[Scipy-svn] r2422 - trunk/Lib/sandbox/models

scipy-svn at scipy.org scipy-svn at scipy.org
Fri Dec 15 13:02:08 EST 2006

Author: jonathan.taylor
Date: 2006-12-15 12:02:06 -0600 (Fri, 15 Dec 2006)
New Revision: 2422

scatterplot smoothers

Added: trunk/Lib/sandbox/models/smoothers.py
--- trunk/Lib/sandbox/models/smoothers.py	2006-12-15 18:00:40 UTC (rev 2421)
+++ trunk/Lib/sandbox/models/smoothers.py	2006-12-15 18:02:06 UTC (rev 2422)
@@ -0,0 +1,257 @@
+This module contains scatterplot smoothers, that is classes
+who generate a smooth fit of a set of (x,y) pairs.
+import numpy as N
+import numpy.linalg as L
+from scipy.optimize import golden
+from scipy.linalg import solveh_banded
+from bspline import bspline
+from utils import band2array
+from scipy.sandbox.models import _bspline
+class poly_smoother:
+    """
+    Polynomial smoother up to a given order.
+    Fit based on weighted least squares.
+    The x values can be specified at instantiation or when called.
+    """
+    def df_fit(self):
+	"""
+	Degrees of freedom used in the fit.
+	"""
+	return self.order + 1
+    def df_resid(self):
+	"""
+	Residual degrees of freedom from last fit.
+	"""
+	return self.N - self.order - 1
+    def __init__(self, order, x=None):
+	self.order = order
+	self.coef = N.zeros((order+1,), N.float64)
+	if x is not None:
+	    self.X = N.array([x**i for i in range(order+1)]).T
+    def __call__(self, x=None):
+	if x is not None:
+	    X = N.array([(x**i) for i in range(self.order+1)])
+	else: X = self.X
+        return N.squeeze(N.dot(X.T, self.coef)) 
+    def fit(self, y, x=None, weights=None):
+	self.N = y.shape[0]
+	if weights is None:
+	    weights = 1
+	_w = N.sqrt(weights)
+	if x is None:
+	    if not hasattr(self, "X"):
+		raise ValueError, "x needed to fit poly_smoother"
+	else:
+	    self.X = N.array([(x**i) for i in range(self.order+1)])
+	X = self.X * _w
+	_y = y * _w
+	self.coef = N.dot(L.pinv(X).T, _y)
+class smoothing_spline(bspline):
+    penmax = 30.
+    def fit(self, y, x=None, weights=None, pen=0.):
+        banded = True
+        if x is None:
+            x = self.tau[(self.M-1):-(self.M-1)] # internal knots
+        if pen == 0.: # can't use cholesky for singular matrices
+            banded = False
+        if x.shape != y.shape:
+            raise ValueError, 'x and y shape do not agree, by default x are the Bspline\'s internal knots'
+	bt = self.basis(x)
+	if pen >= self.penmax:
+	    pen = self.penmax
+        if weights is None:
+	    weights = N.array(1.)
+	wmean = weights.mean()
+	_w = N.sqrt(weights / wmean)
+	bt *= _w
+        # throw out rows with zeros (this happens at boundary points!)
+        mask = N.flatnonzero(1 - N.alltrue(N.equal(bt, 0), axis=0))
+        bt = bt[:,mask]
+        y = y[mask]
+	self.df_total = y.shape[0]
+	if bt.shape[1] != y.shape[0]:
+	    raise ValueError, "some x values are outside range of B-spline knots"
+        bty = N.dot(bt, _w * y)
+	self.N = y.shape[0]
+        if not banded:
+            self.btb = N.dot(bt, bt.T)
+	    _g = band2array(self.g, lower=1, symmetric=True)
+            self.coef, _, self.rank = L.lstsq(self.btb + pen*_g, bty)[0:3]
+	    self.rank = min(self.rank, self.btb.shape[0])
+        else:
+            self.btb = N.zeros(self.g.shape, N.float64)
+            nband, nbasis = self.g.shape
+            for i in range(nbasis):
+                for k in range(min(nband, nbasis-i)):
+		    self.btb[k,i] = (bt[i] * bt[i+k]).sum()
+	    bty.shape = (1,bty.shape[0])
+            self.chol, self.coef = solveh_banded(self.btb + 
+						 pen*self.g,
+						 bty, lower=1)
+	self.coef = N.squeeze(self.coef)
+	self.resid = N.sqrt(wmean) * (y * _w - N.dot(self.coef, bt))
+	self.pen = pen
+    def gcv(self):
+	"""
+	Generalized cross-validation score of current fit.
+	"""
+	norm_resid = (self.resid**2).sum()
+	return norm_resid / (self.df_total - self.trace())
+    def df_resid(self):
+	"""
+	self.N - self.trace()
+	where self.N is the number of observations of last fit.
+	"""
+	return self.N - self.trace()
+    def df_fit(self):
+	"""
+	= self.trace()
+	How many degrees of freedom used in the fit? 
+	"""
+	return self.trace()
+    def trace(self):
+	"""
+	Trace of the smoothing matrix S(pen)
+	"""
+	if self.pen > 0:
+	    _invband = _bspline.invband(self.chol.copy())
+	    tr = _trace_symbanded(_invband, self.btb, lower=1)
+	    return tr
+	else:
+	    return self.rank
+class smoothing_spline_fixeddf(smoothing_spline):
+    """
+    Fit smoothing spline with approximately df degrees of freedom
+    used in the fit, i.e. so that self.trace() is approximately df.
+    In general, df must be greater than the dimension of the null space
+    of the Gram inner product. For cubic smoothing splines, this means
+    that df > 2.
+    """
+    target_df = 5
+    def __init__(self, knots, order=4, coef=None, M=None, target_df=None):
+	if target_df is not None:
+	    self.target_df = target_df
+	bspline.__init__(self, knots, order=order, coef=coef, M=M)
+	self.target_reached = False
+    def fit(self, y, x=None, df=None, weights=None, tol=1.0e-03):
+	df = df or self.target_df
+	apen, bpen = 0, 1.0e-03
+	olddf = y.shape[0] - self.m
+	if not self.target_reached:
+	    while True:
+		curpen = 0.5 * (apen + bpen)
+		smoothing_spline.fit(self, y, x=x, weights=weights, pen=curpen)
+		curdf = self.trace()
+		if curdf > df:
+		    apen, bpen = curpen, 2 * curpen
+		else:
+		    apen, bpen = apen, curpen
+		    if apen >= self.penmax:
+			raise ValueError, "penalty too large, try setting penmax higher or decreasing df"
+		if N.fabs(curdf - df) / df < tol: 
+		    self.target_reached = True
+		    break
+	else:
+	    smoothing_spline.fit(self, y, x=x, weights=weights, pen=self.pen)
+class smoothing_spline_gcv(smoothing_spline):
+    """
+    Fit smoothing spline trying to optimize GCV.
+    Try to find a bracketing interval for scipy.optimize.golden
+    based on bracket.
+    It is probably best to use target_df instead, as it is 
+    sometimes difficult to find a bracketing interval.
+    """
+    def fit(self, y, x=None, weights=None, tol=1.0e-03,
+	    bracket=(0,1.0e-03)):
+	def _gcv(pen, y, x):
+	    smoothing_spline.fit(y, x=x, pen=N.exp(pen), weights=weights)
+	    a = self.gcv()
+	    return a
+	a = golden(_gcv, args=(y,x), brack=(-100,20), tol=tol)
+def _trace_symbanded(a,b, lower=0):
+    """
+    Compute the trace(a*b) for two upper or lower banded real symmetric matrices.
+    """
+    if lower:
+	t = _zero_triband(a * b, lower=1)
+	return t[0].sum() + 2 * t[1:].sum()
+    else:
+	t = _zero_triband(a * b, lower=0)
+	return t[-1].sum() + 2 * t[:-1].sum()
+def _zero_triband(a, lower=0):
+    """
+    Zero out unnecessary elements of a real symmetric banded matrix.
+    """
+    nrow, ncol = a.shape
+    if lower: 
+	for i in range(nrow): a[i,(ncol-i):] = 0.
+    else:
+	for i in range(nrow): a[i,0:i] = 0.
+    return a

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