[Scipy-svn] r2170 - trunk/Lib/sandbox/ann

scipy-svn at scipy.org scipy-svn at scipy.org
Sun Aug 20 02:37:07 EDT 2006

Author: fred.mailhot
Date: 2006-08-20 01:37:03 -0500 (Sun, 20 Aug 2006)
New Revision: 2170

Heavy refactoring. These are more or less complete now. Small additions remain to make the interface more obvious for users.

Modified: trunk/Lib/sandbox/ann/mlp.py
--- trunk/Lib/sandbox/ann/mlp.py	2006-08-20 06:30:09 UTC (rev 2169)
+++ trunk/Lib/sandbox/ann/mlp.py	2006-08-20 06:37:03 UTC (rev 2170)
@@ -1,149 +1,146 @@
 # mlp.py
 # by: Fred Mailhot
-# last mod: 2006-08-18
+# last mod: 2006-08-19
-from scipy import * # I'll want to change this for numpy eventually
+import numpy as N
 from scipy.optimize import leastsq
-import copy
 class mlp:
-    """Class to define, train and test a multilayer perceptron."""
+    """Class to define, train and test a multilayer perceptron.
+    """
     _type = 'mlp'
     _outfxns = ('linear','logistic','softmax')
-    _algs = ('simplex','powell','bfgs','cg','ncg','leastsq')
-    def __init__(self,nin,nhid,nout,fxn,alg='leastsq',w=None):
+    def __init__(self,ni,nh,no,f='linear',w=None):
         """ Set up instance of mlp. Initial weights are drawn from a 
         zero-mean Gaussian w/ variance is scaled by fan-in.
-        (see Bishop 1995 for justification)
-        Inputs:
-            nin/nhid/nout - integer number of input/hidden/output units, 
-                                respectively
-            fxn           - string description of output unit activation 
-                                fxn (hidden units use tanh); can be 'linear', 
-                                'logistic' or 'softmax' 
+        Input:
+            ni  - <int> # of inputs
+            nh  - <int> # of hidden & context units
+            no  - <int> # of outputs
+            f   - <str> output activation fxn
+            w   - <array dtype=Float> weight vector
-        if fxn not in self._outfxns:
+        if f not in self._outfxns:
             print "Undefined activation fxn. Using linear"
             self.outfxn = 'linear'
-            self.outfxn = fxn
-        self.nin = nin
-        self.nhid = nhid
-        self.nout = nout
-        self.alg = alg
+            self.outfxn = f
+        self.ni = ni
+        self.nh = nh
+        self.no = no
+        #self.alg = alg
         if w:
-            self.nwts = size(w)
-            self.w_packed = w
-            self.w1 = zeros((nin,nhid),dtype=Float)
-            self.b1 = zeros((1,nhid),dtype=Float)
-            self.w2 = zeros((nhid,nout),dtype=Float)
-            self.b2 = zeros((1,nout),dtype=Float)
-            self.unpackwts()
+            self.nw = N.size(w)
+            self.wp = w
+            self.w1 = N.zeros((ni,nh),dtype=Float)
+            self.b1 = N.zeros((1,nh),dtype=Float)
+            self.w2 = N.zeros((nh,no),dtype=Float)
+            self.b2 = N.zeros((1,no),dtype=Float)
+            self.unpack()
-            self.nwts = (nin+1)*nhid + (nhid+1)*nout
-            self.w1 = randn(nin,nhid)/sqrt(nin+1)
-            self.b1 = randn(1,nhid)/sqrt(nin+1)
-            self.w2 = randn(nhid,nout)/sqrt(nhid+1)
-            self.b2 = randn(1,nout)/sqrt(nhid+1)
-            self.packwts()
+            self.nw = (ni+1)*nh + (nh+1)*no
+            self.w1 = N.random.randn(ni,nh)/N.sqrt(ni+1)
+            self.b1 = N.random.randn(1,nh)/N.sqrt(ni+1)
+            self.w2 = N.random.randn(nh,no)/N.sqrt(nh+1)
+            self.b2 = N.random.randn(1,no)/N.sqrt(nh+1)
+            self.pack()
-    def unpackwts(self):
+    def unpack(self):
         """ Decompose 1-d vector of weights w into appropriate weight 
         matrices (w1,b1,w2,b2) and reinsert them into net
-        self.w1 = reshape(array(self.w_packed)[:self.nin*self.nhid],(self.nin,self.nhid))
-        self.b1 = reshape(array(self.w_packed)[(self.nin*self.nhid):(self.nin*self.nhid)+self.nhid],(1,self.nhid))
-        self.w2 = reshape(array(self.w_packed)[(self.nin*self.nhid)+self.nhid:\
-                                (self.nin*self.nhid)+self.nhid+(self.nhid*self.nout)],(self.nhid,self.nout))
-        self.b2 = reshape(array(self.w_packed)[(self.nin*self.nhid)+self.nhid+(self.nhid*self.nout):],(1,self.nout))
+        self.w1 = N.array(self.wp)[:self.ni*self.nh].reshape(self.ni,self.nh)
+        self.b1 = N.array(self.wp)[(self.ni*self.nh):(self.ni*self.nh)+self.nh].reshape(1,self.nh)
+        self.w2 = N.array(self.wp)[(self.ni*self.nh)+self.nh:(self.ni*self.nh)+self.nh+(self.nh*self.no)].reshape(self.nh,self.no)
+        self.b2 = N.array(self.wp)[(self.ni*self.nh)+self.nh+(self.nh*self.no):].reshape(1,self.no)
-    def packwts(self):
+    def pack(self):
         """ Compile weight matrices w1,b1,w2,b2 from net into a
         single vector, suitable for optimization routines.
-        self.w_packed = hstack([self.w1.reshape(size(self.w1)),
-                                self.b1.reshape(size(self.b1)),
-                                self.w2.reshape(size(self.w2)),
-                                self.b2.reshape(size(self.b2))])
+        self.wp = N.hstack([self.w1.reshape(N.size(self.w1)),
+                            self.b1.reshape(N.size(self.b1)),
+                            self.w2.reshape(N.size(self.w2)),
+                            self.b2.reshape(N.size(self.b2))])
-    def fwd(self,inputs,wts=None,hid=False):
-        """ Propagate values forward through the net.
-        Inputs:
-            inputs  - self.nin*1 vector of inputs
-            hid     - boolean specifying whether or not to return hidden
-                      unit activations, False by default
+    def fwd_all(self,x,w=None):
+        """ Propagate values forward through the net. 
+        Input:
+            x   - array (size>1) of input patterns
+            w   - optional 1-d vector of weights 
+        Returns:
+            y   - array of outputs for all input patterns
-        if wts is not None:
-            self.w_packed = wts
-        self.unpackwts()
-        z = tanh(dot(inputs,self.w1) + dot(ones((len(inputs),1)),self.b1))
-        o = dot(z,self.w2) + dot(ones((len(z),1)),self.b2)
+        if w is not None:
+            self.wp = w
+        self.unpack()
+        # compute vector of hidden unit values
+        z = N.tanh(N.dot(x,self.w1) + N.dot(N.ones((len(x),1)),self.b1))
+        # compute vector of net outputs
+        o = N.dot(z,self.w2) + N.dot(N.ones((len(z),1)),self.b2)
+        # compute final output activations
         if self.outfxn == 'linear':
             y = o
         elif self.outfxn == 'logistic':     # TODO: check for overflow here...
-            y = 1/(1+exp(-o))
+            y = 1/(1+N.exp(-o))
         elif self.outfxn == 'softmax':      # TODO: and here...
-            tmp = exp(o)
-            y = tmp/(sum(temp,1)*ones((1,self.nout)))
+            tmp = N.exp(o)
+            y = tmp/(N.sum(temp,1)*N.ones((1,self.no)))
-        if hid:
-            return array(y),array(z)
-        else:
-            return array(y)
+        return N.array(y)
     def errfxn(self,w,x,t):
         """ Return vector of squared-errors for the leastsq optimizer
-        y = self.fwd(x,w)
-        return sum(array(y-t)**2,axis=1)
+        y = self.fwd_all(x,w)
+        return N.sum(N.array(y-t)**2,axis=1)
     def train(self,x,t):
-        """ Train a multilayer perceptron using scipy's leastsq optimizer
+        """ Train network using scipy's leastsq optimizer
-            x   - matrix of input data
-            t   - matrix of target outputs
+            x   - array of input data 
+            t   - array of targets
+            N.B. x and t comprise the *entire* collection of training data
             post-optimization weight vector
-        # something's going wrong w/ the full_output option
-        # return leastsq(self.errfxn,self.w_packed,args=(x,t),full_output=True)
-        return leastsq(self.errfxn,self.w_packed,args=(x,t))
+        return leastsq(self.errfxn,self.wp,args=(x,t))
+    def test_all(self,x,t):
+        """ Test network on an array (size>1) of patterns
+        Input:
+            x   - array of input data
+            t   - array of targets
+        Returns:
+            sum-squared-error over all data
+        """
+        return N.sum(self.errfxn(self.wp,x,t))
 def main():
-    """ Approx test of module, using the oilTrn/oilTst data files that are 
+    """ Build/train/test MLP 
     from scipy.io import read_array, write_array
-    # build the net
-    print "\nCreating 12-5-2 MLP with linear outputs"
-    net = mlp(12,5,2,'linear')
-    w_init = copy.copy(net.w_packed)
-    # prep the train/test data
+    print "\nCreating 2-2-1 MLP with logistic outputs"
+    net = mlp(2,2,1,'logistic')
     print "\nLoading training and test sets...",
-    trn_input = read_array('data/oilTrn.dat',lines=(3,-1),columns=(0,(1,12)))
-    trn_targs = read_array('data/oilTrn.dat',lines=(3,-1),columns=(12,-1))
-    tst_input = read_array('data/oilTst.dat',lines=(3,-1),columns=(0,(1,12)))
-    tst_targs = read_array('data/oilTst.dat',lines=(3,-1),columns=(12,-1))
+    trn_input = read_array('data/xor-trn.dat',lines=(3,-1),columns=(0,(1,2)))
+    trn_targs = read_array('data/xor-trn.dat',lines=(3,-1),columns=(2,-1))
+    trn_targs = trn_targs.reshape(N.size(trn_targs),1)
+    tst_input = read_array('data/xor-tst.dat',lines=(3,-1),columns=(0,(1,2)))
+    tst_targs = read_array('data/xor-tst.dat',lines=(3,-1),columns=(2,-1))
+    tst_targs = tst_targs.reshape(N.size(tst_targs),1)
     print "done."
-    # initial squared-error
-    print "\nInitial SSE on training set: ",\
-          sum(net.errfxn(net.w_packed,trn_input,trn_targs))
-    print "\nInitial SSE on testing set: ",\
-          sum(net.errfxn(net.w_packed,tst_input,tst_targs))
-    # train the net
-    net.w_packed = net.train(trn_input,trn_targs)[0]
-    # final squared-error
-    print "\nFinal SSE on training set: ",\
-          sum(net.errfxn(net.w_packed,trn_input,trn_targs))
-    print "\nFinal SSE on testing set: ",\
-          sum(net.errfxn(net.w_packed,tst_input,tst_targs))
-    # view extended output?
-    #if raw_input("Do you want to see the full training output? (y/n").lower() == 'y':
-    #    print retval[1]
+    print "\nInitial SSE:\n"
+    print "\ttraining set: ",net.test_all(trn_input,trn_targs)
+    print "\ttesting set: ",net.test_all(tst_input,tst_targs),"\n"
+    net.wp = net.train(trn_input,trn_targs)[0]
+    print "\nFinal SSE:\n"
+    print "\ttraining set: ",net.test_all(trn_input,trn_targs)
+    print "\ttesting set: ",net.test_all(tst_input,tst_targs),"\n"
 if __name__ == '__main__':

Modified: trunk/Lib/sandbox/ann/srn.py
--- trunk/Lib/sandbox/ann/srn.py	2006-08-20 06:30:09 UTC (rev 2169)
+++ trunk/Lib/sandbox/ann/srn.py	2006-08-20 06:37:03 UTC (rev 2170)
@@ -1,54 +1,44 @@
 # srn.py
 # by: Fred Mailhot
-# last mod: 2006-06-22
+# last mod: 2006-08-18
-from scipy import *
-import copy
+import numpy as N
+from scipy.optimize import leastsq
 class srn:
     """Class to define, train and test a simple recurrent network
-    a.k.a. 'Elman net' (cf. Elman 1991's Machine Learnig paper,inter alia)
     _type = 'srn'
     _outfxns = ('linear','logistic','softmax')
-    _alg = ('srn')
-    def __init__(self,ni,nh,no,f,h=-1,w=None):
+    def __init__(self,ni,nh,no,f='linear',w=None):
         """ Set up instance of srn. Initial weights are drawn from a 
         zero-mean Gaussian w/ variance is scaled by fan-in.
-        (see Bishop 1995 for justification)
-        Inputs:
-            ni  - integer number of input units
-            nh  - integer number of hiden & context units
-            no  - integer number of output units, 
-            f   - string description of output unit activation fxn;
-                    one of {'linear','logistic','softmax'}
-                    (n.b. hidden/context units use tanh)
-            w   - initialized 1-d weight vector
+        Input:
+            ni  - <int> # of inputs
+            nh  - <int> # of hidden & context units
+            no  - <int> # of outputs
+            f   - <str> output activation fxn
+            w   - <array dtype=Float> weight vector
         if f not in self._outfxns:
             print "Undefined activation fxn. Using linear"
             self.outfxn = 'linear'
             self.outfxn = f
-        # set up layers of units
         self.ni = ni
         self.nh = nh
         self.nc = nh
         self.no = no
-        self.z = zeros((h,nh),dtype=Float)        # hidden activations for 1 epoch
-        self.c = zeros((h,nh),dtype=Float)        # context activations for 1 epoch
-        self.o = zeros((h,no),dtype=Float)       # output activiation for 1 epoch
-        self.p = zeros((nh,nw,nw),dtype=Float)
         if w:
-            self.nw = size(w)
+            self.nw = N.size(w)
             self.wp = w
-            self.w1 = zeros((ni,nh),dtype=Float)    # input-hidden wts
-            self.b1 = zeros((1,nh),dtype=Float)     # input biases
-            self.wc = zeros((nh,nh),dtype=Float)    # context wts
-            self.w2 = zeros((nh,no),dtype=Float)    # hidden-output wts
-            self.b2 = zeros((1,no),dtype=Float)     # hidden biases
+            self.w1 = N.zeros((ni,nh),dtype=Float)    # input-hidden wts
+            self.b1 = N.zeros((1,nh),dtype=Float)     # input biases
+            self.wc = N.zeros((nh,nh),dtype=Float)    # context wts
+            self.w2 = N.zeros((nh,no),dtype=Float)    # hidden-output wts
+            self.b2 = N.zeros((1,no),dtype=Float)     # hidden biases
             # N.B. I just understood something about the way reshape() works
@@ -57,129 +47,113 @@
             # propagation.
             # I'll implement this next week.
             self.nw = (ni+1)*nh + (nh*nh) + (nh+1)*no
-            self.w1 = randn(ni,nh)/sqrt(ni+1)
-            self.b1 = randn(1,nh)/sqrt(ni+1)
-            self.wc = randn(nh,nh)/sqrt(nh+1)
-            self.w2 = randn(nh,no)/sqrt(nh+1)
-            self.b2 = randn(1,no)/sqrt(nh+1)
+            self.w1 = N.random.randn(ni,nh)/N.sqrt(ni+1)
+            self.b1 = N.random.randn(1,nh)/N.sqrt(ni+1)
+            self.wc = N.random.randn(nh,nh)/N.sqrt(nh+1)
+            self.w2 = N.random.randn(nh,no)/N.sqrt(nh+1)
+            self.b2 = N.random.randn(1,no)/N.sqrt(nh+1)
-            if size(self.wp) != self.nw:
-               raise ValueError, "Unexpected number of weights" 
     def unpack(self):
         """ Decompose 1-d vector of weights w into appropriate weight 
         matrices (w1,b1,w2,b2) and reinsert them into net
-        self.w1 = reshape(array(self.wp)[:self.ni*self.nh],(self.ni,self.nh))
-        self.b1 = reshape(array(self.wp)[(self.ni*self.nh):(self.ni*self.nh)+self.nh],(1,self.nh))
-        self.wc = reshape(array(self.wp)[(self.ni*self.nh)+self.nh:\
-                                (self.ni*self.nh)+self.nh+(self.nh*self.nh)],(self.nh,self.nh))
-        self.w2 = reshape(array(self.wp)[(self.ni*self.nh)+self.nh+(self.nh*self.nh):\
-                                (self.ni*self.nh)+self.nh+(self.nh*self.nh)+(self.nh*self.no)],(self.nh,self.no))
-        self.b2 = reshape(array(self.wp)[(self.ni*self.nh)+self.nh+(self.nh*self.no):],(1,self.no))
+        self.w1 = N.array(self.wp)[:self.ni*self.nh].reshape(self.ni,self.nh)
+        self.b1 = N.array(self.wp)[(self.ni*self.nh):(self.ni*self.nh)+self.nh].reshape(1,self.nh)
+        self.wc = N.array(self.wp)[(self.ni*self.nh)+self.nh:(self.ni*self.nh)+self.nh+(self.nh*self.nh)].reshape(self.nh,self.nh)
+        self.w2 = N.array(self.wp)[(self.ni*self.nh)+self.nh+(self.nh*self.nh):(self.ni*self.nh)+self.nh+(self.nh*self.nh)+(self.nh*self.no)].reshape(self.nh,self.no)
+        self.b2 = N.array(self.wp)[(self.ni*self.nh)+self.nh+(self.nh*self.nh)+(self.nh*self.no):].reshape(1,self.no)
     def pack(self):
         """ Compile weight matrices w1,b1,wc,w2,b2 from net into a
         single vector, suitable for optimization routines.
-        self.wp = hstack([self.w1.reshape(size(self.w1)),
-                                self.b1.reshape(size(self.b1)),
-                                self.wc.reshape(size(self.wc)),
-                                self.w2.reshape(size(self.w2)),
-                                self.b2.reshape(size(self.b2))])
+        self.wp = N.hstack([self.w1.reshape(N.size(self.w1)),
+                            self.b1.reshape(N.size(self.b1)),
+                            self.wc.reshape(N.size(self.wc)),
+                            self.w2.reshape(N.size(self.w2)),
+                            self.b2.reshape(N.size(self.b2))])
-    def fwd(self,x,w=None,hid=False):
+    def fwd_all(self,x,w=None):
         """ Propagate values forward through the net. 
-        This involves the following steps:
-        (i) feeds the current input and context values to the hidden layer, 
-        (ii) hidden layer net input is transformed and then sent to the outputs
-        (iii) output values are copied to the context layer
-        Inputs:
+        Input:
             x   - matrix of all input patterns
             w   - 1-d vector of weights
-            hid - boolean specifying whether or not to return hidden
-                      unit activations, False by default
-        Outputs:
+        Returns:
             y   - matrix of all outputs
-            z   - matrix of all hidden activations (if hid=True)
-        if wts is not None:
+        if w is not None:
             self.wp = w
-        # compute net input to hiddens and then squash it
-        self.z = tanh(dot(x,self.w1) + dot(self.c,self.wc) + dot(ones((len(x),1)),self.b1))
-        # send hidden vals to output and copy to context
-        o = dot(self.z,self.w2) + dot(ones((len(self.z),1)),self.b2)
-        self.c = copy.copy(self.z)
-        # compute output activations
+        # compute vector of context values for current weight matrix
+        c = N.tanh(N.dot(x,self.w1) + N.dot(N.ones((len(x),1)),self.b1))
+        c = N.vstack([c[1:],c[0]])
+        # compute vector of hidden unit values
+        z = N.tanh(N.dot(x,self.w1) + N.dot(c,self.wc) + N.dot(N.ones((len(x),1)),self.b1))
+        # compute vector of net outputs
+        o = N.dot(z,self.w2) + N.dot(N.ones((len(z),1)),self.b2)
+        # compute final output activations
         if self.outfxn == 'linear':
             y = o
         elif self.outfxn == 'logistic':     # TODO: check for overflow here...
-            y = 1/(1+exp(-o))
+            y = 1/(1+N.exp(-o))
         elif self.outfxn == 'softmax':      # TODO: and here...
-            tmp = exp(o)
-            y = tmp/(sum(temp,1)*ones((1,self.no)))
+            tmp = N.exp(o)
+            y = tmp/(N.sum(temp,1)*N.ones((1,self.no)))
-        if hid:
-            return array(y),array(z)
-        else:
-            return array(y)
-    def train(self,x,t,N):
-        """ Train net by standard backpropagation
-        Inputs:
-            x   - all input patterns
-            t   - all target patterns
-            N   - number of times to go over patterns
-        Outputs:
-            w   - new weight vector
+        return N.array(y)
+    def errfxn(self,w,x,t):
+        """ Return vector of squared-errors for the leastsq optimizer
-        for i in range(N):
+        y = self.fwd_all(x,w)
+        return N.sum(N.array(y-t)**2,axis=1)
-    def errfxn(self,w,x,t):
-        """ Error functions for each of the output-unit activation functions.
-        Inputs:
-            w   - current weight vector
-            x   - current pattern input(s) (len(x) == self.h)
-            t   - current pattern target(s)
+    def train(self,x,t):
+        """ Train a multilayer perceptron using scipy's leastsq optimizer
+        Input:
+            x   - matrix of input data
+            t   - matrix of target outputs
+        Returns:
+            post-optimization weight vector
-        y,z = self.fwd(w,x,True)
-        if self.outfxn == 'linear':
-            # calculate & return SSE
-            err = 0.5*sum(sum(array(y-t)**2,axis=1))
-        elif self.outfxn == 'logistic':
-            # calculate & return x-entropy
-            err = -1.0*sum(sum(t*log2(y)+(1-t)*log2(1-y),axis=1))
-        elif self.outfxn == 'softmax':
-            # calculate & return entropy
-            err = -1.0*sum(sum(t*log2(y),axis=1))
-        else:
-            # this shouldn't happen, return SSE as safe default
-            err = 0.5*sum(sum(array(y-t)**2,axis=1))
-        # returning a tuple of info for now...not sure why
-        return err,y,z
+        return leastsq(self.errfxn,self.wp,args=(x,t))
+    def test_all(self,x,t):
+        """ Test network on an array (size>1) of patterns
+        Input:
+            x   - array of input data
+            t   - array of targets
+        Returns:
+            sum-squared-error over all data
+        """
+        return N.sum(self.errfxn(self.wp,x,t))
 def main():
     """ Set up a 1-2-1 SRN to solve the temporal-XOR problem from Elman 1990.
     from scipy.io import read_array, write_array
-    print "Creating 1-2-1 SRN for 'temporal-XOR' (net.h = 2)"
-    net = srn(1,2,1,'logistic',2)
-    print net
+    print "\nCreating 1-2-1 SRN for 'temporal-XOR'"
+    net = srn(1,2,1,'logistic')
     print "\nLoading training and test sets...",
-    trn_input = read_array('data/t-xor1.dat')
-    trn_targs = hstack([trn_input[1:],trn_input[0]])
-    tst_input = read_array('data/t-xor2.dat')
-    tst_targs = hstack([tst_input[1:],tst_input[0]])
+    trn_input = read_array('data/txor-trn.dat')
+    trn_targs = N.hstack([trn_input[1:],trn_input[0]])
+    trn_input = trn_input.reshape(N.size(trn_input),1)
+    trn_targs = trn_targs.reshape(N.size(trn_targs),1)
+    tst_input = read_array('data/txor-tst.dat')
+    tst_targs = N.hstack([tst_input[1:],tst_input[0]])
+    tst_input = tst_input.reshape(N.size(tst_input),1)
+    tst_targs = tst_targs.reshape(N.size(tst_targs),1)
     print "done."
-    N = input("Number of iterations over training set: ")
+    print "\nInitial SSE:\n"
+    print "\ttraining set: ",net.test_all(trn_input,trn_targs)
+    print "\ttesting set: ",net.test_all(tst_input,tst_targs),"\n"
+    net.wp = net.train(trn_input,trn_targs)[0]
+    print "\nFinal SSE:\n"
+    print "\ttraining set: ",net.test_all(trn_input,trn_targs)
+    print "\ttesting set: ",net.test_all(tst_input,tst_targs),"\n"
-    print "\nInitial error: ",net.errfxn(net.wp,tst_input,tst_targs)
-    net.train(trn_input,trn_targs,N)
-    print "\nFinal error: ",net.errfxn(net.wp,tst_input,tst_targs)
 if __name__ == '__main__':

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