[Scipy-svn] r3611 - in trunk/scipy/io: . tests

scipy-svn at scipy.org scipy-svn at scipy.org
Mon Dec 3 16:15:10 EST 2007

Author: wnbell
Date: 2007-12-03 15:14:51 -0600 (Mon, 03 Dec 2007)
New Revision: 3611

made sparse matrix market reading faster
added more comprehensive unittests for sparse format

Modified: trunk/scipy/io/mmio.py
--- trunk/scipy/io/mmio.py	2007-12-03 03:31:42 UTC (rev 3610)
+++ trunk/scipy/io/mmio.py	2007-12-03 21:14:51 UTC (rev 3611)
@@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
-## Automatically adapted for scipy Oct 19, 2005 by convertcode.py
   Matrix Market I/O in Python.
@@ -10,10 +8,10 @@
 # References:
 #  http://math.nist.gov/MatrixMarket/
-# TODO: support for sparse matrices, need spmatrix.tocoo().
 import os
-from numpy import asarray, real, imag, conj, zeros, ndarray
+from numpy import asarray, real, imag, conj, zeros, ndarray, \
+                  empty, concatenate, ones
 from itertools import izip
 __all__ = ['mminfo','mmread','mmwrite']
@@ -184,38 +182,46 @@
         assert k==entries,`k,entries`
     elif rep=='coordinate':
-        k = 0
-        data,row,col = [],[],[]
-        row_append = row.append
-        col_append = col.append
-        data_append = data.append
-        line = '%'
-        while line:
-            if not line.startswith('%'):
-                l = line.split()
-                i = int(l[0])-1
-                j = int(l[1])-1
-                if is_pattern:
-                    aij = 1.0 #use 1.0 for pattern matrices
-                elif is_complex:
-                    aij = complex(*map(float,l[2:]))
-                else:
-                    aij = float(l[2])
-                row_append(i)
-                col_append(j)
-                data_append(aij)
-                if has_symmetry and i!=j:
-                    if is_skew:
-                        aij = -aij
-                    elif is_herm:
-                        aij = conj(aij)
-                    row_append(j)
-                    col_append(i)
-                    data_append(aij)
-                k += 1
-            line = source.readline()
-        assert k==entries,`k,entries`
-        a = coo_matrix((data, (row, col)), dims=(rows, cols), dtype=dtype)
+        from numpy import fromfile
+        flat_data = fromfile(source,sep=' ')
+        if is_pattern:
+            flat_data = flat_data.reshape(-1,2)
+            I = flat_data[:,0].astype('i')
+            J = flat_data[:,1].astype('i')
+            V = ones(len(I))
+        elif is_complex:
+            flat_data = flat_data.reshape(-1,4)
+            I = flat_data[:,0].astype('i')
+            J = flat_data[:,1].astype('i')
+            V = empty(len(I),dtype='complex')
+            V.real = flat_data[:,2]
+            V.imag = flat_data[:,3]
+        else:
+            flat_data = flat_data.reshape(-1,3)
+            I = flat_data[:,0].astype('i')
+            J = flat_data[:,1].astype('i')
+            V = flat_data[:,2].copy()
+        I -= 1 #adjust indices (base 1 -> base 0)
+        J -= 1
+        if has_symmetry:
+            mask = (I != J)       #off diagonal mask
+            od_I = I[mask]
+            od_J = J[mask]
+            od_V = V[mask]
+            I = concatenate((I,od_J))
+            J = concatenate((J,od_I))
+            if is_skew:
+                od_V *= -1
+            elif is_herm:
+                od_V = od_V.conjugate()
+            V = concatenate((V,od_V))
+        a = coo_matrix((V, (I, J)), dims=(rows, cols), dtype=dtype)
         raise NotImplementedError,`rep`

Modified: trunk/scipy/io/tests/test_mmio.py
--- trunk/scipy/io/tests/test_mmio.py	2007-12-03 03:31:42 UTC (rev 3610)
+++ trunk/scipy/io/tests/test_mmio.py	2007-12-03 21:14:51 UTC (rev 3611)
@@ -102,7 +102,7 @@
         b = mmread(fn)
-_exmpl_mtx = '''\
+_general_example = '''\
 %%MatrixMarket matrix coordinate real general
@@ -136,12 +136,60 @@
     5     5   1.200e+01
+_hermitian_example = '''\
+%%MatrixMarket matrix coordinate complex hermitian
+  5  5  7
+    1     1     1.0      0
+    2     2    10.5      0
+    4     2   250.5     22.22
+    3     3     1.5e-2   0
+    4     4    -2.8e2    0
+    5     5    12.       0
+    5     4     0       33.32
+_skew_example = '''\
+%%MatrixMarket matrix coordinate real skew-symmetric
+  5  5  7
+    1     1     1.0     
+    2     2    10.5     
+    4     2   250.5     
+    3     3     1.5e-2  
+    4     4    -2.8e2   
+    5     5    12.      
+    5     4     0        
+_symmetric_example = '''\
+%%MatrixMarket matrix coordinate real symmetric
+  5  5  7
+    1     1     1.0    
+    2     2    10.5    
+    4     2   250.5    
+    3     3     1.5e-2 
+    4     4    -2.8e2  
+    5     5    12.     
+    5     4     8     
+_symmetric_pattern_example = '''\
+%%MatrixMarket matrix coordinate pattern symmetric
+  5  5  7
+    1     1  
+    2     2  
+    4     2  
+    3     3  
+    4     4  
+    5     5  
+    5     4  
 class TestMMIOCoordinate(NumpyTestCase):
-    def check_simple_todense(self):
+    def check_read_geneal(self):
+        """read a general matrix"""
         fn = mktemp()
         f = open(fn,'w')
-        f.write(_exmpl_mtx)
+        f.write(_general_example)
         a = [[1,    0,      0,       6,      0],
@@ -152,6 +200,67 @@
         b = mmread(fn).todense()
+    def check_read_hermitian(self):
+        """read a hermitian matrix"""
+        fn = mktemp()
+        f = open(fn,'w')
+        f.write(_hermitian_example)
+        f.close()
+        assert_equal(mminfo(fn),(5,5,7,'coordinate','complex','hermitian'))
+        a = [[1,      0,               0,       0,              0],
+             [0,     10.5,             0,    250.5 - 22.22j,    0],
+             [0,      0,            .015,       0,              0],
+             [0,  250.5 + 22.22j,      0,      -280,          -33.32j],
+             [0,      0,               0,     33.32j,          12]]
+        b = mmread(fn).todense()
+        assert_array_almost_equal(a,b)
+    def check_read_skew(self):
+        """read a skew-symmetric matrix"""
+        fn = mktemp()
+        f = open(fn,'w')
+        f.write(_skew_example)
+        f.close()
+        assert_equal(mminfo(fn),(5,5,7,'coordinate','real','skew-symmetric'))
+        a = [[1,      0,               0,       0,     0],
+             [0,     10.5,             0,  -250.5,     0],
+             [0,      0,            .015,       0,     0],
+             [0,  250.5,               0,    -280,     0],
+             [0,      0,               0,       0,    12]]
+        b = mmread(fn).todense()
+        assert_array_almost_equal(a,b)
+    def check_read_symmetric(self):
+        """read a symmetric matrix"""
+        fn = mktemp()
+        f = open(fn,'w')
+        f.write(_symmetric_example)
+        f.close()
+        assert_equal(mminfo(fn),(5,5,7,'coordinate','real','symmetric'))
+        a = [[1,      0,               0,       0,     0],
+             [0,     10.5,             0,   250.5,     0],
+             [0,      0,            .015,       0,     0],
+             [0,  250.5,               0,    -280,     8],
+             [0,      0,               0,       8,    12]]
+        b = mmread(fn).todense()
+        assert_array_almost_equal(a,b)
+    def check_read_symmetric(self):
+        """read a symmetric pattern matrix"""
+        fn = mktemp()
+        f = open(fn,'w')
+        f.write(_symmetric_pattern_example)
+        f.close()
+        assert_equal(mminfo(fn),(5,5,7,'coordinate','pattern','symmetric'))
+        a = [[1,     0,     0,     0,     0],
+             [0,     1,     0,     1,     0],
+             [0,     0,     1,     0,     0],
+             [0,     1,     0,     1,     1],
+             [0,     0,     0,     1,     1]]
+        b = mmread(fn).todense()
+        assert_array_almost_equal(a,b)
     def check_real_write_read(self):
         I = array([0, 0, 1, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4])
         J = array([0, 3, 1, 2, 1, 3, 4, 4])

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