[SciPy-Dev] ENH: Add Distance Correlation to scipy.stats

Pamphile Roy roy.pamphile at gmail.com
Thu Apr 29 07:57:05 EDT 2021


Thank you for following up with this email.

> Licensing was also mentioned as a potential problem, but I don’t think that it should be. I created the hyppo package and give permission for inclusion within SciPy. I also believe that Apache License v2.0 is a fairly permissive and common open source license, right?

Apache 2 is not compatible with 3 clause BSD as stated in our documentation (https://scipy.github.io/devdocs/dev/core-dev/index.html#licensing <https://scipy.github.io/devdocs/dev/core-dev/index.html#licensing>). That’s why I asked you about relicensing.
Since you agree and seem to be the copyright owner, there is no problem.


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