[SciPy-Dev] Query about scipy.signal development

Pamphile Roy roy.pamphile at gmail.com
Thu Jun 24 13:30:43 EDT 2021

Hi Namami,

Thank you for reaching out!

> I recently came across Object-oriented design of digital filtering in scipy.signal <https://link.getmailspring.com/link/231BC7A9-2408-4CD5-887C-E6156C368A0F@getmailspring.com/0?redirect=https%3A%2F%2Fgithub.com%2Fscipy%2Fscipy%2Fwiki%2FGSoC-2021-project-ideas%23object-oriented-design-of-digital-filtering-in-scipysignal&recipient=c2NpcHktZGV2QHB5dGhvbi5vcmc%3D> article on Scipy wiki. This was proposed as one of the project ideas during GSOC21 for Scipy. However, I searched through the mailing list, and it seems that no one was selected for this project.

Correct, no one was selected for this project.

> I am an Electrical Engineering undergraduate and have knowledge in signal processing. I am interested in working on this project. I have also contributed to Scipy before and I am familiar with the development environment and workflow.


> I have a few questions. I’ll be thankful if any maintainer can address them.
> Is any scipy developer currently working on this project?

Not that I am aware of, but you can double-check the issue tracker and open pull requests.
> Does Scipy take part in any other Open Source programs for working with students other than GSoC?
From time to time, SciPy takes part in things like Mentored sprints at PyCon or SciPyConf for instance.
Other than that, we have maintainers applying for grants with students or other members (of course things like these need to be discussed with maintainers).

But there is no need for a special framework to work on things. Anybody is encouraged to contribute on the issue tracker or submit a pull request.
You could also try to contact the potential mentor listed on the project idea.

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