[Scipy-organizers] Happy Thanksgiving! SciPy2014 Summary

Andy Ray Terrel andy.terrel at gmail.com
Thu Nov 28 10:31:26 EST 2013

Hello All,

I've been meaning to send this out a for a few weeks, but during that
time I've been overly busy.  There has been quite a lot happening with
the conference and I wanted to share some of their work.

First, I want to say we got a message yesterday that Google will
sponsor the meeting. So yay!  This year we do want to highlight the
Google Summer of Code's 10th anniversary.  To do that we will have a
BoF for all the participants to come discuss (with some goodies from
GSOC) and a social event.  I'm very excited about this highlight as I
have seen GSOC really help projects in our community explore new
features and spring with new life.

Our Technical team is underway designing and updating our web
presence.  Pretty soon they hope to have something that we can test
and get ready for our January call for participation.  To that end we
have a new asynchronous method of communication IRC!  Dial into
freenode and head over to #scipy-conf for chatting.

We are still waiting on replies from our plenaries and hope to have
that nailed down by the end of next month.

The program committee is still forming, please send them names of
anyone you would recommend to be on the committee.

The SciPy2013 proceedings have gone online.  I still have to put up
the 2011.  Unfortunately 2012 was never reviewed. We are still
discussing with the proceedings committee about how to proceed with

The CSD focus issue call has gone out.  If anyone you know who
presented at 2013 and have not received an invitation, please let me
know.  For the most part the review and publication will be taken care
of by the journal and the focus issue's guest editors.

The sponsorship team is working hard but can use any contacts you may
have that would be interested in helping the SciPy community.  Please
let Brett know.

Due to an increase in prices at the center and some doubt that our top
donors are returning, we have raised the prices by $75 for the
conference.  We are still quite a bit below similar conferences and my
hope is that as we find more sponsors we can offer better early bird
rates.  The prices will go on the website soon.

Okay I think most people are working on getting details ready for the
Jan call for participation.  Please let me know if you need any
guidance or help getting started.


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