[Scipy-svn] r3643 - trunk/scipy/sparse

scipy-svn at scipy.org scipy-svn at scipy.org
Thu Dec 13 21:58:43 EST 2007

Author: wnbell
Date: 2007-12-13 20:58:33 -0600 (Thu, 13 Dec 2007)
New Revision: 3643

split sparse matrix classes and functions into separate files

Modified: trunk/scipy/sparse/__init__.py
--- trunk/scipy/sparse/__init__.py	2007-12-13 22:51:45 UTC (rev 3642)
+++ trunk/scipy/sparse/__init__.py	2007-12-14 02:58:33 UTC (rev 3643)
@@ -2,7 +2,12 @@
 from info import __doc__
-from sparse import *
+from base import *
+from compressed import *
+from lil import *
+from dok import *
+from coo import *
 from construct import *
 from spfuncs import *

Added: trunk/scipy/sparse/base.py
--- trunk/scipy/sparse/base.py	2007-12-13 22:51:45 UTC (rev 3642)
+++ trunk/scipy/sparse/base.py	2007-12-14 02:58:33 UTC (rev 3643)
@@ -0,0 +1,469 @@
+"""Base class for sparse matrices"""
+__all__ = ['spmatrix','isspmatrix','issparse']
+from numpy import asarray, asmatrix, ones
+from sputils import isdense
+# The formats that we might potentially understand.
+_formats = {'csc':[0, "Compressed Sparse Column"],
+            'csr':[1, "Compressed Sparse Row"],
+            'dok':[2, "Dictionary Of Keys"],
+            'lil':[3, "LInked List"],
+            'dod':[4, "Dictionary of Dictionaries"],
+            'sss':[5, "Symmetric Sparse Skyline"],
+            'coo':[6, "COOrdinate"],
+            'lba':[7, "Linpack BAnded"],
+            'egd':[8, "Ellpack-itpack Generalized Diagonal"],
+            'dia':[9, "DIAgonal"],
+            'bsr':[10, "Block Sparse Row"],
+            'msr':[11, "Modified compressed Sparse Row"],
+            'bsc':[12, "Block Sparse Column"],
+            'msc':[13, "Modified compressed Sparse Column"],
+            'ssk':[14, "Symmetric SKyline"],
+            'nsk':[15, "Nonsymmetric SKyline"],
+            'jad':[16, "JAgged Diagonal"],
+            'uss':[17, "Unsymmetric Sparse Skyline"],
+            'vbr':[18, "Variable Block Row"],
+            'und':[19, "Undefined"]
+            }
+class spmatrix(object):
+    """ This class provides a base class for all sparse matrices.  It
+    cannot be instantiated.  Most of the work is provided by subclasses.
+    """
+    __array_priority__ = 10.1
+    ndim = 2
+    def __init__(self, maxprint=MAXPRINT):
+        self.format = self.__class__.__name__[:3]
+        self._shape = None
+        if self.format == 'spm':
+            raise ValueError, "This class is not intended" \
+                  " to be instantiated directly."
+        self.maxprint = maxprint
+    def set_shape(self,shape):
+        shape = tuple(shape)
+        if len(shape) != 2:
+            raise ValueError("Only two-dimensional sparse arrays "
+                                     "are supported.")
+        try:
+            shape = int(shape[0]),int(shape[1]) #floats, other weirdness
+        except:
+            raise TypeError,'invalid shape'
+        if not (shape[0] >= 1 and shape[1] >= 1):
+            raise TypeError,'invalid shape'
+        if (self._shape != shape) and (self._shape is not None):
+            try:
+                self = self.reshape(shape)
+            except NotImplementedError:
+                raise NotImplementedError("Reshaping not implemented for %s." %
+                                          self.__class__.__name__)
+        self._shape = shape
+    def get_shape(self):
+        return self._shape
+    shape = property(fget=get_shape, fset=set_shape)
+    def reshape(self,shape):
+        raise NotImplementedError
+    def astype(self, t):
+        return self.tocsr().astype(t)
+    def asfptype(self):
+        """Upcast matrix to a floating point format (if necessary)"""
+        fp_types = ['f','d','F','D']
+        if self.dtype.char in fp_types:
+            return self
+        else:
+            for fp_type in fp_types:
+                if self.dtype <= numpy.dtype(fp_type):
+                    return self.astype(fp_type)
+            raise TypeError,'cannot upcast [%s] to a floating \
+                             point format' % self.dtype.name
+    def __iter__(self):
+        for r in xrange(self.shape[0]):
+            yield self[r,:]
+    def getmaxprint(self):
+        try:
+            maxprint = self.maxprint
+        except AttributeError:
+            maxprint = MAXPRINT
+        return maxprint
+    #def typecode(self):
+    #    try:
+    #        typ = self.dtype.char
+    #    except AttributeError:
+    #        typ = None
+    #    return typ
+    def getnnz(self):
+        try:
+            return self.nnz
+        except AttributeError:
+            raise AttributeError, "nnz not defined"
+    def getformat(self):
+        try:
+            format = self.format
+        except AttributeError:
+            format = 'und'
+        return format
+    def rowcol(self, num):
+        return (None, None)
+    def getdata(self, num):
+        return None
+    def listprint(self, start, stop):
+        """Provides a way to print over a single index.
+        """
+        return '\n'.join(['  %s\t%s' % (self.rowcol(ind), self.getdata(ind))
+                         for ind in xrange(start,stop)]) + '\n'
+    def __repr__(self):
+        nnz = self.getnnz()
+        format = self.getformat()
+        return "<%dx%d sparse matrix of type '%s'\n" \
+               "\twith %d stored elements in %s format>" % \
+               (self.shape + (self.dtype.type, nnz, _formats[format][1]))
+    def __str__(self):
+        nnz = self.getnnz()
+        maxprint = self.getmaxprint()
+        val = ''
+        if nnz > maxprint:
+            val = val + self.listprint(0, maxprint/2)
+            val = val + "  :\t:\n"
+            val = val + self.listprint(nnz-maxprint//2, nnz)
+        else:
+            val = val + self.listprint(0, nnz)
+        return val[:-1]
+    def __nonzero__(self):  # Simple -- other ideas?
+        return self.getnnz() > 0
+    # What should len(sparse) return? For consistency with dense matrices,
+    # perhaps it should be the number of rows?  But for some uses the number of
+    # non-zeros is more important.  For now, raise an exception!
+    def __len__(self):
+        # return self.getnnz()
+        raise TypeError, "sparse matrix length is ambiguous; use getnnz()" \
+                         " or shape[0]"
+    def asformat(self, format):
+        """Return this matrix in a given sparse format
+        *Parameters*:
+            format : desired sparse matrix format
+                If format is None then no conversion is performed
+                Other possible values include:
+                    "csr" for csr_matrix format
+                    "csc" for csc_matrix format
+                    "dok" for dok_matrix format and so on
+        """
+        if format is None or format == self.format:
+            return self
+        else:
+            return getattr(self,'to' + format)()
+    # default operations use the CSR format as a base
+    #   and operations return in csr format
+    #  thus, a new sparse matrix format just needs to define
+    #  a tocsr method
+    def __abs__(self):
+        return abs(self.tocsr())
+    def __add__(self, other):   # self + other
+        return self.tocsr().__add__(other)
+    def __radd__(self, other):  # other + self
+        return self.tocsr().__radd__(other)
+    def __sub__(self, other):   # self - other
+        #note: this can't be replaced by self + (-other) for unsigned types
+        return self.tocsr().__sub__(other)
+    def __rsub__(self, other):  # other - self
+        return self.tocsr().__rsub__(other)
+    def __mul__(self, other):
+        return self.tocsr().__mul__(other)
+    def __rmul__(self, other):
+        return self.tocsr().__rmul__(other)
+    def __truediv__(self, other):
+        if isscalarlike(other):
+            return self * (1./other)
+        else:
+            return self.tocsr().__truediv__(other)
+    def __div__(self, other):
+        # Always do true division
+        return self.__truediv__(other)
+    def __pow__(self, other):
+        csc = self.tocsc()
+        return csc ** other
+    def __neg__(self):
+        csc = self.tocsc()
+        return -csc
+    def __iadd__(self, other):
+        raise NotImplementedError
+    def __isub__(self, other):
+        raise NotImplementedError
+    def __imul__(self, other):
+        raise NotImplementedError
+    def __idiv__(self, other):
+        return self.__itruediv__(other)
+    def __itruediv__(self, other):
+        raise NotImplementedError
+    def __getattr__(self, attr):
+        if attr == 'A':
+            return self.toarray()
+        elif attr == 'T':
+            return self.transpose()
+        elif attr == 'H':
+            return self.getH()
+        elif attr == 'real':
+            return self._real()
+        elif attr == 'imag':
+            return self._imag()
+        elif attr == 'size':
+            return self.getnnz()
+        else:
+            raise AttributeError, attr + " not found"
+    def transpose(self):
+        return self.tocsr().transpose()
+    def conj(self):
+        return self.tocsr().conj()
+    def conjugate(self):
+        return self.tocsr().conj()
+    # Renamed conjtranspose() -> getH() for compatibility with dense matrices
+    def getH(self):
+        return self.transpose().conj()
+    def _real(self):
+        return self.tocsr()._real()
+    def _imag(self):
+        return self.tocsr()._imag()
+    def getcol(self, j):
+        """Returns a copy of column j of the matrix, as an (m x 1) sparse
+        matrix (column vector).
+        """
+        # Spmatrix subclasses should override this method for efficiency.
+        # Post-multiply by a (n x 1) column vector 'a' containing all zeros
+        # except for a_j = 1
+        n = self.shape[1]
+        a = csc_matrix((n, 1), dtype=self.dtype)
+        a[j, 0] = 1
+        return self * a
+    def getrow(self, i):
+        """Returns a copy of row i of the matrix, as a (1 x n) sparse
+        matrix (row vector).
+        """
+        # Spmatrix subclasses should override this method for efficiency.
+        # Pre-multiply by a (1 x m) row vector 'a' containing all zeros
+        # except for a_i = 1
+        m = self.shape[0]
+        a = csr_matrix((1, m), dtype=self.dtype)
+        a[0, i] = 1
+        return a * self
+    def dot(self, other):
+        """ A generic interface for matrix-matrix or matrix-vector
+        multiplication.
+        """
+        try:
+            other.shape
+        except AttributeError:
+            # If it's a list or whatever, treat it like a matrix
+            other = asmatrix(other)
+        if isdense(other) and asarray(other).squeeze().ndim <= 1:
+            # it's a dense row or column vector
+            return self.matvec(other)
+        elif len(other.shape) == 2:
+            # it's a 2d dense array, dense matrix, or sparse matrix
+            return self.matmat(other)
+        else:
+            raise ValueError, "could not interpret dimensions"
+    def matmat(self, other):
+        return self.tocsr().matmat(other)
+    def matvec(self, other):
+        """Multiplies the sparse matrix by the vector 'other', returning a
+        dense vector as a result.
+        """
+        return self.tocsr().matvec(other)
+    def rmatvec(self, other, conjugate=True):
+        """Multiplies the vector 'other' by the sparse matrix, returning a
+        dense vector as a result.
+        If 'conjugate' is True:
+            returns A.transpose().conj() * other
+        Otherwise:
+            returns A.transpose() * other.
+        """
+        return self.tocsr().rmatvec(other, conjugate=conjugate)
+    #def rmatmat(self, other, conjugate=True):
+    #    """ If 'conjugate' is True:
+    #        returns other * A.transpose().conj(),
+    #    where 'other' is a matrix.  Otherwise:
+    #        returns other * A.transpose().
+    #    """
+    #    other = csc_matrix(other)
+    #    if conjugate:
+    #        return other.matmat(self.transpose()).conj()
+    #    else:
+    #        return other.matmat(self.transpose())
+    def todense(self):
+        return asmatrix(self.toarray())
+    def toarray(self):
+        csr = self.tocsr()
+        return csr.toarray()
+    def todok(self):
+        return self.tocoo().todok()
+    def tocoo(self):
+        return self.tocsr().tocoo()
+    def tolil(self):
+        return self.tocsr().tolil()
+    def toself(self, copy=False):
+        if copy:
+            new = self.copy()
+        else:
+            new = self
+        return new
+    def copy(self):
+        return self.tocsr().copy()
+    def sum(self, axis=None):
+        """Sum the matrix over the given axis.  If the axis is None, sum
+        over both rows and columns, returning a scalar.
+        """
+        # We use multiplication by an array of ones to achieve this.
+        # For some sparse matrix formats more efficient methods are
+        # possible -- these should override this function.
+        m, n = self.shape
+        if axis == 0:
+            # sum over columns
+            return asmatrix(ones((1, m), dtype=self.dtype)) * self
+        elif axis == 1:
+            # sum over rows
+            return self * asmatrix(ones((n, 1), dtype=self.dtype))
+        elif axis is None:
+            # sum over rows and columns
+            return ( self * asmatrix(ones((n, 1), dtype=self.dtype)) ).sum()
+        else:
+            raise ValueError, "axis out of bounds"
+    def mean(self, axis=None):
+        """Average the matrix over the given axis.  If the axis is None,
+        average over both rows and columns, returning a scalar.
+        """
+        if axis == 0:
+            mean = self.sum(0)
+            mean *= 1.0 / self.shape[0]
+            return mean
+        elif axis == 1:
+            mean = self.sum(1)
+            mean *= 1.0 / self.shape[1]
+            return mean
+        elif axis is None:
+            return self.sum(None) * 1.0 / (self.shape[0]*self.shape[1])
+        else:
+            raise ValueError, "axis out of bounds"
+    def setdiag(self, values, k=0):
+        """Fills the diagonal elements {a_ii} with the values from the
+        given sequence.  If k != 0, fills the off-diagonal elements
+        {a_{i,i+k}} instead.
+        values may have any length.  If the diagonal is longer than values,
+        then the remaining diagonal entries will not be set.  If values if
+        longer than the diagonal, then the remaining values are ignored.
+        """
+        M, N = self.shape
+        if (k > 0 and k >= N) or (k < 0 and -k >= M):
+            raise ValueError, "k exceedes matrix dimensions"
+        if k < 0:
+            max_index = min(M+k, N, len(values))
+            for i,v in enumerate(values[:max_index]):
+                self[i - k, i] = v
+        else:
+            max_index = min(M, N-k, len(values))
+            for i,v in enumerate(values[:max_index]):
+                self[i, i + k] = v
+    def save(self, file_name, format = '%d %d %f\n'):
+        #TODO deprecate, use io.mmwrite or mio instead
+        try:
+            fd = open(file_name, 'w')
+        except Exception, e:
+            raise e, file_name
+        fd.write('%d %d\n' % self.shape)
+        fd.write('%d\n' % self.size)
+        for ii in xrange(self.size):
+            ir, ic = self.rowcol(ii)
+            data = self.getdata(ii)
+            fd.write(format % (ir, ic, data))
+        fd.close()
+from sputils import _isinstance
+def isspmatrix(x):
+    return _isinstance(x, spmatrix)
+issparse = isspmatrix

Added: trunk/scipy/sparse/compressed.py
--- trunk/scipy/sparse/compressed.py	2007-12-13 22:51:45 UTC (rev 3642)
+++ trunk/scipy/sparse/compressed.py	2007-12-14 02:58:33 UTC (rev 3643)
@@ -0,0 +1,951 @@
+"""Sparse matrix classes using compressed storage
+__all__ = ['csr_matrix', 'csc_matrix', 'isspmatrix_csr', 'isspmatrix_csc' ]
+import numpy
+from numpy import array, matrix, asarray, asmatrix, zeros, rank, intc, \
+        empty, hstack, isscalar, ndarray, shape, searchsorted
+from base import spmatrix,isspmatrix
+import sparsetools
+from sparsetools import csrtodense, cootocsr, cootocsc, csctocsr, csrtocsc
+from sputils import upcast, to_native, isdense, isshape, getdtype, \
+        isscalarlike
+def resize1d(arr, newlen):
+    old = len(arr)
+    new = zeros((newlen,), arr.dtype)
+    new[:old] = arr
+    return new
+class _cs_matrix(spmatrix):
+    """base matrix class for compressed row and column oriented matrices"""
+    def __init__(self, arg1, dims=None, dtype=None, copy=False):
+        spmatrix.__init__(self)
+        if isdense(arg1):
+            # Convert the dense array or matrix arg1 to sparse format
+            if rank(arg1) == 1:
+                # Convert to a row vector
+                arg1 = arg1.reshape(1, arg1.shape[0])
+            if rank(arg1) == 2:
+                from coo import coo_matrix
+                self.shape = arg1.shape
+                self._set_self( self._tothis(coo_matrix(arg1)) )
+            else:
+                raise ValueError, "dense array must have rank 1 or 2"
+        elif isspmatrix(arg1):
+            if copy:
+                arg1 = arg1.copy()
+            self._set_self( self._tothis(arg1) )
+        elif isinstance(arg1, tuple):
+            if isshape(arg1):
+                # It's a tuple of matrix dimensions (M, N)
+                # create empty matrix
+                self.shape = arg1   #spmatrix checks for errors here
+                M, N = self.shape
+                self.data    = zeros(0, getdtype(dtype, default=float))
+                self.indices = zeros(0, intc)
+                self.indptr  = zeros(self._swap(self.shape)[0] + 1, dtype='intc')
+            else:
+                try:
+                    # Try interpreting it as (data, ij)
+                    (data, ij) = arg1
+                    assert isinstance(ij, ndarray) and (rank(ij) == 2) \
+                           and (shape(ij) == (2, len(data)))
+                except (AssertionError, TypeError, ValueError, AttributeError):
+                    try:
+                        # Try interpreting it as (data, indices, indptr)
+                        (data, indices, indptr) = arg1
+                    except:
+                        raise ValueError, "unrecognized form for csr_matrix constructor"
+                    else:
+                        self.data    = array(data, copy=copy, dtype=getdtype(dtype, data))
+                        self.indices = array(indices, copy=copy)
+                        self.indptr  = array(indptr, copy=copy)
+                else:
+                    # (data, ij) format
+                    from coo import coo_matrix
+                    other = coo_matrix((data, ij), dims=dims )
+                    other = self._tothis(other)
+                    self._set_self( other )
+        else:
+            raise ValueError, "unrecognized form for csr_matrix constructor"
+        # Read matrix dimensions given, if any
+        if dims is not None:
+            self.shape = dims   # spmatrix will check for errors
+        else:
+            if self.shape is None:
+                # shape not already set, try to infer dimensions
+                try:
+                    major_dim = len(self.indptr) - 1
+                    minor_dim = self.indices.max() + 1
+                except:
+                    raise ValueError,'unable to infer matrix dimensions'
+                else:
+                    self.shape = self._swap((major_dim,minor_dim))
+        self.check_format(full_check=False)
+    def getnnz(self):
+        return self.indptr[-1]
+    nnz = property(fget=getnnz)
+    def _get_dtype(self):
+        return self.data.dtype
+    def _set_dtype(self,newtype):
+        self.data.dtype = newtype
+    dtype = property(fget=_get_dtype,fset=_set_dtype)
+    def _set_self(self, other, copy=False):
+        """take the member variables of other and assign them to self"""
+        if copy:
+            other = other.copy()
+        self.data    = other.data
+        self.indices = other.indices
+        self.indptr  = other.indptr
+        self.shape   = other.shape
+    def _check_format(self, full_check):
+        self.shape = tuple([int(x) for x in self.shape])  # for floats etc.
+        #use _swap to determine proper bounds
+        major_name,minor_name = self._swap(('row','column'))
+        major_dim,minor_dim = self._swap(self.shape)
+        # index arrays should have integer data types
+        if self.indptr.dtype.kind != 'i':
+            warnings.warn("indptr array has non-integer dtype (%s)"  \
+                                            % self.indptr.dtype.name )
+        if self.indices.dtype.kind != 'i':
+            warnings.warn("indices array has non-integer dtype (%s)" \
+                                            % self.indices.dtype.name )
+        # only support 32-bit ints for now
+        self.indptr  = self.indptr.astype('intc')
+        self.indices = self.indices.astype('intc')
+        self.data    = to_native(self.data)
+        # check array shapes
+        if (rank(self.data) != 1) or (rank(self.indices) != 1) or \
+           (rank(self.indptr) != 1):
+            raise ValueError,"data, indices, and indptr should be rank 1"
+        # check index pointer
+        if (len(self.indptr) != major_dim + 1 ):
+            raise ValueError, \
+                "index pointer size (%d) should be (%d)" % \
+                 (len(self.indptr), major_dim + 1)
+        if (self.indptr[0] != 0):
+            raise ValueError,"index pointer should start with 0"
+        # check index and data arrays
+        if (len(self.indices) != len(self.data)):
+            raise ValueError,"indices and data should have the same size"
+        if (self.indptr[-1] > len(self.indices)):
+            raise ValueError, \
+                  "Last value of index pointer should be less than "\
+                  "the size of index and data arrays"
+        self.prune()
+        if full_check:
+            #check format validity (more expensive)
+            if self.nnz > 0:
+                if amax(self.indices) >= minor_dim:
+                    raise ValueError, "%s index values must be < %d" % \
+                            (minor_name,minor_dim)
+                if amin(self.indices) < 0:
+                    raise ValueError, "%s index values must be >= 0" % \
+                            minor_name
+                if numpy.diff(self.indptr).min() < 0:
+                    raise ValueError,'index pointer values must form a " \
+                                        "non-decreasing sequence'
+    def astype(self, t):
+        return self._with_data(self.data.astype(t))
+    def _with_data(self,data,copy=True):
+        """Returns a matrix with the same sparsity structure as self,
+        but with different data.  By default the structure arrays
+        (i.e. .indptr and .indices) are copied.
+        """
+        if copy:
+            return self.__class__((data,self.indices.copy(),self.indptr.copy()), \
+                                   dims=self.shape,dtype=data.dtype)
+        else:
+            return self.__class__((data,self.indices,self.indptr), \
+                                   dims=self.shape,dtype=data.dtype)
+    def __abs__(self):
+        return self._with_data(abs(self.data))
+    def _real(self):
+        return self._with_data(numpy.real(self.data))
+    def _imag(self):
+        return self._with_data(numpy.imag(self.data))
+    def _binopt(self, other, op, in_shape=None, out_shape=None):
+        """apply the binary operation fn to two sparse matrices"""
+        other = self._tothis(other)
+        if in_shape is None:
+            in_shape = self.shape
+        if out_shape is None:
+            out_shape = self.shape
+        # e.g. csr_plus_csr, cscmucsc, etc.
+        fn = getattr(sparsetools, self.format + op + self.format)
+        indptr, ind, data = fn(in_shape[0], in_shape[1], \
+                               self.indptr, self.indices, self.data,
+                               other.indptr, other.indices, other.data)
+        return self.__class__((data, ind, indptr), dims=out_shape)
+    def __add__(self,other):
+        # First check if argument is a scalar
+        if isscalarlike(other):
+            # Now we would add this scalar to every element.
+            raise NotImplementedError, 'adding a scalar to a CSC or CSR ' \
+                  'matrix is not supported'
+        elif isspmatrix(other):
+            if (other.shape != self.shape):
+                raise ValueError, "inconsistent shapes"
+            return self._binopt(other,'_plus_')
+        elif isdense(other):
+            # Convert this matrix to a dense matrix and add them
+            return self.todense() + other
+        else:
+            raise NotImplementedError
+    def __radd__(self,other):
+        return self.__add__(other)
+    def __sub__(self,other):
+        # First check if argument is a scalar
+        if isscalarlike(other):
+            # Now we would add this scalar to every element.
+            raise NotImplementedError, 'adding a scalar to a CSC or CSR ' \
+                  'matrix is not supported'
+        elif isspmatrix(other):
+            if (other.shape != self.shape):
+                raise ValueError, "inconsistent shapes"
+            return self._binopt(other,'_minus_')
+        elif isdense(other):
+            # Convert this matrix to a dense matrix and subtract them
+            return self.todense() - other
+        else:
+            raise NotImplementedError
+    def __rsub__(self,other):  # other - self
+        #note: this can't be replaced by other + (-self) for unsigned types
+        if isscalarlike(other):
+            # Now we would add this scalar to every element.
+            raise NotImplementedError, 'adding a scalar to a CSC or CSR ' \
+                  'matrix is not supported'
+        elif isdense(other):
+            # Convert this matrix to a dense matrix and subtract them
+            return other - self.todense()
+        else:
+            raise NotImplementedError
+    def __mul__(self, other): # self * other
+        """ Scalar, vector, or matrix multiplication
+        """
+        if isscalarlike(other):
+            return self._with_data(self.data * other)
+        else:
+            return self.dot(other)
+    def __rmul__(self, other): # other * self
+        if isscalarlike(other):
+            return self.__mul__(other)
+        else:
+            # Don't use asarray unless we have to
+            try:
+                tr = other.transpose()
+            except AttributeError:
+                tr = asarray(other).transpose()
+            return self.transpose().dot(tr).transpose()
+    def __imul__(self, other): #self *= other
+        if isscalarlike(other):
+            self.data *= other
+            return self
+        else:
+            raise NotImplementedError
+    def __neg__(self):
+        return self._with_data(-self.data)
+    def __truediv__(self,other):
+        if isscalarlike(other):
+            return self * (1./other)
+        elif isspmatrix(other):
+            if (other.shape != self.shape):
+                raise ValueError, "inconsistent shapes"
+            return self._binopt(other,'_eldiv_')
+        else:
+            raise NotImplementedError
+    def __itruediv__(self, other): #self *= other
+        if isscalarlike(other):
+            recip = 1.0 / other
+            self.data *= recip
+            return self
+        else:
+            raise NotImplementedError
+    def __pow__(self, other):
+        """ Element-by-element power (unless other is a scalar, in which
+        case return the matrix power.)
+        """
+        if isscalarlike(other):
+            return self._with_data(self.data**other)
+        elif isspmatrix(other):
+            if (other.shape != self.shape):
+                raise ValueError, "inconsistent shapes"
+            return self._binopt(other,'_elmul_')
+        else:
+            raise NotImplementedError
+    def matmat(self, other):
+        if isspmatrix(other):
+            M, K1 = self.shape
+            K2, N = other.shape
+            if (K1 != K2):
+                raise ValueError, "shape mismatch error"
+            other = self._tothis(other)
+            return self._binopt(other,'mu',in_shape=(M,N),out_shape=(M,N))
+        elif isdense(other):
+            # TODO make sparse * dense matrix multiplication more efficient
+            # matvec each column of other
+            return hstack( [ self * col.reshape(-1,1) for col in other.T ] )
+        else:
+            raise TypeError, "need a dense or sparse matrix"
+    def matvec(self, other):
+        if isdense(other):
+            if other.size != self.shape[1] or \
+                    (other.ndim == 2 and self.shape[1] != other.shape[0]):
+                raise ValueError, "dimension mismatch"
+            # csrmux, cscmux
+            fn = getattr(sparsetools,self.format + 'mux')
+            #output array
+            y = empty( self.shape[0], dtype=upcast(self.dtype,other.dtype) )
+            fn(self.shape[0], self.shape[1], \
+                self.indptr, self.indices, self.data, numpy.ravel(other), y)
+            if isinstance(other, matrix):
+                y = asmatrix(y)
+            if other.ndim == 2 and other.shape[1] == 1:
+                # If 'other' was an (nx1) column vector, reshape the result
+                y = y.reshape(-1,1)
+            return y
+        elif isspmatrix(other):
+            raise TypeError, "use matmat() for sparse * sparse"
+        else:
+            raise TypeError, "need a dense vector"
+    def rmatvec(self, other, conjugate=True):
+        if conjugate:
+            return self.transpose().conj() * other
+        else:
+            return self.transpose() * other
+    def getdata(self, ind):
+        return self.data[ind]
+#    def _other_format(self):
+#        if self.format == 'csr':
+#            return 'csc'
+#        elif self.format == 'csc':
+#            return 'csr'
+#        else:
+#            raise TypeError,'unrecognized type'
+#    def _other__class__(self):
+#        if self.format == 'csr':
+#            return csc_matrix
+#        elif self.format == 'csc':
+#            return csr_matrix
+#        else:
+#            raise TypeError,'unrecognized type'
+    def sum(self, axis=None):
+        """Sum the matrix over the given axis.  If the axis is None, sum
+        over both rows and columns, returning a scalar.
+        """
+        # The spmatrix base class already does axis=0 and axis=1 efficiently
+        # so we only do the case axis=None here
+        if axis is None:
+            return self.data[:self.indptr[-1]].sum()
+        else:
+            return spmatrix.sum(self,axis)
+            raise ValueError, "axis out of bounds"
+    def copy(self):
+        return self._with_data(self.data.copy(),copy=True)
+    def _get_slice(self, i, start, stop, stride, dims):
+        """Returns a view of the elements [i, myslice.start:myslice.stop].
+        """
+        if stride != 1:
+            raise ValueError, "slicing with step != 1 not supported"
+        if stop <= start:
+            raise ValueError, "slice width must be >= 1"
+        indices = []
+        for ind in xrange(self.indptr[i], self.indptr[i+1]):
+            if self.indices[ind] >= start and self.indices[ind] < stop:
+                indices.append(ind)
+        index = self.indices[indices] - start
+        data   = self.data[indices]
+        indptr = numpy.array([0, len(indices)])
+        return self.__class__((data, index, indptr), dims=dims, \
+                              dtype=self.dtype)
+    def _transpose(self, cls, copy=False):
+        M, N = self.shape
+        return cls((self.data,self.indices,self.indptr),(N,M),copy=copy)
+    def tocoo(self,copy=True):
+        """Return a COOrdinate representation of this matrix
+        When copy=False the index and data arrays are not copied.
+        """
+        major_dim,minor_dim = self._swap(self.shape)
+        data = self.data
+        minor_indices = self.indices
+        if copy:
+            data = data.copy()
+            minor_indices = minor_indices.copy()
+        major_indices = empty(len(minor_indices),dtype=intc)
+        sparsetools.expandptr(major_dim,self.indptr,major_indices)
+        row,col = self._swap((major_indices,minor_indices))
+        from coo import coo_matrix
+        return coo_matrix((data,(row,col)), self.shape)
+    def conj(self, copy=False):
+        return self._with_data(self.data.conj(),copy=copy)
+    def sorted_indices(self):
+        """Return a copy of this matrix with sorted indices
+        """
+        A = self.copy()
+        A.sort_indices()
+        return A
+        # an alternative that has linear complexity is the following
+        # typically the previous option is faster
+        #return self._toother()._toother()
+    def sort_indices(self):
+        """Sort the indices of this matrix *in place*
+        """
+        fn = getattr(sparsetools,'sort_' + self.format + '_indices')
+        M,N = self.shape
+        fn( M, N, self.indptr, self.indices, self.data)
+    def ensure_sorted_indices(self, inplace=False):
+        """Return a copy of this matrix where the column indices are sorted
+        """
+        warnings.warn('ensure_sorted_indices is deprecated, ' \
+                      'use sorted_indices() or sort_indices() instead', \
+                      DeprecationWarning)
+        if inplace:
+            self.sort_indices()
+        else:
+            return self.sorted_indices()
+    def prune(self):
+        """ Remove empty space after all non-zero elements.
+        """
+        major_dim = self._swap(self.shape)[0]
+        if len(self.indptr) != major_dim + 1:
+            raise ValueError, "index pointer has invalid length"
+        if len(self.indices) < self.nnz: 
+            raise ValueError, "indices array has fewer than nnz elements"
+        if len(self.data) < self.nnz:
+            raise ValueError, "data array has fewer than nnz elements"
+        self.data    = self.data[:self.nnz]
+        self.indices = self.indices[:self.nnz]
+    def _get_submatrix( self, shape0, shape1, slice0, slice1 ):
+        """Return a submatrix of this matrix (new matrix is created)."""
+        def _process_slice( sl, num ):
+            if isinstance( sl, slice ):
+                i0, i1 = sl.start, sl.stop
+                if i0 is None:
+                    i0 = 0
+                elif i0 < 0:
+                    i0 = num + i0
+                if i1 is None:
+                    i1 = num
+                elif i1 < 0:
+                    i1 = num + i1
+                return i0, i1
+            elif isscalar( sl ):
+                if sl < 0:
+                    sl += num
+                return sl, sl + 1
+            else:
+                return sl[0], sl[1]
+        def _in_bounds( i0, i1, num ):
+            if not (0<=i0<num) or not (0<i1<=num) or not (i0<i1):
+                raise IndexError,\
+                      "index out of bounds: 0<=%d<%d, 0<=%d<%d, %d<%d" %\
+                      (i0, num, i1, num, i0, i1)
+        i0, i1 = _process_slice( slice0, shape0 )
+        j0, j1 = _process_slice( slice1, shape1 )
+        _in_bounds( i0, i1, shape0 )
+        _in_bounds( j0, j1, shape1 )
+        aux = sparsetools.get_csr_submatrix( shape0, shape1,
+                                             self.indptr, self.indices,
+                                             self.data,
+                                             i0, i1, j0, j1 )
+        data, indices, indptr = aux[2], aux[1], aux[0]
+        return data, indices, indptr, i1 - i0, j1 - j0
+class csc_matrix(_cs_matrix):
+    """ Compressed sparse column matrix
+        This can be instantiated in several ways:
+          - csc_matrix(d)
+            with a dense matrix d
+          - csc_matrix(s)
+            with another sparse matrix s (sugar for .tocsc())
+          - csc_matrix((M, N), [dtype])
+            to construct a container, where (M, N) are dimensions and
+            dtype is optional, defaulting to dtype='d'.
+          - csc_matrix((data, ij), [(M, N)])
+            where data, ij satisfy:
+                a[ij[0, k], ij[1, k]] = data[k]
+          - csc_matrix((data, row, ptr), [(M, N)])
+            standard CSC representation
+    """
+    def check_format(self,full_check=True):
+        """check whether matrix is in valid CSC format
+            *Parameters*:
+                full_check:
+                    True  - rigorous check, O(N) operations : default
+                    False - basic check, O(1) operations
+        """
+        _cs_matrix._check_format(self,full_check)
+    def __getattr__(self, attr):
+        if attr == 'rowind':
+            warnings.warn("rowind attribute no longer in use. Use .indices instead",
+                          DeprecationWarning)
+            return self.indices
+        else:
+            return _cs_matrix.__getattr__(self, attr)
+    def __iter__(self):
+        csr = self.tocsr()
+        for r in xrange(self.shape[0]):
+            yield csr[r,:]
+    def transpose(self, copy=False):
+        return _cs_matrix._transpose(self, csr_matrix, copy)
+    def __getitem__(self, key):
+        if isinstance(key, tuple):
+            #TODO use _swap() to unify this in _cs_matrix
+            row = key[0]
+            col = key[1]
+            if isinstance(col, slice):
+                # Returns a new matrix!
+                return self.get_submatrix( row, col )
+            elif isinstance(row, slice):
+                return self._getslice(row, col)
+            M, N = self.shape
+            if (row < 0):
+                row = M + row
+            if (col < 0):
+                col = N + col
+            if not (0<=row<M) or not (0<=col<N):
+                raise IndexError, "index out of bounds"
+            #this was implemented in fortran before - is there a noticable performance advantage?
+            indxs = numpy.where(row == self.indices[self.indptr[col]:self.indptr[col+1]])
+            if len(indxs[0]) == 0:
+                return 0
+            else:
+                return self.data[self.indptr[col]:self.indptr[col+1]][indxs[0]]
+        elif isintlike(key):
+            # Was: return self.data[key]
+            # If this is allowed, it should return the relevant row, as for
+            # dense matrices (and __len__ should be supported again).
+            raise IndexError, "integer index not supported for csc_matrix"
+        else:
+            raise IndexError, "invalid index"
+    def __setitem__(self, key, val):
+        if isinstance(key, tuple):
+            row = key[0]
+            col = key[1]
+            if not (isscalarlike(row) and isscalarlike(col)):
+                raise NotImplementedError("Fancy indexing in assignments not"
+                                          "supported for csc matrices.")
+            M, N = self.shape
+            if (row < 0):
+                row = M + row
+            if (col < 0):
+                col = N + col
+            if (row < 0) or (col < 0):
+                raise IndexError, "index out of bounds"
+            if (col >= N):
+                self.indptr = resize1d(self.indptr, col+2)
+                self.indptr[N+1:] = self.indptr[N]
+                N = col+1
+            if (row >= M):
+                M = row+1
+            self.shape = (M, N)
+            indxs = numpy.where(row == self.indices[self.indptr[col]:self.indptr[col+1]])
+            if len(indxs[0]) == 0:
+                #value not present
+                #TODO handle this with concatenation
+                self.data    = resize1d(self.data,    self.nnz + 1)
+                self.indices = resize1d(self.indices, self.nnz + 1)
+                newindex = self.indptr[col]
+                self.data[newindex+1:]    = self.data[newindex:-1]
+                self.indices[newindex+1:] = self.indices[newindex:-1]
+                self.data[newindex]   = val
+                self.indices[newindex] = row
+                self.indptr[col+1:] += 1
+            elif len(indxs[0]) == 1:
+                #value already present
+                self.data[self.indptr[col]:self.indptr[col+1]][indxs[0]] = val
+            else:
+                raise IndexError, "row index occurs more than once"
+            self.check_format(full_check=False)
+        else:
+            # We should allow slices here!
+            raise IndexError, "invalid index"
+    def _getslice(self, i, myslice):
+        return self._getcolslice(i, myslice)
+    def _getcolslice(self, myslice, j):
+        """Returns a view of the elements [myslice.start:myslice.stop, j].
+        """
+        start, stop, stride = myslice.indices(self.shape[0])
+        return _cs_matrix._get_slice(self, j, start, stop, stride, (stop - start, 1))
+    def rowcol(self, ind):
+        row = self.indices[ind]
+        col = searchsorted(self.indptr, ind+1)-1
+        return (row, col)
+    def tocsc(self, copy=False):
+        return self.toself(copy)
+    def tocsr(self):
+        indptr  = empty(self.shape[0] + 1, dtype=intc)
+        indices = empty(self.nnz, dtype=intc)
+        data    = empty(self.nnz, dtype=upcast(self.dtype))
+        csctocsr(self.shape[0], self.shape[1], \
+                self.indptr, self.indices, self.data, \
+                indptr, indices, data)
+        return csr_matrix((data, indices, indptr), self.shape)
+    def toarray(self):
+        return self.tocsr().toarray()
+    def get_submatrix( self, slice0, slice1 ):
+        """Return a submatrix of this matrix (new matrix is created).
+        Rows and columns can be selected using slice instances, tuples,
+        or scalars."""
+        aux = _cs_matrix._get_submatrix( self, self.shape[1], self.shape[0],
+                                         slice1, slice0 )
+        nr, nc = aux[3:]
+        return self.__class__( aux[:3], dims = (nc, nr) )
+    # these functions are used by the parent class (_cs_matrix)
+    # to remove redudancy between csc_matrix and csr_matrix
+    def _swap(self,x):
+        """swap the members of x if this is a column-oriented matrix
+        """
+        return (x[1],x[0])
+    def _toother(self):
+        return self.tocsr()
+    def _tothis(self, other):
+        return other.tocsc()
+class csr_matrix(_cs_matrix):
+    """ Compressed sparse row matrix
+        This can be instantiated in several ways:
+          - csr_matrix(d)
+            with a dense matrix d
+          - csr_matrix(s)
+            with another sparse matrix s (sugar for .tocsr())
+          - csr_matrix((M, N), [dtype])
+            to construct a container, where (M, N) are dimensions and
+            dtype is optional, defaulting to dtype='d'.
+          - csr_matrix((data, ij), [dims=(M, N)])
+            where data, ij satisfy:
+                a[ij[0, k], ij[1, k]] = data[k]
+          - csr_matrix((data, col, ptr), [dims=(M, N)])
+            standard CSR representation
+    """
+    def check_format(self,full_check=True):
+        """check whether matrix is in valid CSR format
+            *Parameters*:
+                full_check:
+                    True  - perform rigorous checking - default
+                    False - perform basic format check
+        """
+        _cs_matrix._check_format(self,full_check)
+    def __getattr__(self, attr):
+        if attr == 'colind':
+            warnings.warn("colind attribute no longer in use. Use .indices instead",
+                          DeprecationWarning)
+            return self.indices
+        else:
+            return _cs_matrix.__getattr__(self, attr)
+    def transpose(self, copy=False):
+        return _cs_matrix._transpose(self, csc_matrix, copy)
+    def __getitem__(self, key):
+        if isinstance(key, tuple):
+            #TODO use _swap() to unify this in _cs_matrix
+            row = key[0]
+            col = key[1]
+            if isinstance(row, slice):
+                # Returns a new matrix!
+                return self.get_submatrix( row, col )
+            elif isinstance(col, slice):
+                return self._getslice(row, col)
+            M, N = self.shape
+            if (row < 0):
+                row = M + row
+            if (col < 0):
+                col = N + col
+            if not (0<=row<M) or not (0<=col<N):
+                raise IndexError, "index out of bounds"
+            #this was implemented in fortran before - is there a noticable performance advantage?
+            indxs = numpy.where(col == self.indices[self.indptr[row]:self.indptr[row+1]])
+            if len(indxs[0]) == 0:
+                return 0
+            else:
+                return self.data[self.indptr[row]:self.indptr[row+1]][indxs[0]]
+        elif isintlike(key):
+            return self[key, :]
+        else:
+            raise IndexError, "invalid index"
+    def _getslice(self, i, myslice):
+        return self._getrowslice(i, myslice)
+    def _getrowslice(self, i, myslice):
+        """Returns a view of the elements [i, myslice.start:myslice.stop].
+        """
+        start, stop, stride = myslice.indices(self.shape[1])
+        return _cs_matrix._get_slice(self, i, start, stop, stride, (1, stop-start))
+    def __setitem__(self, key, val):
+        if isinstance(key, tuple):
+            row = key[0]
+            col = key[1]
+            if not (isscalarlike(row) and isscalarlike(col)):
+                raise NotImplementedError("Fancy indexing in assignment not "
+                                          "supported for csr matrices.")
+            M, N = self.shape
+            if (row < 0):
+                row = M + row
+            if (col < 0):
+                col = N + col
+            if (row < 0) or (col < 0):
+                raise IndexError, "index out of bounds"
+            if (row >= M):
+                self.indptr = resize1d(self.indptr, row+2)
+                self.indptr[M+1:] = self.indptr[M]
+                M = row+1
+            if (col >= N):
+                N = col+1
+            self.shape = (M, N)
+            indxs = numpy.where(col == self.indices[self.indptr[row]:self.indptr[row+1]])
+            if len(indxs[0]) == 0:
+                #value not present
+                self.data    = resize1d(self.data, self.nnz + 1)
+                self.indices = resize1d(self.indices, self.nnz + 1)
+                newindex = self.indptr[row]
+                self.data[newindex+1:]   = self.data[newindex:-1]
+                self.indices[newindex+1:] = self.indices[newindex:-1]
+                self.data[newindex]   = val
+                self.indices[newindex] = col
+                self.indptr[row+1:] += 1
+            elif len(indxs[0]) == 1:
+                #value already present
+                self.data[self.indptr[row]:self.indptr[row+1]][indxs[0]] = val
+            else:
+                raise IndexError, "row index occurs more than once"
+            self.check_format(full_check=False)
+        else:
+            # We should allow slices here!
+            raise IndexError, "invalid index"
+    def rowcol(self, ind):
+        col = self.indices[ind]
+        row = searchsorted(self.indptr, ind+1)-1
+        return (row, col)
+    def tolil(self):
+        from lil import lil_matrix
+        lil = lil_matrix(self.shape,dtype=self.dtype)
+        csr = self.sorted_indices() #lil_matrix needs sorted rows
+        rows,data = lil.rows,lil.data
+        ptr,ind,dat = csr.indptr,csr.indices,csr.data
+        for n in xrange(self.shape[0]):
+            start = ptr[n]
+            end   = ptr[n+1]
+            rows[n] = ind[start:end].tolist()
+            data[n] = dat[start:end].tolist()
+        return lil
+    def tocsr(self, copy=False):
+        return self.toself(copy)
+    def tocsc(self):
+        indptr  = empty(self.shape[1] + 1, dtype=intc)
+        indices = empty(self.nnz, dtype=intc)
+        data    = empty(self.nnz, dtype=upcast(self.dtype))
+        csrtocsc(self.shape[0], self.shape[1], \
+                 self.indptr, self.indices, self.data, \
+                 indptr, indices, data)
+        return csc_matrix((data, indices, indptr), self.shape)
+    def toarray(self):
+        data = numpy.zeros(self.shape, dtype=upcast(self.data.dtype))
+        csrtodense(self.shape[0], self.shape[1], self.indptr, self.indices,
+                   self.data, data)
+        return data
+    def get_submatrix( self, slice0, slice1 ):
+        """Return a submatrix of this matrix (new matrix is created)..
+        Rows and columns can be selected using slice instances, tuples,
+        or scalars."""
+        aux = _cs_matrix._get_submatrix( self, self.shape[0], self.shape[1],
+                                         slice0, slice1 )
+        nr, nc = aux[3:]
+        return self.__class__( aux[:3], dims = (nr, nc) )
+    # these functions are used by the parent class (_cs_matrix)
+    # to remove redudancy between csc_matrix and csr_matrix
+    def _swap(self,x):
+        """swap the members of x if this is a column-oriented matrix
+        """
+        return (x[0],x[1])
+    def _toother(self):
+        return self.tocsc()
+    def _tothis(self, other):
+        return other.tocsr()
+from sputils import _isinstance
+def isspmatrix_csr(x):
+    return _isinstance(x, csr_matrix)
+def isspmatrix_csc(x):
+    return _isinstance(x, csc_matrix)

Modified: trunk/scipy/sparse/construct.py
--- trunk/scipy/sparse/construct.py	2007-12-13 22:51:45 UTC (rev 3642)
+++ trunk/scipy/sparse/construct.py	2007-12-14 02:58:33 UTC (rev 3643)
@@ -10,12 +10,14 @@
 import numpy
 from numpy import ones, clip, array, arange, intc
-from sparse import csr_matrix, csc_matrix, coo_matrix, \
-        dok_matrix, lil_matrix
-from sparse import isspmatrix, isspmatrix_csr, isspmatrix_csc
+from compressed import csr_matrix, csc_matrix, isspmatrix_csr, isspmatrix_csc
+from coo import coo_matrix
+from dok import dok_matrix
+from lil import lil_matrix
+from base import isspmatrix
 import sparsetools
 def spdiags(diags, offsets, m, n, format=None):
     """Return a sparse matrix given its diagonals.

Added: trunk/scipy/sparse/coo.py
--- trunk/scipy/sparse/coo.py	2007-12-13 22:51:45 UTC (rev 3642)
+++ trunk/scipy/sparse/coo.py	2007-12-14 02:58:33 UTC (rev 3643)
@@ -0,0 +1,204 @@
+""" A sparse matrix in COOrdinate format """
+__all__ = ['coo_matrix', 'isspmatrix_coo']
+from itertools import izip
+from numpy import array, asarray, empty, intc
+from sparsetools import cootocsr, cootocsc
+from base import spmatrix
+from sputils import upcast, to_native, isshape, getdtype
+class coo_matrix(spmatrix):
+    """ A sparse matrix in coordinate list format.
+    COO matrices are created either as:
+        A = coo_matrix( (m, n), [dtype])
+    for a zero matrix, or as:
+        A = coo_matrix(M)
+    where M is a dense matrix or rank 2 ndarray, or as:
+        A = coo_matrix((obj, ij), [dims])
+    where the dimensions are optional.  If supplied, we set (M, N) = dims.
+    If not supplied, we infer these from the index arrays:
+        ij[0][:] and ij[1][:]
+    The arguments 'obj' and 'ij' represent three arrays:
+        1. obj[:]    the entries of the matrix, in any order
+        2. ij[0][:]  the row indices of the matrix entries
+        3. ij[1][:]  the column indices of the matrix entries
+    So the following holds:
+        A[ij[0][k], ij[1][k] = obj[k]
+    Note:
+        When converting to CSR or CSC format, duplicate (i,j) entries
+        will be summed together.  This facilitates efficient construction
+        of finite element matrices and the like.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, arg1, dims=None, dtype=None):
+        spmatrix.__init__(self)
+        if isinstance(arg1, tuple):
+            if isshape(arg1):
+                M, N = arg1
+                self.shape = (M,N)
+                self.row  = array([], dtype=intc)
+                self.col  = array([], dtype=intc)
+                self.data = array([], getdtype(dtype, default=float))
+            else:
+                try:
+                    obj, ij = arg1
+                except:
+                    raise TypeError, "invalid input format"
+                try:
+                    if len(ij) != 2:
+                        raise TypeError
+                except TypeError:
+                    raise TypeError, "invalid input format"
+                self.row = asarray(ij[0])
+                self.col = asarray(ij[1])
+                self.data = asarray(obj)
+                if dims is None:
+                    if len(self.row) == 0 or len(self.col) == 0:
+                        raise ValueError, "cannot infer dimensions from zero sized index arrays"
+                    M = self.row.max() + 1
+                    N = self.col.max() + 1
+                    self.shape = (M, N)
+                else:
+                    # Use 2 steps to ensure dims has length 2.
+                    M, N = dims
+                    self.shape = (M, N)
+        elif arg1 is None:
+            # Initialize an empty matrix.
+            if not isinstance(dims, tuple) or not isintlike(dims[0]):
+                raise TypeError, "dimensions not understood"
+            warnings.warn('coo_matrix(None, dims=(M,N)) is deprecated, ' \
+                            'use coo_matrix( (M,N) ) instead', \
+                            DeprecationWarning)
+            self.shape = dims
+            self.data = array([],getdtype(dtype, default=float))
+            self.row = array([],dtype=intc)
+            self.col = array([],dtype=intc)
+        else:
+            #dense argument
+            try:
+                M = asarray(arg1)
+            except:
+                raise TypeError, "invalid input format"
+            if len(M.shape) != 2:
+                raise TypeError, "expected rank 2 array or matrix"
+            self.shape = M.shape
+            self.row,self.col = (M != 0).nonzero()
+            self.data  = M[self.row,self.col]
+        self._check()
+    def _get_dtype(self):
+        return self.data.dtype
+    def _set_dtype(self,newtype):
+        self.data.dtype = newtype
+    dtype = property(fget=_get_dtype,fset=_set_dtype)
+    def _check(self):
+        """ Checks for consistency and stores the number of non-zeros as
+        self.nnz.
+        """
+        nnz = len(self.data)
+        if (nnz != len(self.row)) or (nnz != len(self.col)):
+            raise ValueError, "row, column, and data array must all be "\
+                  "the same length"
+        # index arrays should have integer data types
+        if self.row.dtype.kind != 'i':
+            warnings.warn("row index array has non-integer dtype (%s)  " \
+                            % self.row.dtype.name )
+        if self.col.dtype.kind != 'i':
+            warnings.warn("col index array has non-integer dtype (%s) " \
+                            % self.col.dtype.name )
+        # only support 32-bit ints for now
+        self.row  = self.row.astype('intc')
+        self.col  = self.col.astype('intc')
+        self.data = to_native(self.data)
+        if nnz > 0:
+            if(self.row.max() >= self.shape[0]):
+                raise ValueError, "row index exceedes matrix dimensions"
+            if(self.col.max() >= self.shape[1]):
+                raise ValueError, "column index exceedes matrix dimensions"
+            if(self.row.min() < 0):
+                raise ValueError, "negative row index found"
+            if(self.col.min() < 0):
+                raise ValueError, "negative column index found"
+        # some functions pass floats
+        self.shape = tuple([int(x) for x in self.shape])
+        self.nnz = nnz
+    def rowcol(self, num):
+        return (self.row[num], self.col[num])
+    def getdata(self, num):
+        return self.data[num]
+    def tocsc(self):
+        from compressed import csc_matrix
+        if self.nnz == 0:
+            return csc_matrix(self.shape, dtype=self.dtype)
+        else:
+            indptr  = empty(self.shape[1] + 1,dtype=intc)
+            indices = empty(self.nnz, dtype=intc)
+            data    = empty(self.nnz, dtype=upcast(self.dtype))
+            cootocsc(self.shape[0], self.shape[1], self.nnz, \
+                     self.row, self.col, self.data, \
+                     indptr, indices, data)
+            return csc_matrix((data, indices, indptr), self.shape)
+    def tocsr(self):
+        from compressed import csr_matrix
+        if self.nnz == 0:
+            return csr_matrix(self.shape, dtype=self.dtype)
+        else:
+            indptr  = empty(self.shape[0] + 1,dtype=intc)
+            indices = empty(self.nnz, dtype=intc)
+            data    = empty(self.nnz, dtype=upcast(self.dtype))
+            cootocsr(self.shape[0], self.shape[1], self.nnz, \
+                     self.row, self.col, self.data, \
+                     indptr, indices, data)
+            return csr_matrix((data, indices, indptr), self.shape)
+    def tocoo(self, copy=False):
+        return self.toself(copy)
+    def todok(self):
+        from dok import dok_matrix
+        dok = dok_matrix((self.shape),dtype=self.dtype)
+        try:
+            dok.update( izip(izip(self.row,self.col),self.data) ) 
+        except AttributeError:
+            # the dict() call is for Python 2.3 compatibility
+            # ideally dok_matrix would accept an iterator
+            dok.update( dict( izip(izip(self.row,self.col),self.data) ) )
+        return dok
+from sputils import _isinstance
+def isspmatrix_coo( x ):
+    return _isinstance(x, coo_matrix)

Added: trunk/scipy/sparse/dok.py
--- trunk/scipy/sparse/dok.py	2007-12-13 22:51:45 UTC (rev 3642)
+++ trunk/scipy/sparse/dok.py	2007-12-14 02:58:33 UTC (rev 3643)
@@ -0,0 +1,579 @@
+"""Dictionary Of Keys based matrix"""
+__all__ = ['dok_matrix', 'isspmatrix_dok']
+import operator
+from itertools import izip
+from numpy import asarray, asmatrix, intc, isscalar, array, matrix
+from base import spmatrix,isspmatrix
+from sputils import isdense, getdtype, isshape, isintlike, isscalarlike
+class dok_matrix(spmatrix, dict):
+    """Dictionary Of Keys based matrix.  This is an efficient
+    structure for constructing sparse matrices 
+    """
+    def __init__(self, A=None, shape=None, dtype=None, copy=False):
+        """ Create a new dictionary-of-keys sparse matrix.  An optional
+        argument A is accepted, which initializes the dok_matrix with it.
+        This can be a tuple of dimensions (M, N) or a (dense) array
+        to copy.
+        """
+        dict.__init__(self)
+        spmatrix.__init__(self,shape)
+        self.dtype = getdtype(dtype, A, default=float)
+        if A is not None:
+            if isinstance(A, tuple):
+                # Interpret as dimensions
+                if not isshape(A):
+                    raise TypeError, "dimensions must be a 2-tuple of positive"\
+                            " integers"
+                self.shape = A
+            elif isspmatrix(A):
+                if isspmatrix_dok(A) and copy:
+                    A = A.copy()
+                else:
+                    A = A.todok()
+                self.update( A )
+                self.shape = A.shape
+                self.dtype = A.dtype
+            elif isdense(A):
+                from coo import coo_matrix
+                self.update( coo_matrix(A).todok() )
+                self.shape = A.shape
+                self.dtype = A.dtype
+            else:
+                raise TypeError, "argument should be a tuple of dimensions " \
+                        "or a sparse or dense matrix"
+    def getnnz(self):
+        return dict.__len__(self)
+    def __len__(self):
+        return dict.__len__(self)
+    def __str__(self):
+        val = ''
+        nnz = self.getnnz()
+        keys = self.keys()
+        keys.sort()
+        if nnz > self.maxprint:
+            for k in xrange(self.maxprint / 2):
+                key = keys[k]
+                val += "  %s\t%s\n" % (str(key), str(self[key]))
+            val = val + "   :    \t  :\n"
+            for k in xrange(nnz-self.maxprint/2, nnz):
+                key = keys[k]
+                val += "  %s\t%s\n" % (str(key), str(self[key]))
+        else:
+            for k in xrange(nnz):
+                key = keys[k]
+                val += "  %s\t%s\n" % (str(key), str(self[key]))
+        return val[:-1]
+    def get(self, key, default=0.):
+        """This overrides the dict.get method, providing type checking
+        but otherwise equivalent functionality.
+        """
+        try:
+            i, j = key
+            assert isintlike(i) and isintlike(j)
+        except (AssertionError, TypeError, ValueError):
+            raise IndexError, "index must be a pair of integers"
+        try:
+            assert not (i < 0 or i >= self.shape[0] or j < 0 or
+                     j >= self.shape[1])
+        except AssertionError:
+            raise IndexError, "index out of bounds"
+        return dict.get(self, key, default)
+    def  __getitem__(self, key):
+        """If key=(i,j) is a pair of integers, return the corresponding
+        element.  If either i or j is a slice or sequence, return a new sparse
+        matrix with just these elements.
+        """
+        try:
+            i, j = key
+        except (ValueError, TypeError):
+            raise TypeError, "index must be a pair of integers or slices"
+        # Bounds checking
+        if isintlike(i):
+            if i < 0:
+                i += self.shape[0]
+            if i < 0 or i >= self.shape[0]:
+                raise IndexError, "index out of bounds"
+        if isintlike(j):
+            if j < 0:
+                j += self.shape[1]
+            if j < 0 or j >= self.shape[1]:
+                raise IndexError, "index out of bounds"
+        # First deal with the case where both i and j are integers
+        if isintlike(i) and isintlike(j):
+            return dict.get(self, key, 0.)
+        else:
+            # Either i or j is a slice, sequence, or invalid.  If i is a slice
+            # or sequence, unfold it first and call __getitem__ recursively.
+            if isinstance(i, slice):
+                # Is there an easier way to do this?
+                seq = xrange(i.start or 0, i.stop or self.shape[0], i.step or 1)
+            elif operator.isSequenceType(i):
+                seq = i
+            else:
+                # Make sure i is an integer. (But allow it to be a subclass of int).
+                if not isintlike(i):
+                    raise TypeError, "index must be a pair of integers or slices"
+                seq = None
+            if seq is not None:
+                # i is a seq
+                if isintlike(j):
+                    # Create a new matrix of the correct dimensions
+                    first = seq[0]
+                    last = seq[-1]
+                    if first < 0 or first >= self.shape[0] or last < 0 \
+                                 or last >= self.shape[0]:
+                        raise IndexError, "index out of bounds"
+                    newshape = (last-first+1, 1)
+                    new = dok_matrix(newshape)
+                    # ** This uses linear time in the size m of dimension 0:
+                    # new[0:seq[-1]-seq[0]+1, 0] = \
+                    #         [self.get((element, j), 0) for element in seq]
+                    # ** Instead just add the non-zero elements.  This uses
+                    # ** linear time in the number of non-zeros:
+                    for (ii, jj) in self.keys():
+                        if jj == j and ii >= first and ii <= last:
+                            dict.__setitem__(new, (ii-first, 0), \
+                                             dict.__getitem__(self, (ii,jj)))
+                else:
+                    ###################################
+                    # We should reshape the new matrix here!
+                    ###################################
+                    raise NotImplementedError, "fancy indexing supported over" \
+                            " one axis only"
+                return new
+            # Below here, j is a sequence, but i is an integer
+            if isinstance(j, slice):
+                # Is there an easier way to do this?
+                seq = xrange(j.start or 0, j.stop or self.shape[1], j.step or 1)
+            elif operator.isSequenceType(j):
+                seq = j
+            else:
+                # j is not an integer
+                raise TypeError, "index must be a pair of integers or slices"
+            # Create a new matrix of the correct dimensions
+            first = seq[0]
+            last = seq[-1]
+            if first < 0 or first >= self.shape[1] or last < 0 \
+                         or last >= self.shape[1]:
+                raise IndexError, "index out of bounds"
+            newshape = (1, last-first+1)
+            new = dok_matrix(newshape)
+            # ** This uses linear time in the size n of dimension 1:
+            # new[0, 0:seq[-1]-seq[0]+1] = \
+            #         [self.get((i, element), 0) for element in seq]
+            # ** Instead loop over the non-zero elements.  This is slower
+            # ** if there are many non-zeros
+            for (ii, jj) in self.keys():
+                if ii == i and jj >= first and jj <= last:
+                    dict.__setitem__(new, (0, jj-first), \
+                                     dict.__getitem__(self, (ii,jj)))
+            return new
+    def __setitem__(self, key, value):
+        try:
+            assert len(key) == 2
+        except (AssertionError, TypeError):
+            raise TypeError, "index must be a pair of integers, slices, or" \
+                    " sequences"
+        i, j = key
+        # First deal with the case where both i and j are integers
+        if isintlike(i) and isintlike(j):
+            if i < 0:
+                i += self.shape[0]
+            if j < 0:
+                j += self.shape[1]
+            if i < 0 or i >= self.shape[0] or j < 0 or j >= self.shape[1]:
+                raise IndexError, "index out of bounds"
+            if isintlike(value) and value == 0:
+                if key in self.keys():  # get rid of it something already there
+                    del self[key]
+            else:
+                # Ensure value is a single element, not a sequence
+                if isinstance(value, float) or isintlike(value) or \
+                        isinstance(value, complex):
+                    dict.__setitem__(self, key, self.dtype.type(value))
+                    newrows = max(self.shape[0], int(key[0])+1)
+                    newcols = max(self.shape[1], int(key[1])+1)
+                    self.shape = (newrows, newcols)
+                else:
+                    raise TypeError, "cannot set matrix element to non-scalar"
+            return                 # done
+        else:
+            # Either i or j is a slice, sequence, or invalid.  If i is a slice
+            # or sequence, unfold it first and call __setitem__ recursively.
+            if isinstance(i, slice):
+                # Is there an easier way to do this?
+                seq = xrange(i.start or 0, i.stop or self.shape[0], i.step or 1)
+            elif operator.isSequenceType(i):
+                seq = i
+            else:
+                # Make sure i is an integer. (But allow it to be a subclass of int).
+                if not isintlike(i):
+                    raise TypeError, "index must be a pair of integers or slices"
+                seq = None
+            if seq is not None:
+                # First see if 'value' is another dok_matrix of the appropriate
+                # dimensions
+                if isinstance(value, dok_matrix):
+                    if value.shape[1] == 1:
+                        for element in seq:
+                            self[element, j] = value[element, 0]
+                    else:
+                        raise NotImplementedError, "setting a 2-d slice of" \
+                                " a dok_matrix is not yet supported"
+                elif isscalar(value):
+                    for element in seq:
+                        self[element, j] = value
+                else:
+                    # See if value is a sequence
+                    try:
+                        if len(seq) != len(value):
+                            raise ValueError, "index and value ranges must" \
+                                              " have the same length"
+                    except TypeError:
+                        # Not a sequence
+                        raise TypeError, "unsupported type for" \
+                                         " dok_matrix.__setitem__"
+                    # Value is a sequence
+                    for element, val in izip(seq, value):
+                        self[element, j] = val   # don't use dict.__setitem__
+                            # here, since we still want to be able to delete
+                            # 0-valued keys, do type checking on 'val' (e.g. if
+                            # it's a rank-1 dense array), etc.
+            else:
+                # Process j
+                if isinstance(j, slice):
+                    seq = xrange(j.start or 0, j.stop or self.shape[1], j.step or 1)
+                elif operator.isSequenceType(j):
+                    seq = j
+                else:
+                    # j is not an integer
+                    raise TypeError, "index must be a pair of integers or slices"
+                # First see if 'value' is another dok_matrix of the appropriate
+                # dimensions
+                if isinstance(value, dok_matrix):
+                    if value.shape[0] == 1:
+                        for element in seq:
+                            self[i, element] = value[0, element]
+                    else:
+                        raise NotImplementedError, "setting a 2-d slice of" \
+                                " a dok_matrix is not yet supported"
+                elif isscalar(value):
+                    for element in seq:
+                        self[i, element] = value
+                else:
+                    # See if value is a sequence
+                    try:
+                        if len(seq) != len(value):
+                            raise ValueError, "index and value ranges must have" \
+                                              " the same length"
+                    except TypeError:
+                        # Not a sequence
+                        raise TypeError, "unsupported type for dok_matrix.__setitem__"
+                    else:
+                        for element, val in izip(seq, value):
+                            self[i, element] = val
+    def __add__(self, other):
+        # First check if argument is a scalar
+        if isscalarlike(other):
+            new = dok_matrix(self.shape, dtype=self.dtype)
+            # Add this scalar to every element.
+            M, N = self.shape
+            for i in xrange(M):
+                for j in xrange(N):
+                    aij = self.get((i, j), 0) + other
+                    if aij != 0:
+                        new[i, j] = aij
+            #new.dtype.char = self.dtype.char
+        elif isinstance(other, dok_matrix):
+            if other.shape != self.shape:
+                raise ValueError, "matrix dimensions are not equal"
+            # We could alternatively set the dimensions to the the largest of
+            # the two matrices to be summed.  Would this be a good idea?
+            new = dok_matrix(self.shape, dtype=self.dtype)
+            new.update(self)
+            for key in other.keys():
+                new[key] += other[key]
+        elif isspmatrix(other):
+            csc = self.tocsc()
+            new = csc + other
+        elif isdense(other):
+            new = self.todense() + other
+        else:
+            raise TypeError, "data type not understood"
+        return new
+    def __radd__(self, other):
+        # First check if argument is a scalar
+        if isscalarlike(other):
+            new = dok_matrix(self.shape, dtype=self.dtype)
+            # Add this scalar to every element.
+            M, N = self.shape
+            for i in xrange(M):
+                for j in xrange(N):
+                    aij = self.get((i, j), 0) + other
+                    if aij != 0:
+                        new[i, j] = aij
+        elif isinstance(other, dok_matrix):
+            if other.shape != self.shape:
+                raise ValueError, "matrix dimensions are not equal"
+            new = dok_matrix(self.shape, dtype=self.dtype)
+            new.update(self)
+            for key in other:
+                new[key] += other[key]
+        elif isspmatrix(other):
+            csc = self.tocsc()
+            new = csc + other
+        elif isdense(other):
+            new = other + self.todense()
+        else:
+            raise TypeError, "data type not understood"
+        return new
+    def __neg__(self):
+        new = dok_matrix(self.shape, dtype=self.dtype)
+        for key in self.keys():
+            new[key] = -self[key]
+        return new
+    def __mul__(self, other):           # self * other
+        if isscalarlike(other):
+            new = dok_matrix(self.shape, dtype=self.dtype)
+            # Multiply this scalar by every element.
+            for (key, val) in self.iteritems():
+                new[key] = val * other
+            #new.dtype.char = self.dtype.char
+            return new
+        else:
+            return self.dot(other)
+    def __imul__(self, other):           # self * other
+        if isscalarlike(other):
+            # Multiply this scalar by every element.
+            for (key, val) in self.iteritems():
+                self[key] = val * other
+            #new.dtype.char = self.dtype.char
+            return self
+        else:
+            return NotImplementedError
+    def __rmul__(self, other):          # other * self
+        if isscalarlike(other):
+            new = dok_matrix(self.shape, dtype=self.dtype)
+            # Multiply this scalar by every element.
+            for (key, val) in self.iteritems():
+                new[key] = other * val
+            #new.dtype.char = self.dtype.char
+            return new
+        else:
+            # Don't use asarray unless we have to
+            try:
+                tr = other.transpose()
+            except AttributeError:
+                tr = asarray(other).transpose()
+            return self.transpose().dot(tr).transpose()
+    def __truediv__(self, other):           # self * other
+        if isscalarlike(other):
+            new = dok_matrix(self.shape, dtype=self.dtype)
+            # Multiply this scalar by every element.
+            for (key, val) in self.iteritems():
+                new[key] = val / other
+            #new.dtype.char = self.dtype.char
+            return new
+        else:
+            return self.tocsr() / other
+    def __itruediv__(self, other):           # self * other
+        if isscalarlike(other):
+            # Multiply this scalar by every element.
+            for (key, val) in self.iteritems():
+                self[key] = val / other
+            return self
+        else:
+            return NotImplementedError
+    # What should len(sparse) return? For consistency with dense matrices,
+    # perhaps it should be the number of rows?  For now it returns the number
+    # of non-zeros.
+    def transpose(self):
+        """ Return the transpose
+        """
+        M, N = self.shape
+        new = dok_matrix((N, M), dtype=self.dtype)
+        for key, value in self.iteritems():
+            new[key[1], key[0]] = value
+        return new
+    def conjtransp(self):
+        """ Return the conjugate transpose
+        """
+        M, N = self.shape
+        new = dok_matrix((N, M), dtype=self.dtype)
+        for key, value in self.iteritems():
+            new[key[1], key[0]] = conj(value)
+        return new
+    def copy(self):
+        new = dok_matrix(self.shape, dtype=self.dtype)
+        new.update(self)
+        new.shape = self.shape
+        return new
+    def take(self, cols_or_rows, columns=1):
+        # Extract columns or rows as indictated from matrix
+        # assume cols_or_rows is sorted
+        new = dok_matrix(dtype=self.dtype)    # what should the dimensions be ?!
+        indx = int((columns == 1))
+        N = len(cols_or_rows)
+        if indx: # columns
+            for key in self.keys():
+                num = searchsorted(cols_or_rows, key[1])
+                if num < N:
+                    newkey = (key[0], num)
+                    new[newkey] = self[key]
+        else:
+            for key in self.keys():
+                num = searchsorted(cols_or_rows, key[0])
+                if num < N:
+                    newkey = (num, key[1])
+                    new[newkey] = self[key]
+        return new
+    def split(self, cols_or_rows, columns=1):
+        # Similar to take but returns two arrays, the extracted columns plus
+        # the resulting array.  Assumes cols_or_rows is sorted
+        base = dok_matrix()
+        ext = dok_matrix()
+        indx = int((columns == 1))
+        if indx:
+            for key in self.keys():
+                num = searchsorted(cols_or_rows, key[1])
+                if cols_or_rows[num] == key[1]:
+                    newkey = (key[0], num)
+                    ext[newkey] = self[key]
+                else:
+                    newkey = (key[0], key[1]-num)
+                    base[newkey] = self[key]
+        else:
+            for key in self.keys():
+                num = searchsorted(cols_or_rows, key[0])
+                if cols_or_rows[num] == key[0]:
+                    newkey = (num, key[1])
+                    ext[newkey] = self[key]
+                else:
+                    newkey = (key[0]-num, key[1])
+                    base[newkey] = self[key]
+        return base, ext
+    def matvec(self, other):
+        if isdense(other):
+            if other.shape[0] != self.shape[1]:
+                raise ValueError, "dimensions do not match"
+            new = [0] * self.shape[0]
+            for key in self.keys():
+                new[int(key[0])] += self[key] * other[int(key[1]), ...]
+            new = array(new)
+            if isinstance(other, matrix):
+                new = asmatrix(new)
+                # Do we need to return the transpose?
+                if other.shape[1] == 1:
+                    new = new.T
+            return new
+        else:
+            raise TypeError, "need a dense vector"
+    def rmatvec(self, other, conjugate=True):
+        if isdense(other):
+            if other.shape[-1] != self.shape[0]:
+                raise ValueError, "dimensions do not match"
+            new = [0] * self.shape[1]
+            for key in self.keys():
+                new[int(key[1])] += other[..., int(key[0])] * conj(self[key])
+            new = array(new)
+            if isinstance(other, matrix):
+                new = asmatrix(new)
+                # Do we need to return the transpose?
+                if other.shape[1] == 1:
+                    new = new.T
+            return new
+        else:
+            raise TypeError, "need a dense vector"
+    def tocoo(self):
+        """ Return a copy of this matrix in COOrdinate format"""
+        from coo import coo_matrix
+        if self.getnnz() == 0:
+            return coo_matrix(self.shape, dtype=self.dtype)
+        else:
+            data    = asarray(self.values(), dtype=self.dtype)
+            indices = asarray(self.keys(), dtype=intc).T
+            return coo_matrix((data,indices),dims=self.shape,dtype=self.dtype)
+    def todok(self,copy=False):
+        if copy:
+            return self.copy()
+        else:
+            return self
+    def tocsr(self):
+        """ Return a copy of this matrix in Compressed Sparse Row format"""
+        return self.tocoo().tocsr()
+    def tocsc(self):
+        """ Return a copy of this matrix in Compressed Sparse Column format"""
+        return self.tocoo().tocsc()
+    def toarray(self):
+        return self.tocsr().toarray()
+    def resize(self, shape):
+        """ Resize the matrix to dimensions given by 'shape', removing any
+        non-zero elements that lie outside.
+        """
+        if not isshape(shape):
+            raise TypeError, "dimensions must be a 2-tuple of positive"\
+                             " integers"
+        newM, newN = shape
+        M, N = self.shape
+        if newM < M or newN < N:
+            # Remove all elements outside new dimensions
+            for (i, j) in self.keys():
+                if i >= newM or j >= newN:
+                    del self[i, j]
+        self.shape = shape
+from sputils import _isinstance
+def isspmatrix_dok(x):
+    return _isinstance(x, dok_matrix)

Added: trunk/scipy/sparse/lil.py
--- trunk/scipy/sparse/lil.py	2007-12-13 22:51:45 UTC (rev 3642)
+++ trunk/scipy/sparse/lil.py	2007-12-14 02:58:33 UTC (rev 3643)
@@ -0,0 +1,425 @@
+"""LInked List sparse matrix class 
+Original code by Ed Schofield.
+import copy
+from bisect import bisect_left
+import numpy
+from numpy import isscalar, asmatrix, asarray, intc, concatenate, array, \
+        cumsum, zeros, unravel_index
+from base import spmatrix, isspmatrix
+from sputils import getdtype,isshape,issequence,isscalarlike
+class lil_matrix(spmatrix):
+    """Row-based linked list matrix,
+    This contains a list (self.rows) of rows, each of which is a sorted
+    list of column indices of non-zero elements. It also contains a list
+    (self.data) of lists of these elements.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, A=None, shape=None, dtype=None, copy=False):
+        """ Create a new list-of-lists sparse matrix.  An optional
+        argument A is accepted, which initializes the lil_matrix with it.
+        This can be a tuple of dimensions (M, N) or a dense array /
+        matrix to copy, or a sparse matrix of the following types:
+          - csr_matrix
+          - lil_matrix
+        """
+        spmatrix.__init__(self)
+        self.dtype = getdtype(dtype, A, default=float)
+        # First get the shape
+        if A is None:
+            if not isshape(shape):
+                raise TypeError, "need a valid shape"
+            M, N = shape
+            self.shape = (M,N)
+            self.rows = numpy.empty((M,), dtype=object)
+            self.data = numpy.empty((M,), dtype=object)
+            for i in range(M):
+                self.rows[i] = []
+                self.data[i] = []
+        else:
+            if isshape(A):
+                M, N = A
+                self.shape = (M,N)
+                self.rows = numpy.empty((M,), dtype=object)
+                self.data = numpy.empty((M,), dtype=object)
+                for i in range(M):
+                    self.rows[i] = []
+                    self.data[i] = []
+            else:
+                if isspmatrix(A):                    
+                    if isspmatrix_lil(A) and copy:
+                        A = A.copy()
+                    else:
+                        A = A.tolil()
+                else:
+                    #assume A is dense
+                    try:
+                        A = asmatrix(A)
+                    except TypeError:
+                        raise TypeError, "unsupported matrix type"
+                    else:
+                        from compressed import csr_matrix
+                        A = csr_matrix(A).tolil()
+                #A is a lil matrix
+                self.shape = A.shape
+                self.dtype = A.dtype
+                self.rows  = A.rows
+                self.data  = A.data
+    def __iadd__(self,other):
+        self[:,:] = self + other
+        return self
+    def __isub__(self,other):
+        self[:,:] = self - other
+        return self
+    def __imul__(self,other):
+        if isscalarlike(other):
+            self[:,:] = self * other
+            return self
+        else:
+            raise NotImplementedError
+    def __itruediv__(self,other):
+        if isscalarlike(other):
+            self[:,:] = self / other
+            return self
+        else:
+            raise NotImplementedError
+    # Whenever the dimensions change, empty lists should be created for each
+    # row
+    def getnnz(self):
+        return sum([len(rowvals) for rowvals in self.data])
+    def __str__(self):
+        val = ''
+        for i, row in enumerate(self.rows):
+            for pos, j in enumerate(row):
+                val += "  %s\t%s\n" % (str((i, j)), str(self.data[i][pos]))
+        return val[:-1]
+    #def __repr__(self):
+    #    format = self.getformat()
+    #    return "<%dx%d sparse matrix with %d stored "\
+    #           "elements in %s format>" % \
+    #           (self.shape + (self.getnnz(), _formats[format][1]))
+    def getrowview(self, i):
+        """Returns a view of the 'i'th row (without copying).
+        """
+        new = lil_matrix((1, self.shape[1]), dtype=self.dtype)
+        new.rows[0] = self.rows[i]
+        new.data[0] = self.data[i]
+        return new
+    def getrow(self, i):
+        """Returns a copy of the 'i'th row.
+        """
+        new = lil_matrix((1, self.shape[1]), dtype=self.dtype)
+        new.rows[0] = self.rows[i][:]
+        new.data[0] = self.data[i][:]
+        return new
+    def _get1(self, i, j):
+        row = self.rows[i]
+        data = self.data[i]
+        if j < 0:
+            j += self.shape[1]
+        if j < 0 or j > self.shape[1]:
+            raise IndexError,'column index out of bounds'
+        pos = bisect_left(row, j)
+        if pos != len(data) and row[pos] == j:
+            return data[pos]
+        else:
+            return 0
+    def _slicetoseq(self, j, shape):
+        if j.start is not None and j.start < 0:
+            start =  shape + j.start
+        elif j.start is None:
+            start = 0
+        else:
+            start = j.start
+        if j.stop is not None and j.stop < 0:
+            stop = shape + j.stop
+        elif j.stop is None:
+            stop = shape
+        else:
+            stop = j.stop
+        j = range(start, stop, j.step or 1)
+        return j
+    def __getitem__(self, index):
+        """Return the element(s) index=(i, j), where j may be a slice.
+        This always returns a copy for consistency, since slices into
+        Python lists return copies.
+        """
+        try:
+            i, j = index
+        except (AssertionError, TypeError):
+            raise IndexError, "invalid index"
+        if isscalar(i):
+            if isscalar(j):
+                return self._get1(i, j)
+            if isinstance(j, slice):
+                j = self._slicetoseq(j, self.shape[1])
+            if issequence(j):
+                return self.__class__([[self._get1(i, jj) for jj in j]])
+        elif issequence(i) and issequence(j):
+            return self.__class__([[self._get1(ii, jj) for (ii, jj) in zip(i, j)]])
+        elif issequence(i) or isinstance(i, slice):
+            if isinstance(i, slice):
+                i = self._slicetoseq(i, self.shape[0])
+            if isscalar(j):
+                return self.__class__([[self._get1(ii, j)] for ii in i])
+            if isinstance(j, slice):
+                j = self._slicetoseq(j, self.shape[1])
+            if issequence(j):
+                return self.__class__([[self._get1(ii, jj) for jj in j] for ii in i])
+        else:
+            raise IndexError
+    def _insertat(self, i, j, x):
+        """ helper for __setitem__: insert a value at (i,j) where i, j and x
+        are all scalars """
+        row = self.rows[i]
+        data = self.data[i]
+        self._insertat2(row, data, j, x)
+    def _insertat2(self, row, data, j, x):
+        """ helper for __setitem__: insert a value in the given row/data at
+        column j. """
+        if j < 0: #handle negative column indices
+            j += self.shape[1]
+        if j < 0 or j >= self.shape[1]:
+            raise IndexError,'column index out of bounds'
+        pos = bisect_left(row, j)
+        if x != 0:
+            if pos == len(row):
+                row.append(j)
+                data.append(x)
+            elif row[pos] != j:
+                row.insert(pos, j)
+                data.insert(pos, x)
+            else:
+                data[pos] = x
+        else:
+            if pos < len(row) and row[pos] == j:
+                del row[pos]
+                del data[pos]
+    def _insertat3(self, row, data, j, x):
+        """ helper for __setitem__ """
+        if isinstance(j, slice):
+            j = self._slicetoseq(j, self.shape[1])
+        if issequence(j):
+            if isinstance(x, spmatrix):
+                x = x.todense()
+            x = numpy.asarray(x).squeeze()
+            if isscalar(x) or x.size == 1:
+                for jj in j:
+                    self._insertat2(row, data, jj, x)
+            else:
+                # x must be one D. maybe check these things out
+                for jj, xx in zip(j, x):
+                    self._insertat2(row, data, jj, xx)
+        elif isscalar(j):
+            self._insertat2(row, data, j, x)
+        else:
+            raise ValueError, "invalid column value: %s" % str(j)
+    def __setitem__(self, index, x):
+        if isscalar(x):
+            x = self.dtype.type(x)
+        elif not isinstance(x, spmatrix):
+            x = numpy.asarray(x, dtype=self.dtype)
+        try:
+            i, j = index
+        except (ValueError, TypeError):
+            raise IndexError, "invalid index"
+        if isscalar(i):
+            row = self.rows[i]
+            data = self.data[i]
+            self._insertat3(row, data, j, x)
+        elif issequence(i) and issequence(j):
+            if isscalar(x):
+                for ii, jj in zip(i, j):
+                    self._insertat(ii, jj, x)
+            else:
+                for ii, jj, xx in zip(i, j, x):
+                    self._insertat(ii, jj, xx)
+        elif isinstance(i, slice) or issequence(i):
+            rows = self.rows[i]
+            datas = self.data[i]
+            if isscalar(x):
+                for row, data in zip(rows, datas):
+                    self._insertat3(row, data, j, x)
+            else:
+                for row, data, xx in zip(rows, datas, x):
+                    self._insertat3(row, data, j, xx)
+        else:
+            raise ValueError, "invalid index value: %s" % str((i, j))
+    def __mul__(self, other):           # self * other
+        if isscalarlike(other):
+            if other == 0:
+                # Multiply by zero: return the zero matrix
+                new = lil_matrix(shape=self.shape, dtype=self.dtype)
+            else:
+                new = self.copy()
+                # Multiply this scalar by every element.
+                new.data = numpy.array([[val*other for val in rowvals] for
+                                        rowvals in new.data], dtype=object)
+            return new
+        else:
+            return self.dot(other)
+    def __truediv__(self, other):           # self / other
+        if isscalarlike(other):
+            new = self.copy()
+            # Divide every element by this scalar
+            new.data = numpy.array([[val/other for val in rowvals] for
+                                    rowvals in new.data], dtype=object)
+            return new
+        else:
+            return self.tocsr() / other
+    def multiply(self, other):
+        """Point-wise multiplication by another lil_matrix.
+        """
+        if isscalar(other):
+            return self.__mul__(other)
+        if isspmatrix_lil(other):
+            reference,target = self,other
+            if reference.shape != target.shape:
+                raise ValueError("Dimensions do not match.")
+            if len(reference.data) > len(target.data):
+                reference,target = target,reference
+            new = lil_matrix(reference.shape)
+            for r,row in enumerate(reference.rows):
+                tr = target.rows[r]
+                td = target.data[r]
+                rd = reference.data[r]
+                L = len(tr)
+                for c,column in enumerate(row):
+                    ix = bisect_left(tr,column)
+                    if ix < L and tr[ix] == column:
+                        new.rows[r].append(column)
+                        new.data[r].append(rd[c] * td[ix])
+            return new
+        else:
+            raise ValueError("Point-wise multiplication only allowed "
+                             "with another lil_matrix.")
+    def copy(self):
+        new = lil_matrix(self.shape, dtype=self.dtype)
+        new.data = copy.deepcopy(self.data)
+        new.rows = copy.deepcopy(self.rows)
+        return new
+    def reshape(self,shape):
+        new = lil_matrix(shape,dtype=self.dtype)
+        j_max = self.shape[1]
+        for i,row in enumerate(self.rows):
+            for col,j in enumerate(row):
+                new_r,new_c = unravel_index(i*j_max + j,shape)
+                new[new_r,new_c] = self[i,j]
+        return new
+    def __add__(self, other):
+        if isscalar(other) and other != 0:
+            raise ValueError("Refusing to destroy sparsity. "
+                             "Use x.todense() + c instead.")
+        else:
+            return spmatrix.__add__(self, other)
+    def __rmul__(self, other):          # other * self
+        if isscalarlike(other):
+            # Multiplication by a scalar is symmetric
+            return self.__mul__(other)
+        else:
+            return spmatrix.__rmul__(self, other)
+    def toarray(self):
+        d = zeros(self.shape, dtype=self.dtype)
+        for i, row in enumerate(self.rows):
+            for pos, j in enumerate(row):
+                d[i, j] = self.data[i][pos]
+        return d
+    def transpose(self):
+        """ Return the transpose as a csc_matrix.
+        """
+        # Overriding the spmatrix.transpose method here prevents an unnecessary
+        # csr -> csc conversion
+        return self.tocsr().transpose()
+    def tolil(self, copy=False):
+        if copy:
+            return self.copy()
+        else:
+            return self
+    def tocsr(self):
+        """ Return Compressed Sparse Row format arrays for this matrix.
+        """
+        indptr = asarray([len(x) for x in self.rows], dtype=intc)
+        indptr = concatenate( ( array([0],dtype=intc), cumsum(indptr) ) )
+        nnz = indptr[-1]
+        indices = []
+        for x in self.rows:
+            indices.extend(x)
+        indices = asarray(indices,dtype=intc)
+        data = []
+        for x in self.data:
+            data.extend(x)
+        data = asarray(data,dtype=self.dtype)
+        from compressed import csr_matrix
+        return csr_matrix((data, indices, indptr), dims=self.shape)
+    def tocsc(self):
+        """ Return Compressed Sparse Column format arrays for this matrix.
+        """
+        return self.tocsr().tocsc()
+from sputils import _isinstance
+def isspmatrix_lil( x ):
+    return _isinstance(x, lil_matrix)

Deleted: trunk/scipy/sparse/sparse.py
--- trunk/scipy/sparse/sparse.py	2007-12-13 22:51:45 UTC (rev 3642)
+++ trunk/scipy/sparse/sparse.py	2007-12-14 02:58:33 UTC (rev 3643)
@@ -1,2696 +0,0 @@
-""" Scipy 2D sparse matrix module.
-Original code by Travis Oliphant.
-Modified and extended by Ed Schofield, Robert Cimrman, and Nathan Bell
-__all__ = ['spmatrix','csc_matrix','csr_matrix','coo_matrix',
-            'lil_matrix','dok_matrix' ]
-__all__ += [ 'isspmatrix','issparse','isspmatrix_csc','isspmatrix_csr',
-            'isspmatrix_lil','isspmatrix_dok', 'isspmatrix_coo' ]
-import warnings
-from numpy import zeros, isscalar, real, imag, asarray, asmatrix, matrix, \
-                  ndarray, amax, amin, rank, conj, searchsorted, ndarray,   \
-                  less, where, greater, array, transpose, empty, ones, \
-                  arange, shape, intc, clip, prod, unravel_index, hstack, \
-                  array_split, concatenate, cumsum, diff, empty_like
-import numpy
-from scipy.sparse.sparsetools import csrtodense, \
-     cootocsr, cootocsc, csctocsr, csrtocsc 
-import sparsetools
-import itertools, operator, copy
-from bisect import bisect_left
-def resize1d(arr, newlen):
-    old = len(arr)
-    new = zeros((newlen,), arr.dtype)
-    new[:old] = arr
-    return new
-# keep this list syncronized with sparsetools
-supported_dtypes = ['int8','uint8','int16','int32','int64', 
-                    'float32','float64','complex64','complex128']
-supported_dtypes = [ numpy.typeDict[x] for x in supported_dtypes]
-def upcast(*args):
-    """Returns the nearest supported sparse dtype for the 
-    combination of one or more types.
-    upcast(t0, t1, ..., tn) -> T  where T is a supported dtype
-    *Example*
-    -------
-    >>> upcast('int32')
-    <type 'numpy.int32'>
-    >>> upcast('bool')
-    <type 'numpy.int8'>
-    >>> upcast('int32','float32')
-    <type 'numpy.float64'>
-    >>> upcast('bool',complex,float)
-    <type 'numpy.complex128'>
-    """
-    sample = array([0],dtype=args[0])
-    for t in args[1:]:
-        sample = sample + array([0],dtype=t)
-    upcast = sample.dtype 
-    for t in supported_dtypes:
-        if upcast <= t:
-            return t
-    raise TypeError,'no supported conversion for types: %s' % args
-#TODO handle this in SWIG
-def to_native(A):
-    if not A.dtype.isnative:
-        return A.astype(A.dtype.newbyteorder('native'))
-    else:
-        return A
-# The formats that we might potentially understand.
-_formats = {'csc':[0, "Compressed Sparse Column"],
-            'csr':[1, "Compressed Sparse Row"],
-            'dok':[2, "Dictionary Of Keys"],
-            'lil':[3, "LInked List"],
-            'dod':[4, "Dictionary of Dictionaries"],
-            'sss':[5, "Symmetric Sparse Skyline"],
-            'coo':[6, "COOrdinate"],
-            'lba':[7, "Linpack BAnded"],
-            'egd':[8, "Ellpack-itpack Generalized Diagonal"],
-            'dia':[9, "DIAgonal"],
-            'bsr':[10, "Block Sparse Row"],
-            'msr':[11, "Modified compressed Sparse Row"],
-            'bsc':[12, "Block Sparse Column"],
-            'msc':[13, "Modified compressed Sparse Column"],
-            'ssk':[14, "Symmetric SKyline"],
-            'nsk':[15, "Nonsymmetric SKyline"],
-            'jad':[16, "JAgged Diagonal"],
-            'uss':[17, "Unsymmetric Sparse Skyline"],
-            'vbr':[18, "Variable Block Row"],
-            'und':[19, "Undefined"]
-            }
-class spmatrix(object):
-    """ This class provides a base class for all sparse matrices.  It
-    cannot be instantiated.  Most of the work is provided by subclasses.
-    """
-    __array_priority__ = 10.1
-    ndim = 2
-    def __init__(self, maxprint=MAXPRINT):
-        self.format = self.__class__.__name__[:3]
-        self._shape = None
-        if self.format == 'spm':
-            raise ValueError, "This class is not intended" \
-                  " to be instantiated directly."
-        self.maxprint = maxprint
-    def set_shape(self,shape):
-        shape = tuple(shape)
-        if len(shape) != 2:
-            raise ValueError("Only two-dimensional sparse arrays "
-                                     "are supported.")
-        try:
-            shape = int(shape[0]),int(shape[1]) #floats, other weirdness
-        except:
-            raise TypeError,'invalid shape'
-        if not (shape[0] >= 1 and shape[1] >= 1):
-            raise TypeError,'invalid shape'
-        if (self._shape != shape) and (self._shape is not None):
-            try:
-                self = self.reshape(shape)
-            except NotImplementedError:
-                raise NotImplementedError("Reshaping not implemented for %s." %
-                                          self.__class__.__name__)
-        self._shape = shape
-    def get_shape(self):
-        return self._shape
-    shape = property(fget=get_shape, fset=set_shape)
-    def reshape(self,shape):
-        raise NotImplementedError
-    def astype(self, t):
-        return self.tocsr().astype(t)
-    def asfptype(self):
-        """Upcast matrix to a floating point format (if necessary)"""
-        fp_types = ['f','d','F','D']
-        if self.dtype.char in fp_types:
-            return self
-        else:
-            for fp_type in fp_types:
-                if self.dtype <= numpy.dtype(fp_type):
-                    return self.astype(fp_type)
-            raise TypeError,'cannot upcast [%s] to a floating \
-                             point format' % self.dtype.name
-    def __iter__(self):
-        for r in xrange(self.shape[0]):
-            yield self[r,:]
-    def getmaxprint(self):
-        try:
-            maxprint = self.maxprint
-        except AttributeError:
-            maxprint = MAXPRINT
-        return maxprint
-    #def typecode(self):
-    #    try:
-    #        typ = self.dtype.char
-    #    except AttributeError:
-    #        typ = None
-    #    return typ
-    def getnnz(self):
-        try:
-            return self.nnz
-        except AttributeError:
-            raise AttributeError, "nnz not defined"
-    def getformat(self):
-        try:
-            format = self.format
-        except AttributeError:
-            format = 'und'
-        return format
-    def rowcol(self, num):
-        return (None, None)
-    def getdata(self, num):
-        return None
-    def listprint(self, start, stop):
-        """Provides a way to print over a single index.
-        """
-        return '\n'.join(['  %s\t%s' % (self.rowcol(ind), self.getdata(ind))
-                         for ind in xrange(start,stop)]) + '\n'
-    def __repr__(self):
-        nnz = self.getnnz()
-        format = self.getformat()
-        return "<%dx%d sparse matrix of type '%s'\n" \
-               "\twith %d stored elements in %s format>" % \
-               (self.shape + (self.dtype.type, nnz, _formats[format][1]))
-    def __str__(self):
-        nnz = self.getnnz()
-        maxprint = self.getmaxprint()
-        val = ''
-        if nnz > maxprint:
-            val = val + self.listprint(0, maxprint/2)
-            val = val + "  :\t:\n"
-            val = val + self.listprint(nnz-maxprint//2, nnz)
-        else:
-            val = val + self.listprint(0, nnz)
-        return val[:-1]
-    def __nonzero__(self):  # Simple -- other ideas?
-        return self.getnnz() > 0
-    # What should len(sparse) return? For consistency with dense matrices,
-    # perhaps it should be the number of rows?  But for some uses the number of
-    # non-zeros is more important.  For now, raise an exception!
-    def __len__(self):
-        # return self.getnnz()
-        raise TypeError, "sparse matrix length is ambiguous; use getnnz()" \
-                         " or shape[0]"
-    def asformat(self, format):
-        """Return this matrix in a given sparse format
-        *Parameters*:
-            format : desired sparse matrix format
-                If format is None then no conversion is performed
-                Other possible values include:
-                    "csr" for csr_matrix format
-                    "csc" for csc_matrix format
-                    "dok" for dok_matrix format and so on
-        """
-        if format is None or format == self.format:
-            return self
-        else:
-            return eval('%s_matrix' % format)(self)
-    # default operations use the CSR format as a base
-    #   and operations return in csr format
-    #  thus, a new sparse matrix format just needs to define
-    #  a tocsr method
-    def __abs__(self):
-        return abs(self.tocsr())
-    def __add__(self, other):   # self + other
-        return self.tocsr().__add__(other)
-    def __radd__(self, other):  # other + self
-        return self.tocsr().__radd__(other)
-    def __sub__(self, other):   # self - other
-        #note: this can't be replaced by self + (-other) for unsigned types
-        return self.tocsr().__sub__(other)
-    def __rsub__(self, other):  # other - self
-        return self.tocsr().__rsub__(other)
-    def __mul__(self, other):
-        return self.tocsr().__mul__(other)
-    def __rmul__(self, other):
-        return self.tocsr().__rmul__(other)
-    def __truediv__(self, other):
-        if isscalarlike(other):
-            return self * (1./other)
-        else:
-            return self.tocsr().__truediv__(other)
-    def __div__(self, other):
-        # Always do true division
-        return self.__truediv__(other)
-    def __pow__(self, other):
-        csc = self.tocsc()
-        return csc ** other
-    def __neg__(self):
-        csc = self.tocsc()
-        return -csc
-    def __iadd__(self, other):
-        raise NotImplementedError
-    def __isub__(self, other):
-        raise NotImplementedError
-    def __imul__(self, other):
-        raise NotImplementedError
-    def __idiv__(self, other):
-        return self.__itruediv__(other)
-    def __itruediv__(self, other):
-        raise NotImplementedError
-    def __getattr__(self, attr):
-        if attr == 'A':
-            return self.toarray()
-        elif attr == 'T':
-            return self.transpose()
-        elif attr == 'H':
-            return self.getH()
-        elif attr == 'real':
-            return self._real()
-        elif attr == 'imag':
-            return self._imag()
-        elif attr == 'size':
-            return self.getnnz()
-        else:
-            raise AttributeError, attr + " not found"
-    def transpose(self):
-        return self.tocsr().transpose()
-    def conj(self):
-        return self.tocsr().conj()
-    def conjugate(self):
-        return self.tocsr().conj()
-    # Renamed conjtranspose() -> getH() for compatibility with dense matrices
-    def getH(self):
-        return self.transpose().conj()
-    def _real(self):
-        return self.tocsr()._real()
-    def _imag(self):
-        return self.tocsr()._imag()
-    def getcol(self, j):
-        """Returns a copy of column j of the matrix, as an (m x 1) sparse
-        matrix (column vector).
-        """
-        # Spmatrix subclasses should override this method for efficiency.
-        # Post-multiply by a (n x 1) column vector 'a' containing all zeros
-        # except for a_j = 1
-        n = self.shape[1]
-        a = csc_matrix((n, 1), dtype=self.dtype)
-        a[j, 0] = 1
-        return self * a
-    def getrow(self, i):
-        """Returns a copy of row i of the matrix, as a (1 x n) sparse
-        matrix (row vector).
-        """
-        # Spmatrix subclasses should override this method for efficiency.
-        # Pre-multiply by a (1 x m) row vector 'a' containing all zeros
-        # except for a_i = 1
-        m = self.shape[0]
-        a = csr_matrix((1, m), dtype=self.dtype)
-        a[0, i] = 1
-        return a * self
-    def dot(self, other):
-        """ A generic interface for matrix-matrix or matrix-vector
-        multiplication.
-        """
-        try:
-            other.shape
-        except AttributeError:
-            # If it's a list or whatever, treat it like a matrix
-            other = asmatrix(other)
-        if isdense(other) and asarray(other).squeeze().ndim <= 1:
-            # it's a dense row or column vector
-            return self.matvec(other)
-        elif len(other.shape) == 2:
-            # it's a 2d dense array, dense matrix, or sparse matrix
-            return self.matmat(other)
-        else:
-            raise ValueError, "could not interpret dimensions"
-    def matmat(self, other):
-        return self.tocsr().matmat(other)
-    def matvec(self, other):
-        """Multiplies the sparse matrix by the vector 'other', returning a
-        dense vector as a result.
-        """
-        return self.tocsr().matvec(other)
-    def rmatvec(self, other, conjugate=True):
-        """Multiplies the vector 'other' by the sparse matrix, returning a
-        dense vector as a result.
-        If 'conjugate' is True:
-            returns A.transpose().conj() * other
-        Otherwise:
-            returns A.transpose() * other.
-        """
-        return self.tocsr().rmatvec(other, conjugate=conjugate)
-    #def rmatmat(self, other, conjugate=True):
-    #    """ If 'conjugate' is True:
-    #        returns other * A.transpose().conj(),
-    #    where 'other' is a matrix.  Otherwise:
-    #        returns other * A.transpose().
-    #    """
-    #    other = csc_matrix(other)
-    #    if conjugate:
-    #        return other.matmat(self.transpose()).conj()
-    #    else:
-    #        return other.matmat(self.transpose())
-    def todense(self):
-        return asmatrix(self.toarray())
-    def toarray(self):
-        csr = self.tocsr()
-        return csr.toarray()
-    def todok(self):
-        return self.tocoo().todok()
-    def tocoo(self):
-        return self.tocsr().tocoo()
-    def tolil(self):
-        return self.tocsr().tolil()
-    def toself(self, copy=False):
-        if copy:
-            new = self.copy()
-        else:
-            new = self
-        return new
-    def copy(self):
-        return self.tocsr().copy()
-    def sum(self, axis=None):
-        """Sum the matrix over the given axis.  If the axis is None, sum
-        over both rows and columns, returning a scalar.
-        """
-        # We use multiplication by an array of ones to achieve this.
-        # For some sparse matrix formats more efficient methods are
-        # possible -- these should override this function.
-        m, n = self.shape
-        if axis == 0:
-            # sum over columns
-            return asmatrix(ones((1, m), dtype=self.dtype)) * self
-        elif axis == 1:
-            # sum over rows
-            return self * asmatrix(ones((n, 1), dtype=self.dtype))
-        elif axis is None:
-            # sum over rows and columns
-            return ( self * asmatrix(ones((n, 1), dtype=self.dtype)) ).sum()
-        else:
-            raise ValueError, "axis out of bounds"
-    def mean(self, axis=None):
-        """Average the matrix over the given axis.  If the axis is None,
-        average over both rows and columns, returning a scalar.
-        """
-        if axis == 0:
-            mean = self.sum(0)
-            mean *= 1.0 / self.shape[0]
-            return mean
-        elif axis == 1:
-            mean = self.sum(1)
-            mean *= 1.0 / self.shape[1]
-            return mean
-        elif axis is None:
-            return self.sum(None) * 1.0 / (self.shape[0]*self.shape[1])
-        else:
-            raise ValueError, "axis out of bounds"
-    def setdiag(self, values, k=0):
-        """Fills the diagonal elements {a_ii} with the values from the
-        given sequence.  If k != 0, fills the off-diagonal elements
-        {a_{i,i+k}} instead.
-        values may have any length.  If the diagonal is longer than values,
-        then the remaining diagonal entries will not be set.  If values if
-        longer than the diagonal, then the remaining values are ignored.
-        """
-        M, N = self.shape
-        if (k > 0 and k >= N) or (k < 0 and -k >= M):
-            raise ValueError, "k exceedes matrix dimensions"
-        if k < 0:
-            max_index = min(M+k, N, len(values))
-            for i,v in enumerate(values[:max_index]):
-                self[i - k, i] = v
-        else:
-            max_index = min(M, N-k, len(values))
-            for i,v in enumerate(values[:max_index]):
-                self[i, i + k] = v
-    def save(self, file_name, format = '%d %d %f\n'):
-        try:
-            fd = open(file_name, 'w')
-        except Exception, e:
-            raise e, file_name
-        fd.write('%d %d\n' % self.shape)
-        fd.write('%d\n' % self.size)
-        for ii in xrange(self.size):
-            ir, ic = self.rowcol(ii)
-            data = self.getdata(ii)
-            fd.write(format % (ir, ic, data))
-        fd.close()
-class _cs_matrix(spmatrix):
-    """base matrix class for compressed row and column oriented matrices"""
-    def __init__(self, arg1, dims=None, dtype=None, copy=False):
-        spmatrix.__init__(self)
-        if isdense(arg1):
-            # Convert the dense array or matrix arg1 to sparse format
-            if rank(arg1) == 1:
-                # Convert to a row vector
-                arg1 = arg1.reshape(1, arg1.shape[0])
-            if rank(arg1) == 2:
-                self.shape = arg1.shape
-                self._set_self( self._tothis(coo_matrix(arg1)) )
-            else:
-                raise ValueError, "dense array must have rank 1 or 2"
-        elif isspmatrix(arg1):
-            if copy:
-                arg1 = arg1.copy()
-            self._set_self( self._tothis(arg1) )
-        elif isinstance(arg1, tuple):
-            if isshape(arg1):
-                # It's a tuple of matrix dimensions (M, N)
-                # create empty matrix
-                self.shape = arg1   #spmatrix checks for errors here
-                M, N = self.shape
-                self.data    = zeros(0, getdtype(dtype, default=float))
-                self.indices = zeros(0, intc)
-                self.indptr  = zeros(self._swap(self.shape)[0] + 1, dtype='intc')
-            else:
-                try:
-                    # Try interpreting it as (data, ij)
-                    (data, ij) = arg1
-                    assert isinstance(ij, ndarray) and (rank(ij) == 2) \
-                           and (shape(ij) == (2, len(data)))
-                except (AssertionError, TypeError, ValueError, AttributeError):
-                    try:
-                        # Try interpreting it as (data, indices, indptr)
-                        (data, indices, indptr) = arg1
-                    except:
-                        raise ValueError, "unrecognized form for csr_matrix constructor"
-                    else:
-                        self.data    = array(data, copy=copy, dtype=getdtype(dtype, data))
-                        self.indices = array(indices, copy=copy)
-                        self.indptr  = array(indptr, copy=copy)
-                else:
-                    # (data, ij) format
-                    other = coo_matrix((data, ij), dims=dims )
-                    other = self._tothis(other)
-                    self._set_self( other )
-        else:
-            raise ValueError, "unrecognized form for csr_matrix constructor"
-        # Read matrix dimensions given, if any
-        if dims is not None:
-            self.shape = dims   # spmatrix will check for errors
-        else:
-            if self.shape is None:
-                # shape not already set, try to infer dimensions
-                try:
-                    major_dim = len(self.indptr) - 1
-                    minor_dim = self.indices.max() + 1
-                except:
-                    raise ValueError,'unable to infer matrix dimensions'
-                else:
-                    self.shape = self._swap((major_dim,minor_dim))
-        self.check_format(full_check=False)
-    def getnnz(self):
-        return self.indptr[-1]
-    nnz = property(fget=getnnz)
-    def _get_dtype(self):
-        return self.data.dtype
-    def _set_dtype(self,newtype):
-        self.data.dtype = newtype
-    dtype = property(fget=_get_dtype,fset=_set_dtype)
-    def _set_self(self, other, copy=False):
-        """take the member variables of other and assign them to self"""
-        if copy:
-            other = other.copy()
-        self.data    = other.data
-        self.indices = other.indices
-        self.indptr  = other.indptr
-        self.shape   = other.shape
-    def _check_format(self, full_check):
-        self.shape = tuple([int(x) for x in self.shape])  # for floats etc.
-        #use _swap to determine proper bounds
-        major_name,minor_name = self._swap(('row','column'))
-        major_dim,minor_dim = self._swap(self.shape)
-        # index arrays should have integer data types
-        if self.indptr.dtype.kind != 'i':
-            warnings.warn("indptr array has non-integer dtype (%s)"  \
-                                            % self.indptr.dtype.name )
-        if self.indices.dtype.kind != 'i':
-            warnings.warn("indices array has non-integer dtype (%s)" \
-                                            % self.indices.dtype.name )
-        # only support 32-bit ints for now
-        self.indptr  = self.indptr.astype('intc')
-        self.indices = self.indices.astype('intc')
-        self.data    = to_native(self.data)
-        # check array shapes
-        if (rank(self.data) != 1) or (rank(self.indices) != 1) or \
-           (rank(self.indptr) != 1):
-            raise ValueError,"data, indices, and indptr should be rank 1"
-        # check index pointer
-        if (len(self.indptr) != major_dim + 1 ):
-            raise ValueError, \
-                "index pointer size (%d) should be (%d)" % \
-                 (len(self.indptr), major_dim + 1)
-        if (self.indptr[0] != 0):
-            raise ValueError,"index pointer should start with 0"
-        # check index and data arrays
-        if (len(self.indices) != len(self.data)):
-            raise ValueError,"indices and data should have the same size"
-        if (self.indptr[-1] > len(self.indices)):
-            raise ValueError, \
-                  "Last value of index pointer should be less than "\
-                  "the size of index and data arrays"
-        self.prune()
-        if full_check:
-            #check format validity (more expensive)
-            if self.nnz > 0:
-                if amax(self.indices) >= minor_dim:
-                    raise ValueError, "%s index values must be < %d" % \
-                            (minor_name,minor_dim)
-                if amin(self.indices) < 0:
-                    raise ValueError, "%s index values must be >= 0" % \
-                            minor_name
-                if numpy.diff(self.indptr).min() < 0:
-                    raise ValueError,'index pointer values must form a " \
-                                        "non-decreasing sequence'
-    def astype(self, t):
-        return self._with_data(self.data.astype(t))
-    def _with_data(self,data,copy=True):
-        """Returns a matrix with the same sparsity structure as self,
-        but with different data.  By default the structure arrays
-        (i.e. .indptr and .indices) are copied.
-        """
-        if copy:
-            return self.__class__((data,self.indices.copy(),self.indptr.copy()), \
-                                   dims=self.shape,dtype=data.dtype)
-        else:
-            return self.__class__((data,self.indices,self.indptr), \
-                                   dims=self.shape,dtype=data.dtype)
-    def __abs__(self):
-        return self._with_data(abs(self.data))
-    def _real(self):
-        return self._with_data(numpy.real(self.data))
-    def _imag(self):
-        return self._with_data(numpy.imag(self.data))
-    def _binopt(self, other, op, in_shape=None, out_shape=None):
-        """apply the binary operation fn to two sparse matrices"""
-        other = self._tothis(other)
-        if in_shape is None:
-            in_shape = self.shape
-        if out_shape is None:
-            out_shape = self.shape
-        # e.g. csr_plus_csr, cscmucsc, etc.
-        fn = getattr(sparsetools, self.format + op + self.format)
-        indptr, ind, data = fn(in_shape[0], in_shape[1], \
-                               self.indptr, self.indices, self.data,
-                               other.indptr, other.indices, other.data)
-        return self.__class__((data, ind, indptr), dims=out_shape)
-    def __add__(self,other):
-        # First check if argument is a scalar
-        if isscalarlike(other):
-            # Now we would add this scalar to every element.
-            raise NotImplementedError, 'adding a scalar to a CSC or CSR ' \
-                  'matrix is not supported'
-        elif isspmatrix(other):
-            if (other.shape != self.shape):
-                raise ValueError, "inconsistent shapes"
-            return self._binopt(other,'_plus_')
-        elif isdense(other):
-            # Convert this matrix to a dense matrix and add them
-            return self.todense() + other
-        else:
-            raise NotImplementedError
-    def __radd__(self,other):
-        return self.__add__(other)
-    def __sub__(self,other):
-        # First check if argument is a scalar
-        if isscalarlike(other):
-            # Now we would add this scalar to every element.
-            raise NotImplementedError, 'adding a scalar to a CSC or CSR ' \
-                  'matrix is not supported'
-        elif isspmatrix(other):
-            if (other.shape != self.shape):
-                raise ValueError, "inconsistent shapes"
-            return self._binopt(other,'_minus_')
-        elif isdense(other):
-            # Convert this matrix to a dense matrix and subtract them
-            return self.todense() - other
-        else:
-            raise NotImplementedError
-    def __rsub__(self,other):  # other - self
-        #note: this can't be replaced by other + (-self) for unsigned types
-        if isscalarlike(other):
-            # Now we would add this scalar to every element.
-            raise NotImplementedError, 'adding a scalar to a CSC or CSR ' \
-                  'matrix is not supported'
-        elif isdense(other):
-            # Convert this matrix to a dense matrix and subtract them
-            return other - self.todense()
-        else:
-            raise NotImplementedError
-    def __mul__(self, other): # self * other
-        """ Scalar, vector, or matrix multiplication
-        """
-        if isscalarlike(other):
-            return self._with_data(self.data * other)
-        else:
-            return self.dot(other)
-    def __rmul__(self, other): # other * self
-        if isscalarlike(other):
-            return self.__mul__(other)
-        else:
-            # Don't use asarray unless we have to
-            try:
-                tr = other.transpose()
-            except AttributeError:
-                tr = asarray(other).transpose()
-            return self.transpose().dot(tr).transpose()
-    def __imul__(self, other): #self *= other
-        if isscalarlike(other):
-            self.data *= other
-            return self
-        else:
-            raise NotImplementedError
-    def __neg__(self):
-        return self._with_data(-self.data)
-    def __truediv__(self,other):
-        if isscalarlike(other):
-            return self * (1./other)
-        elif isspmatrix(other):
-            if (other.shape != self.shape):
-                raise ValueError, "inconsistent shapes"
-            return self._binopt(other,'_eldiv_')
-        else:
-            raise NotImplementedError
-    def __itruediv__(self, other): #self *= other
-        if isscalarlike(other):
-            recip = 1.0 / other
-            self.data *= recip
-            return self
-        else:
-            raise NotImplementedError
-    def __pow__(self, other):
-        """ Element-by-element power (unless other is a scalar, in which
-        case return the matrix power.)
-        """
-        if isscalarlike(other):
-            return self._with_data(self.data**other)
-        elif isspmatrix(other):
-            if (other.shape != self.shape):
-                raise ValueError, "inconsistent shapes"
-            return self._binopt(other,'_elmul_')
-        else:
-            raise NotImplementedError
-    def matmat(self, other):
-        if isspmatrix(other):
-            M, K1 = self.shape
-            K2, N = other.shape
-            if (K1 != K2):
-                raise ValueError, "shape mismatch error"
-            other = self._tothis(other)
-            return self._binopt(other,'mu',in_shape=(M,N),out_shape=(M,N))
-        elif isdense(other):
-            # TODO make sparse * dense matrix multiplication more efficient
-            # matvec each column of other
-            return hstack( [ self * col.reshape(-1,1) for col in other.T ] )
-        else:
-            raise TypeError, "need a dense or sparse matrix"
-    def matvec(self, other):
-        if isdense(other):
-            if other.size != self.shape[1] or \
-                    (other.ndim == 2 and self.shape[1] != other.shape[0]):
-                raise ValueError, "dimension mismatch"
-            # csrmux, cscmux
-            fn = getattr(sparsetools,self.format + 'mux')
-            #output array
-            y = empty( self.shape[0], dtype=upcast(self.dtype,other.dtype) )
-            fn(self.shape[0], self.shape[1], \
-                self.indptr, self.indices, self.data, numpy.ravel(other), y)
-            if isinstance(other, matrix):
-                y = asmatrix(y)
-            if other.ndim == 2 and other.shape[1] == 1:
-                # If 'other' was an (nx1) column vector, reshape the result
-                y = y.reshape(-1,1)
-            return y
-        elif isspmatrix(other):
-            raise TypeError, "use matmat() for sparse * sparse"
-        else:
-            raise TypeError, "need a dense vector"
-    def rmatvec(self, other, conjugate=True):
-        if conjugate:
-            return self.transpose().conj() * other
-        else:
-            return self.transpose() * other
-    def getdata(self, ind):
-        return self.data[ind]
-#    def _other_format(self):
-#        if self.format == 'csr':
-#            return 'csc'
-#        elif self.format == 'csc':
-#            return 'csr'
-#        else:
-#            raise TypeError,'unrecognized type'
-#    def _other__class__(self):
-#        if self.format == 'csr':
-#            return csc_matrix
-#        elif self.format == 'csc':
-#            return csr_matrix
-#        else:
-#            raise TypeError,'unrecognized type'
-    def sum(self, axis=None):
-        """Sum the matrix over the given axis.  If the axis is None, sum
-        over both rows and columns, returning a scalar.
-        """
-        # The spmatrix base class already does axis=0 and axis=1 efficiently
-        # so we only do the case axis=None here
-        if axis is None:
-            return self.data[:self.indptr[-1]].sum()
-        else:
-            return spmatrix.sum(self,axis)
-            raise ValueError, "axis out of bounds"
-    def copy(self):
-        return self._with_data(self.data.copy(),copy=True)
-    def _get_slice(self, i, start, stop, stride, dims):
-        """Returns a view of the elements [i, myslice.start:myslice.stop].
-        """
-        if stride != 1:
-            raise ValueError, "slicing with step != 1 not supported"
-        if stop <= start:
-            raise ValueError, "slice width must be >= 1"
-        indices = []
-        for ind in xrange(self.indptr[i], self.indptr[i+1]):
-            if self.indices[ind] >= start and self.indices[ind] < stop:
-                indices.append(ind)
-        index = self.indices[indices] - start
-        data   = self.data[indices]
-        indptr = numpy.array([0, len(indices)])
-        return self.__class__((data, index, indptr), dims=dims, \
-                              dtype=self.dtype)
-    def _transpose(self, cls, copy=False):
-        M, N = self.shape
-        return cls((self.data,self.indices,self.indptr),(N,M),copy=copy)
-    def tocoo(self,copy=True):
-        """Return a COOrdinate representation of this matrix
-        When copy=False the index and data arrays are not copied.
-        """
-        major_dim,minor_dim = self._swap(self.shape)
-        data = self.data
-        minor_indices = self.indices
-        if copy:
-            data = data.copy()
-            minor_indices = minor_indices.copy()
-        major_indices = empty(len(minor_indices),dtype=intc)
-        sparsetools.expandptr(major_dim,self.indptr,major_indices)
-        row,col = self._swap((major_indices,minor_indices))
-        return coo_matrix((data,(row,col)), self.shape)
-    def conj(self, copy=False):
-        return self._with_data(self.data.conj(),copy=copy)
-    def sorted_indices(self):
-        """Return a copy of this matrix with sorted indices
-        """
-        A = self.copy()
-        A.sort_indices()
-        return A
-        # an alternative that has linear complexity is the following
-        # typically the previous option is faster
-        #return self._toother()._toother()
-    def sort_indices(self):
-        """Sort the indices of this matrix *in place*
-        """
-        fn = getattr(sparsetools,'sort_' + self.format + '_indices')
-        M,N = self.shape
-        fn( M, N, self.indptr, self.indices, self.data)
-    def ensure_sorted_indices(self, inplace=False):
-        """Return a copy of this matrix where the column indices are sorted
-        """
-        warnings.warn('ensure_sorted_indices is deprecated, ' \
-                      'use sorted_indices() or sort_indices() instead', \
-                      DeprecationWarning)
-        if inplace:
-            self.sort_indices()
-        else:
-            return self.sorted_indices()
-    def prune(self):
-        """ Remove empty space after all non-zero elements.
-        """
-        major_dim = self._swap(self.shape)[0]
-        if len(self.indptr) != major_dim + 1:
-            raise ValueError, "index pointer has invalid length"
-        if len(self.indices) < self.nnz: 
-            raise ValueError, "indices array has fewer than nnz elements"
-        if len(self.data) < self.nnz:
-            raise ValueError, "data array has fewer than nnz elements"
-        self.data    = self.data[:self.nnz]
-        self.indices = self.indices[:self.nnz]
-    def _get_submatrix( self, shape0, shape1, slice0, slice1 ):
-        """Return a submatrix of this matrix (new matrix is created)."""
-        def _process_slice( sl, num ):
-            if isinstance( sl, slice ):
-                i0, i1 = sl.start, sl.stop
-                if i0 is None:
-                    i0 = 0
-                elif i0 < 0:
-                    i0 = num + i0
-                if i1 is None:
-                    i1 = num
-                elif i1 < 0:
-                    i1 = num + i1
-                return i0, i1
-            elif isscalar( sl ):
-                if sl < 0:
-                    sl += num
-                return sl, sl + 1
-            else:
-                return sl[0], sl[1]
-        def _in_bounds( i0, i1, num ):
-            if not (0<=i0<num) or not (0<i1<=num) or not (i0<i1):
-                raise IndexError,\
-                      "index out of bounds: 0<=%d<%d, 0<=%d<%d, %d<%d" %\
-                      (i0, num, i1, num, i0, i1)
-        i0, i1 = _process_slice( slice0, shape0 )
-        j0, j1 = _process_slice( slice1, shape1 )
-        _in_bounds( i0, i1, shape0 )
-        _in_bounds( j0, j1, shape1 )
-        aux = sparsetools.get_csr_submatrix( shape0, shape1,
-                                             self.indptr, self.indices,
-                                             self.data,
-                                             i0, i1, j0, j1 )
-        data, indices, indptr = aux[2], aux[1], aux[0]
-        return data, indices, indptr, i1 - i0, j1 - j0
-class csc_matrix(_cs_matrix):
-    """ Compressed sparse column matrix
-        This can be instantiated in several ways:
-          - csc_matrix(d)
-            with a dense matrix d
-          - csc_matrix(s)
-            with another sparse matrix s (sugar for .tocsc())
-          - csc_matrix((M, N), [dtype])
-            to construct a container, where (M, N) are dimensions and
-            dtype is optional, defaulting to dtype='d'.
-          - csc_matrix((data, ij), [(M, N)])
-            where data, ij satisfy:
-                a[ij[0, k], ij[1, k]] = data[k]
-          - csc_matrix((data, row, ptr), [(M, N)])
-            standard CSC representation
-    """
-    def check_format(self,full_check=True):
-        """check whether matrix is in valid CSC format
-            *Parameters*:
-                full_check:
-                    True  - rigorous check, O(N) operations : default
-                    False - basic check, O(1) operations
-        """
-        _cs_matrix._check_format(self,full_check)
-    def __getattr__(self, attr):
-        if attr == 'rowind':
-            warnings.warn("rowind attribute no longer in use. Use .indices instead",
-                          DeprecationWarning)
-            return self.indices
-        else:
-            return _cs_matrix.__getattr__(self, attr)
-    def __iter__(self):
-        csr = self.tocsr()
-        for r in xrange(self.shape[0]):
-            yield csr[r,:]
-    def transpose(self, copy=False):
-        return _cs_matrix._transpose(self, csr_matrix, copy)
-    def __getitem__(self, key):
-        if isinstance(key, tuple):
-            #TODO use _swap() to unify this in _cs_matrix
-            row = key[0]
-            col = key[1]
-            if isinstance(col, slice):
-                # Returns a new matrix!
-                return self.get_submatrix( row, col )
-            elif isinstance(row, slice):
-                return self._getslice(row, col)
-            M, N = self.shape
-            if (row < 0):
-                row = M + row
-            if (col < 0):
-                col = N + col
-            if not (0<=row<M) or not (0<=col<N):
-                raise IndexError, "index out of bounds"
-            #this was implemented in fortran before - is there a noticable performance advantage?
-            indxs = numpy.where(row == self.indices[self.indptr[col]:self.indptr[col+1]])
-            if len(indxs[0]) == 0:
-                return 0
-            else:
-                return self.data[self.indptr[col]:self.indptr[col+1]][indxs[0]]
-        elif isintlike(key):
-            # Was: return self.data[key]
-            # If this is allowed, it should return the relevant row, as for
-            # dense matrices (and __len__ should be supported again).
-            raise IndexError, "integer index not supported for csc_matrix"
-        else:
-            raise IndexError, "invalid index"
-    def __setitem__(self, key, val):
-        if isinstance(key, tuple):
-            row = key[0]
-            col = key[1]
-            if not (isscalarlike(row) and isscalarlike(col)):
-                raise NotImplementedError("Fancy indexing in assignments not"
-                                          "supported for csc matrices.")
-            M, N = self.shape
-            if (row < 0):
-                row = M + row
-            if (col < 0):
-                col = N + col
-            if (row < 0) or (col < 0):
-                raise IndexError, "index out of bounds"
-            if (col >= N):
-                self.indptr = resize1d(self.indptr, col+2)
-                self.indptr[N+1:] = self.indptr[N]
-                N = col+1
-            if (row >= M):
-                M = row+1
-            self.shape = (M, N)
-            indxs = numpy.where(row == self.indices[self.indptr[col]:self.indptr[col+1]])
-            if len(indxs[0]) == 0:
-                #value not present
-                #TODO handle this with concatenation
-                self.data    = resize1d(self.data,    self.nnz + 1)
-                self.indices = resize1d(self.indices, self.nnz + 1)
-                newindex = self.indptr[col]
-                self.data[newindex+1:]    = self.data[newindex:-1]
-                self.indices[newindex+1:] = self.indices[newindex:-1]
-                self.data[newindex]   = val
-                self.indices[newindex] = row
-                self.indptr[col+1:] += 1
-            elif len(indxs[0]) == 1:
-                #value already present
-                self.data[self.indptr[col]:self.indptr[col+1]][indxs[0]] = val
-            else:
-                raise IndexError, "row index occurs more than once"
-            self.check_format(full_check=False)
-        else:
-            # We should allow slices here!
-            raise IndexError, "invalid index"
-    def _getslice(self, i, myslice):
-        return self._getcolslice(i, myslice)
-    def _getcolslice(self, myslice, j):
-        """Returns a view of the elements [myslice.start:myslice.stop, j].
-        """
-        start, stop, stride = myslice.indices(self.shape[0])
-        return _cs_matrix._get_slice(self, j, start, stop, stride, (stop - start, 1))
-    def rowcol(self, ind):
-        row = self.indices[ind]
-        col = searchsorted(self.indptr, ind+1)-1
-        return (row, col)
-    def tocsc(self, copy=False):
-        return self.toself(copy)
-    def tocsr(self):
-        indptr  = empty(self.shape[0] + 1, dtype=intc)
-        indices = empty(self.nnz, dtype=intc)
-        data    = empty(self.nnz, dtype=upcast(self.dtype))
-        csctocsr(self.shape[0], self.shape[1], \
-                self.indptr, self.indices, self.data, \
-                indptr, indices, data)
-        return csr_matrix((data, indices, indptr), self.shape)
-    def toarray(self):
-        return self.tocsr().toarray()
-    def get_submatrix( self, slice0, slice1 ):
-        """Return a submatrix of this matrix (new matrix is created).
-        Rows and columns can be selected using slice instances, tuples,
-        or scalars."""
-        aux = _cs_matrix._get_submatrix( self, self.shape[1], self.shape[0],
-                                         slice1, slice0 )
-        nr, nc = aux[3:]
-        return self.__class__( aux[:3], dims = (nc, nr) )
-    # these functions are used by the parent class (_cs_matrix)
-    # to remove redudancy between csc_matrix and csr_matrix
-    def _swap(self,x):
-        """swap the members of x if this is a column-oriented matrix
-        """
-        return (x[1],x[0])
-    def _toother(self):
-        return self.tocsr()
-    def _tothis(self, other):
-        return other.tocsc()
-class csr_matrix(_cs_matrix):
-    """ Compressed sparse row matrix
-        This can be instantiated in several ways:
-          - csr_matrix(d)
-            with a dense matrix d
-          - csr_matrix(s)
-            with another sparse matrix s (sugar for .tocsr())
-          - csr_matrix((M, N), [dtype])
-            to construct a container, where (M, N) are dimensions and
-            dtype is optional, defaulting to dtype='d'.
-          - csr_matrix((data, ij), [dims=(M, N)])
-            where data, ij satisfy:
-                a[ij[0, k], ij[1, k]] = data[k]
-          - csr_matrix((data, col, ptr), [dims=(M, N)])
-            standard CSR representation
-    """
-    def check_format(self,full_check=True):
-        """check whether matrix is in valid CSR format
-            *Parameters*:
-                full_check:
-                    True  - perform rigorous checking - default
-                    False - perform basic format check
-        """
-        _cs_matrix._check_format(self,full_check)
-    def __getattr__(self, attr):
-        if attr == 'colind':
-            warnings.warn("colind attribute no longer in use. Use .indices instead",
-                          DeprecationWarning)
-            return self.indices
-        else:
-            return _cs_matrix.__getattr__(self, attr)
-    def transpose(self, copy=False):
-        return _cs_matrix._transpose(self, csc_matrix, copy)
-    def __getitem__(self, key):
-        if isinstance(key, tuple):
-            #TODO use _swap() to unify this in _cs_matrix
-            row = key[0]
-            col = key[1]
-            if isinstance(row, slice):
-                # Returns a new matrix!
-                return self.get_submatrix( row, col )
-            elif isinstance(col, slice):
-                return self._getslice(row, col)
-            M, N = self.shape
-            if (row < 0):
-                row = M + row
-            if (col < 0):
-                col = N + col
-            if not (0<=row<M) or not (0<=col<N):
-                raise IndexError, "index out of bounds"
-            #this was implemented in fortran before - is there a noticable performance advantage?
-            indxs = numpy.where(col == self.indices[self.indptr[row]:self.indptr[row+1]])
-            if len(indxs[0]) == 0:
-                return 0
-            else:
-                return self.data[self.indptr[row]:self.indptr[row+1]][indxs[0]]
-        elif isintlike(key):
-            return self[key, :]
-        else:
-            raise IndexError, "invalid index"
-    def _getslice(self, i, myslice):
-        return self._getrowslice(i, myslice)
-    def _getrowslice(self, i, myslice):
-        """Returns a view of the elements [i, myslice.start:myslice.stop].
-        """
-        start, stop, stride = myslice.indices(self.shape[1])
-        return _cs_matrix._get_slice(self, i, start, stop, stride, (1, stop-start))
-    def __setitem__(self, key, val):
-        if isinstance(key, tuple):
-            row = key[0]
-            col = key[1]
-            if not (isscalarlike(row) and isscalarlike(col)):
-                raise NotImplementedError("Fancy indexing in assignment not "
-                                          "supported for csr matrices.")
-            M, N = self.shape
-            if (row < 0):
-                row = M + row
-            if (col < 0):
-                col = N + col
-            if (row < 0) or (col < 0):
-                raise IndexError, "index out of bounds"
-            if (row >= M):
-                self.indptr = resize1d(self.indptr, row+2)
-                self.indptr[M+1:] = self.indptr[M]
-                M = row+1
-            if (col >= N):
-                N = col+1
-            self.shape = (M, N)
-            indxs = numpy.where(col == self.indices[self.indptr[row]:self.indptr[row+1]])
-            if len(indxs[0]) == 0:
-                #value not present
-                self.data    = resize1d(self.data, self.nnz + 1)
-                self.indices = resize1d(self.indices, self.nnz + 1)
-                newindex = self.indptr[row]
-                self.data[newindex+1:]   = self.data[newindex:-1]
-                self.indices[newindex+1:] = self.indices[newindex:-1]
-                self.data[newindex]   = val
-                self.indices[newindex] = col
-                self.indptr[row+1:] += 1
-            elif len(indxs[0]) == 1:
-                #value already present
-                self.data[self.indptr[row]:self.indptr[row+1]][indxs[0]] = val
-            else:
-                raise IndexError, "row index occurs more than once"
-            self.check_format(full_check=False)
-        else:
-            # We should allow slices here!
-            raise IndexError, "invalid index"
-    def rowcol(self, ind):
-        col = self.indices[ind]
-        row = searchsorted(self.indptr, ind+1)-1
-        return (row, col)
-    def tolil(self):
-        lil = lil_matrix(self.shape,dtype=self.dtype)
-        csr = self.sorted_indices() #lil_matrix needs sorted rows
-        rows,data = lil.rows,lil.data
-        ptr,ind,dat = csr.indptr,csr.indices,csr.data
-        for n in xrange(self.shape[0]):
-            start = ptr[n]
-            end   = ptr[n+1]
-            rows[n] = ind[start:end].tolist()
-            data[n] = dat[start:end].tolist()
-        return lil
-    def tocsr(self, copy=False):
-        return self.toself(copy)
-    def tocsc(self):
-        indptr  = empty(self.shape[1] + 1, dtype=intc)
-        indices = empty(self.nnz, dtype=intc)
-        data    = empty(self.nnz, dtype=upcast(self.dtype))
-        csrtocsc(self.shape[0], self.shape[1], \
-                 self.indptr, self.indices, self.data, \
-                 indptr, indices, data)
-        return csc_matrix((data, indices, indptr), self.shape)
-    def toarray(self):
-        data = numpy.zeros(self.shape, dtype=upcast(self.data.dtype))
-        csrtodense(self.shape[0], self.shape[1], self.indptr, self.indices,
-                   self.data, data)
-        return data
-    def get_submatrix( self, slice0, slice1 ):
-        """Return a submatrix of this matrix (new matrix is created)..
-        Rows and columns can be selected using slice instances, tuples,
-        or scalars."""
-        aux = _cs_matrix._get_submatrix( self, self.shape[0], self.shape[1],
-                                         slice0, slice1 )
-        nr, nc = aux[3:]
-        return self.__class__( aux[:3], dims = (nr, nc) )
-    # these functions are used by the parent class (_cs_matrix)
-    # to remove redudancy between csc_matrix and csr_matrix
-    def _swap(self,x):
-        """swap the members of x if this is a column-oriented matrix
-        """
-        return (x[0],x[1])
-    def _toother(self):
-        return self.tocsc()
-    def _tothis(self, other):
-        return other.tocsr()
-# dictionary of keys based matrix
-class dok_matrix(spmatrix, dict):
-    """ A dictionary of keys based matrix.  This is an efficient
-    structure for constructing sparse matrices for conversion to other
-    sparse matrix types.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, A=None, shape=None, dtype=None, copy=False):
-        """ Create a new dictionary-of-keys sparse matrix.  An optional
-        argument A is accepted, which initializes the dok_matrix with it.
-        This can be a tuple of dimensions (M, N) or a (dense) array
-        to copy.
-        """
-        dict.__init__(self)
-        spmatrix.__init__(self,shape)
-        self.dtype = getdtype(dtype, A, default=float)
-        if A is not None:
-            if isinstance(A, tuple):
-                # Interpret as dimensions
-                if not isshape(A):
-                    raise TypeError, "dimensions must be a 2-tuple of positive"\
-                            " integers"
-                self.shape = A
-            elif isspmatrix(A):
-                if isspmatrix_dok(A) and copy:
-                    A = A.copy()
-                else:
-                    A = A.todok()
-                self.update( A )
-                self.shape = A.shape
-                self.dtype = A.dtype
-            elif isdense(A):
-                self.update( coo_matrix(A).todok() )
-                self.shape = A.shape
-                self.dtype = A.dtype
-            else:
-                raise TypeError, "argument should be a tuple of dimensions " \
-                        "or a sparse or dense matrix"
-    def getnnz(self):
-        return dict.__len__(self)
-    def __len__(self):
-        return dict.__len__(self)
-    def __str__(self):
-        val = ''
-        nnz = self.getnnz()
-        keys = self.keys()
-        keys.sort()
-        if nnz > self.maxprint:
-            for k in xrange(self.maxprint / 2):
-                key = keys[k]
-                val += "  %s\t%s\n" % (str(key), str(self[key]))
-            val = val + "   :    \t  :\n"
-            for k in xrange(nnz-self.maxprint/2, nnz):
-                key = keys[k]
-                val += "  %s\t%s\n" % (str(key), str(self[key]))
-        else:
-            for k in xrange(nnz):
-                key = keys[k]
-                val += "  %s\t%s\n" % (str(key), str(self[key]))
-        return val[:-1]
-    def get(self, key, default=0.):
-        """This overrides the dict.get method, providing type checking
-        but otherwise equivalent functionality.
-        """
-        try:
-            i, j = key
-            assert isintlike(i) and isintlike(j)
-        except (AssertionError, TypeError, ValueError):
-            raise IndexError, "index must be a pair of integers"
-        try:
-            assert not (i < 0 or i >= self.shape[0] or j < 0 or
-                     j >= self.shape[1])
-        except AssertionError:
-            raise IndexError, "index out of bounds"
-        return dict.get(self, key, default)
-    def  __getitem__(self, key):
-        """If key=(i,j) is a pair of integers, return the corresponding
-        element.  If either i or j is a slice or sequence, return a new sparse
-        matrix with just these elements.
-        """
-        try:
-            i, j = key
-        except (ValueError, TypeError):
-            raise TypeError, "index must be a pair of integers or slices"
-        # Bounds checking
-        if isintlike(i):
-            if i < 0:
-                i += self.shape[0]
-            if i < 0 or i >= self.shape[0]:
-                raise IndexError, "index out of bounds"
-        if isintlike(j):
-            if j < 0:
-                j += self.shape[1]
-            if j < 0 or j >= self.shape[1]:
-                raise IndexError, "index out of bounds"
-        # First deal with the case where both i and j are integers
-        if isintlike(i) and isintlike(j):
-            return dict.get(self, key, 0.)
-        else:
-            # Either i or j is a slice, sequence, or invalid.  If i is a slice
-            # or sequence, unfold it first and call __getitem__ recursively.
-            if isinstance(i, slice):
-                # Is there an easier way to do this?
-                seq = xrange(i.start or 0, i.stop or self.shape[0], i.step or 1)
-            elif operator.isSequenceType(i):
-                seq = i
-            else:
-                # Make sure i is an integer. (But allow it to be a subclass of int).
-                if not isintlike(i):
-                    raise TypeError, "index must be a pair of integers or slices"
-                seq = None
-            if seq is not None:
-                # i is a seq
-                if isintlike(j):
-                    # Create a new matrix of the correct dimensions
-                    first = seq[0]
-                    last = seq[-1]
-                    if first < 0 or first >= self.shape[0] or last < 0 \
-                                 or last >= self.shape[0]:
-                        raise IndexError, "index out of bounds"
-                    newshape = (last-first+1, 1)
-                    new = dok_matrix(newshape)
-                    # ** This uses linear time in the size m of dimension 0:
-                    # new[0:seq[-1]-seq[0]+1, 0] = \
-                    #         [self.get((element, j), 0) for element in seq]
-                    # ** Instead just add the non-zero elements.  This uses
-                    # ** linear time in the number of non-zeros:
-                    for (ii, jj) in self.keys():
-                        if jj == j and ii >= first and ii <= last:
-                            dict.__setitem__(new, (ii-first, 0), \
-                                             dict.__getitem__(self, (ii,jj)))
-                else:
-                    ###################################
-                    # We should reshape the new matrix here!
-                    ###################################
-                    raise NotImplementedError, "fancy indexing supported over" \
-                            " one axis only"
-                return new
-            # Below here, j is a sequence, but i is an integer
-            if isinstance(j, slice):
-                # Is there an easier way to do this?
-                seq = xrange(j.start or 0, j.stop or self.shape[1], j.step or 1)
-            elif operator.isSequenceType(j):
-                seq = j
-            else:
-                # j is not an integer
-                raise TypeError, "index must be a pair of integers or slices"
-            # Create a new matrix of the correct dimensions
-            first = seq[0]
-            last = seq[-1]
-            if first < 0 or first >= self.shape[1] or last < 0 \
-                         or last >= self.shape[1]:
-                raise IndexError, "index out of bounds"
-            newshape = (1, last-first+1)
-            new = dok_matrix(newshape)
-            # ** This uses linear time in the size n of dimension 1:
-            # new[0, 0:seq[-1]-seq[0]+1] = \
-            #         [self.get((i, element), 0) for element in seq]
-            # ** Instead loop over the non-zero elements.  This is slower
-            # ** if there are many non-zeros
-            for (ii, jj) in self.keys():
-                if ii == i and jj >= first and jj <= last:
-                    dict.__setitem__(new, (0, jj-first), \
-                                     dict.__getitem__(self, (ii,jj)))
-            return new
-    def __setitem__(self, key, value):
-        try:
-            assert len(key) == 2
-        except (AssertionError, TypeError):
-            raise TypeError, "index must be a pair of integers, slices, or" \
-                    " sequences"
-        i, j = key
-        # First deal with the case where both i and j are integers
-        if isintlike(i) and isintlike(j):
-            if i < 0:
-                i += self.shape[0]
-            if j < 0:
-                j += self.shape[1]
-            if i < 0 or i >= self.shape[0] or j < 0 or j >= self.shape[1]:
-                raise IndexError, "index out of bounds"
-            if isintlike(value) and value == 0:
-                if key in self.keys():  # get rid of it something already there
-                    del self[key]
-            else:
-                # Ensure value is a single element, not a sequence
-                if isinstance(value, float) or isintlike(value) or \
-                        isinstance(value, complex):
-                    dict.__setitem__(self, key, self.dtype.type(value))
-                    newrows = max(self.shape[0], int(key[0])+1)
-                    newcols = max(self.shape[1], int(key[1])+1)
-                    self.shape = (newrows, newcols)
-                else:
-                    raise TypeError, "cannot set matrix element to non-scalar"
-            return                 # done
-        else:
-            # Either i or j is a slice, sequence, or invalid.  If i is a slice
-            # or sequence, unfold it first and call __setitem__ recursively.
-            if isinstance(i, slice):
-                # Is there an easier way to do this?
-                seq = xrange(i.start or 0, i.stop or self.shape[0], i.step or 1)
-            elif operator.isSequenceType(i):
-                seq = i
-            else:
-                # Make sure i is an integer. (But allow it to be a subclass of int).
-                if not isintlike(i):
-                    raise TypeError, "index must be a pair of integers or slices"
-                seq = None
-            if seq is not None:
-                # First see if 'value' is another dok_matrix of the appropriate
-                # dimensions
-                if isinstance(value, dok_matrix):
-                    if value.shape[1] == 1:
-                        for element in seq:
-                            self[element, j] = value[element, 0]
-                    else:
-                        raise NotImplementedError, "setting a 2-d slice of" \
-                                " a dok_matrix is not yet supported"
-                elif isscalar(value):
-                    for element in seq:
-                        self[element, j] = value
-                else:
-                    # See if value is a sequence
-                    try:
-                        if len(seq) != len(value):
-                            raise ValueError, "index and value ranges must" \
-                                              " have the same length"
-                    except TypeError:
-                        # Not a sequence
-                        raise TypeError, "unsupported type for" \
-                                         " dok_matrix.__setitem__"
-                    # Value is a sequence
-                    for element, val in itertools.izip(seq, value):
-                        self[element, j] = val   # don't use dict.__setitem__
-                            # here, since we still want to be able to delete
-                            # 0-valued keys, do type checking on 'val' (e.g. if
-                            # it's a rank-1 dense array), etc.
-            else:
-                # Process j
-                if isinstance(j, slice):
-                    seq = xrange(j.start or 0, j.stop or self.shape[1], j.step or 1)
-                elif operator.isSequenceType(j):
-                    seq = j
-                else:
-                    # j is not an integer
-                    raise TypeError, "index must be a pair of integers or slices"
-                # First see if 'value' is another dok_matrix of the appropriate
-                # dimensions
-                if isinstance(value, dok_matrix):
-                    if value.shape[0] == 1:
-                        for element in seq:
-                            self[i, element] = value[0, element]
-                    else:
-                        raise NotImplementedError, "setting a 2-d slice of" \
-                                " a dok_matrix is not yet supported"
-                elif isscalar(value):
-                    for element in seq:
-                        self[i, element] = value
-                else:
-                    # See if value is a sequence
-                    try:
-                        if len(seq) != len(value):
-                            raise ValueError, "index and value ranges must have" \
-                                              " the same length"
-                    except TypeError:
-                        # Not a sequence
-                        raise TypeError, "unsupported type for dok_matrix.__setitem__"
-                    else:
-                        for element, val in itertools.izip(seq, value):
-                            self[i, element] = val
-    def __add__(self, other):
-        # First check if argument is a scalar
-        if isscalarlike(other):
-            new = dok_matrix(self.shape, dtype=self.dtype)
-            # Add this scalar to every element.
-            M, N = self.shape
-            for i in xrange(M):
-                for j in xrange(N):
-                    aij = self.get((i, j), 0) + other
-                    if aij != 0:
-                        new[i, j] = aij
-            #new.dtype.char = self.dtype.char
-        elif isinstance(other, dok_matrix):
-            if other.shape != self.shape:
-                raise ValueError, "matrix dimensions are not equal"
-            # We could alternatively set the dimensions to the the largest of
-            # the two matrices to be summed.  Would this be a good idea?
-            new = dok_matrix(self.shape, dtype=self.dtype)
-            new.update(self)
-            for key in other.keys():
-                new[key] += other[key]
-        elif isspmatrix(other):
-            csc = self.tocsc()
-            new = csc + other
-        elif isdense(other):
-            new = self.todense() + other
-        else:
-            raise TypeError, "data type not understood"
-        return new
-    def __radd__(self, other):
-        # First check if argument is a scalar
-        if isscalarlike(other):
-            new = dok_matrix(self.shape, dtype=self.dtype)
-            # Add this scalar to every element.
-            M, N = self.shape
-            for i in xrange(M):
-                for j in xrange(N):
-                    aij = self.get((i, j), 0) + other
-                    if aij != 0:
-                        new[i, j] = aij
-        elif isinstance(other, dok_matrix):
-            if other.shape != self.shape:
-                raise ValueError, "matrix dimensions are not equal"
-            new = dok_matrix(self.shape, dtype=self.dtype)
-            new.update(self)
-            for key in other:
-                new[key] += other[key]
-        elif isspmatrix(other):
-            csc = self.tocsc()
-            new = csc + other
-        elif isdense(other):
-            new = other + self.todense()
-        else:
-            raise TypeError, "data type not understood"
-        return new
-    def __neg__(self):
-        new = dok_matrix(self.shape, dtype=self.dtype)
-        for key in self.keys():
-            new[key] = -self[key]
-        return new
-    def __mul__(self, other):           # self * other
-        if isscalarlike(other):
-            new = dok_matrix(self.shape, dtype=self.dtype)
-            # Multiply this scalar by every element.
-            for (key, val) in self.iteritems():
-                new[key] = val * other
-            #new.dtype.char = self.dtype.char
-            return new
-        else:
-            return self.dot(other)
-    def __imul__(self, other):           # self * other
-        if isscalarlike(other):
-            # Multiply this scalar by every element.
-            for (key, val) in self.iteritems():
-                self[key] = val * other
-            #new.dtype.char = self.dtype.char
-            return self
-        else:
-            return NotImplementedError
-    def __rmul__(self, other):          # other * self
-        if isscalarlike(other):
-            new = dok_matrix(self.shape, dtype=self.dtype)
-            # Multiply this scalar by every element.
-            for (key, val) in self.iteritems():
-                new[key] = other * val
-            #new.dtype.char = self.dtype.char
-            return new
-        else:
-            # Don't use asarray unless we have to
-            try:
-                tr = other.transpose()
-            except AttributeError:
-                tr = asarray(other).transpose()
-            return self.transpose().dot(tr).transpose()
-    def __truediv__(self, other):           # self * other
-        if isscalarlike(other):
-            new = dok_matrix(self.shape, dtype=self.dtype)
-            # Multiply this scalar by every element.
-            for (key, val) in self.iteritems():
-                new[key] = val / other
-            #new.dtype.char = self.dtype.char
-            return new
-        else:
-            return self.tocsr() / other
-    def __itruediv__(self, other):           # self * other
-        if isscalarlike(other):
-            # Multiply this scalar by every element.
-            for (key, val) in self.iteritems():
-                self[key] = val / other
-            return self
-        else:
-            return NotImplementedError
-    # What should len(sparse) return? For consistency with dense matrices,
-    # perhaps it should be the number of rows?  For now it returns the number
-    # of non-zeros.
-    def transpose(self):
-        """ Return the transpose
-        """
-        M, N = self.shape
-        new = dok_matrix((N, M), dtype=self.dtype)
-        for key, value in self.iteritems():
-            new[key[1], key[0]] = value
-        return new
-    def conjtransp(self):
-        """ Return the conjugate transpose
-        """
-        M, N = self.shape
-        new = dok_matrix((N, M), dtype=self.dtype)
-        for key, value in self.iteritems():
-            new[key[1], key[0]] = conj(value)
-        return new
-    def copy(self):
-        new = dok_matrix(self.shape, dtype=self.dtype)
-        new.update(self)
-        new.shape = self.shape
-        return new
-    def take(self, cols_or_rows, columns=1):
-        # Extract columns or rows as indictated from matrix
-        # assume cols_or_rows is sorted
-        new = dok_matrix(dtype=self.dtype)    # what should the dimensions be ?!
-        indx = int((columns == 1))
-        N = len(cols_or_rows)
-        if indx: # columns
-            for key in self.keys():
-                num = searchsorted(cols_or_rows, key[1])
-                if num < N:
-                    newkey = (key[0], num)
-                    new[newkey] = self[key]
-        else:
-            for key in self.keys():
-                num = searchsorted(cols_or_rows, key[0])
-                if num < N:
-                    newkey = (num, key[1])
-                    new[newkey] = self[key]
-        return new
-    def split(self, cols_or_rows, columns=1):
-        # Similar to take but returns two arrays, the extracted columns plus
-        # the resulting array.  Assumes cols_or_rows is sorted
-        base = dok_matrix()
-        ext = dok_matrix()
-        indx = int((columns == 1))
-        if indx:
-            for key in self.keys():
-                num = searchsorted(cols_or_rows, key[1])
-                if cols_or_rows[num] == key[1]:
-                    newkey = (key[0], num)
-                    ext[newkey] = self[key]
-                else:
-                    newkey = (key[0], key[1]-num)
-                    base[newkey] = self[key]
-        else:
-            for key in self.keys():
-                num = searchsorted(cols_or_rows, key[0])
-                if cols_or_rows[num] == key[0]:
-                    newkey = (num, key[1])
-                    ext[newkey] = self[key]
-                else:
-                    newkey = (key[0]-num, key[1])
-                    base[newkey] = self[key]
-        return base, ext
-    def matvec(self, other):
-        if isdense(other):
-            if other.shape[0] != self.shape[1]:
-                raise ValueError, "dimensions do not match"
-            new = [0] * self.shape[0]
-            for key in self.keys():
-                new[int(key[0])] += self[key] * other[int(key[1]), ...]
-            new = array(new)
-            if isinstance(other, matrix):
-                new = asmatrix(new)
-                # Do we need to return the transpose?
-                if other.shape[1] == 1:
-                    new = new.T
-            return new
-        else:
-            raise TypeError, "need a dense vector"
-    def rmatvec(self, other, conjugate=True):
-        if isdense(other):
-            if other.shape[-1] != self.shape[0]:
-                raise ValueError, "dimensions do not match"
-            new = [0] * self.shape[1]
-            for key in self.keys():
-                new[int(key[1])] += other[..., int(key[0])] * conj(self[key])
-            new = array(new)
-            if isinstance(other, matrix):
-                new = asmatrix(new)
-                # Do we need to return the transpose?
-                if other.shape[1] == 1:
-                    new = new.T
-            return new
-        else:
-            raise TypeError, "need a dense vector"
-    def tocoo(self):
-        """ Return a copy of this matrix in COOrdinate format"""
-        if self.getnnz() == 0:
-            return coo_matrix(self.shape,dtype=self.dtype)
-        else:
-            data    = asarray(self.values(), dtype=self.dtype)
-            indices = asarray(self.keys(), dtype=intc).T
-            return coo_matrix((data,indices),dims=self.shape,dtype=self.dtype)
-    def todok(self,copy=False):
-        if copy:
-            return self.copy()
-        else:
-            return self
-    def tocsr(self):
-        """ Return a copy of this matrix in Compressed Sparse Row format"""
-        return self.tocoo().tocsr()
-    def tocsc(self):
-        """ Return a copy of this matrix in Compressed Sparse Column format"""
-        return self.tocoo().tocsc()
-    def toarray(self):
-        return self.tocsr().toarray()
-    def resize(self, shape):
-        """ Resize the matrix to dimensions given by 'shape', removing any
-        non-zero elements that lie outside.
-        """
-        if not isshape(shape):
-            raise TypeError, "dimensions must be a 2-tuple of positive"\
-                             " integers"
-        newM, newN = shape
-        M, N = self.shape
-        if newM < M or newN < N:
-            # Remove all elements outside new dimensions
-            for (i, j) in self.keys():
-                if i >= newM or j >= newN:
-                    del self[i, j]
-        self.shape = shape
-class coo_matrix(spmatrix):
-    """ A sparse matrix in coordinate list format.
-    COO matrices are created either as:
-        A = coo_matrix( (m, n), [dtype])
-    for a zero matrix, or as:
-        A = coo_matrix(M)
-    where M is a dense matrix or rank 2 ndarray, or as:
-        A = coo_matrix((obj, ij), [dims])
-    where the dimensions are optional.  If supplied, we set (M, N) = dims.
-    If not supplied, we infer these from the index arrays:
-        ij[0][:] and ij[1][:]
-    The arguments 'obj' and 'ij' represent three arrays:
-        1. obj[:]    the entries of the matrix, in any order
-        2. ij[0][:]  the row indices of the matrix entries
-        3. ij[1][:]  the column indices of the matrix entries
-    So the following holds:
-        A[ij[0][k], ij[1][k] = obj[k]
-    Note:
-        When converting to CSR or CSC format, duplicate (i,j) entries
-        will be summed together.  This facilitates efficient construction
-        of finite element matrices and the like.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, arg1, dims=None, dtype=None):
-        spmatrix.__init__(self)
-        if isinstance(arg1, tuple):
-            if isshape(arg1):
-                M, N = arg1
-                self.shape = (M,N)
-                self.row  = array([], dtype=intc)
-                self.col  = array([], dtype=intc)
-                self.data = array([],getdtype(dtype, default=float))
-            else:
-                try:
-                    obj, ij = arg1
-                except:
-                    raise TypeError, "invalid input format"
-                try:
-                    if len(ij) != 2:
-                        raise TypeError
-                except TypeError:
-                    raise TypeError, "invalid input format"
-                self.row = asarray(ij[0])
-                self.col = asarray(ij[1])
-                self.data = asarray(obj)
-                if dims is None:
-                    if len(self.row) == 0 or len(self.col) == 0:
-                        raise ValueError, "cannot infer dimensions from zero sized index arrays"
-                    M = self.row.max() + 1
-                    N = self.col.max() + 1
-                    self.shape = (M, N)
-                else:
-                    # Use 2 steps to ensure dims has length 2.
-                    M, N = dims
-                    self.shape = (M, N)
-        elif arg1 is None:
-            # Initialize an empty matrix.
-            if not isinstance(dims, tuple) or not isintlike(dims[0]):
-                raise TypeError, "dimensions not understood"
-            warnings.warn('coo_matrix(None, dims=(M,N)) is deprecated, ' \
-                            'use coo_matrix( (M,N) ) instead', \
-                            DeprecationWarning)
-            self.shape = dims
-            self.data = array([],getdtype(dtype, default=float))
-            self.row = array([],dtype=intc)
-            self.col = array([],dtype=intc)
-        else:
-            #dense argument
-            try:
-                M = asarray(arg1)
-            except:
-                raise TypeError, "invalid input format"
-            if len(M.shape) != 2:
-                raise TypeError, "expected rank 2 array or matrix"
-            self.shape = M.shape
-            self.row,self.col = (M != 0).nonzero()
-            self.data  = M[self.row,self.col]
-        self._check()
-    def _get_dtype(self):
-        return self.data.dtype
-    def _set_dtype(self,newtype):
-        self.data.dtype = newtype
-    dtype = property(fget=_get_dtype,fset=_set_dtype)
-    def _check(self):
-        """ Checks for consistency and stores the number of non-zeros as
-        self.nnz.
-        """
-        nnz = len(self.data)
-        if (nnz != len(self.row)) or (nnz != len(self.col)):
-            raise ValueError, "row, column, and data array must all be "\
-                  "the same length"
-        # index arrays should have integer data types
-        if self.row.dtype.kind != 'i':
-            warnings.warn("row index array has non-integer dtype (%s)  " \
-                            % self.row.dtype.name )
-        if self.col.dtype.kind != 'i':
-            warnings.warn("col index array has non-integer dtype (%s) " \
-                            % self.col.dtype.name )
-        # only support 32-bit ints for now
-        self.row  = self.row.astype('intc')
-        self.col  = self.col.astype('intc')
-        self.data = to_native(self.data)
-        if nnz > 0:
-            if(amax(self.row) >= self.shape[0]):
-                raise ValueError, "row index exceedes matrix dimensions"
-            if(amax(self.col) >= self.shape[1]):
-                raise ValueError, "column index exceedes matrix dimensions"
-            if(amin(self.row) < 0):
-                raise ValueError, "negative row index found"
-            if(amin(self.col) < 0):
-                raise ValueError, "negative column index found"
-        # some functions pass floats
-        self.shape = tuple([int(x) for x in self.shape])
-        self.nnz = nnz
-    def rowcol(self, num):
-        return (self.row[num], self.col[num])
-    def getdata(self, num):
-        return self.data[num]
-    def tocsc(self):
-        if self.nnz == 0:
-            return csc_matrix(self.shape, dtype=self.dtype)
-        else:
-            indptr  = empty(self.shape[1] + 1,dtype=intc)
-            indices = empty(self.nnz, dtype=intc)
-            data    = empty(self.nnz, dtype=upcast(self.dtype))
-            cootocsc(self.shape[0], self.shape[1], self.nnz, \
-                     self.row, self.col, self.data, \
-                     indptr, indices, data)
-            return csc_matrix((data, indices, indptr), self.shape)
-    def tocsr(self):
-        if self.nnz == 0:
-            return csr_matrix(self.shape, dtype=self.dtype)
-        else:
-            indptr  = empty(self.shape[0] + 1,dtype=intc)
-            indices = empty(self.nnz, dtype=intc)
-            data    = empty(self.nnz, dtype=upcast(self.dtype))
-            cootocsr(self.shape[0], self.shape[1], self.nnz, \
-                     self.row, self.col, self.data, \
-                     indptr, indices, data)
-            return csr_matrix((data, indices, indptr), self.shape)
-    def tocoo(self, copy=False):
-        return self.toself(copy)
-    def todok(self):
-        dok = dok_matrix((self.shape),dtype=self.dtype)
-        try:
-            izip = itertools.izip
-            dok.update( izip(izip(self.row,self.col),self.data) ) 
-        except AttributeError:
-            # the dict() call is for Python 2.3 compatibility
-            # ideally dok_matrix would accept an iterator
-            dok.update( dict( zip(zip(self.row,self.col),self.data) ) )
-        return dok
-class lil_matrix(spmatrix):
-    """Row-based linked list matrix, by Ed Schofield.
-    This contains a list (self.rows) of rows, each of which is a sorted
-    list of column indices of non-zero elements. It also contains a list
-    (self.data) of lists of these elements.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, A=None, shape=None, dtype=None, copy=False):
-        """ Create a new list-of-lists sparse matrix.  An optional
-        argument A is accepted, which initializes the lil_matrix with it.
-        This can be a tuple of dimensions (M, N) or a dense array /
-        matrix to copy, or a sparse matrix of the following types:
-          - csr_matrix
-          - lil_matrix
-        """
-        spmatrix.__init__(self)
-        self.dtype = getdtype(dtype, A, default=float)
-        # First get the shape
-        if A is None:
-            if not isshape(shape):
-                raise TypeError, "need a valid shape"
-            M, N = shape
-            self.shape = (M,N)
-            self.rows = numpy.empty((M,), dtype=object)
-            self.data = numpy.empty((M,), dtype=object)
-            for i in range(M):
-                self.rows[i] = []
-                self.data[i] = []
-        else:
-            if isshape(A):
-                M, N = A
-                self.shape = (M,N)
-                self.rows = numpy.empty((M,), dtype=object)
-                self.data = numpy.empty((M,), dtype=object)
-                for i in range(M):
-                    self.rows[i] = []
-                    self.data[i] = []
-            else:
-                if isspmatrix(A):                    
-                    if isspmatrix_lil(A) and copy:
-                        A = A.copy()
-                    else:
-                        A = A.tolil()
-                else:
-                    #assume A is dense
-                    try:
-                        A = asmatrix(A)
-                    except TypeError:
-                        raise TypeError, "unsupported matrix type"
-                    else:
-                        A = csr_matrix(A).tolil()
-                #A is a lil matrix
-                self.shape = A.shape
-                self.dtype = A.dtype
-                self.rows  = A.rows
-                self.data  = A.data
-    def __iadd__(self,other):
-        self[:,:] = self + other
-        return self
-    def __isub__(self,other):
-        self[:,:] = self - other
-        return self
-    def __imul__(self,other):
-        if isscalarlike(other):
-            self[:,:] = self * other
-            return self
-        else:
-            raise NotImplementedError
-    def __itruediv__(self,other):
-        if isscalarlike(other):
-            self[:,:] = self / other
-            return self
-        else:
-            raise NotImplementedError
-    # Whenever the dimensions change, empty lists should be created for each
-    # row
-    def getnnz(self):
-        return sum([len(rowvals) for rowvals in self.data])
-    def __str__(self):
-        val = ''
-        for i, row in enumerate(self.rows):
-            for pos, j in enumerate(row):
-                val += "  %s\t%s\n" % (str((i, j)), str(self.data[i][pos]))
-        return val[:-1]
-    #def __repr__(self):
-    #    format = self.getformat()
-    #    return "<%dx%d sparse matrix with %d stored "\
-    #           "elements in %s format>" % \
-    #           (self.shape + (self.getnnz(), _formats[format][1]))
-    def getrowview(self, i):
-        """Returns a view of the 'i'th row (without copying).
-        """
-        new = lil_matrix((1, self.shape[1]), dtype=self.dtype)
-        new.rows[0] = self.rows[i]
-        new.data[0] = self.data[i]
-        return new
-    def getrow(self, i):
-        """Returns a copy of the 'i'th row.
-        """
-        new = lil_matrix((1, self.shape[1]), dtype=self.dtype)
-        new.rows[0] = self.rows[i][:]
-        new.data[0] = self.data[i][:]
-        return new
-    def _get1(self, i, j):
-        row = self.rows[i]
-        data = self.data[i]
-        if j < 0:
-            j += self.shape[1]
-        if j < 0 or j > self.shape[1]:
-            raise IndexError,'column index out of bounds'
-        pos = bisect_left(row, j)
-        if pos != len(data) and row[pos] == j:
-            return data[pos]
-        else:
-            return 0
-    def _slicetoseq(self, j, shape):
-        if j.start is not None and j.start < 0:
-            start =  shape + j.start
-        elif j.start is None:
-            start = 0
-        else:
-            start = j.start
-        if j.stop is not None and j.stop < 0:
-            stop = shape + j.stop
-        elif j.stop is None:
-            stop = shape
-        else:
-            stop = j.stop
-        j = range(start, stop, j.step or 1)
-        return j
-    def __getitem__(self, index):
-        """Return the element(s) index=(i, j), where j may be a slice.
-        This always returns a copy for consistency, since slices into
-        Python lists return copies.
-        """
-        try:
-            i, j = index
-        except (AssertionError, TypeError):
-            raise IndexError, "invalid index"
-        if isscalar(i):
-            if isscalar(j):
-                return self._get1(i, j)
-            if isinstance(j, slice):
-                j = self._slicetoseq(j, self.shape[1])
-            if issequence(j):
-                return self.__class__([[self._get1(i, jj) for jj in j]])
-        elif issequence(i) and issequence(j):
-            return self.__class__([[self._get1(ii, jj) for (ii, jj) in zip(i, j)]])
-        elif issequence(i) or isinstance(i, slice):
-            if isinstance(i, slice):
-                i = self._slicetoseq(i, self.shape[0])
-            if isscalar(j):
-                return self.__class__([[self._get1(ii, j)] for ii in i])
-            if isinstance(j, slice):
-                j = self._slicetoseq(j, self.shape[1])
-            if issequence(j):
-                return self.__class__([[self._get1(ii, jj) for jj in j] for ii in i])
-        else:
-            raise IndexError
-    def _insertat(self, i, j, x):
-        """ helper for __setitem__: insert a value at (i,j) where i, j and x
-        are all scalars """
-        row = self.rows[i]
-        data = self.data[i]
-        self._insertat2(row, data, j, x)
-    def _insertat2(self, row, data, j, x):
-        """ helper for __setitem__: insert a value in the given row/data at
-        column j. """
-        if j < 0: #handle negative column indices
-            j += self.shape[1]
-        if j < 0 or j >= self.shape[1]:
-            raise IndexError,'column index out of bounds'
-        pos = bisect_left(row, j)
-        if x != 0:
-            if pos == len(row):
-                row.append(j)
-                data.append(x)
-            elif row[pos] != j:
-                row.insert(pos, j)
-                data.insert(pos, x)
-            else:
-                data[pos] = x
-        else:
-            if pos < len(row) and row[pos] == j:
-                del row[pos]
-                del data[pos]
-    def _insertat3(self, row, data, j, x):
-        """ helper for __setitem__ """
-        if isinstance(j, slice):
-            j = self._slicetoseq(j, self.shape[1])
-        if issequence(j):
-            if isinstance(x, spmatrix):
-                x = x.todense()
-            x = numpy.asarray(x).squeeze()
-            if isscalar(x) or x.size == 1:
-                for jj in j:
-                    self._insertat2(row, data, jj, x)
-            else:
-                # x must be one D. maybe check these things out
-                for jj, xx in zip(j, x):
-                    self._insertat2(row, data, jj, xx)
-        elif isscalar(j):
-            self._insertat2(row, data, j, x)
-        else:
-            raise ValueError, "invalid column value: %s" % str(j)
-    def __setitem__(self, index, x):
-        if isscalar(x):
-            x = self.dtype.type(x)
-        elif not isinstance(x, spmatrix):
-            x = numpy.asarray(x, dtype=self.dtype)
-        try:
-            i, j = index
-        except (ValueError, TypeError):
-            raise IndexError, "invalid index"
-        if isscalar(i):
-            row = self.rows[i]
-            data = self.data[i]
-            self._insertat3(row, data, j, x)
-        elif issequence(i) and issequence(j):
-            if isscalar(x):
-                for ii, jj in zip(i, j):
-                    self._insertat(ii, jj, x)
-            else:
-                for ii, jj, xx in zip(i, j, x):
-                    self._insertat(ii, jj, xx)
-        elif isinstance(i, slice) or issequence(i):
-            rows = self.rows[i]
-            datas = self.data[i]
-            if isscalar(x):
-                for row, data in zip(rows, datas):
-                    self._insertat3(row, data, j, x)
-            else:
-                for row, data, xx in zip(rows, datas, x):
-                    self._insertat3(row, data, j, xx)
-        else:
-            raise ValueError, "invalid index value: %s" % str((i, j))
-    def __mul__(self, other):           # self * other
-        if isscalarlike(other):
-            if other == 0:
-                # Multiply by zero: return the zero matrix
-                new = lil_matrix(shape=self.shape, dtype=self.dtype)
-            else:
-                new = self.copy()
-                # Multiply this scalar by every element.
-                new.data = numpy.array([[val*other for val in rowvals] for
-                                        rowvals in new.data], dtype=object)
-            return new
-        else:
-            return self.dot(other)
-    def __truediv__(self, other):           # self / other
-        if isscalarlike(other):
-            new = self.copy()
-            # Divide every element by this scalar
-            new.data = numpy.array([[val/other for val in rowvals] for
-                                    rowvals in new.data], dtype=object)
-            return new
-        else:
-            return self.tocsr() / other
-    def multiply(self, other):
-        """Point-wise multiplication by another lil_matrix.
-        """
-        if isscalar(other):
-            return self.__mul__(other)
-        if isspmatrix_lil(other):
-            reference,target = self,other
-            if reference.shape != target.shape:
-                raise ValueError("Dimensions do not match.")
-            if len(reference.data) > len(target.data):
-                reference,target = target,reference
-            new = lil_matrix(reference.shape)
-            for r,row in enumerate(reference.rows):
-                tr = target.rows[r]
-                td = target.data[r]
-                rd = reference.data[r]
-                L = len(tr)
-                for c,column in enumerate(row):
-                    ix = bisect_left(tr,column)
-                    if ix < L and tr[ix] == column:
-                        new.rows[r].append(column)
-                        new.data[r].append(rd[c] * td[ix])
-            return new
-        else:
-            raise ValueError("Point-wise multiplication only allowed "
-                             "with another lil_matrix.")
-    def copy(self):
-        new = lil_matrix(self.shape, dtype=self.dtype)
-        new.data = copy.deepcopy(self.data)
-        new.rows = copy.deepcopy(self.rows)
-        return new
-    def reshape(self,shape):
-        new = lil_matrix(shape,dtype=self.dtype)
-        j_max = self.shape[1]
-        for i,row in enumerate(self.rows):
-            for col,j in enumerate(row):
-                new_r,new_c = unravel_index(i*j_max + j,shape)
-                new[new_r,new_c] = self[i,j]
-        return new
-    def __add__(self, other):
-        if isscalar(other) and other != 0:
-            raise ValueError("Refusing to destroy sparsity. "
-                             "Use x.todense() + c instead.")
-        else:
-            return spmatrix.__add__(self, other)
-    def __rmul__(self, other):          # other * self
-        if isscalarlike(other):
-            # Multiplication by a scalar is symmetric
-            return self.__mul__(other)
-        else:
-            return spmatrix.__rmul__(self, other)
-    def toarray(self):
-        d = zeros(self.shape, dtype=self.dtype)
-        for i, row in enumerate(self.rows):
-            for pos, j in enumerate(row):
-                d[i, j] = self.data[i][pos]
-        return d
-    def transpose(self):
-        """ Return the transpose as a csc_matrix.
-        """
-        # Overriding the spmatrix.transpose method here prevents an unnecessary
-        # csr -> csc conversion
-        return self.tocsr().transpose()
-    def tolil(self, copy=False):
-        if copy:
-            return self.copy()
-        else:
-            return self
-    def tocsr(self):
-        """ Return Compressed Sparse Row format arrays for this matrix.
-        """
-        indptr = asarray([len(x) for x in self.rows], dtype=intc)
-        indptr = concatenate( ( array([0],dtype=intc), cumsum(indptr) ) )
-        nnz = indptr[-1]
-        indices = []
-        for x in self.rows:
-            indices.extend(x)
-        indices = asarray(indices,dtype=intc)
-        data = []
-        for x in self.data:
-            data.extend(x)
-        data = asarray(data,dtype=self.dtype)
-        return csr_matrix((data, indices, indptr), dims=self.shape)
-    def tocsc(self):
-        """ Return Compressed Sparse Column format arrays for this matrix.
-        """
-        return self.tocsr().tocsc()
-# symmetric sparse skyline
-# diagonal (banded) matrix
-# ellpack-itpack generalized diagonal
-# block sparse row
-# modified compressed sparse row
-# block sparse column
-# modified compressed sparse column
-# symmetric skyline
-# nonsymmetric skyline
-# jagged diagonal
-# unsymmetric sparse skyline
-# variable block row
-def _isinstance(x, _class):
-    ##
-    # This makes scipy.sparse.sparse.csc_matrix == __main__.csc_matrix.
-    c1 = ('%s' % x.__class__).split( '.' )
-    c2 = ('%s' % _class).split( '.' )
-    aux = c1[-1] == c2[-1]
-    return isinstance(x, _class) or aux
-def isspmatrix(x):
-    return _isinstance(x, spmatrix)
-issparse = isspmatrix
-def isspmatrix_csr(x):
-    return _isinstance(x, csr_matrix)
-def isspmatrix_csc(x):
-    return _isinstance(x, csc_matrix)
-def isspmatrix_dok(x):
-    return _isinstance(x, dok_matrix)
-def isspmatrix_lil( x ):
-    return _isinstance(x, lil_matrix)
-def isspmatrix_coo( x ):
-    return _isinstance(x, coo_matrix)
-def isdense(x):
-    return _isinstance(x, ndarray)
-def isscalarlike(x):
-    """Is x either a scalar, an array scalar, or a 0-dim array?"""
-    return isscalar(x) or (isdense(x) and x.ndim == 0)
-def isintlike(x):
-    """Is x appropriate as an index into a sparse matrix? Returns True
-    if it can be cast safely to a machine int.
-    """
-    try:
-        if int(x) == x:
-            return True
-        else:
-            return False
-    except TypeError:
-        return False
-def isshape(x):
-    """Is x a valid 2-tuple of dimensions?
-    """
-    try:
-        # Assume it's a tuple of matrix dimensions (M, N)
-        (M, N) = x
-        assert isintlike(M) and isintlike(N)   # raises TypeError unless integers
-        assert M > 0 and N > 0
-    except (ValueError, TypeError, AssertionError):
-        return False
-    else:
-        return True
-def issequence(t):
-    return isinstance(t, (list, tuple))\
-           or (isinstance(t, ndarray) and (t.ndim == 1))
-def getdtype(dtype, a=None, default=None):
-    """Function used to simplify argument processing.  If 'dtype' is not
-    specified (is None), returns a.dtype; otherwise returns a numpy.dtype
-    object created from the specified dtype argument.  If 'dtype' and 'a'
-    are both None, construct a data type out of the 'default' parameter.
-    Furthermore, 'dtype' must be in 'allowed' set.
-    """
-    canCast = True
-    if dtype is None:
-        try:
-            newdtype = a.dtype
-        except AttributeError:
-            if default is not None:
-                newdtype = numpy.dtype(default)
-                canCast = False
-            else:
-                raise TypeError, "could not interpret data type"
-    else:
-        newdtype = numpy.dtype(dtype)
-    return newdtype

Modified: trunk/scipy/sparse/spfuncs.py
--- trunk/scipy/sparse/spfuncs.py	2007-12-13 22:51:45 UTC (rev 3642)
+++ trunk/scipy/sparse/spfuncs.py	2007-12-14 02:58:33 UTC (rev 3643)
@@ -3,8 +3,9 @@
 from numpy import empty
-from sparse import isspmatrix_csr, isspmatrix_csc, isspmatrix
-from sparse import upcast
+from base import isspmatrix
+from compressed import isspmatrix_csr, isspmatrix_csc
+from sputils import upcast
 import sparsetools

Added: trunk/scipy/sparse/sputils.py
--- trunk/scipy/sparse/sputils.py	2007-12-13 22:51:45 UTC (rev 3642)
+++ trunk/scipy/sparse/sputils.py	2007-12-14 02:58:33 UTC (rev 3643)
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+""" Utility functions for sparse matrix module
+__all__ = ['getdtype','isscalarlike','isintlike',
+            'isshape','issequence','isdense']
+import numpy
+# keep this list syncronized with sparsetools
+supported_dtypes = ['int8','uint8','int16','int32','int64', 
+                    'float32','float64','complex64','complex128']
+supported_dtypes = [ numpy.typeDict[x] for x in supported_dtypes]
+def upcast(*args):
+    """Returns the nearest supported sparse dtype for the 
+    combination of one or more types.
+    upcast(t0, t1, ..., tn) -> T  where T is a supported dtype
+    *Example*
+    -------
+    >>> upcast('int32')
+    <type 'numpy.int32'>
+    >>> upcast('bool')
+    <type 'numpy.int8'>
+    >>> upcast('int32','float32')
+    <type 'numpy.float64'>
+    >>> upcast('bool',complex,float)
+    <type 'numpy.complex128'>
+    """
+    sample = numpy.array([0],dtype=args[0])
+    for t in args[1:]:
+        sample = sample + numpy.array([0],dtype=t)
+    upcast = sample.dtype 
+    for t in supported_dtypes:
+        if upcast <= t:
+            return t
+    raise TypeError,'no supported conversion for types: %s' % args
+#TODO handle this in SWIG
+def to_native(A):
+    if not A.dtype.isnative:
+        return A.astype(A.dtype.newbyteorder('native'))
+    else:
+        return A
+def getdtype(dtype, a=None, default=None):
+    """Function used to simplify argument processing.  If 'dtype' is not
+    specified (is None), returns a.dtype; otherwise returns a numpy.dtype
+    object created from the specified dtype argument.  If 'dtype' and 'a'
+    are both None, construct a data type out of the 'default' parameter.
+    Furthermore, 'dtype' must be in 'allowed' set.
+    """
+    canCast = True
+    if dtype is None:
+        try:
+            newdtype = a.dtype
+        except AttributeError:
+            if default is not None:
+                newdtype = numpy.dtype(default)
+                canCast = False
+            else:
+                raise TypeError, "could not interpret data type"
+    else:
+        newdtype = numpy.dtype(dtype)
+    return newdtype
+def isscalarlike(x):
+    """Is x either a scalar, an array scalar, or a 0-dim array?"""
+    return numpy.isscalar(x) or (isdense(x) and x.ndim == 0)
+def isintlike(x):
+    """Is x appropriate as an index into a sparse matrix? Returns True
+    if it can be cast safely to a machine int.
+    """
+    try:
+        if int(x) == x:
+            return True
+        else:
+            return False
+    except TypeError:
+        return False
+def isshape(x):
+    """Is x a valid 2-tuple of dimensions?
+    """
+    try:
+        # Assume it's a tuple of matrix dimensions (M, N)
+        (M, N) = x
+        assert isintlike(M) and isintlike(N)   # raises TypeError unless integers
+        assert M > 0 and N > 0
+    except (ValueError, TypeError, AssertionError):
+        return False
+    else:
+        return True
+def issequence(t):
+    return isinstance(t, (list, tuple))\
+           or (isinstance(t, numpy.ndarray) and (t.ndim == 1))
+def _isinstance(x, _class):
+    ##
+    # This makes scipy.sparse.sparse.csc_matrix == __main__.csc_matrix.
+    c1 = ('%s' % x.__class__).split( '.' )
+    c2 = ('%s' % _class).split( '.' )
+    aux = c1[-1] == c2[-1]
+    return isinstance(x, _class) or aux
+def isdense(x):
+    return _isinstance(x, numpy.ndarray)

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