695)
@@ -39,7 +39,6 @@
             if other.shape != (N,) and other.shape != (N,1):
                 raise ValueError, "dimension mismatch"
             #output array
             if output is None:
@@ -76,19 +75,15 @@
-    def transpose(self,copy=False):
-        M,N = self.shape
-        data    = self.data.swapaxes(1,2)
-        indices = self.indices
-        indptr  = self.indptr
-        from bsc import bsc_matrix
-        return bsc_matrix( (data,indices,indptr), shape=(N,M), copy=copy)
+#    def transpose(self,copy=False):
+#        M,N = self.shape
+#        data    = self.data.swapaxes(1,2)
+#        indices = self.indices
+#        indptr  = self.indptr
+#        from bsc import bsc_matrix
+#        return bsc_matrix( (data,indices,indptr), shape=(N,M), copy=copy)
     def tocoo(self,copy=True):
         """Convert this matrix to COOrdinate format.
@@ -118,17 +113,11 @@
         return coo_matrix( (data,(row,col)), shape=self.shape )
-    def tobsc(self,blocksize=None):
-        if blocksize is None:
-            blocksize = self.blocksize
-        elif blocksize != self.blocksize:
-            return self.tocoo(copy=False).tobsc(blocksize=blocksize)
-        #maintian blocksize
+    def transpose(self):
         X,Y = self.blocksize
         M,N = self.shape
-        #use CSR->CSC to determine a permutation for BSR<->BSC
+        #use CSR.T to determine a permutation for BSR.T
         from csr import csr_matrix
         data = arange(len(self.indices), dtype=self.indices.dtype)
         proxy = csr_matrix((data,self.indices,self.indptr),shape=(M/X,N/Y))
@@ -138,8 +127,7 @@
         indices = proxy.indices
         indptr  = proxy.indptr
-        from bsc import bsc_matrix
-        return bsc_matrix( (data,indices,indptr), shape=self.shape )
+        return bsr_matrix( (data,indices,indptr), shape=(N,M) )
     def tobsr(self,blocksize=None,copy=False):

Modified: trunk/scipy/sparse/coo.py
--- trunk/scipy/sparse/coo.py	2007-12-20 21:42:31 UTC (rev 3694)
+++ trunk/scipy/sparse/coo.py	2007-12-21 02:04:21 UTC (rev 3695)
@@ -293,58 +293,61 @@
         return dok
 #    def tobsc(self,blocksize=None):
 #        if blocksize in [None, (1,1)]:
 #            return self.tocsc().tobsc(blocksize)
 #        else:
 #            return self.transpose().tobsr().transpose()
-#    def tobsr(self,blocksize=None):
-#        if blocksize in [None, (1,1)]:
-#            return self.tocsr().tobsr(blocksize)
-#        M,N = self.shape
-#        X,Y = blocksize
-#        if (M % X) != 0 or (N % Y) != 0:
-#            raise ValueError, 'shape must be multiple of blocksize'
-#        i_block,i_sub = divmod(self.row, X)
-#        j_block,j_sub = divmod(self.col, Y)
-#        perm = lexsort( keys=[j_block,i_block] )
-#        i_block = i_block[perm]
-#        j_block = j_block[perm]
-#        mask = (i_block[1:] != i_block[:-1]) + (j_block[1:] != j_block[:-1])
-#        mask = concatenate((array([True]),mask))
-#        #map self.data[n] -> data[map[n],i_sub[n],j_sub[n]]
-#        map = cumsum(mask)
-#        num_blocks = map[-1]
-#        map -= 1
-#        iperm = empty_like(perm) #inverse permutation
-#        iperm[perm] = arange(len(perm))
-#        data = zeros( (num_blocks,X,Y), dtype=self.dtype )
-#        data[map[iperm],i_sub,j_sub] = self.data
-#        row = i_block[mask]
-#        col = j_block[mask]
-#        # now row,col,data form BOO format 
-#        temp = cumsum(bincount(row))
-#        indptr = zeros( M/X + 1, dtype=intc )
-#        indptr[1:len(temp)+1] = temp
-#        indptr[len(temp)+1:] = temp[-1]
-#        from bsr import bsr_matrix
-#        return bsr_matrix((data,col,indptr),shape=self.shape)
+    def tobsr(self,blocksize=None):
+        from bsr import bsr_matrix
+        if self.nnz == 0:
+            return bsr_matrix(self.shape,blocksize=blocksize,dtype=self.dtype)
+        if blocksize in [None, (1,1)]:
+            return self.tocsr().tobsr(blocksize)
+        M,N = self.shape
+        X,Y = blocksize
+        if (M % X) != 0 or (N % Y) != 0:
+            raise ValueError, 'shape must be multiple of blocksize'
+        i_block,i_sub = divmod(self.row, X)
+        j_block,j_sub = divmod(self.col, Y)
+        perm = lexsort( keys=[j_block,i_block] )
+        i_block = i_block[perm]
+        j_block = j_block[perm]
+        mask = (i_block[1:] != i_block[:-1]) + (j_block[1:] != j_block[:-1])
+        mask = concatenate((array([True]),mask))
+        #map self.data[n] -> data[map[n],i_sub[n],j_sub[n]]
+        map = cumsum(mask)
+        num_blocks = map[-1]
+        map -= 1
+        iperm = empty_like(perm) #inverse permutation
+        iperm[perm] = arange(len(perm))
+        data = zeros( (num_blocks,X,Y), dtype=self.dtype )
+        data[map[iperm],i_sub,j_sub] = self.data
+        row = i_block[mask]
+        col = j_block[mask]
+        # now row,col,data form BOO format 
+        temp = cumsum(bincount(row))
+        indptr = zeros( M/X + 1, dtype=intc )
+        indptr[1:len(temp)+1] = temp
+        indptr[len(temp)+1:] = temp[-1]
+        return bsr_matrix((data,col,indptr),shape=self.shape)
     # needed by _data_matrix
     def _with_data(self,data,copy=True):
         """Returns a matrix with the same sparsity structure as self,

Modified: trunk/scipy/sparse/csc.py
--- trunk/scipy/sparse/csc.py	2007-12-20 21:42:31 UTC (rev 3694)
+++ trunk/scipy/sparse/csc.py	2007-12-21 02:04:21 UTC (rev 3695)
@@ -225,17 +225,17 @@
 #            return bsc_matrix( arg1, shape=self.shape, copy=copy )
 #        else:
 #            #TODO make this more efficient
-#            return self.tocoo(copy=False).tobsr(blocksize=blocksize)
+#            return self.tocoo(copy=False).tobsc(blocksize=blocksize)
-#    def tobsr(self, blocksize=None):
-#        if blocksize in [None, (1,1)]:
-#            from bsr import bsr_matrix
-#            csr = self.tocsr()
-#            arg1 = (csr.data.reshape(-1,1,1),csr.indices,csr.indptr)  
-#            return bsr_matrix( arg1, shape=self.shape )
-#        else:
-#            #TODO make this more efficient
-#            return self.tocoo(copy=False).tobsr(blocksize=blocksize)
+    def tobsr(self, blocksize=None):
+        if blocksize in [None, (1,1)]:
+            from bsr import bsr_matrix
+            csr = self.tocsr()
+            arg1 = (csr.data.reshape(-1,1,1),csr.indices,csr.indptr)  
+            return bsr_matrix( arg1, shape=self.shape )
+        else:
+            #TODO make this more efficient
+            return self.tocoo(copy=False).tobsr(blocksize=blocksize)
     def get_submatrix( self, slice0, slice1 ):
         """Return a submatrix of this matrix (new matrix is created).

Modified: trunk/scipy/sparse/csr.py
--- trunk/scipy/sparse/csr.py	2007-12-20 21:42:31 UTC (rev 3694)
+++ trunk/scipy/sparse/csr.py	2007-12-21 02:04:21 UTC (rev 3695)
@@ -224,15 +224,15 @@
         from csc import csc_matrix
         return csc_matrix((data, indices, indptr), self.shape)
-#    def tobsr(self,blocksize=None,copy=True):
-#        if blocksize in [None, (1,1)]:
-#            from bsr import bsr_matrix
-#            arg1 = (self.data.reshape(-1,1,1),self.indices,self.indptr)  
-#            return bsr_matrix( arg1, shape=self.shape, copy=copy )
-#        else:
-#            #TODO make this more efficient
-#            return self.tocoo(copy=False).tobsr(blocksize=blocksize)
+    def tobsr(self,blocksize=None,copy=True):
+        if blocksize in [None, (1,1)]:
+            from bsr import bsr_matrix
+            arg1 = (self.data.reshape(-1,1,1),self.indices,self.indptr)  
+            return bsr_matrix( arg1, shape=self.shape, copy=copy )
+        else:
+            #TODO make this more efficient
+            return self.tocoo(copy=False).tobsr(blocksize=blocksize)
 #    def tobsc(self,blocksize=None):
 #        if blocksize in [None, (1,1)]:
 #            from bsc import bsc_matrix

Modified: trunk/scipy/sparse/sparsetools/fixed_size.h
--- trunk/scipy/sparse/sparsetools/fixed_size.h	2007-12-20 21:42:31 UTC (rev 3694)
+++ trunk/scipy/sparse/sparsetools/fixed_size.h	2007-12-21 02:04:21 UTC (rev 3695)
@@ -18,16 +18,16 @@
 template<class T>
-class Dot<0,T>
+class Dot<1,T>
         inline T operator()(const T * lhs, const T * rhs)
-            return 0;
+            return *lhs * *rhs;
-    template<int N, class T>
+template<int N, class T>
 inline T dot(const T * lhs, const T * rhs)
     Dot<N,T> d;
@@ -35,5 +35,4 @@

Modified: trunk/scipy/sparse/sparsetools/sparsetools.h
--- trunk/scipy/sparse/sparsetools/sparsetools.h	2007-12-20 21:42:31 UTC (rev 3694)
+++ trunk/scipy/sparse/sparsetools/sparsetools.h	2007-12-21 02:04:21 UTC (rev 3695)
@@ -727,49 +727,88 @@
+//template <class I, class T>
+//void bsr_tocsr(const I n_brow,
+//	           const I n_bcol, 
+//	           const I R, 
+//	           const I C, 
+//	           const I Ap[], 
+//	           const I Aj[], 
+//	           const T Ax[],
+//	                 I Bp[],
+//                     I Bj[]
+//	                 T Bx[])
+//    const I RC = R*C;
+//    for(I brow = 0; brow < n_brow; brow++){
+//        I row_size = C * (Ap[brow + 1] - Ap[brow]);
+//        for(I r = 0; r < R; r++){
+//            Bp[R*brow + r] = RC * Ap[brow] + r * row_size
+//        }
+//    }
 template <class I, class T, int R, int C>
-void bsr_matvec_fixed(const I n_row,
-	                  const I n_col, 
+void bsr_matvec_fixed(const I n_brow,
+	                  const I n_bcol, 
 	                  const I Ap[], 
 	                  const I Aj[], 
 	                  const T Ax[],
 	                  const T Xx[],
 	                        T Yx[])
-    for(I i = 0; i < n_row; i++) {
+    for(I i = 0; i < n_brow; i++) {
         T r0 = 0;
         T r1 = 0;
         T r2 = 0;
         T r3 = 0;
         T r4 = 0;
         T r5 = 0;
+        T r6 = 0;
+        T r7 = 0;
         for(I jj = Ap[i]; jj < Ap[i+1]; jj++) {
             I j = Aj[jj];
             const T * base = Ax + jj*(R*C);
-            if (R >= 1) r0 += dot<C,T>(base + 0*C, Xx + j*C);
-            if (R >= 2) r1 += dot<C,T>(base + 1*C, Xx + j*C);
-            if (R >= 3) r2 += dot<C,T>(base + 2*C, Xx + j*C);
-            if (R >= 4) r3 += dot<C,T>(base + 3*C, Xx + j*C);
-            if (R >= 5) r4 += dot<C,T>(base + 4*C, Xx + j*C);
-            if (R >= 6) r5 += dot<C,T>(base + 5*C, Xx + j*C);
+            if (R > 0) r0 += dot<C>(base + 0*C, Xx + j*C);
+            if (R > 1) r1 += dot<C>(base + 1*C, Xx + j*C);
+            if (R > 2) r2 += dot<C>(base + 2*C, Xx + j*C);
+            if (R > 3) r3 += dot<C>(base + 3*C, Xx + j*C);
+            if (R > 4) r4 += dot<C>(base + 4*C, Xx + j*C);
+            if (R > 5) r5 += dot<C>(base + 5*C, Xx + j*C);
+            if (R > 6) r6 += dot<C>(base + 6*C, Xx + j*C);
+            if (R > 7) r7 += dot<C>(base + 7*C, Xx + j*C);
-        if (R >= 1) Yx[R*i+0] = r0; 
-        if (R >= 2) Yx[R*i+1] = r1;
-        if (R >= 3) Yx[R*i+2] = r2;
-        if (R >= 4) Yx[R*i+3] = r3;
-        if (R >= 5) Yx[R*i+4] = r4;
-        if (R >= 6) Yx[R*i+5] = r5;
+        if (R > 0) Yx[R*i+0] = r0; 
+        if (R > 1) Yx[R*i+1] = r1;
+        if (R > 2) Yx[R*i+2] = r2;
+        if (R > 3) Yx[R*i+3] = r3;
+        if (R > 4) Yx[R*i+4] = r4;
+        if (R > 5) Yx[R*i+5] = r5;
+        if (R > 6) Yx[R*i+6] = r6;
+        if (R > 7) Yx[R*i+7] = r7;
+#define F(X,Y) bsr_matvec_fixed<I,T,X,Y>
+ * Generate the table below with:
+ *   out = ''
+ *   N = 8
+ *   for i in range(N):
+ *       out += '{'
+ *       for j in range(N-1):
+ *           out += ' F(%d,%d),' % (i+1,j+1)
+ *       out += ' F(%d,%d) },\n' % (i+1,j+2)
+ *   out = out[:-2]
+ *
+ */
 template <class I, class T>
-void bsr_matvec(const I n_row,
-	            const I n_col, 
+void bsr_matvec(const I n_brow,
+	            const I n_bcol, 
 	            const I R, 
 	            const I C, 
 	            const I Ap[], 
@@ -778,45 +817,38 @@
 	            const T Xx[],
 	                  T Yx[])
-    /*
-    //use fixed version for R,C <= 4,4
-    if (R == 1){
-        if (C == 1) { bsr_matvec_fixed<I,T,1,1>(n_row,n_col,Ap,Aj,Ax,Xx,Yx); return; }
-        if (C == 2) { bsr_matvec_fixed<I,T,1,2>(n_row,n_col,Ap,Aj,Ax,Xx,Yx); return; } 
-        if (C == 3) { bsr_matvec_fixed<I,T,1,3>(n_row,n_col,Ap,Aj,Ax,Xx,Yx); return; }
-        if (C == 4) { bsr_matvec_fixed<I,T,1,4>(n_row,n_col,Ap,Aj,Ax,Xx,Yx); return; }
+    assert(R > 0 && C > 0);
+    void (*dispatch[8][8])(I,I,const I*,const I*,const T*,const T*,T*) = \
+        {
+          { F(1,1), F(1,2), F(1,3), F(1,4), F(1,5), F(1,6), F(1,7), F(1,8) },
+          { F(2,1), F(2,2), F(2,3), F(2,4), F(2,5), F(2,6), F(2,7), F(2,8) },
+          { F(3,1), F(3,2), F(3,3), F(3,4), F(3,5), F(3,6), F(3,7), F(3,8) },
+          { F(4,1), F(4,2), F(4,3), F(4,4), F(4,5), F(4,6), F(4,7), F(4,8) },
+          { F(5,1), F(5,2), F(5,3), F(5,4), F(5,5), F(5,6), F(5,7), F(5,8) },
+          { F(6,1), F(6,2), F(6,3), F(6,4), F(6,5), F(6,6), F(6,7), F(6,8) },
+          { F(7,1), F(7,2), F(7,3), F(7,4), F(7,5), F(7,6), F(7,7), F(7,8) },
+          { F(8,1), F(8,2), F(8,3), F(8,4), F(8,5), F(8,6), F(8,7), F(8,8) }
+        };
+    if (R <= 8 && C <= 8){
+        dispatch[R-1][C-1](n_brow,n_bcol,Ap,Aj,Ax,Xx,Yx);
+        return;
-    if (R == 2){
-        if (C == 1) { bsr_matvec_fixed<I,T,2,1>(n_row,n_col,Ap,Aj,Ax,Xx,Yx); return; }
-        if (C == 2) { bsr_matvec_fixed<I,T,2,2>(n_row,n_col,Ap,Aj,Ax,Xx,Yx); return; } 
-        if (C == 3) { bsr_matvec_fixed<I,T,2,3>(n_row,n_col,Ap,Aj,Ax,Xx,Yx); return; }
-        if (C == 4) { bsr_matvec_fixed<I,T,2,4>(n_row,n_col,Ap,Aj,Ax,Xx,Yx); return; }
-    }
-    if (R == 3){
-        if (C == 1) { bsr_matvec_fixed<I,T,3,1>(n_row,n_col,Ap,Aj,Ax,Xx,Yx); return; }
-        if (C == 2) { bsr_matvec_fixed<I,T,3,2>(n_row,n_col,Ap,Aj,Ax,Xx,Yx); return; } 
-        if (C == 3) { bsr_matvec_fixed<I,T,3,3>(n_row,n_col,Ap,Aj,Ax,Xx,Yx); return; }
-        if (C == 4) { bsr_matvec_fixed<I,T,3,4>(n_row,n_col,Ap,Aj,Ax,Xx,Yx); return; }
-    }
-    if (R == 4){
-        if (C == 1) { bsr_matvec_fixed<I,T,4,1>(n_row,n_col,Ap,Aj,Ax,Xx,Yx); return; }
-        if (C == 2) { bsr_matvec_fixed<I,T,4,2>(n_row,n_col,Ap,Aj,Ax,Xx,Yx); return; } 
-        if (C == 3) { bsr_matvec_fixed<I,T,4,3>(n_row,n_col,Ap,Aj,Ax,Xx,Yx); return; }
-        if (C == 4) { bsr_matvec_fixed<I,T,4,4>(n_row,n_col,Ap,Aj,Ax,Xx,Yx); return; }
-    } */
     //otherwise use general method
-    for(I i = 0; i < n_row; i++){
+    for(I i = 0; i < n_brow; i++){
         Yx[i] = 0;
-    for(I i = 0; i < n_row; i++){
+    for(I i = 0; i < n_brow; i++){
         const T * A = Ax + R * C * Ap[i];
               T * y = Yx + R * i;
         for(I jj = Ap[i]; jj < Ap[i+1]; jj++){
             const T * x = Xx + C*Aj[jj];
+            //TODO replace this with a proper matvec
             for( I r = 0; r < R; r++ ){
                 T sum = 0;
                 for( I c = 0; c < C; c++ ){
@@ -829,6 +861,7 @@
+#undef F

Modified: trunk/scipy/sparse/sparsetools/sparsetools.py
--- trunk/scipy/sparse/sparsetools/sparsetools.py	2007-12-20 21:42:31 UTC (rev 3694)
+++ trunk/scipy/sparse/sparsetools/sparsetools.py	2007-12-21 02:04:21 UTC (rev 3695)
@@ -302,24 +302,24 @@
 def bsr_matvec(*args):
-    bsr_matvec(int n_row, int n_col, int R, int C, int Ap, int Aj, 
+    bsr_matvec(int n_brow, int n_bcol, int R, int C, int Ap, int Aj, 
         signed char Ax, signed char Xx, signed char Yx)
-    bsr_matvec(int n_row, int n_col, int R, int C, int Ap, int Aj, 
+    bsr_matvec(int n_brow, int n_bcol, int R, int C, int Ap, int Aj, 
         unsigned char Ax, unsigned char Xx, unsigned char Yx)
-    bsr_matvec(int n_row, int n_col, int R, int C, int Ap, int Aj, 
+    bsr_matvec(int n_brow, int n_bcol, int R, int C, int Ap, int Aj, 
         short Ax, short Xx, short Yx)
-    bsr_matvec(int n_row, int n_col, int R, int C, int Ap, int Aj, 
+    bsr_matvec(int n_brow, int n_bcol, int R, int C, int Ap, int Aj, 
         int Ax, int Xx, int Yx)
-    bsr_matvec(int n_row, int n_col, int R, int C, int Ap, int Aj, 
+    bsr_matvec(int n_brow, int n_bcol, int R, int C, int Ap, int Aj, 
         long long Ax, long long Xx, long long Yx)
-    bsr_matvec(int n_row, int n_col, int R, int C, int Ap, int Aj, 
+    bsr_matvec(int n_brow, int n_bcol, int R, int C, int Ap, int Aj, 
         float Ax, float Xx, float Yx)
-    bsr_matvec(int n_row, int n_col, int R, int C, int Ap, int Aj, 
+    bsr_matvec(int n_brow, int n_bcol, int R, int C, int Ap, int Aj, 
         double Ax, double Xx, double Yx)
-    bsr_matvec(int n_row, int n_col, int R, int C, int Ap, int Aj, 
+    bsr_matvec(int n_brow, int n_bcol, int R, int C, int Ap, int Aj, 
         npy_cfloat_wrapper Ax, npy_cfloat_wrapper Xx, 
         npy_cfloat_wrapper Yx)
-    bsr_matvec(int n_row, int n_col, int R, int C, int Ap, int Aj, 
+    bsr_matvec(int n_brow, int n_bcol, int R, int C, int Ap, int Aj, 
         npy_cdouble_wrapper Ax, npy_cdouble_wrapper Xx, 
         npy_cdouble_wrapper Yx)

Modified: trunk/scipy/sparse/sparsetools/sparsetools_wrap.cxx
--- trunk/scipy/sparse/sparsetools/sparsetools_wrap.cxx	2007-12-20 21:42:31 UTC (rev 3694)
+++ trunk/scipy/sparse/sparsetools/sparsetools_wrap.cxx	2007-12-21 02:04:21 UTC (rev 3695)
@@ -43397,24 +43397,24 @@
 		"    npy_cdouble_wrapper Xx, npy_cdouble_wrapper Yx)\n"
 	 { (char *)"bsr_matvec", _wrap_bsr_matvec, METH_VARARGS, (char *)"\n"
-		"bsr_matvec(int n_row, int n_col, int R, int C, int Ap, int Aj, \n"
+		"bsr_matvec(int n_brow, int n_bcol, int R, int C, int Ap, int Aj, \n"
 		"    signed char Ax, signed char Xx, signed char Yx)\n"
-		"bsr_matvec(int n_row, int n_col, int R, int C, int Ap, int Aj, \n"
+		"bsr_matvec(int n_brow, int n_bcol, int R, int C, int Ap, int Aj, \n"
 		"    unsigned char Ax, unsigned char Xx, unsigned char Yx)\n"
-		"bsr_matvec(int n_row, int n_col, int R, int C, int Ap, int Aj, \n"
+		"bsr_matvec(int n_brow, int n_bcol, int R, int C, int Ap, int Aj, \n"
 		"    short Ax, short Xx, short Yx)\n"
-		"bsr_matvec(int n_row, int n_col, int R, int C, int Ap, int Aj, \n"
+		"bsr_matvec(int n_brow, int n_bcol, int R, int C, int Ap, int Aj, \n"
 		"    int Ax, int Xx, int Yx)\n"
-		"bsr_matvec(int n_row, int n_col, int R, int C, int Ap, int Aj, \n"
+		"bsr_matvec(int n_brow, int n_bcol, int R, int C, int Ap, int Aj, \n"
 		"    long long Ax, long long Xx, long long Yx)\n"
-		"bsr_matvec(int n_row, int n_col, int R, int C, int Ap, int Aj, \n"
+		"bsr_matvec(int n_brow, int n_bcol, int R, int C, int Ap, int Aj, \n"
 		"    float Ax, float Xx, float Yx)\n"
-		"bsr_matvec(int n_row, int n_col, int R, int C, int Ap, int Aj, \n"
+		"bsr_matvec(int n_brow, int n_bcol, int R, int C, int Ap, int Aj, \n"
 		"    double Ax, double Xx, double Yx)\n"
-		"bsr_matvec(int n_row, int n_col, int R, int C, int Ap, int Aj, \n"
+		"bsr_matvec(int n_brow, int n_bcol, int R, int C, int Ap, int Aj, \n"
 		"    npy_cfloat_wrapper Ax, npy_cfloat_wrapper Xx, \n"
 		"    npy_cfloat_wrapper Yx)\n"
-		"bsr_matvec(int n_row, int n_col, int R, int C, int Ap, int Aj, \n"
+		"bsr_matvec(int n_brow, int n_bcol, int R, int C, int Ap, int Aj, \n"
 		"    npy_cdouble_wrapper Ax, npy_cdouble_wrapper Xx, \n"
 		"    npy_cdouble_wrapper Yx)\n"

Modified: trunk/scipy/sparse/tests/test_base.py
--- trunk/scipy/sparse/tests/test_base.py	2007-12-20 21:42:31 UTC (rev 3694)
+++ trunk/scipy/sparse/tests/test_base.py	2007-12-21 02:04:21 UTC (rev 3695)
@@ -21,7 +21,8 @@
 from numpy.testing import *
 from scipy.sparse import csc_matrix, csr_matrix, dok_matrix, \
-        coo_matrix, lil_matrix, dia_matrix, extract_diagonal, speye
+        coo_matrix, lil_matrix, dia_matrix, bsr_matrix, \
+        extract_diagonal, speye
 from scipy.linsolve import splu
@@ -302,9 +303,7 @@
     def check_conversions(self):
-        #TODO add bsr/bsc
-        #for format in ['bsc','bsr','coo','csc','csr','dia','dok','lil']:
-        for format in ['coo','csc','csr','dia','dok','lil']:
+        for format in ['bsr','coo','csc','csr','dia','dok','lil']:
             a = self.datsp.asformat(format)
             assert_array_almost_equal(a.todense(), self.dat)
@@ -318,18 +317,17 @@
         #TODO, add and test .todia(maxdiags)
-#    def check_tocompressedblock(self):
-#        #TODO more extensively test .tobsc() and .tobsr() w/ blocksizes
-#        x = array([[1,0,2,0],[0,0,0,0],[0,0,4,5]])
-#        y = array([[0,1,2],[3,0,5]])
-#        A = kron(x,y)
-#        Asp = self.spmatrix(A)
-#        for format in ['bsc','bsr']:
-#            fn = getattr(Asp, 'to' + format )
-#            for X in [ 1, 2, 3, 6 ]:
-#                for Y in [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 12]:
-#                    assert_equal( fn(blocksize=(X,Y)).todense(), A)
+    def check_tocompressedblock(self):
+        x = array([[1,0,2,0],[0,0,0,0],[0,0,4,5]])
+        y = array([[0,1,2],[3,0,5]])
+        A = kron(x,y)
+        Asp = self.spmatrix(A)
+        for format in ['bsr']:
+            fn = getattr(Asp, 'to' + format )
+            for X in [ 1, 2, 3, 6 ]:
+                for Y in [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 12]:
+                    assert_equal( fn(blocksize=(X,Y)).todense(), A)
     def check_transpose(self):
@@ -1222,33 +1220,60 @@
         #TODO add test
-#class TestBSR(_TestCommon, _TestArithmetic, NumpyTestCase):
-#    spmatrix = bsr_matrix
-#    def check_constructor1(self):
-#        indptr  = array([0,2,2,4]) 
-#        indices = array([0,2,2,3])
-#        data    = zeros((4,2,3))
-#        data[0] = array([[ 0,  1,  2],
-#                         [ 3,  0,  5]])
-#        data[1] = array([[ 0,  2,  4],
-#                         [ 6,  0, 10]])
-#        data[2] = array([[ 0,  4,  8],
-#                         [12,  0, 20]])
-#        data[3] = array([[ 0,  5, 10],
-#                         [15,  0, 25]])
-#        A = kron( [[1,0,2,0],[0,0,0,0],[0,0,4,5]], [[0,1,2],[3,0,5]] )
-#        Asp = bsr_matrix((data,indices,indptr),shape=(6,12))
-#        assert_equal(Asp.todense(),A)
-#        #TODO add infer from shape example
+class TestBSR(_TestCommon, _TestArithmetic, NumpyTestCase):
+    spmatrix = bsr_matrix
+    def check_constructor1(self):
+        """check native BSR format constructor"""
+        indptr  = array([0,2,2,4]) 
+        indices = array([0,2,2,3])
+        data    = zeros((4,2,3))
+        data[0] = array([[ 0,  1,  2],
+                         [ 3,  0,  5]])
+        data[1] = array([[ 0,  2,  4],
+                         [ 6,  0, 10]])
+        data[2] = array([[ 0,  4,  8],
+                         [12,  0, 20]])
+        data[3] = array([[ 0,  5, 10],
+                         [15,  0, 25]])
+        A = kron( [[1,0,2,0],[0,0,0,0],[0,0,4,5]], [[0,1,2],[3,0,5]] )
+        Asp = bsr_matrix((data,indices,indptr),shape=(6,12))
+        assert_equal(Asp.todense(),A)
+        #infer shape from arrays
+        Asp = bsr_matrix((data,indices,indptr))
+        assert_equal(Asp.todense(),A)
+    def check_constructor2(self):
+        """construct from dense"""
+        #test zero mats
+        for shape in [ (1,1), (5,1), (1,10), (10,4), (3,7), (2,1)]:
+            A = zeros(shape)
+            assert_equal(bsr_matrix(A).todense(),A)
+        A = zeros((4,6))
+        assert_equal(bsr_matrix(A,blocksize=(2,2)).todense(),A)
+        assert_equal(bsr_matrix(A,blocksize=(2,3)).todense(),A)
+        A = kron( [[1,0,2,0],[0,0,0,0],[0,0,4,5]], [[0,1,2],[3,0,5]] )
+        assert_equal(bsr_matrix(A).todense(),A)
+        assert_equal(bsr_matrix(A,shape=(6,12)).todense(),A)
+        assert_equal(bsr_matrix(A,blocksize=(1,1)).todense(),A)
+        assert_equal(bsr_matrix(A,blocksize=(2,3)).todense(),A)
+        assert_equal(bsr_matrix(A,blocksize=(2,6)).todense(),A)
+        assert_equal(bsr_matrix(A,blocksize=(2,12)).todense(),A)
+        assert_equal(bsr_matrix(A,blocksize=(3,12)).todense(),A)
+        assert_equal(bsr_matrix(A,blocksize=(6,12)).todense(),A)
+        A = kron( [[1,0,2,0],[0,1,0,0],[0,0,0,0]], [[0,1,2],[3,0,5]] )
+        assert_equal(bsr_matrix(A,blocksize=(2,3)).todense(),A)
 #class TestBSC(_TestCommon, _TestArithmetic, NumpyTestCase):
 #    spmatrix = bsc_matrix

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