[SciPy-Dev] Willing to contribute to SciPy

Guyer, Jonathan E. Dr. (Fed) jonathan.guyer at nist.gov
Fri Jan 15 09:25:45 EST 2021

I think attention to the sparse solvers would be great. The SciPy solvers are OK, but in my experience are much slower than petsc4py or PyTrilinos, and dramatically slower than PySparse (which, sadly, will likely never make the leap to Py3k).

The inner workings of any of these packages is beyond my capabilities, but if you have the know-how, I’d personally appreciate you looking into it.

- Jon

> On Jan 14, 2021, at 11:24 PM, 赵刚 <zhaog6 at lsec.cc.ac.cn> wrote:
> Dear SciPy team,
> I have two questions when I read SciPy documents and source codes. 
> 1. In the directory "scipy/sparse/linalg/isolve/", I see the implementations of some sparse iterative solver and parameter interfaces with preconditioner, such as CG/PCG, BiCGSTAB/PBiCGSTAB, GMRES/PGMRES, FGMRES/PFGMRES, etc., it's great. But it seems that the detailed preconditioner has not been implemented currently (If multigrid preconditioners had been implemented, please let me know, thanks). So I'd like to ask if I can help you implement some Krylov methods by Multigrid preconditioned (the fastest preconditioner for SPD) to contribute to the SciPy community (From the perspective of necessity and value).
> 2. On the other hand, I would also like to know if the other parts of SciPy need me to do some improvements and enhancements. I am very willing to make a contribution to SciPy.
> Best Wishes,
> Gang Zhao
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