[Scipy-organizers] Student Registration Request - Part-Time Student + Startup

Andy Ray Terrel andy.terrel at gmail.com
Mon Apr 14 14:01:09 EDT 2014

Hello Ramesh,

Yes. We have always let people use their best judgment on whether they
qualify as "student" without getting too lawyerly about it.

-- Andy

On Mon, Apr 14, 2014 at 12:40 PM, Ramesh Sampath <rsampath at uw.edu> wrote:
> Dear SciPy Organizer,
> I study a part-time class with University of Washington, Seattle and also
> do a Startup with a friend that uses Python and SciPy eco-system.  I have
> participated in SciPy over the last couple of years and enjoy it.  I would
> love to participate again this year.  I work on my startup full-time that's
> completely bootstrapped.  Given that I am a part-time student, can I
> register in the Student rate ?
> Thanks,
> Ramesh Sampath
> rsampath at uw.edu
> -
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