[SciPy-Dev] Name for Page's L test

Matt Haberland mhaberla at calpoly.edu
Tue Jan 5 12:03:47 EST 2021

Just a little more context -
`page_l` was the original name, but I changed it for consistency with
`kendalltau`, `spearmanr`, `pearsonr`, `johnsonsb`, `johnsonsu`,
`mannwhitneyu`, and `friedmanchisquare`: surname adjoined with variable
name. There are some functions that have a `_` after the surname, but they
don't have the name of a variable after them; they're more of a description
(e.g. `fisher_exact`, `yeojohnson_normmax`.

Other statistical test names are here

And for completeness, Warren asked:
"I'd like to merge this soon. Are you OK with pagel?"
and Ralf's response was:
"Sure. It's a terrible name, but at least it's consistent with the other
terrible names - and page_l also won't tell anyone what the function does."

I would suggest that ideas consider this test in the context of past and
future hypothesis test names rather than singling out this one test. If we
decide that we want to change the convention, that's fine, but I'd prefer
that be a standard going forward.

On Tue, Jan 5, 2021 at 8:53 AM Warren Weckesser <warren.weckesser at gmail.com>

> Hey all,
> Matt Haberland has implemented Page's L test in the pull request
> https://github.com/scipy/scipy/pull/12531.  I'd like to merge the PR,
> but Ralf has suggested that the name, `pagel`, is "a terrible name",
> and has suggested `page_test` or `page_l_test`. (See the comments at
> https://github.com/scipy/scipy/pull/12531#pullrequestreview-447123727.)
> Matt's reasoning for `pagel` is that it is consistent with the style
> used for many other tests in stats.  I don't have a strong preference,
> and when that happens in such a case, I tend to go with the original
> author's preference.  I think Ralf prefers to have "test" in the name.
> Some existing tests do, but many others don't.
> Anyone else have an opinion?  Either about this specific case, or
> about the general question of  objective criteria for a "good" name?
> Warren
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Matt Haberland
Assistant Professor
BioResource and Agricultural Engineering
08A-3K, Cal Poly
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