[SciPy-Dev] Unpacking the mailing list: Discourse, Slack = Mailing list

Tyler Reddy tyler.je.reddy at gmail.com
Thu May 20 12:35:21 EDT 2021

Ok, let me rephrase--I think you should use whatever you want (I probably
don't understand what it is, and decent chance my employer blocks it) for
"other discussions" and we should keep the low traffic decision making on
the mailing list.

On Thu, 20 May 2021 at 10:11, Pamphile Roy <roy.pamphile at gmail.com> wrote:

> > On 20 May 2021, at 17:14, Tyler Reddy <tyler.je.reddy at gmail.com> wrote:
> > 
> > Just keep the discourse stuff for onboarding/mentoring/informal stuff
> and mailing list for "votes"/substantive decisions IMO.
> What you describe is not suitable for Discourse but more Slack or Discord
> (which is working well IMO as the sprint showed).
> Discourse is more a forum with topics (like a mailing list) than a medium
> to have active discussions. Having Discourse and the mail list would for
> sure fragment the community.
> Cheers,
> Pamphile
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